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Zone1 "Nothing creates itself"

Says the guy who can't admit that Leviticus 18:22 is a command against having homosexual relations.
Its not about sex anymore than Kosher law is about food. Its about your unnatural relationship with whatever priest fucked your mind. Let me give you a hint of what you are flirting with here.

One cannot comply with the literal understanding and application of Divine Law which prohibits eating the vile and loathsome flesh of swine that do not ruminate because THE TEACHING that food is the subject of kosher law is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

Now apply your homophobic obsessions to that reasoning and try to grasp that you are in a world of trouble. You cannot condemn anyone else for anything without condemning yourself.
So if God is God and if what your own Holy Book teaches is the very truth you are quite fucked.

Now listen up!

You have eaten bread baked on human dung and died. This is not Kosher! You filthy animal.

With all of your professed love for Jesus, how is it that you do not know the right course to take?
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Yes. This is my flesh. Eat it and you will never know what it is to die.

lol... Sure it is....

"Here lies the test; the light has come into the world but man preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil." John 3:19...

What other light is being spoken of here if not the Law that was given as "a light to the nations"?

Jesus was not speaking about the BB, duh, anymore than Genesis, but it was a direct reference to the creation account when light, the law, was spoken into existence creating from absolutely nothing but reasoning, Logos, a world above, my world, and the world below, your world

Anyway, Genesis, the creation account and its meaning, is what was being discussed here.

Not the 4 gospels. Maybe you should read the OT. Everything that Jesus made known he had drawn from what was written there. You will never understand a single word in the Gospels if you do not have a grasp of or at least a basic understanding about what was written in the OT.

Smarten up..
I always took the 'light' to mean Jesus, not the law. Which law was John referring to since Jesus 'fulfilled' most of them. Or do you mean just the 10 Commandments?
I always took the 'light' to mean Jesus, not the law.
Not surprised. I once did too, but now you have something new to include in your speculations.

Remember. "A little yeast makes the whole loaf rise"....

Which law was John referring to since Jesus 'fulfilled' most of them. Or do you mean just the 10 Commandments?

The law itself is the light that came into the world. To fulfill the law is to comply with its demands.

Jesus said those who have faith will do what he was doing, fulfilling the law in the only way that leads to eternal life. Thats what he meant by saying, "I am the light of the world". Jesus fulfilled the law as intended. Fulfilling the law never meant that the purpose of the law was finished, over.

Like a light, Jesus set the example about the only way to do it, the law, that leads to eternal life.

See Matthew 5:17-20

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, (which amounts to murder if death is the consequence), will be called least in the kingdom of heaven;

To understand what Jesus meant by saying will be called LEAST, see Genesis 3:14
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who's law being given for what purpose to whom,
Gods law, divine instruction, manna from heaven, the food of angels, was given as a light to the nations of the world through Israel so that people like you might not stumble through life blind deaf and dumb, easy prey for every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird in the wilderness.

Do you have a problem with that? As if you don't already know what an easy mark you are. Damn
Not surprised. I once did too, but now you have something new to include in your speculations.

Remember. "A little yeast makes the whole loaf rise"....
Sorry, not convincing.

The law itself is the light that came into the world. To fulfill the law is to comply with its demands.

Jesus said those who have faith will do what he was doing, fulfilling the law in the only way that leads to eternal life. Thats what he meant by saying, "I am the light of the world". Jesus fulfilled the law as intended. Fulfilling the law never meant that the purpose of the law was finished, over.

Like a light, Jesus set the example about the only way to do it, the law, that leads to eternal life.

See Matthew 5:17-20

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, (which amounts to murder if death is the consequence), will be called least in the kingdom of heaven;

To understand what Jesus meant by saying will be called LEAST, see Genesis 3:14
So both Jews and Christians should keep Kosher and not mix linen and wool?
Sorry, not convincing.
Did you think I was trying to convince you about something? :auiqs.jpg:

So both Jews and Christians should keep Kosher and not mix linen and wool?
The words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden, and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. I really don't give a shit if you agree.

What incorporeal supreme being would obsess over diet fashion and sex of bipeds on earth?What many 'believe' about God does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
Do you get all bent out of shape when turtles are doing it in the middle of the road? Do you?

You already know that I worship an unknown God who doesn't give a crap about those things...

WTF.. Did you forget? Pay attention!

And yes, Christians and Jews and the whole world should not mix different threads just like they should not mix dairy products, fairy tales fed to children, with real meat, with what adults learn.

See what its done to ding. Its a sad story. What do you get for pretending the dangers not real?

Current events. A world without shape or form and void. A world in chaos, insanity running amok

If you don't believe me go to a Trump rally, read a newspaper, go to church, take a walk outside.
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Did you think I was trying to convince you about something? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes I did, it seemed you wanted me to include your views in my speculations.

The words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden, and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. I really don't give a shit if you agree.

What incorporeal supreme being would obsess over diet fashion and sex of bipeds on earth?What many 'believe' about God does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
Do you get all bent out of shape when turtles are doing it in the middle of the road? Do you?

You already know that I worship an unknown God who doesn't give a crap about those things...

WTF.. Did you forget? Pay attention!
I'm sure I should have kept track of you but, alas, I have not. I have no idea what God you worship and I wonder if you do.

And yes, Christians and Jews and the whole world should not mix different threads just like they should not mix dairy products, fairy tales fed to children, with real meat, what adults learn.

See what its done to ding. Its a sad story. What do you get for pretending the dangers not real?

Current events. A world without shape or form and void. A world in chaos, insanity running amok

If you don't believe me watch the news, read a newspaper, listen to religious folk, go outside.
Well, I do believe there are many people with bizarre beliefs, mostly disconnected from reality. USMB certainly has its share.
Well, I do believe there are many people with bizarre beliefs, mostly disconnected from reality. USMB certainly has its share.
Right! And they own guns, drive cars, teach children, and vote. thats some scary shit right there.

What do you attribute this deeply disturbing fact to if not failure to heed Divine instruction to stay sane, awake, aware, and alive; not defiling the sanctity of their souls with mind numbing lies?
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Right! And they own guns, drive cars, teach children, and vote. thats some scary shit right there.

What do you attribute this deeply disturbing fact to if not failure to heed Divine instruction to stay sane, awake, aware, and alive; not defiling the sanctity of their souls with mind numbing lies?
Delusions. They think they know more that the experts. They listen to and trust people in power because they confirm their biases and victimhood or just scare them. They think they know things that no one else knows. They see hidden conspiracies everywhere.
Delusions. They think they know more that the experts. They listen to and trust people in power because they confirm their biases and victimhood or just scare them.
Ok. I agree. They become delusional by swallowing the deceptions of an actor and lying fraud.

Thats why it's forbidden to eat the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly, a reference to Genesis 3:14. This is the subject of demonic possession. A person deluded and controlled by a liar. No blind faith, no "just believe", no swallowing bullshit, no suspension of disbelief required.

People have been watching and hearing with their own eyes and ears the possessed used and abused and discarded like so much garbage by Trump and his legion of sycophants daily.

Can you see that the entire talking serpent story is a warning about just that? To not eat the forbidden fruit, (the bullshit of a con man), or you will surely die, lose your sanity for life?

The resurrection of the dead is about the possessed being freed from this bondage and exorcism is about devils being cast out of their high places and stripped of their status and possessions...
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Ok. I agree. They become delusional by swallowing the deceptions of an actor and lying fraud.

Thats why it's forbidden to eat the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly, a reference to Genesis 3:14. This is the subject of demonic possession. A person deluded and controlled by a liar. No blind faith, no "just believe", no swallowing bullshit, no suspension of disbelief required.

People have been watching and hearing with their own eyes and ears the possessed used and abused and discarded like so much garbage by Trump and his legion of sycophants daily.

Can you see that the entire talking serpent story is a warning about just that? To not eat the forbidden fruit, (the bullshit of a con man), or you will surely die, lose your sanity for life?

The resurrection of the dead is about the possessed being freed from this bondage and exorcism is about devils being cast out of their high places and stripped of their status and possessions...
The Bible is a collection of many stories from many authors from many times. It is a Rorschach image that can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways.
The Bible is a collection of many stories from many authors from many times. It is a Rorschach image that can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways.
Exactly! But there is only one way to interpret those stories that conforms to actual reality.

If you look and look and keep on looking, you will find it. If you don't look you will never find it.

"So he drove the man out, and to the east of Eden he placed the Cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life."
Exactly! But there is only one way to interpret those stories that conforms to actual reality.

If you look and look and keep on looking, you will find it. If you don't look you will never find it.

"So he drove the man out, and to the east of Eden he placed the Cherubim with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life."
Not every interpretation is equally reasonable.
Not every interpretation is equally reasonable.
Right, so you can rule out any superstitious or irrational interpretation that contradicts what everyone knows to be true about reality whatever they profess to believe about some magical distant past where God farted angels out of the sky and the dead came out of their graves....

I guarantee that the vast majority of "believers" never really believed in any of it anyway. Thats what puts these numbskulls in a state of cognitive dissonance, easily deceived and manipulated.

I see every story that contradicts reality is like a giant X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value, essential to life, was buried and hidden.... deliberately.

Can you dig it?
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Right, so you can rule out any superstitious or irrational interpretation that contradicts what everyone knows to be true about reality whatever they profess to believe about some magical distant past where God farted angels out of the sky and the dead came out of their graves....

I guarantee that the vast majority of "believers" never really believed in any of it anyway. Thats what puts these numbskulls in a state of cognitive dissonance, easily deceived and manipulated.

I see every story that contradicts reality is like a giant X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value, essential to life, was buried and hidden.... deliberately.

Can you dig it?
I see every story that contradicts reality is like a giant mousetrap that tries to ensnare the unwary and keep them as captives.
I see every story that contradicts reality is like a giant mousetrap that tries to ensnare the unwary and keep them as captives.

Exactly. For it is written, after all, that the judgment will come upon the entire world like a trap.

And then hell will give up the dead in its keeping.

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It is written, after all, that the judgment will come upon the entire world like a trap.
Jews and Christians have been waiting on that judgement since the first temple was destroyed. Jesus and Paul (and John the Baptist I believe) expected it in their time.

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