Now...About That 'White Privilege'....

There is a huge difference between voluntarily taking a job and being born into slavery

If you ran away from your Railroad job, nobody chased you down with dogs and brought you back in chains
Where would you run away too in the middle of nowhere.................Indentured servants is the same as slavery
Where would you run away too in the middle of nowhere.................Indentured servants is the same as slavery
Not to mention the mines and mills where employees were required to live in company towns paying the company rent and for everything they had to buy at the company store at prices calculated to leave them in eternal debt. The only freedoms they enjoyed were freedom to starve or die in an industrial accident or from disease at no loss to the company.
When indentured servants ran away, they still had white skin
Look fool. The CHILD SEX SLAVE TRADE in the USA is way worse than anything you can friggin come up with 300 fucking yrs ago

Give that talking point up. You don't give a GD about any slaves 200 yrs ago. You only use it politically. Youknow you don't give a fucking rats ass about them
Look fool. The CHILD SEX SLAVE TRADE in the USA is way worse than anything you can friggin come up with 300 fucking yrs ago

Give that talking point up. You don't give a GD about any slaves 200 yrs ago. You only use it politically. Youknow you don't give a fucking rats ass about them
Move that Goal Post!
You know Sultan Moulay Ismail Ibn Sharif (an African) murdered, enslaved, raped tens of thousands of Europeans.

And that’s just one guy. Many Africans oppressed Europeans.

Are reparations called for?
Were they hunted with dogs, whipped and returned in chains if they tried to leave?

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