Now Barr may refuse to testify before the House Judiciary Committee???

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Someone hacked the DNC emails amd WiKi posted. Dems still yelling about this as if Trump did it? but the 20DemMule says not.

Or Seth Rich had a USB stick.

Crisis on border but loons want DJT 2015 1040? Time to fight back before Dems cause another 2007 style economic crash like they did to kill off GWB.
Democrats are yelling about what? Because I haven’t heard any of that mentioned for over a year.
Not since Trump started defending the Russians.

The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.
/----/ "Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?"
Me. Just because someone doesn't prop up your hate fest with President Trump and go along with your endless witch hunt doesn't make them a Trump Stooge.
Someone hacked the DNC emails amd WiKi posted. Dems still yelling about this as if Trump did it? but the 20DemMule says not.

Or Seth Rich had a USB stick.

Crisis on border but loons want DJT 2015 1040? Time to fight back before Dems cause another 2007 style economic crash like they did to kill off GWB.
Mueller spelled out all the ways the Trump Campaign knowingly took the help from Russians, the Russians they knew were interfering in our election.... the Mueller report has evidence of all of that in it.... hundreds of pages worth, especially in the footnotes for each page, that you refuse to read... willingly refuse to read because you "Can't handle the truth"...

Did they conspire to have the Russians steal the DNC emails, No they did not.

In no way does that clear them from colluding with the Russians with Cambridge Analytica, with Wikileaks, with the NRA, with Peter Smith, with Erik Prince, with Kushner wanting to use the Russian Embassy for a way to communicate with the Russians through a Back door that our gvt was unaware of... with Kushner coordinating ads with them, with Manafort giving the Russians access to Trump polling data so they could focus their trolls and ads in the States Trump unexpectedly won the election in... with Roger Stone directing them on when to release the stolen emails....

All of that, and much much much more, is in this Mueller report.

but you are right, they did not steal the emails with the Russians.... :rolleyes:
time to impeach...

Even if he is not convicted in the Senate....

and even if Democrats lose their asses in 2020....

We are suppose to be a Nation of Laws, and NOT of men....

This president SPITS on that and the constitution and in Faithfully executing the Law of this land derived from it.

Turning a blind eye to lawlessness is not an option, imho.
Your parroted opinion is not proof.
Congress is a co-equal branch of government. That’s not opinion, that’s in the constitution. For people to not show up to Congress once they’re called means they could be subpoenaed and if they refuse the subpoena they could be jailed and even fined $25,000.........a day.
That’s not opinion. That’s the way it works. So before you make yourself look even more ridiculous, do a little research and find out the truth.

Co-equal does not mean "I say you do."
Someone hacked the DNC emails amd WiKi posted. Dems still yelling about this as if Trump did it? but the 20DemMule says not.

Or Seth Rich had a USB stick.

Crisis on border but loons want DJT 2015 1040? Time to fight back before Dems cause another 2007 style economic crash like they did to kill off GWB.
Mueller spelled out all the ways the Trump Campaign knowingly took the help from Russians, the Russians they knew were interfering in our election.... the Mueller report has evidence of all of that in it.... hundreds of pages worth, especially in the footnotes for each page, that you refuse to read... willingly refuse to read because you "Can't handle the truth"...

Did they conspire to have the Russians steal the DNC emails, No they did not.

In no way does that clear them from colluding with the Russians with Cambridge Analytica, with Wikileaks, with the NRA, with Peter Smith, with Erik Prince, with Kushner wanting to use the Russian Embassy for a way to communicate with the Russians through a Back door that our gvt was unaware of... with Kushner coordinating ads with them, with Manafort giving the Russians access to Trump polling data so they could focus their trolls and ads in the States Trump unexpectedly won the election in... with Roger Stone directing them on when to release the stolen emails....

All of that, and much much much more, is in this Mueller report.

but you are right, they did not steal the emails with the Russians.... :rolleyes:

Yet never one fact from Mule dems is posted. Were russian plants sent by the DNC BO FBI DOJ to entrap DJT workers? Uh.....uuummm yes?

I told you two weeks back, Post any excerpt Fact, you never did?
Someone hacked the DNC emails amd WiKi posted. Dems still yelling about this as if Trump did it? but the 20DemMule says not.

Or Seth Rich had a USB stick.

Crisis on border but loons want DJT 2015 1040? Time to fight back before Dems cause another 2007 style economic crash like they did to kill off GWB.
Mueller spelled out all the ways the Trump Campaign knowingly took the help from Russians, the Russians they knew were interfering in our election.... the Mueller report has evidence of all of that in it.... hundreds of pages worth, especially in the footnotes for each page, that you refuse to read... willingly refuse to read because you "Can't handle the truth"...

Did they conspire to have the Russians steal the DNC emails, No they did not.

In no way does that clear them from colluding with the Russians with Cambridge Analytica, with Wikileaks, with the NRA, with Peter Smith, with Erik Prince, with Kushner wanting to use the Russian Embassy for a way to communicate with the Russians through a Back door that our gvt was unaware of... with Kushner coordinating ads with them, with Manafort giving the Russians access to Trump polling data so they could focus their trolls and ads in the States Trump unexpectedly won the election in... with Roger Stone directing them on when to release the stolen emails....

All of that, and much much much more, is in this Mueller report.

but you are right, they did not steal the emails with the Russians.... :rolleyes:

The economy is booming, if you don't have a job. You don't want one.

with Kushner coordinating ads with them, with Manafort giving the Russians access to Trump polling data so th

Is that a fact? Online public polling data to Ukraine to show he (manafort) had a winner? So what? He may the closest to guilty you can show? Nothing big there. He tried to make a buck, down the road perhaps.

All Potetial Pres set up communications? BO Iran. Jebs' foriegn trip? Keep digging.
You must like getting the shit slapped out of you, too.

fucking idiot. go away

Sorry to have pissed you off.......Laxatives not working for you?

The ONLY exculpation that Trump got was from HIMSELF and his stooge Barr....NOT Mueller...and not the coward Barr refuses to face the fucking "music."..........LOL
What you got on Trump after 35 million dollars and and unlimited investigation. Even illegally raiding Trumps lawyers office? You got nothing. Quit proving your stupidity.

NOTHING?????...............are you really THAT fucking stupid??

Actually, don't answer that....your posts PROVE IT !!!.............LOL
spitting on the congressmen, is spitting on us, on we the people....

Our ONLY VOICE in our government, is through our elected Representatives.

The President having his people spit on us and deny us our representation is also an impeachable offense.

My friend, it is actually "GOOD" that Barr stonewalls.......The CLOUD of corruption and PARTISANSHIP works out better on the conclusions that the vast majority of voters will be making....that Trump is CORRUPT and SCARED of facing the truth.
Pleas Impeach Trump. I implore you. Please

Trump should not YET be impeached.......The fucking moron has not fully destroyed the GOP.....It is much better to keep that CLOUD of deception having over his orange hairpiece.......Look at his fucking DISapproval ratings....

So, yes, don;t impeach him now to make him look like a martyr.......Let him DEFY laws and protocols and let voters (not his moronic cult) JUDGE how truly corrupt this charlatan really is.....LOL
What you got on Trump after 35 million dollars and and unlimited investigation. Even illegally raiding Trumps lawyers office? You got nothing. Quit proving your stupidity.

NOTHING?????...............are you really THAT fucking stupid??

Actually, don't answer that....your posts PROVE IT !!!.............LOL
Yes it did prove that the Obama administration is the most corrupt in history. Is that why you hate Barr?
Let it go lefties. The President was exonerated and now it's time to investigate the investigators.

Barr is the ONLY fuckhead who has "exonerated" Trump......NOT the MUeller report......Read, you fucking ass kisser...LMAO
SIMPLE fact as to why Barr is a scumbag.......

Barr wrote a 4 page "summary" stating that Trump was FULLY exonerated.......

But here is what Mueller actually wrote.......

".............did not conclude President Donald Trump committed a crime but also did not exonerate him....."

If you have a fucking brain.....YOU judge......LOL
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