Now everyone in the press is saying Hilary's campaign spread the birther issue...

Mcclatchy ^
Meanwhile, former McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief James Asher tweeted Friday that Blumenthal had “told me in person” that Obama was born in Kenya. “During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage. “During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to...


who stole the nails from Trumps stage?

“And the stage is falling apart behind us,” is all we got about this

and no one in the hall seemed to have been hurt

The press is doing the opposite, HWGA, and Trump is going to get really schooled by the Press for the rest of the campaign.

No candidate disses the Press like Trump did yesterday and gets away with it.
The press is doing the opposite, HWGA, and Trump is going to get really schooled by the Press for the rest of the campaign.

No candidate disses the Press like Trump did yesterday and gets away with it.

They've been trying to "school him" since he decided to run and every time they get rekt.

But they are really going to "school him" next time. Right.

When lefties scream that Trump "lies," it's more of an exaggeration than a lie. It's not to make you think something that isn't true, its to make the media want to fact check him as a "liar" only to reveal he was telling a half truth that the media itself exposes through their idiocy.

Trump tweets: "blacks do 90% of the crime"
MSM screams: "No, they don't, you LIAR"
Fact check: "its only 87%"

Things like that. This is just an example, numbers are irrelevant. He raises issues that the patronizing left wants to call him out for so badly for being wrong they don't understand that they're playing into his hand by making them admit something. Harder they try, harder they get hurt. Every. Single. Time.
The press is doing the opposite, HWGA, and Trump is going to get really schooled by the Press for the rest of the campaign.

No candidate disses the Press like Trump did yesterday and gets away with it.

And in the old days, and with any other Republican that would decades of democrat biased reporting, reporters who are democrats first and reporters a distant second, and people who now understand the unfairness of the press....

This isn't the same political campaign that destroyed Dole, McCain and Romney......
The press is doing the opposite, HWGA, and Trump is going to get really schooled by the Press for the rest of the campaign.

No candidate disses the Press like Trump did yesterday and gets away with it.

So what are they going to do? Ignore him?
2aguy, American, and HWGA know what is happening yet denying it.

They will do what Katie Turik did to Stephen Cortes, the Trump surrogage. Cortes lied, and Katie called him a liar then started talking and would not let Cortes talk over. She then turned to the camera and simply told all viewers that Trump is going to have to explain "why" the change and that "period" will not be accepted as an answer.

I watched the reporters one after another do that to the Trump surrogates. No push back accepted, only answer "why".
The press is doing the opposite, HWGA, and Trump is going to get really schooled by the Press for the rest of the campaign.

No candidate disses the Press like Trump did yesterday and gets away with it.

So what are they going to do? Ignore him?
The passes are over. The "why" on his change on birferism is going to dominate most encounters with the press from now on.
"This is must-watch video of an interview by former TPM reporter Evan McMorris-Santoro, shot on April 16th 2011. It shows a remarkably candid Donald Trump explaining how and why he saw birtherism as essentially a ticket to power. He claims credit for "reinvigorating the issue" and criticizes then House Majority Leader Eric Cantor for knocking birthers because "people love this issue, especially in the Republican party."

Video of Trump Birthering in 2011
2aguy, American, and HWGA know what is happening yet denying it.

They will do what Katie Turik did to Stephen Cortes, the Trump surrogage. Cortes lied, and Katie called him a liar then started talking and would not let Cortes talk over. She then turned to the camera and simply told all viewers that Trump is going to have to explain "why" the change and that "period" will not be accepted as an answer.

I watched the reporters one after another do that to the Trump surrogates. No push back accepted, only answer "why".

When you have a media outlet that lies and editing clips and openly routing for one candidate, you don't really have a leverage of demanding answers or not accepting the answers already given.

By the way, I don't know who Katie Turik is.
"Now everyone in the press is saying Hilary's campaign spread the birther issue..."

That's not all she spreads. :eek:
2aguy, American, and HWGA know what is happening yet denying it.

They will do what Katie Turik did to Stephen Cortes, the Trump surrogage. Cortes lied, and Katie called him a liar then started talking and would not let Cortes talk over. She then turned to the camera and simply told all viewers that Trump is going to have to explain "why" the change and that "period" will not be accepted as an answer.

I watched the reporters one after another do that to the Trump surrogates. No push back accepted, only answer "why".

When you have a media outlet that lies and editing clips and openly routing for one candidate, you don't really have a leverage of demanding answers or not accepting the answers already given. By the way, I don't know who Katie Turik is.
I know that you are ignorant, yes. And your assertion is only an opinion, nothing more. Watch what happens.

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