Now everyone in the press is saying Hilary's campaign spread the birther issue...

We got his birth certificate. He was born in Hawaii, which doesn't matter anyway because his mother was from Kansas. He'd be an American if he'd been born on the moon.
Clinton, unwisely, decided to bring up this dusty piece of campaign silliness to distract from more pressing matters and to accuse Trump of doing it because Obama was BLACK; that was cheap, low and more on the preacherly school teacher vein of tsk tsk tsk Clinton really should avoid. That is pure unfair speculation on her part and since Trump was supporting the other candidate at the time, I see no reason to jump to that conclusion for his "birther" motivation.
Time she started making some real noise about real changes she proposes to make, and stay out of the slop.
We got his birth certificate. He was born in Hawaii, which doesn't matter anyway because his mother was from Kansas. He'd be an American if he'd been born on the moon.
Clinton, unwisely, decided to bring up this dusty piece of campaign silliness to distract from more pressing matters and to accuse Trump of doing it because Obama was BLACK; that was cheap, low and more on the preacherly school teacher vein of tsk tsk tsk Clinton really should avoid. That is pure unfair speculation on her part and since Trump was supporting the other candidate at the time, I see no reason to jump to that conclusion for his "birther" motivation.
Time she started making some real noise about real changes she proposes to make, and stay out of the slop.

Hilary started it.......she used the birther point against obama in 2008. Sadly, the press didn't care because they were all in for a left wing black guy over an unlikeable left wing hag....
We got his birth certificate. He was born in Hawaii, which doesn't matter anyway because his mother was from Kansas. He'd be an American if he'd been born on the moon.
Clinton, unwisely, decided to bring up this dusty piece of campaign silliness to distract from more pressing matters and to accuse Trump of doing it because Obama was BLACK; that was cheap, low and more on the preacherly school teacher vein of tsk tsk tsk Clinton really should avoid. That is pure unfair speculation on her part and since Trump was supporting the other candidate at the time, I see no reason to jump to that conclusion for his "birther" motivation.
Time she started making some real noise about real changes she proposes to make, and stay out of the slop.

Hilary started it.......she used the birther point against obama in 2008. Sadly, the press didn't care because they were all in for a left wing black guy over an unlikeable left wing hag....
I repeat, Guy, who gives a shit? Can we get back to SOMETHING that matters?
The media is going to demand "why"
We got his birth certificate. He was born in Hawaii, which doesn't matter anyway because his mother was from Kansas. He'd be an American if he'd been born on the moon.
Clinton, unwisely, decided to bring up this dusty piece of campaign silliness to distract from more pressing matters and to accuse Trump of doing it because Obama was BLACK; that was cheap, low and more on the preacherly school teacher vein of tsk tsk tsk Clinton really should avoid. That is pure unfair speculation on her part and since Trump was supporting the other candidate at the time, I see no reason to jump to that conclusion for his "birther" motivation.
Time she started making some real noise about real changes she proposes to make, and stay out of the slop.

Hilary started it.......she used the birther point against obama in 2008. Sadly, the press didn't care because they were all in for a left wing black guy over an unlikeable left wing hag....
I repeat, Guy, who gives a shit? Can we get back to SOMETHING that matters?
HRC did not start it, and Trump is going to answer "why" if he wants press coverage on the rest of his campaign moving forward.
We got his birth certificate. He was born in Hawaii, which doesn't matter anyway because his mother was from Kansas. He'd be an American if he'd been born on the moon.
Clinton, unwisely, decided to bring up this dusty piece of campaign silliness to distract from more pressing matters and to accuse Trump of doing it because Obama was BLACK; that was cheap, low and more on the preacherly school teacher vein of tsk tsk tsk Clinton really should avoid. That is pure unfair speculation on her part and since Trump was supporting the other candidate at the time, I see no reason to jump to that conclusion for his "birther" motivation.
Time she started making some real noise about real changes she proposes to make, and stay out of the slop.

The whole birther debacle symbolizes the whole problem with American politics. Practically every popular issue we see is totally taken for granted. We have to accept everything our leaders tell us on face value. If you stray away from the talking points, you are either ridiculed or ignored. If we had had a sensible debate about Obama's birth, it would have been a good start towards breaking the molds of cliché we abide in.

If you remain stuck on the talking points, which is all IMO I see, with important issues, on these forums and do not hardly explore at all, where do expect to get to?
The media is going to demand "why"
We got his birth certificate. He was born in Hawaii, which doesn't matter anyway because his mother was from Kansas. He'd be an American if he'd been born on the moon.
Clinton, unwisely, decided to bring up this dusty piece of campaign silliness to distract from more pressing matters and to accuse Trump of doing it because Obama was BLACK; that was cheap, low and more on the preacherly school teacher vein of tsk tsk tsk Clinton really should avoid. That is pure unfair speculation on her part and since Trump was supporting the other candidate at the time, I see no reason to jump to that conclusion for his "birther" motivation.
Time she started making some real noise about real changes she proposes to make, and stay out of the slop.

Hilary started it.......she used the birther point against obama in 2008. Sadly, the press didn't care because they were all in for a left wing black guy over an unlikeable left wing hag....
I repeat, Guy, who gives a shit? Can we get back to SOMETHING that matters?
HRC did not start it, and Trump is going to answer "why" if he wants press coverage on the rest of his campaign moving forward.
Really? Who told you that?
There was nothing to debate about.

He is a US citizen.

That is like saying the sacrosanct Social Security program is a fund used only for seniors, the disabled and their families. However, we know damn well, SSA is frequently raided for billions of dollars which is applied to other priorities and agendas.
The press is doing the opposite, HWGA, and Trump is going to get really schooled by the Press for the rest of the campaign.

No candidate disses the Press like Trump did yesterday and gets away with it.

So what are they going to do? Ignore him?
The passes are over. The "why" on his change on birferism is going to dominate most encounters with the press from now on.

Why would it? He answered the way you lefties wanted him to making it a moot point.
There was nothing to debate about.

He is a US citizen.

That is like saying the sacrosanct Social Security program is a fund used only for seniors, the disabled and their families. However, we know damn well, SSA is frequently raided for billions of dollars which is applied to other priorities and agendas.
No, it is not. It is flat fact, proven beyond doubt, and it will not be debated by ignorant fools. And 2aguy, I think, was saying that McCain was not a natural born citizen because he was born overseas.
There was nothing to debate about.

He is a US citizen.

That is like saying the sacrosanct Social Security program is a fund used only for seniors, the disabled and their families. However, we know damn well, SSA is frequently raided for billions of dollars which is applied to other priorities and agendas.
No, it is not. It is flat fact, proven beyond doubt, and it will not be debated by ignorant fools. And 2aguy, I think, was saying that McCain was not a natural born citizen because he was born overseas.

No moron........the democrats in the press were saying that in 2008.
There was nothing to debate about.

He is a US citizen.

That is like saying the sacrosanct Social Security program is a fund used only for seniors, the disabled and their families. However, we know damn well, SSA is frequently raided for billions of dollars which is applied to other priorities and agendas.
No, it is not. It is flat fact, proven beyond doubt, and it will not be debated by ignorant fools. And 2aguy, I think, was saying that McCain was not a natural born citizen because he was born overseas.
No moron........the democrats in the press were saying that in 2008.
Nope, that was a far right lie. BHO is a citizen, born here. Trump used birferism as an evil political tool, and now he will answer for it.
It's actually the opposite as they denounce the Trump's lies.

Yeah...not so much...

There are countless more examples, but everyone in the media now saying that Donald Trump is wrong for stating truthfully that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was behind furthering these rumors is factually inaccurate. And since Solis Doyle let the cat out of the bag on CNN, Trump campaign senior communications adviser Jason Miller blasted everyone.
Seriously, have you ever considered a balanced approach other than relying on Breitbart?
I was there, I was just as politically active as I am now. I remember Hillary's campaign questioning 0bama's eligibility to be POTUS. McCain never did, nor did the GOP after the primaries were over. A lot of voters on the right picked up the mantle, but it was started by the Hillary Campaign during the Democrat Primaries. That is a fact.
I was there, I was just as politically active as I am now. I remember Hillary's campaign questioning 0bama's eligibility to be POTUS. McCain never did, nor did the GOP after the primaries were over. A lot of voters on the right picked up the mantle, but it was started by the Hillary Campaign during the Democrat Primaries. That is a fact.
If anyone did, it was not for long, and I don't remember any of that. Trump, OTOH, has deliberately done it for five years.
I was there, I was just as politically active as I am now. I remember Hillary's campaign questioning 0bama's eligibility to be POTUS. McCain never did, nor did the GOP after the primaries were over. A lot of voters on the right picked up the mantle, but it was started by the Hillary Campaign during the Democrat Primaries. That is a fact.
If anyone did, it was not for long, and I don't remember any of that. Trump, OTOH, has deliberately done it for five years.

I'm sure there is a whole lot you can't remember or didn't know.

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