Now Is the Time To Cling to Our Guns and Our Religion

Not really the point, is it? You're using an old argument for why guns should not be taken away.

Not exactly "using the brain", is it?
Validate where what I said about guns being taken away or not taken away outside of what lies between your ears?
Patriotic Americans are proud of our 200+ years as a Christian and moral nation.
Fuck you microbe. The founding fathers made this issue more then clear. Nothing shows the stupidity of the hate group the right calls a party more then this

The treaty of Tripoli was America's first Treaty, It was supported by 100% of congress to a standing ovation. With signers of both the Declaration of Independents and the constitution making up the congress at that time. It was signed by John Adams with the comment, “We are now a Country.
One thing is made totally clear in this Treaty

Article 11​

One of the most important parts of the Treaty of Tripoli has very little to do with the treaty's outcome. Article 11 of the treaty states:

'As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, - as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen, - and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.'
Sounds like something Hamas would say
You sound like a smug lib who knows the corrupt Deep State will do your fighting for you

I hope the radical left remains a fringe subgroup of the democrat party
I don't stand with anybody in the grip of religious madness. Hamas militants suffer from the same illness you MAGA trash are afflicted by.
All the while you merrily want to introduce children to the homosexual lifestyle

And/or flood the country with poor people from across the globe

Though you will probably deny it here
It’s true – this is the rhetoric of rightwing Christo-fascist terrorism: the use of violence ‘justified’ by religious dogma.
Those fucking yahoos cause nothing but trouble. They are the reason we turn a blind eye to the shameful treatment of Palestinians by the state of Israel. They believe their Cheeeeesus is gonna come back to Israel and their ignorant asses are gonna get beamed up.

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