Now Is the Time To Cling to Our Guns and Our Religion

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me, and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me.
“And I’m going to tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA [National Rifle Association]. That’s not a threat – that’s a public service announcement.
Well, this is not true as there are, last I heard, around 5 million members of the NRA.

The thing about a tyrannical government:
The fact the supporters of a government do not see it as tyrannical does not mean it is not tyrannical -- tyranny has an objective definition.

Using the apparatus of state to persecute the opponents of said state falls under that definition.
You're using an old argument for why guns should not be taken away.
"Old" has no necessary relationship to "invalid", "unsound" or even "obsolete"; if the entirety of your opposition to an argument is its age, you concede the point.
Not really the point, is it? You're using an old argument for why guns should not be taken away.

Not exactly "using the brain", is it?
Severely punish criminals who carry guns illegally

That includes child gangbangers

Dont just wipe their nose and turn them loose

Then shootings would dwindle and you would not need to harass law-abiding gun owners
The "right to protect yourself and your family".... well... the problem is the US needs more guns because murder is worse, there are so many problems with crime because NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
"Nobody is doing anything about it" is the same as "nothing is being done about it"

Assuming for the moment you refer to the prevention of crime rather than the prosecution of crime, something done each and every day, in every jurisdiction...

What do you suggest be done to prevent crime?
Why do you think it will prevent crime?
Why do you think it does not violate the constitution?
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Not really the point, is it? You're using an old argument for why guns should not be taken away.

Not exactly "using the brain", is it?
Ask Newsom who released over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early about what causes violent crimes.
there is nothing more logical than questioning how much sense does it make to focus on a gun grab from law-abiding citizens who legally own firearms when most of the crimes involving guns are guns that have been obtained legally. It is nonsensical and emotional to retort and/or shift the debate to whether the argument is “old”. Regardless, questioning the focus on grabbing guns from law-abiding citizens is relevant.

Again, my argument is that the using of the brain to solve the problems in the first place is way better than people having to resort to defending themselves....

but anyway....
"Nobody is doing anything about it" is the same as "nothing is being done about it"

Assuming for the moment you refer to the prevention of crime rather than the prosecution of crime, something done each and every day, in every jurisdiction...

What do you suggest be done to prevent crime?
Why do you think it will prevent crime?
Why do you think it does not violate the constitution?

For example, in London in the lead up to the 2012 Olympics, crime was relatively low. Why? Because they funded a lot of sport, got kids doing things, created a decent environment for them.

Education in the UK aims to be fairer, in the US it's all about having money, the richer you are, the better neighborhood you live in, the better your school, creating class division. In the UK this exists less. When the UK suffered a huge rise in gun violence, the govt set about to change that, and did. In the US the politicians say "we can't do anything" and the voters are like "meh, I have a gun, who cares?"

The attitude in the US, stemming for a ridiculous electoral system, is one of apathy, politicians see their job as making money for themselves. The voters don't seem to be able to see beyond the borders of the US anyway, so they don't think there are better systems, or simply don't think.

It's all very much "don't think, I have a gun"
Kari Lake gets it right. She also gets it right about the media. Biden and the prosecutors going after Trump should read her words.

---Now Is the Time To Cling to Our Guns and Our Religion---

Do you Russians up always done that.

Good a new leader takes power
For example, in London in the lead up to the 2012 Olympics, crime was relatively low. Why? Because they funded a lot of sport, got kids doing things, created a decent environment for them.. In the US the politicians say "we can't do anything" and the voters are like "meh, I have a gun, who cares

It's all very much "don't think, I have a gun"

Again, my argument is that the using of the brain to solve the problems in the first place is way better than people having to resort to defending themselves....
Why are rapes at a record high in England?

Sexual offences logged by police in England and Wales hit record high​

There were 199,021 sexual offences and 70,633 rapes recorded by forces in year to September 2022
When about to be raped, according the frickenweirdo, women can use their brain and they won't be raped?
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