Now Is the Time To Cling to Our Guns and Our Religion

At best, you are opining that my argument is “old”.

By "old" I mean you're just pumping something that gets around the gun crowd every so often, and isn't really a proper conversation. What's the freaking point then? We're just going to have you throwing not good arguments that have been argued to death on here and get nowhere because it'll just end up as emotional nonsense rather than logic.
Another example of the violent, lawless right.
Yeah, about that...

Is that why Democrats allow violent mass demonstrations but arrest people sitting in their cars in a church parking lot?
They do that because they're despotic sociopaths.

They burn down cities and commit mass crimes because it's a traditional bolshevik recreation.

If not for the 2A we would probably already have had more purges than stalin.
By "old" I mean you're just pumping something that gets around the gun crowd every so often, and isn't really a proper conversation. What's the freaking point then? We're just going to have you throwing not good arguments that have been argued to death on here and get nowhere because it'll just end up as emotional nonsense rather than logic.
there is nothing more logical than questioning how much sense does it make to focus on a gun grab from law-abiding citizens who legally own firearms when most of the crimes involving guns are guns that have been obtained legally. It is nonsensical and emotional to retort and/or shift the debate to whether the argument is “old”. Regardless, questioning the focus on grabbing guns from law-abiding citizens is relevant.
By "old" I mean you're just pumping something that gets around the gun crowd every so often, and isn't really a proper conversation. What's the freaking point then? We're just going to have you throwing not good arguments that have been argued to death on here and get nowhere because it'll just end up as emotional nonsense rather than logic.
Give it up. There’s 400 million guns in America.
Call me when you’ve confiscated all the cocaine.
Microsoft Start did a shit job of covering what she said. Here's the full version:

"Speaking to Georgia Republicans on Friday, she said: “I have a message tonight for [US attorney general] Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith, and Joe Biden. And the guys back there in the fake news media, you should listen up as well, this one’s for you.

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me, and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me.

“And I’m going to tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA [National Rifle Association]. That’s not a threat – that’s a public service announcement.

“We will not let you lay a finger on President Trump. Frankly, now is the time to cling to our guns and our religion.”

Kari Lakeâs vow to defend Trump with guns threatens democracy, Democrat says
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

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