Now Is the Time To Cling to Our Guns and Our Religion

Well... firstly religion....
I'm sure the Neanderthal felt like they had little control over their surroundings, and they may or may not have had or created a religion in order to feel like they were in more control (than they actually were).

The "right to protect yourself and your family".... well... the problem is the US needs more guns because murder is worse, there are so many problems with crime because NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

There's "using your brain" and there's "not using your brain" and the latter is US politics and US mentality that leads to people needing guns.
I think it’s you Leftards cheering the news of babies being beheaded that justifies my guns.
Well... firstly religion....
I'm sure the Neanderthal felt like they had little control over their surroundings, and they may or may not have had or created a religion in order to feel like they were in more control (than they actually were).

The "right to protect yourself and your family".... well... the problem is the US needs more guns because murder is worse, there are so many problems with crime because NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

There's "using your brain" and there's "not using your brain" and the latter is US politics and US mentality that leads to people needing guns.
Here is using your brain. How much sense does it make to take away the legally obtained and owned guns from law abiding citizens while the crimes are being committed involving a gun obtained illegally?

Here is using your brain, 2 - Choosing to work and earn more vs living off the taxpayer and not have enough money to live so you turn to drug dealing.

Today’s Liberal feels they have enough control with the State so Religion is a threat to that.

Prove me wrong.
Well... firstly religion....
I'm sure the Neanderthal felt like they had little control over their surroundings, and they may or may not have had or created a religion in order to feel like they were in more control (than they actually were).

The "right to protect yourself and your family".... well... the problem is the US needs more guns because murder is worse, there are so many problems with crime because NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

There's "using your brain" and there's "not using your brain" and the latter is US politics and US mentality that leads to people needing guns.
Well, considering most violence is propagated by those who deny God, I believe you’re off course by 180 degrees.
Well, considering most violence is propagated by those who deny God, I believe you’re off course by 180 degrees.
That's how all bed wetters start, regardless of the issue, is ignorant and wrong. It almost never improves regardless of how much information is provided.
During the brown turd Obammy's tenure, there were 7 mass shootings by islamic terrorists inside the US. When President Trump was in office, not one camel jockey tried any shit. Oh yeah, Obammy called it "Workplace Violence".

You don't have to insult turds though.

The meat puppet faggot would have to cure arthritis to achieve whole turd status.
What is so ‘Neanderthal’ about adhering to Religion, the right to protect yourself and family with a legal firearm, and the willingness and ethic to work for a living? You call that Neanderthal; others call it ‘Deplorable.’

What do you call putting the State before God - assuming one has God in their life, being Anti-gun when it comes to law-abiding citizens, and living off the Government cradle to grave? I call it The Fundamentally Transformed America.

It's a bit like, when a certain one-legged British faggot that has never held an honest job, has never done an honest day of work in its entire worthless life, infamously expressed its disdain for my profession…

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.
You made this up. Why?
Why are you such an ignoramus?

Here is using your brain. How much sense does it make to take away the legally obtained and owned guns from law abiding citizens while the crimes are being committed involving a gun obtained illegally?

Here is using your brain, 2 - Choosing to work and earn more vs living off the taxpayer and not have enough money to live so you turn to drug dealing.

Today’s Liberal feels they have enough control with the State so Religion is a threat to that.

Prove me wrong.

Not really the point, is it? You're using an old argument for why guns should not be taken away.

Not exactly "using the brain", is it?

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