Now it's Cummings turn

Baltimore is filthy. Rat infestations are the least concerns. The filth of the streets wash off into the harbor then flow down through the Bay.

It’s the crime that needs to be addressed. The NYT did a nice piece earlier this year on how corrupt the city leaders have been and the struggles with violent crime.

Long term Democratic policies led by criminals have caused an issue.
Over-bearing and aggressive tactics around policing were employed and helped (although police involved shootings were up) until the Federal Government stepped in as oversight. Now that the feds are in charge? Dangerous city with greatest number of murders.

Calling that out and Cummins’ unwillingness to do anything is most certainly not racist. It’s the disgusting truth.

Baltimore Residents Tell You What's Really Happening In Their City

7 Baltimore police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges

Equity Sought in Baltimore's Development Strategy

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore | All In | MSNBC

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

No bull shit on the streets but you can find human as well as rat shit.

Corruption upon corruption and I said over bearing and aggressive policing. Crooks have run the city for years - all aspects. The feds are not helping, they are making it worse.

Go there. Check it out.
He does? But he hasn’t done anything. Too busy trying to impeach Trump huh?

He has been elected a number of times so he's done something. He's a committee chair now, which means he deals with national level issues. So based on the one opinion offered by Jared Taylor, I can conclude all whites are racists.
He’s not voted in by the nation, doesn’t mean jack, he only counts to his constituents, period

Since he's the chair of a committee that deals with national issues, your opinion on this matter is without merit.
Nope, he only counts to his constituents, period, the committee is loaded with both sides who all represent their constituents! You’re a fking nut wagon

You apparently don't understand the constitutional duty of our representatives. Cummings has been elected multiple times. Now you can keep trying to argue about this using Trumps convoluted ignorance or you can understand that Cummings is the chair of a committee and that your argument is retarded due to the fact that republicans chaired this same committee a year ago while you nor the rest of the republican rodents in here were saying anything like this. So fuck off with your disingenuous garbage.

You can be chair of a House Committee or even Speaker of The House but the reason first and foremost you are there is to serve each and everyone of the constituents from your District; including those that did not vote for you. Committee work is secondary.
"Trump has done more to get attention for the suffering in baltimore in 2 days than the left has done in 20 years.

Last 3 Baltimore mayors
- Sheila Dixon: Convicted of stealing gift cards from the poor
- Stephanie Rawlings-Blake: Stepped down after promoting the Baltimore Riots
- Catherine Pugh: Raided by FBI for taking bribes

All Democrats" - Lynne Patton & Jack Posobiec
  1. Portsmouth, Ohio
  2. Fall River, Massachusetts
  3. Sedalia, Missouri
  4. Pensacola, Florida
  5. Morristown, Tennessee
  6. Elkhart, Indiana
  7. Asheboro, North Carolina
  8. Rockford, Illinois
  9. Canton, Ohio
  10. Jackson, Michigan
Individual Campaign Contributions in Portsmouth, OH

In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 4,580 contributions totaling $78,787 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $17 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 246 contributions totaling $84,209 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $342 per contribution.

Individual Campaign Contributions in Fall River, MA
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 2,507 contributions totaling $224,045 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $89 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 566 contributions totaling $95,180 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $168 per contribution.

ndividual Campaign Contributions in Sedalia, MO
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 3,066 contributions totaling $434,328 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $142 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 1,728 contributions totaling $488,400 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $283 per contribution.

Race in Pensacola
- 62.9% are white
- 25.4% are black
- 2.9% are asian
- 0.4% are native american
- 0.1% claim Other
- 4.5% claim Hispanic Ethnicity

Individual Campaign Contributions in Pensacola, FL
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 4,580 contributions totaling $441,914 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $96 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 3,059 contributions totaling $1,189,744 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $389 per contribution.

Every single one of those towns are predominately white. Many, if not most, are represented by Republicans in congress. When you point a finger, you got three others pointing back at you.

Alright, so 1000's now means 10, ALL white means kinda white, and while there are quite a few more democratic/liberals in the community doesn't matter because there's a republican representative....if nothing else, you always have excuses.

You asked for "a few" and that's what you got. Poverty is everywhere. No state is exempt from homelessness, vermin, drug use, etc.

The standard was set by the Orange Moron....the fault lies with the Congressional representative, right?

Yep, setting a standard that is much higher than Baltimore's current standard.

baltimore rat problem - Bing video

So Republicans are solely responsible for the problems in their districts too, right? We can blame Republicans for all the drug addled Appalachians, correct?

Funny that when Obama was President, Trump wasn’t attacking Cummings over Baltimore...he seemed to think it was the president’s responsibility to do something...what changed?
Baltimore is filthy. Rat infestations are the least concerns. The filth of the streets wash off into the harbor then flow down through the Bay.

It’s the crime that needs to be addressed. The NYT did a nice piece earlier this year on how corrupt the city leaders have been and the struggles with violent crime.

Long term Democratic policies led by criminals have caused an issue.
Over-bearing and aggressive tactics around policing were employed and helped (although police involved shootings were up) until the Federal Government stepped in as oversight. Now that the feds are in charge? Dangerous city with greatest number of murders.

Calling that out and Cummins’ unwillingness to do anything is most certainly not racist. It’s the disgusting truth.

Baltimore Residents Tell You What's Really Happening In Their City

7 Baltimore police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges

Equity Sought in Baltimore's Development Strategy

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore | All In | MSNBC

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

No bull shit on the streets but you can find human as well as rat shit.

Corruption upon corruption and I said over bearing and aggressive policing. Crooks have run the city for years - all aspects. The feds are not helping, they are making it worse.

Go there. Check it out.

And personally attacking one single congressman fixes the problems how?
  • Thanks
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Then today the Democrats liberal media called the Senate Majority Leader of the United States a Russian agent and Moscow Mitch. That the Senate Majority Leader is aiding and abetting Russian President Vladimir Putin's efforts to subvert American elections.
My point is that the popular vote does count.

Obviously it does not. Your side wishes it did, only because you lost.

When your sides wins a vote by a majority you blab on about how the will of the people was respected. Then when you lose a majority vote you run to the courts to overturn the result and will of the people. What total phonies the Dem's are.

If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)
He won the states, I give two shits by how many more over it’s still a majority right?

The left conveniently skip over the slim margin Hillary won some states by, shocker there.
Baltimore is filthy. Rat infestations are the least concerns. The filth of the streets wash off into the harbor then flow down through the Bay.

It’s the crime that needs to be addressed. The NYT did a nice piece earlier this year on how corrupt the city leaders have been and the struggles with violent crime.

Long term Democratic policies led by criminals have caused an issue.
Over-bearing and aggressive tactics around policing were employed and helped (although police involved shootings were up) until the Federal Government stepped in as oversight. Now that the feds are in charge? Dangerous city with greatest number of murders.

Calling that out and Cummins’ unwillingness to do anything is most certainly not racist. It’s the disgusting truth.

Baltimore Residents Tell You What's Really Happening In Their City

7 Baltimore police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges

Equity Sought in Baltimore's Development Strategy

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore | All In | MSNBC

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

No bull shit on the streets but you can find human as well as rat shit.

Corruption upon corruption and I said over bearing and aggressive policing. Crooks have run the city for years - all aspects. The feds are not helping, they are making it worse.

Go there. Check it out.

And personally attacking one single congressman fixes the problems how?

Get rid of him. He's worthless. That starts to help.
Individual Campaign Contributions in Portsmouth, OH

In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 4,580 contributions totaling $78,787 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $17 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 246 contributions totaling $84,209 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $342 per contribution.

Individual Campaign Contributions in Fall River, MA
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 2,507 contributions totaling $224,045 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $89 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 566 contributions totaling $95,180 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $168 per contribution.

ndividual Campaign Contributions in Sedalia, MO
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 3,066 contributions totaling $434,328 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $142 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 1,728 contributions totaling $488,400 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $283 per contribution.

Race in Pensacola
- 62.9% are white
- 25.4% are black
- 2.9% are asian
- 0.4% are native american
- 0.1% claim Other
- 4.5% claim Hispanic Ethnicity

Individual Campaign Contributions in Pensacola, FL
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 4,580 contributions totaling $441,914 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $96 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 3,059 contributions totaling $1,189,744 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $389 per contribution.

Every single one of those towns are predominately white. Many, if not most, are represented by Republicans in congress. When you point a finger, you got three others pointing back at you.

Alright, so 1000's now means 10, ALL white means kinda white, and while there are quite a few more democratic/liberals in the community doesn't matter because there's a republican representative....if nothing else, you always have excuses.

You asked for "a few" and that's what you got. Poverty is everywhere. No state is exempt from homelessness, vermin, drug use, etc.

The standard was set by the Orange Moron....the fault lies with the Congressional representative, right?

Yep, setting a standard that is much higher than Baltimore's current standard.

baltimore rat problem - Bing video

So Republicans are solely responsible for the problems in their districts too, right? We can blame Republicans for all the drug addled Appalachians, correct?

Funny that when Obama was President, Trump wasn’t attacking Cummings over Baltimore...he seemed to think it was the president’s responsibility to do something...what changed?

Hmmm, how about because Trump wasn't in politics dumbass.
Baltimore is filthy. Rat infestations are the least concerns. The filth of the streets wash off into the harbor then flow down through the Bay.

It’s the crime that needs to be addressed. The NYT did a nice piece earlier this year on how corrupt the city leaders have been and the struggles with violent crime.

Long term Democratic policies led by criminals have caused an issue.
Over-bearing and aggressive tactics around policing were employed and helped (although police involved shootings were up) until the Federal Government stepped in as oversight. Now that the feds are in charge? Dangerous city with greatest number of murders.

Calling that out and Cummins’ unwillingness to do anything is most certainly not racist. It’s the disgusting truth.

Baltimore Residents Tell You What's Really Happening In Their City

7 Baltimore police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges

Equity Sought in Baltimore's Development Strategy

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore | All In | MSNBC

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

No bull shit on the streets but you can find human as well as rat shit.

Corruption upon corruption and I said over bearing and aggressive policing. Crooks have run the city for years - all aspects. The feds are not helping, they are making it worse.

Go there. Check it out.

And personally attacking one single congressman fixes the problems how?

How many congressmen does Baltimore have?
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
Doesn't matter anymore... the Dems are fast becoming the Minority Party and the Pubs are fast becoming the White Folks Party.
...I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
Doesn't matter anymore... the Dems are fast becoming the Minority Party and the Pubs are fast becoming the White Folks Party.
Dems are fast becoming the Democrat Socialist Party and Repubs - for better or worse - are fast becoming our best option.
Baltimore is filthy. Rat infestations are the least concerns. The filth of the streets wash off into the harbor then flow down through the Bay.

It’s the crime that needs to be addressed. The NYT did a nice piece earlier this year on how corrupt the city leaders have been and the struggles with violent crime.

Long term Democratic policies led by criminals have caused an issue.
Over-bearing and aggressive tactics around policing were employed and helped (although police involved shootings were up) until the Federal Government stepped in as oversight. Now that the feds are in charge? Dangerous city with greatest number of murders.

Calling that out and Cummins’ unwillingness to do anything is most certainly not racist. It’s the disgusting truth.

Baltimore Residents Tell You What's Really Happening In Their City

7 Baltimore police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges

Equity Sought in Baltimore's Development Strategy

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore | All In | MSNBC

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

No bull shit on the streets but you can find human as well as rat shit.

Corruption upon corruption and I said over bearing and aggressive policing. Crooks have run the city for years - all aspects. The feds are not helping, they are making it worse.

Go there. Check it out.

And personally attacking one single congressman fixes the problems how?

It isn’t.
Same way Cummins attacking the President for exaggerated conditions at the Border was not helpful.

They both should work towards solutions.
Baltimore is filthy. Rat infestations are the least concerns. The filth of the streets wash off into the harbor then flow down through the Bay.

It’s the crime that needs to be addressed. The NYT did a nice piece earlier this year on how corrupt the city leaders have been and the struggles with violent crime.

Long term Democratic policies led by criminals have caused an issue.
Over-bearing and aggressive tactics around policing were employed and helped (although police involved shootings were up) until the Federal Government stepped in as oversight. Now that the feds are in charge? Dangerous city with greatest number of murders.

Calling that out and Cummins’ unwillingness to do anything is most certainly not racist. It’s the disgusting truth.

Baltimore Residents Tell You What's Really Happening In Their City

7 Baltimore police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges

Equity Sought in Baltimore's Development Strategy

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore | All In | MSNBC

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

No bull shit on the streets but you can find human as well as rat shit.

Corruption upon corruption and I said over bearing and aggressive policing. Crooks have run the city for years - all aspects. The feds are not helping, they are making it worse.

Go there. Check it out.

And personally attacking one single congressman fixes the problems how?

How many congressmen does Baltimore have?

Maryland has 8 Representatives and 2 Senators.

Baltimore city is in District 7, Cummins’ district.
And personally attacking one single congressman fixes the problems how?
It isn’t. Same way Cummins attacking the President for exaggerated conditions at the Border was not helpful. They both should work towards solutions.
How quickly that little detail was forgotten in the rush to brand the POTUS a racist. In context the exchange that followed was not racist at all. Cummings inserting himself into the mendacious narrative of the Hysterical House Dems was STUPID.
They are not interested in solving the ILLEGAL immigration problem.
He does? But he hasn’t done anything. Too busy trying to impeach Trump huh?

He has been elected a number of times so he's done something. He's a committee chair now, which means he deals with national level issues. So based on the one opinion offered by Jared Taylor, I can conclude all whites are racists.
He’s not voted in by the nation, doesn’t mean jack, he only counts to his constituents, period

Since he's the chair of a committee that deals with national issues, your opinion on this matter is without merit.
Nope, he only counts to his constituents, period, the committee is loaded with both sides who all represent their constituents! You’re a fking nut wagon

You apparently don't understand the constitutional duty of our representatives. Cummings has been elected multiple times. Now you can keep trying to argue about this using Trumps convoluted ignorance or you can understand that Cummings is the chair of a committee and that your argument is retarded due to the fact that republicans chaired this same committee a year ago while you nor the rest of the republican rodents in here were saying anything like this. So fuck off with your disingenuous garbage.
Yep , voted in by one district in the US. He’s a chairman because of majority in the house. He’s done fking nothing and only accountable to his constituents. Dude I really don’t give a fk about your pipe dreams
Every single one of those towns are predominately white. Many, if not most, are represented by Republicans in congress. When you point a finger, you got three others pointing back at you.

Alright, so 1000's now means 10, ALL white means kinda white, and while there are quite a few more democratic/liberals in the community doesn't matter because there's a republican representative....if nothing else, you always have excuses.

You asked for "a few" and that's what you got. Poverty is everywhere. No state is exempt from homelessness, vermin, drug use, etc.

The standard was set by the Orange Moron....the fault lies with the Congressional representative, right?

Yep, setting a standard that is much higher than Baltimore's current standard.

baltimore rat problem - Bing video

So Republicans are solely responsible for the problems in their districts too, right? We can blame Republicans for all the drug addled Appalachians, correct?

Funny that when Obama was President, Trump wasn’t attacking Cummings over Baltimore...he seemed to think it was the president’s responsibility to do something...what changed?

Hmmm, how about because Trump wasn't in politics dumbass.

In 2015? Yeah, he was running for President, dumbass.
Individual Campaign Contributions in Portsmouth, OH

In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 4,580 contributions totaling $78,787 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $17 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 246 contributions totaling $84,209 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $342 per contribution.

Individual Campaign Contributions in Fall River, MA
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 2,507 contributions totaling $224,045 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $89 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 566 contributions totaling $95,180 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $168 per contribution.

ndividual Campaign Contributions in Sedalia, MO
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 3,066 contributions totaling $434,328 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $142 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 1,728 contributions totaling $488,400 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $283 per contribution.

Race in Pensacola
- 62.9% are white
- 25.4% are black
- 2.9% are asian
- 0.4% are native american
- 0.1% claim Other
- 4.5% claim Hispanic Ethnicity

Individual Campaign Contributions in Pensacola, FL
In the last 4 years (2015-2018), there were 4,580 contributions totaling $441,914 to Democratic and liberal campaigns, averaging $96 per contribution.

In the last 4 years, there were 3,059 contributions totaling $1,189,744 to Republican and conservative campaigns, averaging $389 per contribution.

Every single one of those towns are predominately white. Many, if not most, are represented by Republicans in congress. When you point a finger, you got three others pointing back at you.

Alright, so 1000's now means 10, ALL white means kinda white, and while there are quite a few more democratic/liberals in the community doesn't matter because there's a republican representative....if nothing else, you always have excuses.

You asked for "a few" and that's what you got. Poverty is everywhere. No state is exempt from homelessness, vermin, drug use, etc.

The standard was set by the Orange Moron....the fault lies with the Congressional representative, right?

Yep, setting a standard that is much higher than Baltimore's current standard.

baltimore rat problem - Bing video

So Republicans are solely responsible for the problems in their districts too, right? We can blame Republicans for all the drug addled Appalachians, correct?

Funny that when Obama was President, Trump wasn’t attacking Cummings over Baltimore...he seemed to think it was the president’s responsibility to do something...what changed?
Republicans are solely responsible FKNA stoopid What’s your point, you’re moving around cause you have bats on your penis
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
Doesn't matter anymore... the Dems are fast becoming the Minority Party and the Pubs are fast becoming the White Folks Party.
Why are the majority of democrats white then?


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