Now it's "snail mail" that's being snooped...

That's right we learn every piece of US mail is photographed front and back. Why? Because they can, dummy. What's it all mean? I don't have any idea but it can't be good....what makes it any of their business what and who we send a letter to? Do terrorists mail each other letters? What good does having a picture of the envelope do? Why not just steam the fucker open and read it like my first wife did when something arrived for me she didn't recognize? I'd look at a horribly disfigured envelope she'd glued back closed and then look at the mechanic's shrug...she never admitted it. But back to USPS....They hire the dumbest people in the history of Earth to work their post office used to have a number you could take and a bench to sit on. Not you got to lock your knees like a cow and stand there for an hour while some inbred employee chats with an equally inbred customer. When they said they were going to end Saturday mail, I suggested they only deliver on Saturday and take off the rest of the week.....guess what? All the goons behind the counter clapped and cheered me. :doubt:


some inbred employee chats with an equally inbred customer.

you mean like yourself?....
That's right we learn every piece of US mail is photographed front and back. Why? Because they can, dummy. What's it all mean? I don't have any idea but it can't be good....what makes it any of their business what and who we send a letter to? Do terrorists mail each other letters? What good does having a picture of the envelope do? Why not just steam the fucker open and read it like my first wife did when something arrived for me she didn't recognize? I'd look at a horribly disfigured envelope she'd glued back closed and then look at the mechanic's shrug...she never admitted it. But back to USPS....They hire the dumbest people in the history of Earth to work their post office used to have a number you could take and a bench to sit on. Not you got to lock your knees like a cow and stand there for an hour while some inbred employee chats with an equally inbred customer. When they said they were going to end Saturday mail, I suggested they only deliver on Saturday and take off the rest of the week.....guess what? All the goons behind the counter clapped and cheered me. :doubt:



Now that's a GREAT post!
I'm sure the mail was photographed in this case, but I have my doubts about all mail being photographed. I asked a friend who works in a mail sorting center. He said, he didn't think it was being done where he worked. There are hundreds of area mail processing centers processing billions of pieces of mail. If the post office has kept this a secret, it will be the best kept secret ever.

i worked there 33 years....they only do certain types of mail....or if the Inspectors think something is up with someone.....

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