Now Playing On YouTube And Facebook: 'Kill Rush Limbaugh'...

e heard the same excuses from the left where books and movies were being produced advocating the killing of George W. Bush...a sitting POTUS...That too was OK by thier's only art and expressing one's self...:cuckoo:
It was an interesting point brought up about someone who claims to support Paul would have such an issue over this. I suspect Dr. Paul, while stating his dislike of the lyrics (provided he could understand them), would nonetheless defend the band's right to expression.
Only because you whiners brought it up LOL

So that makes it right? Ok. :cuckoo:

That they produced such a horrid "song" isn't right or wrong as far as that goes. You people are no doubt bring them in some bucks with all this fauxrage, though. For that, I'm sure they're grateful.

Still sitting on the fence ay? You can't say whether or not publicly calling for someone to be killed is right or wrong? That's pretty messed up. You do know that right? :cuckoo:
Is it worse to publicly call someone a 'Slut/C*nt', or to publicly call for killing someone? Just curious what others think on that.

Depends. How many people actual listen to Detente everyday of the week?

I heard about the song it 2010. Thought very little of it. Rush make rude comments to his followers about democrats all the time. It's so common from him I thought very little of it.

The larger issue I see is the fact that this blowhard was again able to change the course of the dialog from an adult conversation about womens preventative healthcare to childish name calling. But that how the media avoids critial issues these days.
Doesn't matter. it's OUT there and in public.

Get it BlindBoob?

Yes "little Tater" I do. The song has been on Youtube since at least 2010. and still, I bet Rush has more listeners in a day than that song has in it's existance.

Tell me in your opinion which is the most offensive verse in the song. Or for you is it the refrain that is so bad?
Depends. How many people actual listen to Detente everyday of the week?

I heard about the song it 2010. Thought very little of it. Rush make rude comments to his followers about democrats all the time. It's so common from him I thought very little of it.

The larger issue I see is the fact that this blowhard was again able to change the course of the dialog from an adult conversation about womens preventative healthcare to childish name calling. But that how the media avoids critial issues these days.
Doesn't matter. it's OUT there and in public.

Get it BlindBoob?

Yes "little Tater" I do. The song has been on Youtube since at least 2010. and still, I bet Rush has more listeners in a day than that song has in it's existance.

Tell me in your opinion which is the most offensive verse in the song. Or for you is it the refrain that is so bad?

Advocating murder. Are you really that hardheaded?
e heard the same excuses from the left where books and movies were being produced advocating the killing of George W. Bush...a sitting POTUS...That too was OK by thier's only art and expressing one's self...:cuckoo:

By all mean go into the detail about these movies and books?

Got some titles?

Or are you parroting?
e heard the same excuses from the left where books and movies were being produced advocating the killing of George W. Bush...a sitting POTUS...That too was OK by thier's only art and expressing one's self...:cuckoo:

Not sure who e is, but that's getting into a murky area IMO. When it involves a genuine threat, a serious call for harm, then that's definitely not ok with me, regardless of who sits in that office.

What books and movies are you referring to, btw?
I like the dumb fucks in this thread mad about advocating murder who are over in the other thread advocating murder themselves, if it's to save their hubby.





Doesn't matter. it's OUT there and in public.

Get it BlindBoob?

Yes "little Tater" I do. The song has been on Youtube since at least 2010. and still, I bet Rush has more listeners in a day than that song has in it's existance.

Tell me in your opinion which is the most offensive verse in the song. Or for you is it the refrain that is so bad?

Advocating murder. Are you really that hardheaded?

Nice try, but you're dealing with Obama-Bots here. Their programming doesn't allow them to see past Obama and their Democratic Party. They just can't admit this is wrong. They would have to be reprogrammed and rebooted to admit it. Good effort on your part though. :)
Doesn't matter. it's OUT there and in public.

Get it BlindBoob?

Yes "little Tater" I do. The song has been on Youtube since at least 2010. and still, I bet Rush has more listeners in a day than that song has in it's existance.

Tell me in your opinion which is the most offensive verse in the song. Or for you is it the refrain that is so bad?

Advocating murder. Are you really that hardheaded?

Is that in a verse or a refrain? I couldn't understand anything in that song except Kill, kill, kill.

What do you expect from a thrash band? Everyone should burn their albums(they do still make albums don't they?) Do you think what a obscure band sung about pre 2010 absolves Rushes lies about Ms. Fluke?
e heard the same excuses from the left where books and movies were being produced advocating the killing of George W. Bush...a sitting POTUS...That too was OK by thier's only art and expressing one's self...:cuckoo:

By all mean go into the detail about these movies and books?

Got some titles?

Or are you parroting?

Yeah, I'd like to know too ... seems I remember a movie that people said was based on President Bush ... I can't recall the details, but I don't believe the character had the same name. Maybe he did. I'm sure tommy can fill us in.

ETA: I found this:

Death of a President (2006 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hillary Clinton, then junior United States Senator from New York, told The Journal News of Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam counties at the annual New Castle Community Day in Chappaqua that, "I think it's despicable. I think it's absolutely outrageous. That anyone would even attempt to profit on such a horrible scenario makes me sick."[8] Simon Finch, the co-screenwriter, replied saying that Clinton had not seen the film when she commented.[9] The Bush administration did not comment about the film; as White House spokesperson Emily Lawrimore remarked, "We are not commenting because it doesn't dignify a response."[10] Two U.S. cinema chains, Regal and Cinemark, refused to screen Death of a President,[11][12] which was distributed by Newmarket Films in the United States. CNN and NPR also refused to broadcast advertisements for the film.[13]

Yeah. Those libs and the liberal media thought this was a-ok! :lol:
Yes "little Tater" I do. The song has been on Youtube since at least 2010. and still, I bet Rush has more listeners in a day than that song has in it's existance.

Tell me in your opinion which is the most offensive verse in the song. Or for you is it the refrain that is so bad?

Advocating murder. Are you really that hardheaded?

Nice try, but you're dealing with Obama-Bots here. Their programming doesn't allow them to see past Obama and their Democratic Party. They just can't admit this is wrong. They would have to be reprogrammed and rebooted to admit it. Good effort on your part though. :)

Man o'man, there's Libo-Pauli trying out his Obama-Bot card again. Well because the President has been mentioned so many times in this thread.:cuckoo:
e heard the same excuses from the left where books and movies were being produced advocating the killing of George W. Bush...a sitting POTUS...That too was OK by thier's only art and expressing one's self...:cuckoo:

By all mean go into the detail about these movies and books?

Got some titles?

Or are you parroting?

Yeah, I'd like to know too ... seems I remember a movie that people said was based on President Bush ... I can't recall the details, but I don't believe the character had the same name. Maybe he did. I'm sure tommy can fill us in.

ETA: I found this:

Death of a President (2006 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hillary Clinton, then junior United States Senator from New York, told The Journal News of Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam counties at the annual New Castle Community Day in Chappaqua that, "I think it's despicable. I think it's absolutely outrageous. That anyone would even attempt to profit on such a horrible scenario makes me sick."[8] Simon Finch, the co-screenwriter, replied saying that Clinton had not seen the film when she commented.[9] The Bush administration did not comment about the film; as White House spokesperson Emily Lawrimore remarked, "We are not commenting because it doesn't dignify a response."[10] Two U.S. cinema chains, Regal and Cinemark, refused to screen Death of a President,[11][12] which was distributed by Newmarket Films in the United States. CNN and NPR also refused to broadcast advertisements for the film.[13]

Yeah. Those libs and the liberal media thought this was a-ok! :lol:

The detailsI remember was the movie started with the assassination of President Bush to tell the story of what might happen if Dick Cheney were to become president. It was made in England, not Hollywood.
That movie, as disgusting as it may be, didn't advocate the murder of President Bush.

So I'm still waiting on tommy's list of movies and books that did so.
By all mean go into the detail about these movies and books?

Got some titles?

Or are you parroting?

Yeah, I'd like to know too ... seems I remember a movie that people said was based on President Bush ... I can't recall the details, but I don't believe the character had the same name. Maybe he did. I'm sure tommy can fill us in.

ETA: I found this:

Death of a President (2006 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hillary Clinton, then junior United States Senator from New York, told The Journal News of Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam counties at the annual New Castle Community Day in Chappaqua that, "I think it's despicable. I think it's absolutely outrageous. That anyone would even attempt to profit on such a horrible scenario makes me sick."[8] Simon Finch, the co-screenwriter, replied saying that Clinton had not seen the film when she commented.[9] The Bush administration did not comment about the film; as White House spokesperson Emily Lawrimore remarked, "We are not commenting because it doesn't dignify a response."[10] Two U.S. cinema chains, Regal and Cinemark, refused to screen Death of a President,[11][12] which was distributed by Newmarket Films in the United States. CNN and NPR also refused to broadcast advertisements for the film.[13]
Yeah. Those libs and the liberal media thought this was a-ok! :lol:

The detailsI remember was the movie started with the assassination of President Bush to tell the story of what might happen if Dick Cheney were to become president. It was made in England, not Hollywood.

Yeah, I remembered after checking the google... still didn't "advocate" the assassination of President Bush.

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