Now that it's OFFICIAL that Hillary DID do something wrong...


“It is not unusual for officials in Washington to have two mobile devices.”

Clinton says used personal email account for convenience
It is not unusual for people to resend emails either. But when the SecState does it and the emails contain classified information it becomes a crime.

I can’t help but notice, she’s not in jail…. Must be a paperwork oversight.
Neither is Eric Holder but he broke the law

Wowzers, another opinion.

Speaking of which, Drumpf’s trial starts in a few weeks. he he he
What is not an opinion is the State Department IG just found Hillary GUILTY of wrong-doing.

As far as Holder goes, he was caught dead-to-rights perpetrating 3 felony counts of perjury but was protected by this corrupt administration.

Libs, only in defense of their own, falsely and moronically claim if someone isn't in jail then they've committed no crime, which simply isn't true. Doesn't mean they never did the crime, only that they weren't convicted.

Can’t help but notice she’s still not in jail.
Glad the State Department found someone Guilty. Too bad it’s not a court. LOL.

Have someone explain civics to you junior.
You understand every single element of that statement you quoted has been found out to be a lie. She actually carried more than one device. She also claimed she used her email to send emails to Bill, who has said he sent exactly two in his life. It also was not allowed by the State Department and she got dressed down by Valerie Jarrett when she discovered this. This is in the book Unlikeable.

I heard it was wors than that . She actually sent a cute kitten video on her e-mail in violation of State Department rules.

The horror of it all.

So in Republican world. - Send an e-mailto your husbandon an official device. - Criminal.

Lie about getting a blow job. Impeachable.

Lie about weapons that didn't exist and get thousands of people killed ... no biggie.
Are Liberals ACTUALLY going to continue to deny reality and claim she didn't?!

I doubt it…since she didn’t:

"I opted for convenience to use my personal email account, which was allowed by the State Department, because I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two," a self-assured Clinton told more than 200 reporters crowded into a U.N. corridor.

"Looking back, it would've been better if I'd simply used a second email account and carried a second phone."

She knows she made a mistake. The same mistake General Powell made as it turns out.

WRONG propagandist Candy of Corn-) Nobody but Hillary had their own server-) A server that sat in her garage, or was it bathroom! This isn't about PERSONAL E-MAIL, this is about a personal SERVER. Get up to speed lefties!
Her server, holding 'TS' material, sat in the bathroom of a tech company whose employees did not have the legally required security clearances to have it in their possession or maintain it.

You understand every single element of that statement you quoted has been found out to be a lie. She actually carried more than one device. She also claimed she used her email to send emails to Bill, who has said he sent exactly two in his life. It also was not allowed by the State Department and she got dressed down by Valerie Jarrett when she discovered this. This is in the book Unlikeable.

I heard it was wors than that . She actually sent a cute kitten video on her e-mail in violation of State Department rules.

The horror of it all.

So in Republican world. - Send an e-mailto your husbandon an official device. - Criminal.

Lie about getting a blow job. Impeachable.

Lie about weapons that didn't exist and get thousands of people killed ... no biggie.
Funny how her husband said he never uses / used e-mail.

Hillary busted in ANOTHER lie!
Her server, holding 'TS' material, sat in the bathroom of a tech company whose employees did not have the legally required security clearances to have it in their possession or maintain it.


Wow, you should do something about that.
Candy, I assume the picture is you. Why do you defend Hillary so? Is it because she has boobs?

I find that hard to believe since she pays her female employees less then men, for decades demonized and bullied her husband's victims, and takes / took millions from Mislims who oppress, mutilate, and kill women.

So what is it exactly?
Candy, I assume the picture is you. Why do you defend Hillary so? Is it because she has boobs?

I find that hard to believe since she pays her female employees less then men, for decades demonized and bullied her husband's victims, and takes / took millions from Mislims who oppress, mutilate, and kill women.

So what is it exactly?

You really do not know who that is a picture of?
That figures.

HRC will appoint center-left jurists who will preserve ROE, the tenants of the ACA, ensure privacy, and eventually get around to correcting gerrymandering.

That is the big prize in this election.

She will represent our nation well as she has done as FLOTUS, US Senator, and SoS. It isn’t often that the GOP nominates a complete neophyte but they have this year. Donald Drumpf is a disgrace who makes fun of people born with birth defects, is rude and boorish, calls entire groups of people rapist and wants to ban persons from entering the nation based on that person’s religion. He will cheapen the office.
Now that it's OFFICIAL that Hillary DID do something wrong...

Like Benghazi, the email thing is such an obvious contrived political hit that each time I hear it or see it, I become more grounded in opting for Hillary just to show the GOP that they'd better concentrate on rallying their base around issues that matter deeply to them, instead of patching over their gross negligence to do so with another "Hillary is bad because..." story.

All they have to do is line her up with men in the women's showers...etc. etc. etc. and they won the election.
It is not unusual for people to resend emails either. But when the SecState does it and the emails contain classified information it becomes a crime.

I can’t help but notice, she’s not in jail…. Must be a paperwork oversight.
Neither is Eric Holder but he broke the law

Wowzers, another opinion.

Speaking of which, Drumpf’s trial starts in a few weeks. he he he
What is not an opinion is the State Department IG just found Hillary GUILTY of wrong-doing.

As far as Holder goes, he was caught dead-to-rights perpetrating 3 felony counts of perjury but was protected by this corrupt administration.

Libs, only in defense of their own, falsely and moronically claim if someone isn't in jail then they've committed no crime, which simply isn't true. Doesn't mean they never did the crime, only that they weren't convicted.

Can’t help but notice she’s still not in jail.
Glad the State Department found someone Guilty. Too bad it’s not a court. LOL.

Have someone explain civics to you junior.
So Nixon was innocent, right?
I find that hard to believe since she pays her female employees less then men, for decades demonized and bullied her husband's victims, and takes / took millions from Mislims who oppress, mutilate, and kill women.

I find it hard to believe you care about any of those things other than reasons to bash Hillary.
I find that hard to believe since she pays her female employees less then men, for decades demonized and bullied her husband's victims, and takes / took millions from Mislims who oppress, mutilate, and kill women.

I find it hard to believe you care about any of those things other than reasons to bash Hillary.
That's your problem, not mine.

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