Now that Sessions will be freed up, what should he investigate next? I run with finding the leakers.

this just in from NBC news,,,,,First Lady Melania's rare macaw parrot has been accused by Nancy Pelosi of calling the Russians in the summer of 2016. Miss Pelosi believes that the First Lady's parrot may have taken bribes from the Russians to keep very important secrets from leaking into the Oval Office of President Bush.
Welp, since he recused himself, he wont be investigating anything with Russia. That's for sure. Must be extremely embarrassing for all of them.
If he didn't do anything, he sure in the fuck looks guilty now. Also, if he didn't do anything, why give in to all this pressure? Is he just another pussy? I remember I once referred to him as a "pitbull" :dunno:
I was on his side until he did that a minute ago..

Don't mean nothing.....He can't investigate himself, same thing Loretta Lynch did...doesn't mean he isn't still the AG and nobody at the DOJ fucks with the AG....nobody.
Welp, since he recused himself, he wont be investigating anything with Russia. That's for sure. Must be extremely embarrassing for all of them.
If he didn't do anything, he sure in the fuck looks guilty now. Also, if he didn't do anything, why give in to all this pressure? Is he just another pussy? I remember I once referred to him as a "pitbull" :dunno:
I was on his side until he did that a minute ago..

Don't mean nothing.....He can't investigate himself, same thing Loretta Lynch did...doesn't mean he isn't still the AG and nobody at the DOJ fucks with the AG....nobody.

He's not going to have time to do any "investigations" for the foreseeable future.

He's going to be real busy responding to subpoenas and giving depositions.
Oh I dunno, I'm gonna guess something along the lines of partisanshithead. That's all america can manage.
I hear your boy schumer will have him investigate area 51

If I was president I'd find out what happened at Roswell first day in office....I had a crazy aunt who lived up there....a daughter of a famous west Texas gunfighter great uncle of mine. They found a crashed UFO....nobody disputes that....I bet that's where the stealth coating on our war birds came from.
Welp, since he recused himself, he wont be investigating anything with Russia. That's for sure. Must be extremely embarrassing for all of them.
If he didn't do anything, he sure in the fuck looks guilty now. Also, if he didn't do anything, why give in to all this pressure? Is he just another pussy? I remember I once referred to him as a "pitbull" :dunno:
I was on his side until he did that a minute ago..

Don't mean nothing.....He can't investigate himself, same thing Loretta Lynch did...doesn't mean he isn't still the AG and nobody at the DOJ fucks with the AG....nobody.

He's not going to have time to do any "investigations" for the foreseeable future.

He's going to be real busy responding to subpoenas and giving depositions.

If you mean by that presiding on trials for traitors, I agree!
Although a close second would be the Clinton Foundation. :)

Be still my heart, I'd be happy with either or both.

How about obama and his people interfering with the Israeli about russian donations to the clinton foundation while hilary was secretary of state.....or lois lerner who used the IRS to attack conservative groups...the statute of limitations hasn't run out on that one....

How about al franken...I am sure that toad has done something illegal....besides stealing his election...

Obama doesn't like it when Bibi comes here and speaks to CONGRESS...but it's fine for OBAMA to go to UK to campaign against BREXIT.
Sessions will be investigated and put under oath.

He said he did not talk to the Russians at all during the campaign when in fact he talked twice, at least, with their ambassador.

And you blame the leakers? You must have supported Barak.
He was a senator and again he talked to ambassadors like the dems do so?
Sessions will be investigated and put under oath.

He said he did not talk to the Russians at all during the campaign when in fact he talked twice, at least, with their ambassador.

And you blame the leakers? You must have supported Barak.
He was a senator and again he talked to ambassadors like the dems do so?
So he was inadvertent or he lied deliberately.

We will find out. The neat thing is we will find out what the other witnesses have to say.
What the hell are lefties afraid of when they say Trump's A.G. "will be freed up"? Barry Hussein's A.G. threatened Americans with federal arrest if they dared to insult a Muslem citizen after the Islamic terrorist act in Sam Bernaradino Ca.. Bill Clinton's A.G. authorized the federal assault with tanks and poison gas and incineration of 80 men, women and children in Waco Tx. . Are lefties afraid that Sessions might expose the "Russian connection" that Hillary promoted as Secy/State and the Clinton Foundation's role in the Russian uranium mine purchase?
Although a close second would be the Clinton Foundation. :)

Be still my heart, I'd be happy with either or both.
I still don't get why DJT chose Sessions for this job.

Is this the only job that Sessions can do?

I know Giuliani did not want the job.

But what about Comey? Wouldn't Comey have been perfect?

Trump owes his job to Comey.
Welp, since he recused himself, he wont be investigating anything with Russia. That's for sure. Must be extremely embarrassing for all of them.
If he didn't do anything, he sure in the fuck looks guilty now. Also, if he didn't do anything, why give in to all this pressure? Is he just another pussy? I remember I once referred to him as a "pitbull" :dunno:
I was on his side until he did that a minute ago..

Don't mean nothing.....He can't investigate himself, same thing Loretta Lynch did...doesn't mean he isn't still the AG and nobody at the DOJ fucks with the AG....nobody.

He's not going to have time to do any "investigations" for the foreseeable future.

He's going to be real busy responding to subpoenas and giving depositions.

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Sessions will be investigated and put under oath.

He said he did not talk to the Russians at all during the campaign when in fact he talked twice, at least, with their ambassador.

And you blame the leakers? You must have supported Barak.

Hey has virtually every other's what they do, dumbass.
do they LIE about it, Homer?
isnt Huma Abbadeem 1/2 Russian?


Abedin was born on July 28, 1976,[7] in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to Syed Zainul Abedin (1928–93) and Saleha Mahmood Abedin.[4][8] Abedin is of Indian and Pakistani descent, and has a sister, Heba, and a brother.[9]

Huma Abedin - Wikipedia

Sessions will be investigated and put under oath.

He said he did not talk to the Russians at all during the campaign when in fact he talked twice, at least, with their ambassador.

And you blame the leakers? You must have supported Barak.

More lies, He told the truth about what he was asked, they did not ask if he had talked to any Russian diplomats or any Russian Government officials. The times he spoke with the ambassador were in HIS duties as a sitting senator of the US government. So you dimshit scum are wasting more BS time He will be there for MORE AND more years the more shit you try the more the people of this country hate shit like YOU. HAAAAHHAHAAAHAHAHAHA. you so funnAAAA wid all em LLIIIIIEEEEESSS

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