Now that the table has turned, how will GOPer's react?

GWB was a moron. He had almost no debt when he took office.

I think W was a very bad president so I don't want you to interpret what I say as defending him. However what is your definition of 'almost no debt'? Our national debt was certainly lower back then but over 3 trillion is hardly anything close to almost no debt.

Of course with Trump before COVID we were heading towards trillion dollar deficits. Those tax cuts really kind of fucked us over now, huh?

Our projections were that on the current course, we would have reduced the debt to zero in three years.

Of course, that didn't take into account the mild corrections that were already happening when Bush took over.

Nevertheless......don't you think we'd love to ONLY be 3 trillion in debt right now ?

And yes....those tax cuts really did do some major damage.
Our projections were that on the current course, we would have reduced the debt to zero in three years.

Projections for what years?

The years following Clinton's term.

Under Clinton, we saw a surplus which lowered the debt. I don't have the figures in front of me, but I seem to recall we were about projected surplusses of nearly 1/2 trillion.

Now, the bubble burst and it could be argued those surpluses would go away, but the fact is that Bush took a very goo situation and destroyed it with his wars.
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
Blaming trump for job losses is not going to work

liberals welcomed the paid vacation and do not want to return to work
Again here is a republican who wants to blame voters not trump.
I’m calling out knee-jerk trump haters who talk out both sides of your mouth
then you’ll have to be way more specific because right now you’ve given zero substance other than proof you’re a trump boot licker which we all already knew.
I’m not here to persuade knee-jerk trump haters that you are what you are

I merely comment that you are
I’m not here to persuade knee-jerk trump haters that you are what you are

I merely comment that you are
Meaning, you suffer from Trump Denial Syndrome.

Normally, I scroll right past your bullshit.

But, this is a clear example of how you work.

You set the standard that you argue against. And you set it specifically for Trump. That way you don't have to apply it universally.

Also, you (a self-righteous, ignorant, arrogant left-winger) decide how everyone should feel about violations to the standard that you set.

You are why the left is in such a shitty place.

Keep up the good work.
None of you team player assholes give a hoot in hell about spending or the debt....You just make yourselves look like even bigger boobs than you already are (if that's possible) with the finger pointing.
Not at all. That’s the point. Right now democrats aren’t kicking and screaming about the debt or trump spending but when we said Obama was doing a good job and we pointed to low unemployment and the stock market you republicans gave these arguments as to why Obama wasn’t doing a good job.

1. The debt.

2. His yearly growth number. In 2019 trump had only 2.3% growth yet you rave about his economy

3. The monthly job numbers. Trumps numbers are about the same.

And obama didn’t have to give that huge tax break away. Trumps signature accomplishment didn’t work and increased the debt. He said it would pay for itself. You knew that was a lie

Any fiscal conservative should be against tax breaks at this point.

Any fiscal conservative should be against our current level of spending.

We need a plan to eliminate the deficit and start bringing down our debt.

Ware in a dangerous place.

Obama didn't do a "good job". His first two years were a fiasco in terms of finances and the recovery.

Once the house turned GOP things looked better...but it was still slow and sluggish.

Was it all Obama ? It never was and never will be.
GWB was a moron. He had almost no debt when he took office.

I think W was a very bad president so I don't want you to interpret what I say as defending him. However what is your definition of 'almost no debt'? Our national debt was certainly lower back then but over 3 trillion is hardly anything close to almost no debt.

Of course with Trump before COVID we were heading towards trillion dollar deficits. Those tax cuts really kind of fucked us over now, huh?

Our projections were that on the current course, we would have reduced the debt to zero in three years.

Of course, that didn't take into account the mild corrections that were already happening when Bush took over.

Three years? It took 4 years just to take off about 670 billion. Also you have to account for times when deficit spending is necessary as during recessions. Bush had one at the beginning of his term and well we know what happened in the end. In the meantime we had massive wasteful tax cuts that prevent us from reducing the deficit.

Nevertheless......don't you think we'd love to ONLY be 3 trillion in debt right now ?

And yes....those tax cuts really did do some major damage.

The Bush or Trump tax cuts?
I’m not here to persuade knee-jerk trump haters that you are what you are

I merely comment that you are
Meaning, you suffer from Trump Denial Syndrome.

Normally, I scroll right past your bullshit.

But, this is a clear example of how you work.

You set the standard that you argue against. And you set it specifically for Trump. That way you don't have to apply it universally.

Also, you (a self-righteous, ignorant, arrogant left-winger) decide how everyone should feel about violations to the standard that you set.

You are why the left is in such a shitty place.

Keep up the good work.
I'm glad you were able to get that babbling, obtuse, word salad off your chest. You've reacted to the OP just as I thought Trumpleheads would. Defensively, ineffectually, hypocritically, confounded by the facts with no way to meaningfully refute them. Sad.
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
And all his uge tax breaks got us in 2019 was 2.3% growth. Long before corona.
That growth was why democrats created the hysteria in the first place. They paid China to create it in 2015 and used it in 2020.
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

So you're asking if we're going to treat a pandemic the same way we would normal economic times, just because YOU are too stupid to see the difference?

The answer is "no", we have no intention of being as obtuse and rockheaded as you are.
So you're asking if we're going to treat a pandemic the same way we would normal economic times,
What was normal about the most serious (until now) economic recession since the Great Depression, nitwit?
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

You don't care about the debt. You're a lib hack. If you did, you would blame clinton, bush, obama, trump. You're just a liberal hack though. Your words are hollow and meaningless.
GWB was a moron. He had almost no debt when he took office.

I think W was a very bad president so I don't want you to interpret what I say as defending him. However what is your definition of 'almost no debt'? Our national debt was certainly lower back then but over 3 trillion is hardly anything close to almost no debt.

Of course with Trump before COVID we were heading towards trillion dollar deficits. Those tax cuts really kind of fucked us over now, huh?

Those tax cuts really kind of fucked us over now, huh?

Were 2019 tax receipts higher than 2017 (before the tax cuts) tax receipts?
GWB was a moron. He had almost no debt when he took office.

I think W was a very bad president so I don't want you to interpret what I say as defending him. However what is your definition of 'almost no debt'? Our national debt was certainly lower back then but over 3 trillion is hardly anything close to almost no debt.

Of course with Trump before COVID we were heading towards trillion dollar deficits. Those tax cuts really kind of fucked us over now, huh?

Those tax cuts really kind of fucked us over now, huh?

Were 2019 tax receipts higher than 2017 (before the tax cuts) tax receipts?

I would hope they were higher in 2019. Would they be higher without the tax cuts?
GWB was a moron. He had almost no debt when he took office.

I think W was a very bad president so I don't want you to interpret what I say as defending him. However what is your definition of 'almost no debt'? Our national debt was certainly lower back then but over 3 trillion is hardly anything close to almost no debt.

Of course with Trump before COVID we were heading towards trillion dollar deficits. Those tax cuts really kind of fucked us over now, huh?

Those tax cuts really kind of fucked us over now, huh?

Were 2019 tax receipts higher than 2017 (before the tax cuts) tax receipts?

I would hope they were higher in 2019. Would they be higher without the tax cuts?

I would hope they were higher in 2019.

They were higher. So how did the tax cuts fuck us over?

Would they be higher without the tax cuts?

How much higher? Show your work.
Our projections were that on the current course, we would have reduced the debt to zero in three years.

Projections for what years?

The years following Clinton's term.

Under Clinton, we saw a surplus which lowered the debt. I don't have the figures in front of me, but I seem to recall we were about projected surplusses of nearly 1/2 trillion.

Now, the bubble burst and it could be argued those surpluses would go away, but the fact is that Bush took a very goo situation and destroyed it with his wars.
Yea well Bush the Lesser blew that away as fast as he could. Why are we talking about 20 years ago??

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