Now that Trump has endorsed a path to citizenship for the Dreamers

I have absolutely nothing against Trump building his wall....just as soon as Mexico sends the check to pay for it.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

... and Question #2 will all the left wing dingbats give him any credit for doing the right thing?

My guess is that the whole script will "flip flop", the Trumpkins that were against it will praise him for it and the left wing dingbats that wanted a pathway to citizenship for the "dreamers" will criticize him for it and try to come up with some convoluted, disingenuous argument that Obama should be given the credit.:rolleyes:

If Trump agrees to a reasonable outcome for DACA, I will lower my rating of him to 94% asshole.

That's nice...
... what's even nicer is that you apparently acknowledge that you're a left wing dingbat.

"My work here is done" -- Anthony Hope, Prisoner of Zenda

lol, a few years from now you'll be smack dab in the middle of the crowd claiming they never really agreed with Trump much in the first place, or even liked him, or ever thought he was a good president.
Er..umm...I've been in that "crowd" since Trump announced his candidacy, I've never been a "Trump supporter" but unlike you I can evaluate his performance as POTUS objectively and criticize or praise him based on how I evaluate his actions instead of just mindlessly parroting a partisan line like you do.

Heck if Donald Trump walked across Lake Michigan, single handedly invented a cure for cancer and then resurrected Elvis, you and fellow lemmings-D would find a way to criticize him for it and then dream up some ludicrous nonsense about how the Democrats deserve all the credit. Your highly biased, counter factual opinions don't matter to anyone with a even a sliver of objectivity.

The eventual 'Donald who?!" crowd.
LOL, Well at least at that point you and the rest of the "Hillary who?!" former "I'm with her" crowd will have some company, huh? Perhaps you folks can get together for a good ole fashioned politician worship picnic.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?
The question is will TRUMP flip flop? I mean that is what he does.

He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?
The question is will TRUMP flip flop? I mean that is what he does.

He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

I'll believe it only when I see it happen. To me it simply appears Trump will say anything he feels he needs to say appease the specific audience he has, regardless of his actual feelings or intentions. It's the habit of con men.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?
The question is will TRUMP flip flop? I mean that is what he does.

He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

I'll believe it only when I see it happen. To me it simply appears Trump will say anything he feels he needs to say appease the specific audience he has, regardless of his actual feelings or intentions. It's the habit of con men.

He's put forward his proposal so unless he comes along and completely reneges on it (possible but I don't think it's likely since he'd be getting a lot of what he wants out of it) it's up to the Republicrat and Demopublican Congress Critters to negotiate off the baseline he's laid down, if they fuck it up and don't come to an agreement then it's really not on the Donald since he's giving them a lot to work with here.

Personally I have no faith in either party that anything good will come out of this since the only talent that partisan dickweeds possess is taking a bad situation and making it worse.......
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?
The question is will TRUMP flip flop? I mean that is what he does.

He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

I'll believe it only when I see it happen. To me it simply appears Trump will say anything he feels he needs to say appease the specific audience he has, regardless of his actual feelings or intentions. It's the habit of con men.

He's put forward his proposal so unless he comes along and completely reneges on it (possible but I don't think it's likely since he'd be getting a lot of what he wants out of it) it's up to the Republicrat and Demopublican Congress Critters to negotiate off the baseline he's laid down, if they fuck it up and don't come to an agreement then it's really not on the Donald since he's giving them a lot to work with here.

Personally I have no faith in either party that anything good will come out of this since the only talent that partisan dickweeds possess is taking a bad situation and making it worse.......

While I usually have zero problem criticizing the inaction and disfunction in Congress, it was literally just days ago when Trump said, on camera, (paraphrase) "Bring me a bi-partisan bill - any bi-partisan bill - on DACA, [and other matters], and I will sign it. I will not object to it or say I want my own ideas put in the bill I will simply sign it and take the heat....I'm used to taking heat."

So, literally, a bi-partisan group of 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans did just that and he reneged on the deal and his own promises.

Trump is completely untrustworthy....even more so than Congress.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

All depends on what he can get out of it.

And like dems, he can promise something 10-12 years from now knowing it will never be delivered.

Like the border security that had approved funding but nothing appropriated for the past decade.

Well if the DACA people get a 10 year path to citizenship, that's means they won't be deported. And deporting them is what the hardliners in Trump's base want.

It's called an opening negotiation position.

So you think Trump is going to start there and negotiate his way back to deporting the DACA immigrants?

good one.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?
The question is will TRUMP flip flop? I mean that is what he does.

He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

I'll believe it only when I see it happen. To me it simply appears Trump will say anything he feels he needs to say appease the specific audience he has, regardless of his actual feelings or intentions. It's the habit of con men.

He's put forward his proposal so unless he comes along and completely reneges on it (possible but I don't think it's likely since he'd be getting a lot of what he wants out of it) it's up to the Republicrat and Demopublican Congress Critters to negotiate off the baseline he's laid down, if they fuck it up and don't come to an agreement then it's really not on the Donald since he's giving them a lot to work with here.

Personally I have no faith in either party that anything good will come out of this since the only talent that partisan dickweeds possess is taking a bad situation and making it worse.......

While I usually have zero problem criticizing the inaction and disfunction in Congress, it was literally just days ago when Trump said, on camera, (paraphrase) "Bring me a bi-partisan bill - any bi-partisan bill - on DACA, [and other matters], and I will sign it. I will not object to it or say I want my own ideas put in the bill I will simply sign it and take the heat....I'm used to taking heat."

So, literally, a bi-partisan group of 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans did just that and he reneged on the deal and his own promises.

Trump is completely untrustworthy....even more so than Congress.

So what did Schumer insist on that made Trump put his foot down?
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?
The question is will TRUMP flip flop? I mean that is what he does.

He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

I'll believe it only when I see it happen. To me it simply appears Trump will say anything he feels he needs to say appease the specific audience he has, regardless of his actual feelings or intentions. It's the habit of con men.

He's put forward his proposal so unless he comes along and completely reneges on it (possible but I don't think it's likely since he'd be getting a lot of what he wants out of it) it's up to the Republicrat and Demopublican Congress Critters to negotiate off the baseline he's laid down, if they fuck it up and don't come to an agreement then it's really not on the Donald since he's giving them a lot to work with here.

Personally I have no faith in either party that anything good will come out of this since the only talent that partisan dickweeds possess is taking a bad situation and making it worse.......

While I usually have zero problem criticizing the inaction and disfunction in Congress, it was literally just days ago when Trump said, on camera, (paraphrase) "Bring me a bi-partisan bill - any bi-partisan bill - on DACA, [and other matters], and I will sign it. I will not object to it or say I want my own ideas put in the bill I will simply sign it and take the heat....I'm used to taking heat."

So, literally, a bi-partisan group of 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans did just that and he reneged on the deal and his own promises.

Trump is completely untrustworthy....even more so than Congress.

Trump has only one core value...Trump uber alles.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

All depends on what he can get out of it.

And like dems, he can promise something 10-12 years from now knowing it will never be delivered.

Like the border security that had approved funding but nothing appropriated for the past decade.

Well if the DACA people get a 10 year path to citizenship, that's means they won't be deported. And deporting them is what the hardliners in Trump's base want.

It's called an opening negotiation position.

So you think Trump is going to start there and negotiate his way back to deporting the DACA immigrants?

good one.

No. My point is I, nor anyone else has any idea what Trump will do or what he actually believes. He has no principles. He is nothing more than a con man.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

All depends on what he can get out of it.

And like dems, he can promise something 10-12 years from now knowing it will never be delivered.

Like the border security that had approved funding but nothing appropriated for the past decade.

Well if the DACA people get a 10 year path to citizenship, that's means they won't be deported. And deporting them is what the hardliners in Trump's base want.

It's called an opening negotiation position.

So you think Trump is going to start there and negotiate his way back to deporting the DACA immigrants?

good one.

No, he may walk it back to only the 800k who registered in return for other things.
The question is will TRUMP flip flop? I mean that is what he does.

He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

I'll believe it only when I see it happen. To me it simply appears Trump will say anything he feels he needs to say appease the specific audience he has, regardless of his actual feelings or intentions. It's the habit of con men.

He's put forward his proposal so unless he comes along and completely reneges on it (possible but I don't think it's likely since he'd be getting a lot of what he wants out of it) it's up to the Republicrat and Demopublican Congress Critters to negotiate off the baseline he's laid down, if they fuck it up and don't come to an agreement then it's really not on the Donald since he's giving them a lot to work with here.

Personally I have no faith in either party that anything good will come out of this since the only talent that partisan dickweeds possess is taking a bad situation and making it worse.......

While I usually have zero problem criticizing the inaction and disfunction in Congress, it was literally just days ago when Trump said, on camera, (paraphrase) "Bring me a bi-partisan bill - any bi-partisan bill - on DACA, [and other matters], and I will sign it. I will not object to it or say I want my own ideas put in the bill I will simply sign it and take the heat....I'm used to taking heat."

So, literally, a bi-partisan group of 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans did just that and he reneged on the deal and his own promises.

Trump is completely untrustworthy....even more so than Congress.

Trump has only one core value...Trump uber alles.
And career politicians are any different? Lol
Are you fucking retarded!?!?!
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

All depends on what he can get out of it.

And like dems, he can promise something 10-12 years from now knowing it will never be delivered.

Like the border security that had approved funding but nothing appropriated for the past decade.

Well if the DACA people get a 10 year path to citizenship, that's means they won't be deported. And deporting them is what the hardliners in Trump's base want.

It's called an opening negotiation position.

So you think Trump is going to start there and negotiate his way back to deporting the DACA immigrants?

good one.

No. My point is I, nor anyone else has any idea what Trump will do or what he actually believes. He has no principles. He is nothing more than a con man.

Considering everyone thinks they KNOW who he is, what he wants, and how he operates, that makes him the worst Con man ever.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

All depends on what he can get out of it.

And like dems, he can promise something 10-12 years from now knowing it will never be delivered.

Like the border security that had approved funding but nothing appropriated for the past decade.

Well if the DACA people get a 10 year path to citizenship, that's means they won't be deported. And deporting them is what the hardliners in Trump's base want.

It's called an opening negotiation position.

So you think Trump is going to start there and negotiate his way back to deporting the DACA immigrants?

good one.

No. My point is I, nor anyone else has any idea what Trump will do or what he actually believes. He has no principles. He is nothing more than a con man.
Being a ConMan is the actual job of career politicians, are you so retarded you don’t realize that? Do you live in a little fantasy world in your moms basement?
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

All depends on what he can get out of it.

And like dems, he can promise something 10-12 years from now knowing it will never be delivered.

Like the border security that had approved funding but nothing appropriated for the past decade.

Well if the DACA people get a 10 year path to citizenship, that's means they won't be deported. And deporting them is what the hardliners in Trump's base want.

It's called an opening negotiation position.

So you think Trump is going to start there and negotiate his way back to deporting the DACA immigrants?

good one.

No, he may walk it back to only the 800k who registered in return for other things.
Or he may decide their all "Illegals" because he sees that opinion on Fox and Friends and decide his ONLY stance will be deportation for all. Who knows? We'll have to wait and see the truth of it.
It is funny Trump is making a fraction of the money, in fact probably losing money being president of the United States. As compared if he was still a private citizen. How he has progressives so pissed off is worth the price of admission. Lol
He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

I'll believe it only when I see it happen. To me it simply appears Trump will say anything he feels he needs to say appease the specific audience he has, regardless of his actual feelings or intentions. It's the habit of con men.

He's put forward his proposal so unless he comes along and completely reneges on it (possible but I don't think it's likely since he'd be getting a lot of what he wants out of it) it's up to the Republicrat and Demopublican Congress Critters to negotiate off the baseline he's laid down, if they fuck it up and don't come to an agreement then it's really not on the Donald since he's giving them a lot to work with here.

Personally I have no faith in either party that anything good will come out of this since the only talent that partisan dickweeds possess is taking a bad situation and making it worse.......

While I usually have zero problem criticizing the inaction and disfunction in Congress, it was literally just days ago when Trump said, on camera, (paraphrase) "Bring me a bi-partisan bill - any bi-partisan bill - on DACA, [and other matters], and I will sign it. I will not object to it or say I want my own ideas put in the bill I will simply sign it and take the heat....I'm used to taking heat."

So, literally, a bi-partisan group of 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans did just that and he reneged on the deal and his own promises.

Trump is completely untrustworthy....even more so than Congress.

Trump has only one core value...Trump uber alles.
And career politicians are any different? Lol
Are you fucking retarded!?!?!


The new defense of Donald Trump is...

...he's no different than any other politician!!

btw, I've been telling you people for months that Trump was now a full fledged establishment Republican.
He already has "flip flopped" on the issue, of course I'm sure he'd characterize it as "evolved his position".

June 2015
Trump promises "immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration (DACA)" -- got into office, didn't happen, instead was put off until March 2018 (Maybe he has a different definition of "immediately" than the rest of us do?")

August 2016
Trump promises "We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants."

December 2016
Trump referring to DACA "We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud. They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen." -- Hmmm.. in just 4 months we went from "immediately terminate" to "we're going to work something out", maybe the Donald got an extra dose of the Christmas Spirit in 2016?

February 2017
Trump "DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me...You have these incredible kids, in many cases not in all cases. In some of the cases they’re having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers too...I have to deal with a lot of politicians—don’t forget—and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that. The DACA situation is a very difficult thing for me as I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grand kids and I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and, you know, the law is rough. It’s rough, very very rough" -- HE LOVES those critters that 6 months ago he was ready to toss out on their ears... my, my our little Donald is growing up so fast.

.. fast forward to TODAY
Trump will support citizenship path for 1.8 million young immigrants. He wants much in return

That's right folks and folksettes, not only does the Donald want to expand DACA eligibility from it's current level of 689,000 to 1.8 million he wants to offer them a pathway to citizenship.

Welcome to DACA Donald version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

On the bright side.. at least it appears that he's now willing to do the right thing with respect to these people, so props to President Twitter for that, of course I don't know how his "base" is going to feel about this turn of events.

I'll believe it only when I see it happen. To me it simply appears Trump will say anything he feels he needs to say appease the specific audience he has, regardless of his actual feelings or intentions. It's the habit of con men.

He's put forward his proposal so unless he comes along and completely reneges on it (possible but I don't think it's likely since he'd be getting a lot of what he wants out of it) it's up to the Republicrat and Demopublican Congress Critters to negotiate off the baseline he's laid down, if they fuck it up and don't come to an agreement then it's really not on the Donald since he's giving them a lot to work with here.

Personally I have no faith in either party that anything good will come out of this since the only talent that partisan dickweeds possess is taking a bad situation and making it worse.......

While I usually have zero problem criticizing the inaction and disfunction in Congress, it was literally just days ago when Trump said, on camera, (paraphrase) "Bring me a bi-partisan bill - any bi-partisan bill - on DACA, [and other matters], and I will sign it. I will not object to it or say I want my own ideas put in the bill I will simply sign it and take the heat....I'm used to taking heat."

So, literally, a bi-partisan group of 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans did just that and he reneged on the deal and his own promises.

Trump is completely untrustworthy....even more so than Congress.

Trump has only one core value...Trump uber alles.
And career politicians are any different? Lol
Are you fucking retarded!?!?!
So, to be clear, career politicians are bad for flip-flopping but Trump is not in your opinion and your reaction is to call anyone who doesn't agree with you a "fucking retard." I'm guessing you are either 8 years old and are writing this while name-calling on the schoolyard or you are an old man whose brain never matured past his 8 year old brain. But that's exactly what Trump does, right? Simply call people names like a child. Now I see why you support him.

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