Now that Trump has endorsed a path to citizenship for the Dreamers

what gaps?

Many articles that show the gaps not only geographical but other gaps because of privately owned land. It’s a pipe dream that will all be covered. I would rather they give the billions it will cost to the border patrols and States to let them use the resources more efficiently.
Do you have links to the articles you are referring to?

Not all locations need a fence. Some, as you say, may not support a fence.....but if you can eliminate, I dunno, 1,000 square miles that currently have to be covered / protected by 1 or 2 USBPAs and reduce that number down to 20, that is an awesome thing.

You are arguing that
since the wall will not be one continuous wall then we should not even have one. That's stupid.

No I am arguing that if there are enough gaps it makes spending billions on a wall a waste of resources that could be better spent by the border patrol and the States securing the borders. The wall will end up being a money pit that we as tax payers will end up footing despite Trump’s lie about Mexico paying for it.
Thanks for your expert opinion; however, I will take the word of REAL experts.

That’s who I am listening to.
Those are just voices in your head.

We get it. You want status quo, open borders, and you applaud Schumer for standing with Illegals over Americans but hate him because he caved. I may be wrong, but it sure seems that way.
You mean the wall whose prototype US SpecOps members could not get over / around, as reported? [emoji57]

No I am talking about the wall that will geographically have miles and miles of gaps. If Spec Ops can’t go around a wall they shouldn’t be Spec Ops. [emoji6]
what gaps?

Many articles that show the gaps not only geographical but other gaps because of privately owned land. It’s a pipe dream that will all be covered. I would rather they give the billions it will cost to the border patrols and States to let them use the resources more efficiently.
Do you have links to the articles you are referring to?

Not all locations need a fence. Some, as you say, may not support a fence.....but if you can eliminate, I dunno, 1,000 square miles that currently have to be covered / protected by 1 or 2 USBPAs and reduce that number down to 20, that is an awesome thing.

You are arguing that
since the wall will not be one continuous wall then we should not even have one. That's stupid.

No I am arguing that if there are enough gaps it makes spending billions on a wall a waste of resources that could be better spent by the border patrol and the States securing the borders. The wall will end up being a money pit that we as tax payers will end up footing despite Trump’s lie about Mexico paying for it.
no wall, no deal, again, it's simple.
what gaps?

Many articles that show the gaps not only geographical but other gaps because of privately owned land. It’s a pipe dream that will all be covered. I would rather they give the billions it will cost to the border patrols and States to let them use the resources more efficiently.
Do you have links to the articles you are referring to?

Not all locations need a fence. Some, as you say, may not support a fence.....but if you can eliminate, I dunno, 1,000 square miles that currently have to be covered / protected by 1 or 2 USBPAs and reduce that number down to 20, that is an awesome thing.

You are arguing that
since the wall will not be one continuous wall then we should not even have one. That's stupid.

No I am arguing that if there are enough gaps it makes spending billions on a wall a waste of resources that could be better spent by the border patrol and the States securing the borders. The wall will end up being a money pit that we as tax payers will end up footing despite Trump’s lie about Mexico paying for it.
Thanks for your expert opinion; however, I will take the word of REAL experts.

That’s who I am listening to.
so is the president. no wall, no deal, again, it's that simple.
Many articles that show the gaps not only geographical but other gaps because of privately owned land. It’s a pipe dream that will all be covered. I would rather they give the billions it will cost to the border patrols and States to let them use the resources more efficiently.
Do you have links to the articles you are referring to?

Not all locations need a fence. Some, as you say, may not support a fence.....but if you can eliminate, I dunno, 1,000 square miles that currently have to be covered / protected by 1 or 2 USBPAs and reduce that number down to 20, that is an awesome thing.

You are arguing that
since the wall will not be one continuous wall then we should not even have one. That's stupid.

No I am arguing that if there are enough gaps it makes spending billions on a wall a waste of resources that could be better spent by the border patrol and the States securing the borders. The wall will end up being a money pit that we as tax payers will end up footing despite Trump’s lie about Mexico paying for it.
Thanks for your expert opinion; however, I will take the word of REAL experts.

That’s who I am listening to.
Those are just voices in your head.

We get it. You want status quo, open borders, and you applaud Schumer for standing with Illegals over Americans but hate him because he caved. I may be wrong, but it sure seems that way.

How does suggesting giving that budget to the border patrol and States equate to “I want open borders”? That’s the problem with you Trumpers. To make yourself feel better about your Messiah, his lies, you put words into people’s mouths like Liberals want open borders B.S. It’s asinine. If putting words into my mouth makes you feel better? Have at it.

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!

Use some common sense like 80% of Americans, and now at least for the moment including Trump, are using.

It is not common sense, you stupid Moon Bat, to allow shithole countries to import their poverty to the US.

You inability to understand that speaks volumes as to why we call you Libtard idiots "Moon Bats".

So you're admitting that Trump lacks common sense along with 80% of the American people.

Many articles that show the gaps not only geographical but other gaps because of privately owned land. It’s a pipe dream that will all be covered. I would rather they give the billions it will cost to the border patrols and States to let them use the resources more efficiently.
Do you have links to the articles you are referring to?

Not all locations need a fence. Some, as you say, may not support a fence.....but if you can eliminate, I dunno, 1,000 square miles that currently have to be covered / protected by 1 or 2 USBPAs and reduce that number down to 20, that is an awesome thing.

You are arguing that
since the wall will not be one continuous wall then we should not even have one. That's stupid.

No I am arguing that if there are enough gaps it makes spending billions on a wall a waste of resources that could be better spent by the border patrol and the States securing the borders. The wall will end up being a money pit that we as tax payers will end up footing despite Trump’s lie about Mexico paying for it.
Thanks for your expert opinion; however, I will take the word of REAL experts.

That’s who I am listening to.
so is the president. no wall, no deal, again, it's that simple.

So you're good with amnesty and a path to citizenship for the DACA 'illegals' if you get the American taxpayers to come up with the money the Mexicans were supposed to come up with for your wall?
Do you have links to the articles you are referring to?

Not all locations need a fence. Some, as you say, may not support a fence.....but if you can eliminate, I dunno, 1,000 square miles that currently have to be covered / protected by 1 or 2 USBPAs and reduce that number down to 20, that is an awesome thing.

You are arguing that
since the wall will not be one continuous wall then we should not even have one. That's stupid.

No I am arguing that if there are enough gaps it makes spending billions on a wall a waste of resources that could be better spent by the border patrol and the States securing the borders. The wall will end up being a money pit that we as tax payers will end up footing despite Trump’s lie about Mexico paying for it.
Thanks for your expert opinion; however, I will take the word of REAL experts.

That’s who I am listening to.
so is the president. no wall, no deal, again, it's that simple.

So you're good with amnesty and a path to citizenship for the DACA 'illegals' if you get the American taxpayers to come up with the money the Mexicans were supposed to come up with for your wall?
no wall no deal. again are you that naive still?
No I am arguing that if there are enough gaps it makes spending billions on a wall a waste of resources that could be better spent by the border patrol and the States securing the borders. The wall will end up being a money pit that we as tax payers will end up footing despite Trump’s lie about Mexico paying for it.
Thanks for your expert opinion; however, I will take the word of REAL experts.

That’s who I am listening to.
so is the president. no wall, no deal, again, it's that simple.

So you're good with amnesty and a path to citizenship for the DACA 'illegals' if you get the American taxpayers to come up with the money the Mexicans were supposed to come up with for your wall?
no wall no deal. again are you that naive still?

When did you endorse amnesty for the Dreamers? Take us back to that post.
Thanks for your expert opinion; however, I will take the word of REAL experts.

That’s who I am listening to.
so is the president. no wall, no deal, again, it's that simple.

So you're good with amnesty and a path to citizenship for the DACA 'illegals' if you get the American taxpayers to come up with the money the Mexicans were supposed to come up with for your wall?
no wall no deal. again are you that naive still?

When did you endorse amnesty for the Dreamers? Take us back to that post.
I never did. so you won't find it. no wall no deal.

So you're admitting that Trump lacks common sense along with 80% of the American people.


DACA is wrong no matter who supports it.

The Democrats need it to get future welfare queen voters. They are not a viable party without welfare queens and Illelgals.

Trump is using it as a negotiating tool to get broader immigration reform that the assholes Democrats would never agree to without DACA. Great reforms like building the wall, an end to chain immigration and merit based immigration. All things the filthy Democrats despise because it doesn't grow their welfare queen base, which they desperately need if they ever expect to win an election.

You would know things like this if you didn't have your head up your Libtard ass.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

... and Question #2 will all the left wing dingbats give him any credit for doing the right thing?

My guess is that the whole script will "flip flop", the Trumpkins that were against it will praise him for it and the left wing dingbats that wanted a pathway to citizenship for the "dreamers" will criticize him for it and try to come up with some convoluted, disingenuous argument that Obama should be given the credit.:rolleyes:

If Trump agrees to a reasonable outcome for DACA, I will lower my rating of him to 94% asshole.

That's nice...
... what's even nicer is that you apparently acknowledge that you're a left wing dingbat.

"My work here is done" -- Anthony Hope, Prisoner of Zenda

lol, a few years from now you'll be smack dab in the middle of the crowd claiming they never really agreed with Trump much in the first place, or even liked him, or ever thought he was a good president.

The eventual 'Donald who?!" crowd.

So you're admitting that Trump lacks common sense along with 80% of the American people.


DACA is wrong no matter who supports it.

The Democrats need it to get future welfare queen voters. They are not a viable party without welfare queens and Illelgals.

Trump is using it as a negotiating tool to get broader immigration reform that the assholes Democrats would never agree to without DACA. Great reforms like building the wall, an end to chain immigration and merit based immigration. All things the filthy Democrats despise because it doesn't grow their welfare queen base, which they desperately need if they ever expect to win an election.

You would know things like this if you didn't have your head up your Libtard ass.

With venom spewing like that one would think that you would consider DACA non-negotiable...

IOW, those people must be deported, and therefore Trump is a shit for doing anything less...
That’s who I am listening to.
so is the president. no wall, no deal, again, it's that simple.

So you're good with amnesty and a path to citizenship for the DACA 'illegals' if you get the American taxpayers to come up with the money the Mexicans were supposed to come up with for your wall?
no wall no deal. again are you that naive still?

When did you endorse amnesty for the Dreamers? Take us back to that post.
I never did. so you won't find it. no wall no deal.

hey derp boy, the wall gets funded, the dems get DACA.. done, finished over.

now the wall has to get built, which Texas will never let happen, and DACA is a done deal... Dems punk stupid shit RW's once again.


Texans Vow to Fight Rather Than Lose Land to Border Wall

Asserting eminent domain

The U.S. government’s ability to acquire private property for public projects like the wall is called eminent domain. The government must pay for the property, and property owners have the right to contest both the price and condemnation in court. To build the rusty metal fence near Taylor’s property — an initiative of President George W. Bush in 2006 — the government issued 330 condemnation orders.

remember that old lady Trump hit with eminent domain to get her house so he could have a parking lot for a casino....

He NEVER got her house.. she kept his sorry ass in court for over a decade. ONE WOMAN.

Wait until Goldilocks gets a bunch OF PISSED OFF TEXAS RANCHERS on his fat ass.

never will be a wall.
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Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?
Not to hijack the thread, but I wonder if Trump will flip flop again. And it's curious how he made this announcement, which isn't even his final say on what his initiative to resolve this is going to be.

Typically, a potus calls up a friendly legislator or two and spins what he thinks needs to be in a bill. Obama did this with Obamacare, Reagan several times with tax bills, LBJ with medicare ..... etc. What emerges is something the principles think can be sold and adequately addresses the issue. In this case, Trump surprised everyone, and still hasn't give speciifcs on how long the path to citizenship has to be, whether there's some financial payment, how much border security has to be in the bill, how much funding for the Wall, what changes to chain immigration he has to have and .... wait for it .... how many HB! visas will be handed out and what will be done to protect American workers.

True, so called “dreamers” are a drag on society. And represent votes for deadbeat progressives/socialists....

Young Deadbeats are the future of the Democrat Party and that is why the Libtards are fighting to keep the DACA pricks here.
The Dreamers aren't deadbeats.

They are imported welfare queens for the despicable Democrat Party. That is why the Democrats are fighting so hard to keep the little shitheads in the country. Only Moon Bats would be in denial of that..
Dreamers are illegals. They are not allowed to be on welfare. They must be working, serving in the military or attending school in order to even be a dreamer. So.....not eligible for benefits, have to be working.
Try again.

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.
Why not fine them?
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

... and Question #2 will all the left wing dingbats give him any credit for doing the right thing?

My guess is that the whole script will "flip flop", the Trumpkins that were against it will praise him for it and the left wing dingbats that wanted a pathway to citizenship for the "dreamers" will criticize him for it and try to come up with some convoluted, disingenuous argument that Obama should be given the credit.:rolleyes:

If Trump agrees to a reasonable outcome for DACA, I will lower my rating of him to 94% asshole.

That's nice...
... what's even nicer is that you apparently acknowledge that you're a left wing dingbat.

"My work here is done" -- Anthony Hope, Prisoner of Zenda

lol, a few years from now you'll be smack dab in the middle of the crowd claiming they never really agreed with Trump much in the first place, or even liked him, or ever thought he was a good president.

The eventual 'Donald who?!" crowd.

100% true.
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

All depends on what he can get out of it.

And like dems, he can promise something 10-12 years from now knowing it will never be delivered.

Like the border security that had approved funding but nothing appropriated for the past decade.

Well if the DACA people get a 10 year path to citizenship, that's means they won't be deported. And deporting them is what the hardliners in Trump's base want.
Do you have links to the articles you are referring to?

Not all locations need a fence. Some, as you say, may not support a fence.....but if you can eliminate, I dunno, 1,000 square miles that currently have to be covered / protected by 1 or 2 USBPAs and reduce that number down to 20, that is an awesome thing.

You are arguing that
since the wall will not be one continuous wall then we should not even have one. That's stupid.

No I am arguing that if there are enough gaps it makes spending billions on a wall a waste of resources that could be better spent by the border patrol and the States securing the borders. The wall will end up being a money pit that we as tax payers will end up footing despite Trump’s lie about Mexico paying for it.
Thanks for your expert opinion; however, I will take the word of REAL experts.

That’s who I am listening to.
Those are just voices in your head.

We get it. You want status quo, open borders, and you applaud Schumer for standing with Illegals over Americans but hate him because he caved. I may be wrong, but it sure seems that way.

How does suggesting giving that budget to the border patrol and States equate to “I want open borders”? That’s the problem with you Trumpers. To make yourself feel better about your Messiah, his lies, you put words into people’s mouths like Liberals want open borders B.S. It’s asinine. If putting words into my mouth makes you feel better? Have at it.
The left does want open borders. How do we know?
because you guys always want to grant amnesty for illegals
you guys do nothing to stop them from coming in
hell you guys even cheer the stupid immigration of muslims in Europe, all because you hate whitey.

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