Now that Trump has endorsed a path to citizenship for the Dreamers

Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?
It's on good once we see that big beautiful wall.

The wall will take 20 years and can simply be stopped the next time an anti-wall government gets in place.

It's a boondoggle.

its a campaign sales pitch that became an idiot pipe dream, and will end up in the crapper just like the rest of their inane tripe does.

Trump took the politicians' tactic of wild campaign promises and elevated it to its extreme,

and sadly, we found out that you can't make it extreme enough for people to stop believing it.
Your trolling is boring.
How is that trolling?

OK, maybe not. I forgot. You're the guy who wants to bring back Jim Crow. I guess an extreme position against the DACA 'kids' looks mild in comparison.
Im against institutional discrimination of any kind.
Good lord. Wanna try for three strikes?

Your position that businesses should be ALLOWED to discriminate against black people is what?
against anyone. It isnt all about black people, ya damn racist.
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property as long as it doesnt impede on someone elses liberty.

So it wasn't genocide because Hitler didn't kill just Jews?

lol, good one.
Well we are discussing ONLY children brought here by their parents as minors. Deport the parents. The children may go with their parents and keep the family together.

So you think that children should be the beneficiary of the criminal acts of the parents?

That is dumb and against American ideas of justic.

DACA is not only allowing the little bastards to stay here but there is a sizable funding component even beyond the normal welfare that all Illegals eat up like for education, social security, Obamacare etc.

DACA is a bad program.

You are a bad person. Empathy is a common characteristic of the human species, it is even seen in the animal kingdom. A lack of empathy - either willfully or out of malice, is characteristic of a sociopath.
giving away other peoples stuff to people who shouldn't be here is psychopathic. People who shouldn't be here is called an invasion. Those that support the invasion are called traitors....End of game, you lose...

Most of these people work very hard either in school or a job that most Americans would not do for minimum wage.

You see them digging holes, or cleaning toilets, picking your fruits or veggies out in 100 degree weather.

I don't think any of us think that a criminal should stay...

And one other thing, if they worked so fucking hard and do jobs no Americans would do, why the FUCK, isn't their country doing as well? Your argument is so full of shitholes just like the countries they left..

You make about 2.50 an hour in a Mexican factory, if you're lucky.
Democrats NEVER wanted to pass DACA. They preferred it to be a political hot button - an ISSUE - with which to attack the GOP. If they had actually wanted to pass DACA they could have done so - just like how they rammed the ACA into law - when they had the chance. The CHOSE not to.

Barry robbed them of their 'hot button issue' when he instituted his un-Constitutional EO. Now that the EO has been wiped off the books, the Liberals / snowflakes are in their glory again - they have their 'ISSUE' back.

Schumer FOOLISHLY used it during the budget battle, leading his fellow Democrats right off the cliff like Lemmings. DACA was / is a separate issue, and despite getting everything they wanted in the budget bill Schumer and the Democrats chose to shut down the government to stand with illegals over Americans for a cause / legislation that would not get addressed by the govt - which they shut down - until the budget legislation had passed....which they prevented from happening by shutting down the govt.

How is that trolling?

OK, maybe not. I forgot. You're the guy who wants to bring back Jim Crow. I guess an extreme position against the DACA 'kids' looks mild in comparison.
Im against institutional discrimination of any kind.
Good lord. Wanna try for three strikes?

Your position that businesses should be ALLOWED to discriminate against black people is what?
against anyone. It isnt all about black people, ya damn racist.
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property as long as it doesnt impede on someone elses liberty.

So it wasn't genocide because Hitler didn't kill just Jews?

lol, good one.

That is the worst analogy i have heard all week. Congrats
and i have read dr love and rderps posts..
is there such a thing as a worthwhile Illegal? Seems that anyone who snuck across the border and didn't follow our laws, isn't very worthy of anything...

Well we are discussing ONLY children brought here by their parents as minors. Deport the parents. The children may go with their parents and keep the family together.

So you think that children should be the beneficiary of the criminal acts of the parents?

That is dumb and against American ideas of justic.

DACA is not only allowing the little bastards to stay here but there is a sizable funding component even beyond the normal welfare that all Illegals eat up like for education, social security, Obamacare etc.

DACA is a bad program.

You are a bad person. Empathy is a common characteristic of the human species, it is even seen in the animal kingdom. A lack of empathy - either willfully or out of malice, is characteristic of a sociopath.

giving away other peoples stuff to people who shouldn't be here is psychopathic. People who shouldn't be here is called an invasion. Those that support the invasion are called traitors....End of game, you lose...

Most of these people work very hard either in school or a job that most Americans would not do for minimum wage.

You see them digging holes, or cleaning toilets, picking your fruits or veggies out in 100 degree weather.

I don't think any of us think that a criminal should stay...


Consider the word "criminal" and how Trump&Co. simplify what is a very complex legal issue.

For federal crimes, the minimum age of criminal responsibility is 11; however, (try to) read this, which is one part of the Child Justice Act:

The Child Justice Act: a detailed consideration of section 68 as a point of departure with respect to the sentencing of young offenders
Your trolling is boring.
How is that trolling?

OK, maybe not. I forgot. You're the guy who wants to bring back Jim Crow. I guess an extreme position against the DACA 'kids' looks mild in comparison.
Im against institutional discrimination of any kind.
Good lord. Wanna try for three strikes?

Your position that businesses should be ALLOWED to discriminate against black people is what?
against anyone. It isnt all about black people, ya damn racist.
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property as long as it doesnt impede on someone elses liberty.
Yeah, like men porking another mans butt on their private property, as long as those fudge packers aren't filming and showing it on a big screen tv at the
lol, it's now as if nobody on this forum ever supported deporting the dreamers.

Deport all illegals

Your trolling is boring.
How is that trolling?

OK, maybe not. I forgot. You're the guy who wants to bring back Jim Crow. I guess an extreme position against the DACA 'kids' looks mild in comparison.
You know Jim Crow laws were Democrats that hated black people, like Al Gores father and Robert Byrd. And there wasn't a switch like the lying left always say, for once a racist, always a racist, that is why you always talk about someones skin color. Bwaaaahhhaaaaaa..Remember when a liberal is saying you are doing something wrong, they actually are the ones doing it.....
You make about 2.50 an hour in a Mexican factory, if you're lucky.
They should rally stay in Mexico and work on fixing that, making their country better. I mean, we give them enough foreign aid, and now that Barry is gone the Mexican Drug Cartels, Human traffickers, and MS13 have been dealt a huge setback....the people should have more of an advantage / chance now.

I'd be fine with giving them legal status but not citizenship. There HAS to be consequences for entering this country illegally. Not ever being able to vote seems fitting. NO to amnesty resulting in full citizenship.
Well we are discussing ONLY children brought here by their parents as minors. Deport the parents. The children may go with their parents and keep the family together.

So you think that children should be the beneficiary of the criminal acts of the parents?

That is dumb and against American ideas of justic.

DACA is not only allowing the little bastards to stay here but there is a sizable funding component even beyond the normal welfare that all Illegals eat up like for education, social security, Obamacare etc.

DACA is a bad program.

You are a bad person. Empathy is a common characteristic of the human species, it is even seen in the animal kingdom. A lack of empathy - either willfully or out of malice, is characteristic of a sociopath.
giving away other peoples stuff to people who shouldn't be here is psychopathic. People who shouldn't be here is called an invasion. Those that support the invasion are called traitors....End of game, you lose...

Most of these people work very hard either in school or a job that most Americans would not do for minimum wage.

You see them digging holes, or cleaning toilets, picking your fruits or veggies out in 100 degree weather.

I don't think any of us think that a criminal should stay...

And one other thing, if they worked so fucking hard and do jobs no Americans would do, why the FUCK, isn't their country doing as well? Your argument is so full of shitholes just like the countries they left..

It's very clear that you are full of anger, and emotion rules your judgments. It is also clear you are ignorant of the law and are a biddable (easily led) person who may be incapable of making independent decisions.
I also saw them sneak over the border.. If I worked hard for you in your house, while breaking the law and taking your stuff, would you be a little pissed, for take me out to dinner?

What the Liberals are basically arguing for / defending is a criminal's right to break into your house and squat, illegally taking up residence in your home, eating you food, staying for free, and - sometimes - hurting your family...but you should not be allowed to have them removed. They should be allowed to stay. You should continue to be forced to feed, clothe, shelter them, give them free medical, ignore the crimes they commit, etc....

Open borders - no locks on your door...same same.....from the people who walk around every day who live in homes heavily secured, who have walls and fences, and who have heavily armed security details making sure the 'peasants' (not just criminals) don't get too close or harm them.
So you think that children should be the beneficiary of the criminal acts of the parents?

That is dumb and against American ideas of justic.

DACA is not only allowing the little bastards to stay here but there is a sizable funding component even beyond the normal welfare that all Illegals eat up like for education, social security, Obamacare etc.

DACA is a bad program.

You are a bad person. Empathy is a common characteristic of the human species, it is even seen in the animal kingdom. A lack of empathy - either willfully or out of malice, is characteristic of a sociopath.
giving away other peoples stuff to people who shouldn't be here is psychopathic. People who shouldn't be here is called an invasion. Those that support the invasion are called traitors....End of game, you lose...

Most of these people work very hard either in school or a job that most Americans would not do for minimum wage.

You see them digging holes, or cleaning toilets, picking your fruits or veggies out in 100 degree weather.

I don't think any of us think that a criminal should stay...

And one other thing, if they worked so fucking hard and do jobs no Americans would do, why the FUCK, isn't their country doing as well? Your argument is so full of shitholes just like the countries they left..

It's very clear that you are full of anger, and emotion rules your judgments. It is also clear you are ignorant of the law and are a biddable (easily led) person who may be incapable of making independent decisions.

What's very clear is that you had no answer to his point, and just decided to try to hide that by being insulting.

And you failed.
So you think that children should be the beneficiary of the criminal acts of the parents?

That is dumb and against American ideas of justic.

DACA is not only allowing the little bastards to stay here but there is a sizable funding component even beyond the normal welfare that all Illegals eat up like for education, social security, Obamacare etc.

DACA is a bad program.

You are a bad person. Empathy is a common characteristic of the human species, it is even seen in the animal kingdom. A lack of empathy - either willfully or out of malice, is characteristic of a sociopath.
giving away other peoples stuff to people who shouldn't be here is psychopathic. People who shouldn't be here is called an invasion. Those that support the invasion are called traitors....End of game, you lose...

Most of these people work very hard either in school or a job that most Americans would not do for minimum wage.

You see them digging holes, or cleaning toilets, picking your fruits or veggies out in 100 degree weather.

I don't think any of us think that a criminal should stay...

And one other thing, if they worked so fucking hard and do jobs no Americans would do, why the FUCK, isn't their country doing as well? Your argument is so full of shitholes just like the countries they left..

It's very clear that you are full of anger, and emotion rules your judgments. It is also clear you are ignorant of the law and are a biddable (easily led) person who may be incapable of making independent decisions.
Yeah I am angry, I see my little city of Manassas, slowly being turned into a shithole like the other counties those illegals come from. I am trying hard to get my house in order so I can sell it before the rest of the city closes up and only little Mexico takes full control. Where there were mom and pop shops are now shops that cater only to illegals, not one spick of English on their signs, knowing full well that Terry McAwefull and now the Lt Gov, is going to keep the status quo. I always thought you libtards were for the mom and pops, but now I see that isn't true, as the future illegal voters are more important to you than any US citizen.

Rules for radicals #6 doesn't work on me , tard, I don't feel guilty at all, for if something isn't done to get these criminals out of this country, 200,000,000 pissed off gun owners are going to have to do something, and you morons aren't going to like it...

Looks like you include the first settler's to land at Plymouth Rock as traitors.
Do you also hold such animus for the passengers and crew of the Mayflower?

If the Indians had put up a wall and restricted immigration they wouldn't be alcoholics sitting on reservations now, would they?

Looks like you include the first settler's to land at Plymouth Rock as traitors.
Do you also hold such animus for the passengers and crew of the Mayflower?

If the Indians had put up a wall and restricted immigration they wouldn't be alcoholics sitting on reservations now, would they?
they wouldn't be getting tax free status either. That pisses me off real big too. I am just as much NATIVE AMERICAN as they are..I thought everyone was supposed to pay their fair share...
Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

... and Question #2 will all the left wing dingbats give him any credit for doing the right thing?

My guess is that the whole script will "flip flop", the Trumpkins that were against it will praise him for it and the left wing dingbats that wanted a pathway to citizenship for the "dreamers" will criticize him for it and try to come up with some convoluted, disingenuous argument that Obama should be given the credit.:rolleyes:

If Trump agrees to a reasonable outcome for DACA, I will lower my rating of him to 94% asshole.

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!
OK, maybe not. I forgot. You're the guy who wants to bring back Jim Crow. I guess an extreme position against the DACA 'kids' looks mild in comparison.
Im against institutional discrimination of any kind.
Good lord. Wanna try for three strikes?

Your position that businesses should be ALLOWED to discriminate against black people is what?
against anyone. It isnt all about black people, ya damn racist.
People should be able to do whatever they want with their private property as long as it doesnt impede on someone elses liberty.

So it wasn't genocide because Hitler didn't kill just Jews?

lol, good one.

That is the worst analogy i have heard all week. Congrats
and i have read dr love and rderps posts..

Uh, excuse me but you tried to claim that you're not racist towards black people if you discriminate against more than just blacks.

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