Now that Trump has endorsed a path to citizenship for the Dreamers

Will all of his cult flip flop and claim that was a good idea all along?

... and Question #2 will all the left wing dingbats give him any credit for doing the right thing?

My guess is that the whole script will "flip flop", the Trumpkins that were against it will praise him for it and the left wing dingbats that wanted a pathway to citizenship for the "dreamers" will criticize him for it and try to come up with some convoluted, disingenuous argument that Obama should be given the credit.:rolleyes:

If Trump agrees to a reasonable outcome for DACA, I will lower my rating of him to 94% asshole.

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!

Use some common sense like 80% of Americans, and now at least for the moment including Trump, are using.

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!
Only if you are one of the Liberal 'Preferred Class' of people - you know, terrorists, illegals, human traffickers, MS13....
When poverty is exported into your country then it will become a shithole just like country that exported the poverty.

That is what we are seeing in Kaifornia with tremendous debt and the highest poverty rate in the nation. Pretty soon the money from the Limousine Liberals in Hollywood and Silicon Valley will run out and Kalifornia will be another Mexico.
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Use some common sense like 80% of Americans, and now at least for the moment including Trump, are using.

Schumer should have tried that before he led his fellow Democrats off the CLIFF by standing with illegals to shut down the govt (SCHUMER SHUTDOWN)! :p

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!
Only if you are one of the Liberal 'Preferred Class' of people - you know, terrorists, illegals, human traffickers, MS13....

Democrat voter?

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!

Use some common sense like 80% of Americans, and now at least for the moment including Trump, are using.

It is not common sense, you stupid Moon Bat, to allow shithole countries to import their poverty to the US.

You inability to understand that speaks volumes as to why we call you Libtard idiots "Moon Bats".
When poverty is exported into your country then it will become a shithole just like country that exported the poverty.

That is what we are seeing in Kaifornia with tremendous debt and the rightest poverty rate in the nation. Pretty soon the money from the Limousine Liberals in Hollywood and Silicon Valley will run out and Kalifornia will be another Mexico.
Happening right now, with one of the most liberal billionaires in the US.
Bill Gates Buys 25,000 Acres of Land in Arizona to Build 'Smart City'
"Belmont will create a forward-thinking community with a communication and infrastructure spine that embraces cutting-edge technology, designed around high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and distribution models, autonomous vehicles and autonomous logistics hubs," Belmont Partners said in a news release.
He knows that the regressives of Californication will just take all the money from him and his city and give it to the migrants from poverty stricken Chicago, Detroit and other shithole cities. At least in Arizona, it is too hot for many of the poor so will head to Stockton and live the Socialist dream where the rich with $500 a month will be paid the same as the poor with $500 a month. Equally poor and equally miserable...

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!

Use some common sense like 80% of Americans, and now at least for the moment including Trump, are using.

It is not common sense, you stupid Moon Bat, to allow shithole countries to import their poverty to the US.

You inability to understand that speaks volumes as to why we call you Libtard idiots "Moon Bats".

butthurt snowflake betrayed by his daddy .. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!

Use some common sense like 80% of Americans, and now at least for the moment including Trump, are using.

It is not common sense, you stupid Moon Bat, to allow shithole countries to import their poverty to the US.

You inability to understand that speaks volumes as to why we call you Libtard idiots "Moon Bats".

butthurt snowflake betrayed by his daddy .. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Damn you libtards cant even come up with your own derogatory terms.. pathetic....
I'd be fine with giving them legal status but not citizenship. There HAS to be consequences for entering this country illegally. Not ever being able to vote seems fitting. NO to amnesty resulting in full citizenship.

The penalty for entering the US without authorization is a civil matter, not criminal. Only when one does enter the country and overstays, and is then deported (a civil action), only when they return, after a civil deportation, are they culpable for a crime.

Trump promised to round up the est. 11 million aliens who reside in this country and deport them. He hasn't, and the cost to do so has not been authorized by The Congress.

Herein is some background on tangential issues, well worth reading:

Bracero program - Wikipedia

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia

Delano grape strike - Wikipedia

Lessons to be learned.

The Dreamers should stay if only because their presence here is water under the bridge, so to speak. Grandfather them in, make a new policy if you want, and move on.

So if broke into somebody's house last week then I should not be charged with trespass now because it is "water under the bridge"? LOL!

Use some common sense like 80% of Americans, and now at least for the moment including Trump, are using.

It is not common sense, you stupid Moon Bat, to allow shithole countries to import their poverty to the US.

You inability to understand that speaks volumes as to why we call you Libtard idiots "Moon Bats".

butthurt snowflake betrayed by his daddy .. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Damn you libtards cant even come up with your own derogatory terms.. pathetic....


it fits you better than a dem, you whining little bitch.
If Trump agrees to a reasonable outcome for DACA, I will lower my rating of him to 94% asshole.
Yeah, and I am sure he is losing sleep over what you think of him, snowflake... :p

You should be losing sleep over him selling you out, cult member.
So far Trump has stepped in and eliminated the majority of Obama's Un-Constitutional / Illegal Legacy, has led the country to an economic boom, has lowered unemployment / welfare / food stamp usage to record levels...which has absolutely pissed-off every 'Armageddon-predicting' liberal and snowflake.

He has not, like Obama did,:
- Added nearly $7 trillion in new debt his 1st 4 years
- Affected the 1st / only US Credit rating Downgrade
- Financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended and protected terrorists
- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels
- Protected terrorist-financing Hezbollah terrorist drug operations
- Given terrorists millions or paid them ransoms
- Released enemy leaders to keep a campaign promise
- Hidden Russian bribes, extortion, intimidation, hacking, interfering
- Violated the Constitution to push his own agenda
- Illegally spied on citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, or USSC Justices
- Attempted to spy on political candidates during an election
- Attempted to hack into state election processes during an election
- Dragged the US into multiple Un-Constitutional / Un-Authorized help terrorists
- Run his own drone assassination program, stripped Americans of rights and killed them
- Interfered in other nations' elections / governance to help terrorists take over countries
- Mocked Americans while abroad before terrorists he let into the country killed Americans

Compared to Obama, Trump is the best President we have ever had. Of course, compared to Obama, EVERY President is the best we have ever had...even CARTER.
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When poverty is exported into your country then it will become a shithole just like country that exported the poverty..

Most of the recent nobel prizes won in America were by immigrants. We don't just import poverty, we import brain power. Something seriously lacking in those who want to stop immigration from countries except for Norway.
You should be losing sleep over him selling you out, cult member.

'MAGA' - Make America Great Again...and has been doing just that.

Spent 8 years helping terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, Hezbollah drug Ops, the Iranians, the Russians, Human traffickers, MS13, violent illegals, and criminal Democrats....

I'd be fine with giving them legal status but not citizenship. There HAS to be consequences for entering this country illegally. Not ever being able to vote seems fitting. NO to amnesty resulting in full citizenship.

The penalty for entering the US without authorization is a civil matter, not criminal. Only when one does enter the country and overstays, and is then deported (a civil action), only when they return, after a civil deportation, are they culpable for a crime.

Trump promised to round up the est. 11 million aliens who reside in this country and deport them. He hasn't, and the cost to do so has not been authorized by The Congress.

Herein is some background on tangential issues, well worth reading:

Bracero program - Wikipedia

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia

Delano grape strike - Wikipedia

Lessons to be learned.
Which is why those undocumented are not "illegal."

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