Now that we know it was the Dems and not the Russians who tried to manipulate the election

DC is rotten to the core, its corrupt, bought off. Now you know why both parties like to keep things quiet and the status quo maintained. They don't want Trump pulling back any of the layers on this cesspool.

Trump is a part of the cesspool. The swamp is being restocked with different alligators. All a company has to do is call Trump and the Republicans in Washington to get rid of regulations that they don't like and they immediately comply. The ordinary people are getting crushed by the Republicans in Washington and Trump is a part of it.

Regulations that made sense but were rescinded:
Allowing coal companies to dump coal waste in rivers
Requiring companies to disclose payments to foreign governments
Requiring airlines to disclose hidden fees
Requiring financial advisors to act in the best interests of their clients
Barring ISPs from selling your information
Banning federal contractors from imposing binding arbitration on workers
Who should be the first to go to jail?
The investigation into allegations the Russian government tried to interfere in our election has been going on since the DNC hack a year ago, and yet not one piece of evidence has been produced to indicate the Russia government has done anything. Based on the facts in evidence the only logical conclusion is that the entire Russian narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton. The important question now is not who will go to prison but how do we prevent future governments from repeating the Obama administration's assault on our democratic institutions.

You are the ones who are assaulting our democratic institutions. 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians did interfere in our elections. These are people who are working to protect us yet you attack them because you don't like their conclusion. A former FBI agent testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and talked about Russian attempts to interfere in our elections since 2009.

Even now we have seen several Russian attempts to interfere in other countries' elections. Brexit in England and Presidential elections in the Netherlands and France. In France, we have even seen hacking attacks used against their favored candidate's opponent.
The fact remains that there is not one fact in evidence to support Obama's Russia narrative. How can this be? All these people from the Obama administration promoting the Russia narrative and yet not one of them can produce a single fact to support it. Now, a year after the investigation began, based on the facts in evidence a reasonable person will conclude the whole Russia narrative was just an invention of the Obama administration to try to influence the election in Clinton's favor, and will want to hold to account all those who misused our intelligence services for political purposes.
At Right Neo-Fascism: hand in hand government and business cooperation, anti-worker, uber nationalistic, xenophobic, racialistic, nativistic and anti democratic institutions and electoral procedures.

Examples of such personalities here include bear513, tyroneweaver, CrusaderFrank, and the usual gang of suspects.

Spying on your political enemies is left-wing Fascism, new and old
Who should be the first to go to jail?

This is ridiculous.

The elections have been manipulated since day 1 in the USA. Democracy? Nah... who needs democracy.

You get two parties doing everything to keep their own power, there's no space for smaller parties and they know it.

But then they tell you to fight against the other party, and not to fight against BOTH parties which are the problem.
The gop are tools for sure but the progressive left are a danger to the American way of life.
At Right Neo-Fascism: hand in hand government and business cooperation, anti-worker, uber nationalistic, xenophobic, racialistic, nativistic and anti democratic institutions and electoral procedures.

Examples of such personalities here include bear513, tyroneweaver, CrusaderFrank, and the usual gang of suspects.

Spying on your political enemies is left-wing Fascism, new and old
The FBI and the intel agencies surveil criminals and their acts, CF, and those who try to deflect from t hem.
At Right Neo-Fascism: hand in hand government and business cooperation, anti-worker, uber nationalistic, xenophobic, racialistic, nativistic and anti democratic institutions and electoral procedures.

Examples of such personalities here include bear513, tyroneweaver, CrusaderFrank, and the usual gang of suspects.

Spying on your political enemies is left-wing Fascism, new and old
The FBI and the intel agencies surveil criminals and their acts, CF, and those who try to deflect from t hem.

Obama bin Criming

Who should be the first to go to jail?
The investigation into allegations the Russian government tried to interfere in our election has been going on since the DNC hack a year ago, and yet not one piece of evidence has been produced to indicate the Russia government has done anything. Based on the facts in evidence the only logical conclusion is that the entire Russian narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton. The important question now is not who will go to prison but how do we prevent future governments from repeating the Obama administration's assault on our democratic institutions.

You are the ones who are assaulting our democratic institutions. 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians did interfere in our elections. These are people who are working to protect us yet you attack them because you don't like their conclusion. A former FBI agent testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and talked about Russian attempts to interfere in our elections since 2009.

Even now we have seen several Russian attempts to interfere in other countries' elections. Brexit in England and Presidential elections in the Netherlands and France. In France, we have even seen hacking attacks used against their favored candidate's opponent.
The fact remains that there is not one fact in evidence to support Obama's Russia narrative. How can this be? All these people from the Obama administration promoting the Russia narrative and yet not one of them can produce a single fact to support it. Now, a year after the investigation began, based on the facts in evidence a reasonable person will conclude the whole Russia narrative was just an invention of the Obama administration to try to influence the election in Clinton's favor, and will want to hold to account all those who misused our intelligence services for political purposes.
Let me explain something called classified information. It basically means that for reasons such as potential interference in an investigation, or tipping off the subject of the investigation, the public cannot be told certain information.

Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation.
Who should be the first to go to jail?
The investigation into allegations the Russian government tried to interfere in our election has been going on since the DNC hack a year ago, and yet not one piece of evidence has been produced to indicate the Russia government has done anything. Based on the facts in evidence the only logical conclusion is that the entire Russian narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton. The important question now is not who will go to prison but how do we prevent future governments from repeating the Obama administration's assault on our democratic institutions.

You are the ones who are assaulting our democratic institutions. 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians did interfere in our elections. These are people who are working to protect us yet you attack them because you don't like their conclusion. A former FBI agent testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and talked about Russian attempts to interfere in our elections since 2009.

Even now we have seen several Russian attempts to interfere in other countries' elections. Brexit in England and Presidential elections in the Netherlands and France. In France, we have even seen hacking attacks used against their favored candidate's opponent.
The fact remains that there is not one fact in evidence to support Obama's Russia narrative. How can this be? All these people from the Obama administration promoting the Russia narrative and yet not one of them can produce a single fact to support it. Now, a year after the investigation began, based on the facts in evidence a reasonable person will conclude the whole Russia narrative was just an invention of the Obama administration to try to influence the election in Clinton's favor, and will want to hold to account all those who misused our intelligence services for political purposes.
Let me explain something called classified information. It basically means that for reasons such as potential interference in an investigation, or tipping off the subject of the investigation, the public cannot be told certain information.

Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation.
Do you think the Alt Right Neo-Fascists give a fuck if that stands in their way of taking absolute power.
Who should be the first to go to jail?
The investigation into allegations the Russian government tried to interfere in our election has been going on since the DNC hack a year ago, and yet not one piece of evidence has been produced to indicate the Russia government has done anything. Based on the facts in evidence the only logical conclusion is that the entire Russian narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton. The important question now is not who will go to prison but how do we prevent future governments from repeating the Obama administration's assault on our democratic institutions.

You are the ones who are assaulting our democratic institutions. 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians did interfere in our elections. These are people who are working to protect us yet you attack them because you don't like their conclusion. A former FBI agent testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and talked about Russian attempts to interfere in our elections since 2009.

Even now we have seen several Russian attempts to interfere in other countries' elections. Brexit in England and Presidential elections in the Netherlands and France. In France, we have even seen hacking attacks used against their favored candidate's opponent.
The fact remains that there is not one fact in evidence to support Obama's Russia narrative. How can this be? All these people from the Obama administration promoting the Russia narrative and yet not one of them can produce a single fact to support it. Now, a year after the investigation began, based on the facts in evidence a reasonable person will conclude the whole Russia narrative was just an invention of the Obama administration to try to influence the election in Clinton's favor, and will want to hold to account all those who misused our intelligence services for political purposes.
Let me explain something called classified information. It basically means that for reasons such as potential interference in an investigation, or tipping off the subject of the investigation, the public cannot be told certain information.

Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation.
Which administration has pled the 5th out of the last 2?
At Right Neo-Fascism: hand in hand government and business cooperation, anti-worker, uber nationalistic, xenophobic, racialistic, nativistic and anti democratic institutions and electoral procedures.

Examples of such personalities here include bear513, tyroneweaver, CrusaderFrank, and the usual gang of suspects.

Spying on your political enemies is left-wing Fascism, new and old
The FBI and the intel agencies surveil criminals and their acts, CF, and those who try to deflect from t hem.
Oh jake. Ye of little faith. You accuse us of being malefactors before you deliver us before the tribunal.
Who should be the first to go to jail?
The investigation into allegations the Russian government tried to interfere in our election has been going on since the DNC hack a year ago, and yet not one piece of evidence has been produced to indicate the Russia government has done anything. Based on the facts in evidence the only logical conclusion is that the entire Russian narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton. The important question now is not who will go to prison but how do we prevent future governments from repeating the Obama administration's assault on our democratic institutions.

You are the ones who are assaulting our democratic institutions. 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians did interfere in our elections. These are people who are working to protect us yet you attack them because you don't like their conclusion. A former FBI agent testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and talked about Russian attempts to interfere in our elections since 2009.

Even now we have seen several Russian attempts to interfere in other countries' elections. Brexit in England and Presidential elections in the Netherlands and France. In France, we have even seen hacking attacks used against their favored candidate's opponent.
The fact remains that there is not one fact in evidence to support Obama's Russia narrative. How can this be? All these people from the Obama administration promoting the Russia narrative and yet not one of them can produce a single fact to support it. Now, a year after the investigation began, based on the facts in evidence a reasonable person will conclude the whole Russia narrative was just an invention of the Obama administration to try to influence the election in Clinton's favor, and will want to hold to account all those who misused our intelligence services for political purposes.
Let me explain something called classified information. It basically means that for reasons such as potential interference in an investigation, or tipping off the subject of the investigation, the public cannot be told certain information.

Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation.
lol Do you actutally believe any of that? You say, "Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation." Which means you consider it possible that there is no evidence at the present time to support these allegations. But if there is no evidence to support the allegations, why has the Obama administration been talking about them as if they are proven facts. An investigation that cannot produce a single fact in evidence after a year is called a witch hunt.

I understand you really want all of these allegations to be true, but there was never a single fact in evidence to suggest there was a legitimate for any investigation. Unless you are just a true believer who has no use for facts or evidence, the only reasonable conclusion at this point is the the entire Russia narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton.
Can any Hillary voters address why it's OK for Hillary to get debate questions in advance from CNN, but not Trump?

Specifically, how is that OK? how does that show that CNN is an impartial news source?

It isn’t OK. Political Parties have a rule that whoever gets the most votes wins. That is basically the only real rule there is. Outside of that, the party elders, bosses, operatives, etc…. conspire to keep folks who are unelectable in the General like Ron Paul, Jerry Brown, and Bernie Sanders off the ticket. Their only interest is winning. There was a reason the RNC had sit-downs with Trump prior to his getting the nomination as early as March 2016. HRC was a Democrat and has been for years. Bernie Sanders was not a Democrat and still isn’t. He entered the Democratic Party Primary; that’s it. Much in the same way that you could enter a contest or a open golf tournament. If the DNC wanted to just anoint her as their candidate, they could have done so at any time before, during, or after the convention; not held a convention at all, or not fielded a candidate at all. It’s a private organization. The exact same thing could be said about the GOP.

What most low information dumbasses do not get is that the states have basically outsourced primary elections to the parties. This is why you see some deviation between the dates of the GOP and DNC primaries and caucuses, different rules on how delegates are rewarded, and sometimes awkward outcomes. For example, as I recall when HRC won Texas in 2008, she was awarded as many delegates as BHO received for winning Idaho because the margin in Texas was so close and the Idaho contest was a blowout in his favor. The role the State’s play is basically certifying that the elections were carried out competently, fairly, and lawfully.

The General Election is put on by the State itself which is why you often have a different polling place for it than the primary.

As for CNN and it’s impartiality, if you were to be impartial yourself, you’d find that most of the media is pretty much down the middle. One of the constant chants I heard growing up in the South was that “blacks are always looking for ways to be offended”. Basically the average conservative has taken on that role themselves all the way up to the unfortunate dope who is Trump’s press secretary.
At Right Neo-Fascism: hand in hand government and business cooperation, anti-worker, uber nationalistic, xenophobic, racialistic, nativistic and anti democratic institutions and electoral procedures.

Examples of such personalities here include bear513, tyroneweaver, CrusaderFrank, and the usual gang of suspects.

Jake, print this out...


It's a childish 9 year-old's inaccurate meme of politics and liberty/freedom.
At Right Neo-Fascism: hand in hand government and business cooperation, anti-worker, uber nationalistic, xenophobic, racialistic, nativistic and anti democratic institutions and electoral procedures.

Examples of such personalities here include bear513, tyroneweaver, CrusaderFrank, and the usual gang of suspects.

Jake, print this out...


It's a childish 9 year-old's inaccurate meme of politics and liberty/freedom.

It's accurate Jake. State Control is the Left Wing you love
At Right Neo-Fascism: hand in hand government and business cooperation, anti-worker, uber nationalistic, xenophobic, racialistic, nativistic and anti democratic institutions and electoral procedures.

Examples of such personalities here include bear513, tyroneweaver, CrusaderFrank, and the usual gang of suspects.

Spying on your political enemies is left-wing Fascism, new and old
The FBI and the intel agencies surveil criminals and their acts, CF, and those who try to deflect from t hem.
Oh jake. Ye of little faith. You accuse us of being malefactors before you deliver us before the tribunal.
If you are not a malefactor, then you have nothing to worry about.
Who should be the first to go to jail?
The investigation into allegations the Russian government tried to interfere in our election has been going on since the DNC hack a year ago, and yet not one piece of evidence has been produced to indicate the Russia government has done anything. Based on the facts in evidence the only logical conclusion is that the entire Russian narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton. The important question now is not who will go to prison but how do we prevent future governments from repeating the Obama administration's assault on our democratic institutions.

You are the ones who are assaulting our democratic institutions. 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians did interfere in our elections. These are people who are working to protect us yet you attack them because you don't like their conclusion. A former FBI agent testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and talked about Russian attempts to interfere in our elections since 2009.

Even now we have seen several Russian attempts to interfere in other countries' elections. Brexit in England and Presidential elections in the Netherlands and France. In France, we have even seen hacking attacks used against their favored candidate's opponent.
The fact remains that there is not one fact in evidence to support Obama's Russia narrative. How can this be? All these people from the Obama administration promoting the Russia narrative and yet not one of them can produce a single fact to support it. Now, a year after the investigation began, based on the facts in evidence a reasonable person will conclude the whole Russia narrative was just an invention of the Obama administration to try to influence the election in Clinton's favor, and will want to hold to account all those who misused our intelligence services for political purposes.
Let me explain something called classified information. It basically means that for reasons such as potential interference in an investigation, or tipping off the subject of the investigation, the public cannot be told certain information.

Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation.
lol Do you actutally believe any of that? You say, "Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation." Which means you consider it possible that there is no evidence at the present time to support these allegations. But if there is no evidence to support the allegations, why has the Obama administration been talking about them as if they are proven facts. An investigation that cannot produce a single fact in evidence after a year is called a witch hunt.

I understand you really want all of these allegations to be true, but there was never a single fact in evidence to suggest there was a legitimate for any investigation. Unless you are just a true believer who has no use for facts or evidence, the only reasonable conclusion at this point is the the entire Russia narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton.
Watergate took years. The basis of the alegations is circumstantial evidence. Not enough to be sure, but enough to raise suspicion.
Who should be the first to go to jail?

This is ridiculous.

The elections have been manipulated since day 1 in the USA. Democracy? Nah... who needs democracy.

You get two parties doing everything to keep their own power, there's no space for smaller parties and they know it.

But then they tell you to fight against the other party, and not to fight against BOTH parties which are the problem.
it's why trump was born fool.
Donna Brazile admits the emails were authentic where she gave the DNC debate questions for Hillary.

That's hacking an election. Unfair for one candidate to know the questions of the debate.
dude, the people don't understand this on the left. they just don't. they are but evil people without a conscience.
The investigation into allegations the Russian government tried to interfere in our election has been going on since the DNC hack a year ago, and yet not one piece of evidence has been produced to indicate the Russia government has done anything. Based on the facts in evidence the only logical conclusion is that the entire Russian narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton. The important question now is not who will go to prison but how do we prevent future governments from repeating the Obama administration's assault on our democratic institutions.

You are the ones who are assaulting our democratic institutions. 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians did interfere in our elections. These are people who are working to protect us yet you attack them because you don't like their conclusion. A former FBI agent testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and talked about Russian attempts to interfere in our elections since 2009.

Even now we have seen several Russian attempts to interfere in other countries' elections. Brexit in England and Presidential elections in the Netherlands and France. In France, we have even seen hacking attacks used against their favored candidate's opponent.
The fact remains that there is not one fact in evidence to support Obama's Russia narrative. How can this be? All these people from the Obama administration promoting the Russia narrative and yet not one of them can produce a single fact to support it. Now, a year after the investigation began, based on the facts in evidence a reasonable person will conclude the whole Russia narrative was just an invention of the Obama administration to try to influence the election in Clinton's favor, and will want to hold to account all those who misused our intelligence services for political purposes.
Let me explain something called classified information. It basically means that for reasons such as potential interference in an investigation, or tipping off the subject of the investigation, the public cannot be told certain information.

Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation.
lol Do you actutally believe any of that? You say, "Many investigations have taken years before anything definite was found, but a year of investigation is almost never enough time to uncover the full truth, especially when a majority of the president's colleagues have reason to be obstructing the investigation." Which means you consider it possible that there is no evidence at the present time to support these allegations. But if there is no evidence to support the allegations, why has the Obama administration been talking about them as if they are proven facts. An investigation that cannot produce a single fact in evidence after a year is called a witch hunt.

I understand you really want all of these allegations to be true, but there was never a single fact in evidence to suggest there was a legitimate for any investigation. Unless you are just a true believer who has no use for facts or evidence, the only reasonable conclusion at this point is the the entire Russia narrative was invented by the Obama administration to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton.
Watergate took years. The basis of the alegations is circumstantial evidence. Not enough to be sure, but enough to raise suspicion.
about the left you are correct. I'm waiting for the tumble.

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