Now that we won Im just gonna say it: Summer ‘21 Biden should step aside for Harris.

The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Who is feeding this shit to you tards?

Our common sense....
Which you have NEVER demonstrated.
But the point is we have it.......right libber?
Anyone who supports Trump has ZERO common sense. Never has there been such a collective of parroting submissive cucks in the history of America.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Watch what, Sleepy fill his diaper???
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Watch what, Sleepy fill his diaper???
Remember when Hillary was going to be dead in six months?


You dolts fall for the same horseshit over and over and over.

The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Who is feeding this shit to you tards?

Our common sense....
Which you have NEVER demonstrated.
But the point is we have it.......right libber?
Anyone who supports Trump has ZERO common sense. Never has there been such a collective of submissive cucks in the history of America.
Riiigght.....those real Americans who support the police, border protection, job creation, a strong economy and military and self responsibility.....all those horrible things. Such cucks!
Trump can and intends to run in 2024. He will be 78 years old. Biden will resign citing health and age to hedge against a Trump win.

Harris will be a do nothing president. She has been lazy and ineffective her entire career. The country will be effectively leaderless.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Watch what, Sleepy fill his diaper???
Remember when Hillary was going to be dead in six months?


You dolts fall for the same horseshit over and over and over.

Diaper Joe is a hundred years older than the Hildabeast whiner.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
I’m a fan of Joe not so much Kamala. I don’t think she’s got the chops for prez at the moment so we shall see how the next few years work out. My read as of now is that Kamala won’t get the big seat
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Wow that’s the best counter argument you can make?! You’re a child. Grow up
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
I’m a fan of Joe not so much Kamala. I don’t think she’s got the chops for prez at the moment so we shall see how the next few years work out. My read as of now is that Kamala won’t get the big seat
But she will spend as much time as she needs under it.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Wow that’s the best counter argument you can make?! You’re a child. Grow up
Countering what? Biden is a dementia patient already goofball.
Wow, this must be a brilliant president that you have chosen.

The first thing you want to do is to get rid of him as fast as possible.

Yup, under Trump winning is actually winning, while according to these idiots winning is losing.
Sorry man but Trump ain’t winning. He is actually looking like he fixing to lose by the same margin as he beat Hillary which I believe you all called.... a landslide. Interesting isnt it?
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

I think Joe is fully capable of 2-3 good years. If he steps down before the two year point, Harris can only serve one additional term. After the 2 year point she can serve out the term and be qualified for two full additional terms.
Biden isn't going to step aside after a year.

He's spent his entire life trying to become President.

He's not going to spend one year in the WH after taking 50 years to get there.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Wow that’s the best counter argument you can make?! You’re a child. Grow up
Countering what? Biden is a dementia patient already goofball.
A dementia patient just beat your great president?! Wow, that’s embarrassing
Wow, this must be a brilliant president that you have chosen.

The first thing you want to do is to get rid of him as fast as possible.

Yup, under Trump winning is actually winning, while according to these idiots winning is losing.
Sorry man but Trump ain’t winning. He is actually looking like he fixing to lose by the same margin as he beat Hillary which I believe you all called.... a landslide. Interesting isnt it?
What is interesting is that nobody voted for Democrat Senators or House reps that were likely qualified but managed to fill out mail ins for JUST Diaper Joe now that is interesting.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

You are delusional if you think Harris will win in 2024 or that the Democratic Party will retain the House or win the Senate...

Harris will lose and no matter how much you deny it the Democratic Party did poorly in a year they should have won the House, Senate and Oval Office!
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That isn't going to happen.

I agree and good thing to. Biden ain't to great but Harris is the leftist lefter out there. She finished last in the primaries and that was for a reason.

What Peach is suggesting is not going to happen.

As far as Harris goes, every election year the republicans say that the person or persons running for president and VP are the most liberal or leftist in the nation. Whether it's true or not.

I've heard it over and over and over again every 4 years.

I don't buy it.

I like Kamala Harris but she wasn't my choice for president. Neither was Biden but I put our nation first and voted for them.

I will wait to see what they do while in office before I make any decisions on their ability to do the job.

I will say they have more experience and professionalism than trump and his cohorts.

Biden and Harris have histories of actually working for the people of our nation instead of themselves like trump has done all his life.
Wow, this must be a brilliant president that you have chosen.

The first thing you want to do is to get rid of him as fast as possible.

Yup, under Trump winning is actually winning, while according to these idiots winning is losing.
Sorry man but Trump ain’t winning. He is actually looking like he fixing to lose by the same margin as he beat Hillary which I believe you all called.... a landslide. Interesting isnt it?
What is interesting is that nobody voted for Democrat Senators or House reps that were likely qualified but managed to fill out mail ins for JUST Diaper Joe now that is interesting.
Who told you that nonsense?
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Yeah, the republican controlled Senate is just going to step aside and let Biden do some things he wants. :rolleyes-41:

There is LOTS he can do without McTurtle. Normalize relations with our allies. restore dignity and respect to the office and around the world. Rejoin Paris Agreement. Trash most if not all of Donald's executive orders ... LOTS.

Remember too that it appears we'll have two Senate runoffs in Georgia in which the D will be favored in both. Winning both gets the good guys to 50 with Kamala the tiebreaker!

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