Now that we won Im just gonna say it: Summer ‘21 Biden should step aside for Harris.

The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

Do you realize that many people will see this as a bait and switch and not be too pleased about it?
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

Counting yer chickens
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

So six months will be long enough for Joe to sit in the White House basement, huh?
Now that we won Im just gonna say it: Summer ‘21 Biden should step aside for Harris.
I truly hope so.
The chaos will be unimaginable.
Maybe she will pick AOC as her VP
Wow, this must be a brilliant president that you have chosen.

The first thing you want to do is to get rid of him as fast as possible.

Yup, under Trump winning is actually winning, while according to these idiots winning is losing.

Biden was our shepherd. He was/is to guide progressive young minds into office and now his mission is complete. We MUST honor the man and give him the historic recognition he deserves for the service he just did for America.

But even he would agree, let a younger group lead the next 8 years (and beyond)

I appreciate the candor in admitting your lies.

Wasnt a lie. Was a strategy and it WORKED. Georgia is blue. Arizona is blue. PA WI MI are blue. It worked.

Cheeto man lost fair and square
ROFL! He lost because of counting fraud. No one is fooled.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

That seems very reasonable.

He is obviously deteriorating. The most recent senior moment (confusing his granddaughter with his deceased son) is heart-breaking.

He poses a danger not only to himself but to the nation.

He has done what the Dems expected: Defeated President Trump.

As the OP suggests, he should be allowed to "govern" for a decent spell, and then he should tell the nation that it is time for him to retire and let the Vice President take over.

He will always be remembered as the man who saved the nation from what many people considered to be the reincarnation of A. Hitler!
That's what all the clueless dumbasses considered him to be.
Now that we won Im just gonna say it: Summer ‘21 Biden should step aside for Harris.
I truly hope so.
The chaos will be unimaginable.
Maybe she will pick AOC as her VP
So you voted for a man who you knew was not competent to hold the office?

BTW, Biden hasn't won yet.
Now that we won Im just gonna say it: Summer ‘21 Biden should step aside for Harris.
I truly hope so.
The chaos will be unimaginable.
Maybe she will pick AOC as her VP
So you voted for a man who you knew was not competent to hold the office?

BTW, Biden hasn't won yet.
Dude, I don't vote. Quit cold turkey in 08, but I love low comedy.
Remember...let a Prog get their ass handed to him or her. Including their children.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Harris is a call girl who "worked" her way into politics. Give me a break.
Ah, so Biden scored eh?

You mean Hunter? Yes, he probably scored a couple hundred dollar rocks of crack tonight, and a new laptop.

Bet you can't wait to see the Hunter Biden/Kamala Harris fuck videos coming out soon. I heard she can suck the chrome of a trailer hitch ball.
That's after she pulls them through a garden hose!
Now that we won Im just gonna say it: Summer ‘21 Biden should step aside for Harris.
I truly hope so.
The chaos will be unimaginable.
Maybe she will pick AOC as her VP
So you voted for a man who you knew was not competent to hold the office?

BTW, Biden hasn't won yet.
Dude, I don't vote. Quit cold turkey in 08, but I love low comedy.

The OP has been dropping some good laughers as he gushes for the new era of dystopian authoritarians to lock him up, feed him, and lead him by the nose.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Who is feeding this shit to you tards?

The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Who is feeding this shit to you tards?

Our common sense....
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Who is feeding this shit to you tards?

Our common sense....
Which you have NEVER demonstrated.
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch
Who is feeding this shit to you tards?

Our common sense....
Which you have NEVER demonstrated.
But the point is we have it.......right libber?
The ONE thing MAGA is right about is Bidens age. Its over we won, so now think long term. Harris can begin a 4-8 year strategic plan. Biden cant. I say let him have 6 months of honor and do some things he wants, and being the patriot servant he is, let him step down so Kamala Harris can begin a LONG TERM movement for 2024 and 2028. Otherwise this is just a 4 year wait until 2024 to start from scratch

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