Now the cons are upset?

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..not a peep out of the right wing. As a result of that phone call a meeting was set up to meet the Taliban leaders in Qatar..not a peep out of the right wing. In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...not a peep out of the right wing. In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..not a peep out of the right wing. In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...the right wing went ballistic.
In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..not a peep out of the right wing. As a result of that phone call a meeting was set up to meet the Taliban leaders in Qatar..not a peep out of the right wing. In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...not a peep out of the right wing. In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..not a peep out of the right wing. In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...the right wing went ballistic.

Mr. Pompeo, however, said the Taliban understood the Trump administration would have responded with force if they ran afoul of the deal they cut in 2020.

Mr. Biden blamed Mr. Trump over the weekend for leaving the extremist group “in the strongest position militarily since 2001” when he left office.

Mr. Pompeo said he wouldn’t let his ten-year-old son get away with this “pathetic blame-shifting.”

He should be less focused on trying to blame this on someone else than on solving the problem of making sure we protect and defend American security,” he said. “It is worth noting this did not happen on our watch.”
In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..not a peep out of the right wing. As a result of that phone call a meeting was set up to meet the Taliban leaders in Qatar..not a peep out of the right wing. In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...not a peep out of the right wing. In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..not a peep out of the right wing. In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...the right wing went ballistic.
Trump said Biden’s behavior was “the greatest embarrassment in the history of our country” – even though Trump actually signed the deal with the Taliban to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan in February 2020.

It had simply been delayed.

Mr. Pompeo, however, said the Taliban understood the Trump administration would have responded with force if they ran afoul of the deal they cut in 2020.

Mr. Biden blamed Mr. Trump over the weekend for leaving the extremist group “in the strongest position militarily since 2001” when he left office.

Mr. Pompeo said he wouldn’t let his ten-year-old son get away with this “pathetic blame-shifting.”

He should be less focused on trying to blame this on someone else than on solving the problem of making sure we protect and defend American security,” he said. “It is worth noting this did not happen on our watch.”
So Biden replaced all the military guys and personally he changed what our military would do if they took over?

I say fuck it. We're never going to win over there and the Taliban are going to take over. Let them take over. If the people of that country are still too weak to stop them, fuck them. They are sheep.
In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..not a peep out of the right wing. As a result of that phone call a meeting was set up to meet the Taliban leaders in Qatar..not a peep out of the right wing. In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...not a peep out of the right wing. In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..not a peep out of the right wing. In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...the right wing went ballistic.
For most, as far as i can tell, they are upset because biden had no plan.
tens fo thousands americans are stuck there. Do you not understand why that is bad?
Mr. Pompeo, however, said the Taliban understood the Trump administration would have responded with force if they ran afoul of the deal they cut in 2020.
Lol "We're finally getting out of Afghanistan! No more stupid wars! But if the Taliban runs AFOUL (a word beyond Trump's Kintergarten mentality) we'll jump full on right back into that stupid war!!!"

Fucking idiot
For most, as far as i can tell, they are upset because biden had no plan.
tens fo thousands americans are stuck there. Do you not understand why that is bad?
If you thought Afghanistan could ever end well, then you are part of why so many Americans were sent stupidly to die for nothing there.
Mr. Pompeo, however, said the Taliban understood the Trump administration would have responded with force if they ran afoul of the deal they cut in 2020.

Mr. Biden blamed Mr. Trump over the weekend for leaving the extremist group “in the strongest position militarily since 2001” when he left office.

Mr. Pompeo said he wouldn’t let his ten-year-old son get away with this “pathetic blame-shifting.”

He should be less focused on trying to blame this on someone else than on solving the problem of making sure we protect and defend American security,” he said. “It is worth noting this did not happen on our watch.”
Wut???? A former Trump appointee paints Trump as a superhero and Biden as a villain? Didn't see that coming.
Trump said Biden’s behavior was “the greatest embarrassment in the history of our country” – even though Trump actually signed the deal with the Taliban to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan in February 2020.

It had simply been delayed.

The withdrawal was contingent on the Taliban acting well and honoring the agreement. When they now started attacking villages around the countryside, they should have been met by superior air power.

We vacated Bahgram Airforce base though in the middle of the night without even notifying our Afghani military counterparts. Does that sound like a cohesive plan to you??? These details fall on Biden not Trump. Biden and his crew are supposed to be the pros and they called the TRump team J.V.

The way in which we pulled out our military without any joint cooperation with the Afghani military greatly increased the chances that they would be caught off guard. Meanwhile, the advancing Taliban were able to use twitter accounts and other social media to communicate with each other.
Honestly, it looks to me like Biden prepared for ZERO contingencies. Americans in country were not even notified that the US embassy was going to be vacated. Sorry but it wasnt TRumps place to handle the details during the Biden term in office. Biden had no trouble canceling out any other Trump policy or agreement he felt like over riding, so all I can see here is him making excuses.
He's nothing more than a lifelong politician who really knows nothing. He was supposed to be an "expert" on foreign affairs. 35+ years of experience and we get this?? At least Trump can say he had never been in politics before. He learned how to be President on the fly and did a pretty good job, all while being attacked and impeached by leftist operatives.
Lol "We're finally getting out of Afghanistan! No more stupid wars! But if the Taliban runs AFOUL (a word beyond Trump's Kintergarten mentality) we'll jump full on right back into that stupid war!!!"

Fucking idiot
That's how Republicans roll....
In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..
Just what was wrong with trying to barter a peaceful settlement where we can get out of Afghanistan? Do you love wars and death?

In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...
So we went from 70,000 Taliban to 75,000?

In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..
And kept the Taliban in check.

In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...
Stop lying. Biddum fucked it all up. First, he changed that dates and conditions delegitimizing and demoralizing the Afghan army, then he closed the Bagram air base while there were still thousands and thousands of civilians in the country needing to get out!

Face it, your fly boy Biddum FUCKED THINGS UP. He's in charge, he has total control, worse, he was a senator overseeing all of this or the actual Vice President in change of the war over there during the entire twenty years since the war began after 9/11!
The withdrawal was contingent on the Taliban acting well and honoring the agreement. When they now started attacking villages around the countryside, they should have been met by superior air power.

We vacated Bahgram Airforce base though in the middle of the night without even notifying our Afghani military counterparts. Does that sound like a cohesive plan to you??? These details fall on Biden not Trump. Biden and his crew are supposed to be the pros and they called the TRump team J.V.

The way in which we pulled out our military without any joint cooperation with the Afghani military greatly increased the chances that they would be caught off guard. Meanwhile, the advancing Taliban were able to use twitter accounts and other social media to communicate with each other.
Honestly, it looks to me like Biden prepared for ZERO contingencies. Americans in country were not even notified that the US embassy was going to be vacated. Sorry but it wasnt TRumps place to handle the details during the Biden term in office. Biden had no trouble canceling out any other Trump policy or agreement he felt like over riding, so all I can see here is him making excuses.
He's nothing more than a lifelong politician who really knows nothing. He was supposed to be an "expert" on foreign affairs. 35+ years of experience and we get this?? At least Trump can say he had never been in politics before. He learned how to be President on the fly and did a pretty good job, all while being attacked and impeached by leftist operatives.
It would have been a cluster fuck either way. Time to go. Let China have their turn.

No one has been an expert on Afganistan. Biden did the only thing he could. GTFO. You would have made excuses if this happened when Trump got out or you'd be saying the same thing I'm saying now. Instead you are armchair qb'ing.
The withdrawal was contingent on the Taliban acting well and honoring the agreement. When they now started attacking villages around the countryside, they should have been met by superior air power.

We vacated Bahgram Airforce base though in the middle of the night without even notifying our Afghani military counterparts. Does that sound like a cohesive plan to you??? These details fall on Biden not Trump. Biden and his crew are supposed to be the pros and they called the TRump team J.V.

The way in which we pulled out our military without any joint cooperation with the Afghani military greatly increased the chances that they would be caught off guard. Meanwhile, the advancing Taliban were able to use twitter accounts and other social media to communicate with each other.
Honestly, it looks to me like Biden prepared for ZERO contingencies. Americans in country were not even notified that the US embassy was going to be vacated. Sorry but it wasnt TRumps place to handle the details during the Biden term in office. Biden had no trouble canceling out any other Trump policy or agreement he felt like over riding, so all I can see here is him making excuses.
He's nothing more than a lifelong politician who really knows nothing. He was supposed to be an "expert" on foreign affairs. 35+ years of experience and we get this?? At least Trump can say he had never been in politics before. He learned how to be President on the fly and did a pretty good job, all while being attacked and impeached by leftist operatives.
Remember this?

Trump defends decision to abandon Kurdish allies in Syria​

President Donald Trump cast his decision to abandon Kurdish fighters in Syria as fulfilling a campaign promise to withdraw from “endless war” in the Middle East, even as Republican critics and others said he was sacrificing a U.S. ally and undermining American credibility.

Trump declared U.S. troops would step aside for an expected Turkish attack on the Kurds, who have fought alongside Americans for years, but he then threatened to destroy the Turks’ economy if they went too far.

Even Trump’s staunchest Republican congressional allies expressed outrage at the prospect of abandoning Syrian Kurds who had fought the Islamic State group with American arms and advice. It was the latest example of Trump’s approach to foreign policy that critics condemn as impulsive, that he sometimes reverses and that frequently is untethered to the advice of his national security aides.
Just what was wrong with trying to barter a peaceful settlement where we can get out of Afghanistan? Do you love wars and death?

So we went from 70,000 Taliban to 75,000?

And kept the Taliban in check.

Stop lying. Biddum fucked it all up. First, he changed that dates and conditions delegitimizing and demoralizing the Afghan army, then he closed the Bagram air base while there were still thousands and thousands of civilians in the country needing to get out!

Face it, your fly boy Biddum FUCKED THINGS UP. He's in charge, he has total control, worse, he was a senator overseeing all of this or the actual Vice President in change of the war over there during the entire twenty years since the war began after 9/11!
So he turned his back on our allies?

Trump defends decision to abandon Kurdish allies in Syria​

President Donald Trump cast his decision to abandon Kurdish fighters in Syria as fulfilling a campaign promise to withdraw from “endless war” in the Middle East, even as Republican critics and others said he was sacrificing a U.S. ally and undermining American credibility.

Trump declared U.S. troops would step aside for an expected Turkish attack on the Kurds, who have fought alongside Americans for years, but he then threatened to destroy the Turks’ economy if they went too far.

Even Trump’s staunchest Republican congressional allies expressed outrage at the prospect of abandoning Syrian Kurds who had fought the Islamic State group with American arms and advice. It was the latest example of Trump’s approach to foreign policy that critics condemn as impulsive, that he sometimes reverses and that frequently is untethered to the advice of his national security aides.
In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..not a peep out of the right wing. As a result of that phone call a meeting was set up to meet the Taliban leaders in Qatar..not a peep out of the right wing. In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...not a peep out of the right wing. In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..not a peep out of the right wing. In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...the right wing went ballistic.
Two people cook a steak. One creats beef jerky the other a perfect medium steak.

It's all in the details and process. The very least Biden could have done was started this WEEKS ago and secured all the routes out as well as the airport.
But I digress, beef jerky it is.
Mr. Pompeo, however, said the Taliban understood the Trump administration would have responded with force if they ran afoul of the deal they cut in 2020.

Mr. Biden blamed Mr. Trump over the weekend for leaving the extremist group “in the strongest position militarily since 2001” when he left office.

Mr. Pompeo said he wouldn’t let his ten-year-old son get away with this “pathetic blame-shifting.”

He should be less focused on trying to blame this on someone else than on solving the problem of making sure we protect and defend American security,” he said. “It is worth noting this did not happen on our watch.”

The Biden cultists will NEVER understand that there's a right way to do these things, and a wrong way. And Red Joe ALWAYS picks the wrong way. He has a 50 year track record of fucking up everything he does.
In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..not a peep out of the right wing. As a result of that phone call a meeting was set up to meet the Taliban leaders in Qatar..not a peep out of the right wing. In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...not a peep out of the right wing. In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..not a peep out of the right wing. In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...the right wing went ballistic.
More selected (classified) leaks from left wing former "intelligence" types desperate to blame the former president for what's happening now? Trump might have made a hundred phone calls to Taliban maniacs looking for a deal but the deal never happened and now we are stuck with a confused president who gives an address to Americans about covid booster shots while Afghanistan is falling apart.
In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..not a peep out of the right wing. As a result of that phone call a meeting was set up to meet the Taliban leaders in Qatar..not a peep out of the right wing. In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...not a peep out of the right wing. In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..not a peep out of the right wing. In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...the right wing went ballistic.

Trump didn’t plan on leaving thousands of Americans behind. There are going to be many Americans killed and taken hostage.

There were terms to the deal of leaving Afghanistan. It didn’t involve just packing up and leaving billions of $ of military equipment and thousands of citizens behind.

You people have serious mental problems.

Trump didn’t plan on leaving thousands of Americans behind. There are going to be many Americans killed and taken hostage.

There were terms to the deal of leaving Afghanistan. It didn’t involve just packing up and leaving billions of $ of military equipment and thousands of citizens behind.

You people have serious mental problems.

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