now trump is denying the number of dead

Wrong tax cuts do not increase deficits as only spending can increase deficits

If you make spending a constant, then decreasing taxes (revenue) causes deficits to go up.

It's a simple case of separating the dependent from independent variables.
Spending however has never been constant. If spending decreases by more than tax cuts reduce income then the deficit is reduced. Which is also a fallacy because only paying off the debt can really reduce this and that has never happened with either high or lower taxes
Can you post a link that proves that locked down people like nursing home patients are safer than not locked down people

I can't link to individual sources, as nursing home comprise only a few percent of the number of people "locked down"

But in New York, Governor Cuomo reported that the lockdown has not only stopped the rise in cases, it flattened and then decreased the curve. The number of coronavirus cases is dropping on a daily basis, and has continued to fall for more than a week.

Proof that the lockdown works. You can watch Cuomo for the actual numbers.
The other thing I can say statistically, is after Reaction 'A' people still died, then Reaction 'A' might have been wrong.

Congratulations, you just proved that tax cuts cause federal deficits to go up.

Situation A = federal deficits
Reaction A = cut taxes

Result, deficits went up every time. They went up after Reagan, they went up after Bush, they went up after Trump.

You r command of statistics proved it true.
nope, you don't show the additional spending that was introduced in the same bills. When you increase spending by more than the expected revenues, guess what happens? deficits increase. Spending money is what causes deficits, not collecting taxes. that's a fact.

my wife fell sick in January and recovered. I know she had something more than the flu. It was noticeable. so what? did you know that people died of other flu viruses at the same time? She, my wife, never panicked, why did that dude?

Cause he was a California snowflake.
Spending however has never been constant. If spending decreases by more than tax cuts reduce income then the deficit is reduced. Which is also a fallacy because only paying off the debt can really reduce this and that has never happened with either high or lower taxes
When has spending ever gone DOWN?
If that's how you're basing tax cuts not inflating deficits, you'll have to find a different planet.
Spending however has never been constant. If spending decreases by more than tax cuts reduce income then the deficit is reduced. Which is also a fallacy because only paying off the debt can really reduce this and that has never happened with either high or lower taxes
When has spending ever gone DOWN?
If that's how you're basing tax cuts not inflating deficits, you'll have to find a different planet.
Tax cuts or hikes are meaningless to reducing the debt

Try thinking sometime
Tax cuts or hikes are meaningless to reducing the debt

Try thinking sometime
Who the f*** said anything bout debt? I'm talking deficits. Don't try to conflate terms.
The USA has no positive income and the debt is related to the deficits as the debt is the only think keeping the USA running.

Play on little one

You own many apple orchards like I do?
The USA has no positive income and the debt is related to the deficits as the debt is the only think keeping the USA running.
What the f*** are you babbling about?

The country running on debt was a republican invention.
We already know from numerous sources that many people are being counted as Covid deaths who did not die of Covid just to inflate the numbers. Some do it for political reasons, others for funding reasons, others for expediency reasons, others to hide their medical slovenliness and mistakes.
And many covid deaths have not been counted, who died at home, in nursing homes before they tested....And deaths in hospitals in January and February that were not tested....

Only those testing positive have been counted, if they died of viral pneumonia without a positive test, they were not counted in covid deaths.

It's likely higher than the counts now, not lower... even if some of the count includes someone who was going to die of something else that day are taken out of the hospital count.
you have no idea of anything except that no one is getting tested after they die. They, the experts, said so. so you don't know jack shit about jack shit.
really? no one?
I know I didn't stutter.



By Alex WigglesworthStaff Writer

April 15, 2020
5 AM

For Julie Murillo, the fight to get her husband tested for COVID-19 lasted twice as long as his battle with the illness itself.
Julio Ramirez fell sick March 8 after returning from a trip to Indiana for his job as a sales representative for a jewelry company. Fearing he’d been exposed to the coronavirus, the 43-year-old sought care, but doctors refused to test him on two separate occasions, instead giving him medication and telling him to rest at his San Gabriel home.
He died there March 16.
Nearly three weeks later, after a campaign by Murillo that included calling government agencies and hiring a private autopsy firm, a team from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health visited the funeral home where Ramirez’s body was being kept. Test results confirmed what Murillo had suspected: Her husband had contracted the coronavirus.

As public health officials struggle to get an accurate picture of the coronavirus outbreak, much attention has been paid to how limitations on testing have caused the reported number of cases to be artificially low. But deaths can also slip through the cracks and escape official tallies — at least in the absence of a savvy loved one who becomes an advocate for the dead, like Murillo.
So why am I not dead. Look doofy if you only test the dead, dying and seriously ill sure the disease looks bad. Now test the other 7.4 billion people who are not effected
You know what esalla, you can't seem to grasp the facts that matter? Yes, it is good to know the mortality RATE for COVID, especially for the modelers and actuaries trying to predict the number of deaths etc, as best as they can....I do understand that it is important to be accurate with this new virus...
But EVERYONE already knows that the death mortality RATE percentage, is going to be lower, because only those going to the hospital sick, are being tested and counted, which will reflect a higher mortality rate than what is actually occurring if many more people could be tested, which would include those infecting others, while being asymptomatic, themselves..

THIS IS NOT something we all do not already know, so why you are stuck on it, is beyond me???

what matters is HOW MANY people are losing their lives from this virus....

who really cares if the mortality rate is lower..... besides the bean counter modelers? when it is actually killing 10 times more people than in a bad flu year.... that would simply mean, the spread of the disease is greater and hidden by the asymptomatic and not testing, or the viral load and harm from it, is greater, than a flu..... things we do need to know eventually.....

but the ALARMS GOING OFF, should be the astronomical number of deaths that are taking place imo. It's a "DANGER, DANGER, DANGER Will Robinson!" moment.....

I am not going to let the president or any of you, diminish those people's lives who have died and the sorrow the families must feel... and are going thru.

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