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Now We Know The Truth About Accusing the Right of Being Racists

July 22, 2010
Hello, I'm a Racist, Pleased to Meet You

By Selwyn Duke

There is such a thing as a conditioned response. Here's an example: Leftists call conservatives "racists." Conservatives cower and stutter some defense. Leftists call conservatives "racists" some more. Conservatives cower some more. Question: How do you think you break this pattern?

We've seen this again with the recent vitriol spewed by NAACP head Ben Jealous (a fitting last name). Speaking at the NAACP convention in Kansas City, Jealous accused the Tea Party of, take a guess...cue the "Jeopardy!" music..."racism." Just as predictably, many conservatives are running around trying to convince everyone that, by gum, they really are swell guys. No, really. I'm not a racist. I don't beat my wife. I don't kick my dog. I eat my organic vegetables and drive a Prius.

Look, why don't we just save everyone the trouble? Every time a conservative renders an opinion, we can just play a recording with a little weaselly voice screeching, "You're a wacist! You're a wacist!" (Barney Frank-style) followed by a music video featuring The Cowering Conservative -- I mean 1950s-style, duck-and-cover footage, with the tune and all.

And such conservatives abound. Oh, don't get me wrong, conservative brethren, I love ya, man. But frankly, too many of you are saps. You really don't get it. People who advocated welfare reform in the 1990s were accused of being "racist." If you're for border control, you're "racist." If you criticize Obama, you're "racist." If you oppose quotas, you're "racist." If you say that, be it nature or nurture, there are differences among groups, you're "racist." If you want English to be the national language, you're "racist." The word has become meaningless, used only to stifle and stigmatize opposition. And if calling you a heretic worked in that regard, the left would do that. And if calling you a Fig Newton worked, they would do that.

for the rest of the article......American Thinker: Hello, I'm a Racist, Pleased to Meet You

Quite informative. Anyone who's been called a racist for their viewpoints might want to read this and learn from it.
The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.
right wing whacko list:

AllieBaba (07-23-2010), Annie (07-22-2010), AquaAthena (07-22-2010), ba1614 (07-22-2010), Foxfyre (07-23-2010), fyrenza (07-22-2010), Kat (07-22-2010), keee keee (Yesterday), KissMy (07-23-2010), masquerade (07-22-2010), Misty (07-22-2010), mudwhistle (07-22-2010), Nonelitist (07-23-2010), Pale Rider (07-22-2010), pete (07-23-2010), PLYMCO_PILGRIM (07-22-2010), sitarro (07-23-2010), The Rabbi (07-22-2010), The T (07-22-2010), Wicked Jester (07-23-2010), WillowTree (07-22-2010), Zander (07-23-2010), Zoom-boing (07-23-2010)


When Dante insults people, that's a definite affirmation that we are in the right!

The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.
right wing whacko list:

AllieBaba (07-23-2010), Annie (07-22-2010), AquaAthena (07-22-2010), ba1614 (07-22-2010), Foxfyre (07-23-2010), fyrenza (07-22-2010), Kat (07-22-2010), keee keee (Yesterday), KissMy (07-23-2010), masquerade (07-22-2010), Misty (07-22-2010), mudwhistle (07-22-2010), Nonelitist (07-23-2010), Pale Rider (07-22-2010), pete (07-23-2010), PLYMCO_PILGRIM (07-22-2010), sitarro (07-23-2010), The Rabbi (07-22-2010), The T (07-22-2010), Wicked Jester (07-23-2010), WillowTree (07-22-2010), Zander (07-23-2010), Zoom-boing (07-23-2010)


When Dante insults people, that's a definite affirmation that we are in the right!


awe, we get our little feelings hurt? you actually feel insulted?

right wing whacko list:

AllieBaba (07-23-2010), Annie (07-22-2010), AquaAthena (07-22-2010), ba1614 (07-22-2010), Foxfyre (07-23-2010), fyrenza (07-22-2010), Kat (07-22-2010), keee keee (Yesterday), KissMy (07-23-2010), masquerade (07-22-2010), Misty (07-22-2010), mudwhistle (07-22-2010), Nonelitist (07-23-2010), Pale Rider (07-22-2010), pete (07-23-2010), PLYMCO_PILGRIM (07-22-2010), sitarro (07-23-2010), The Rabbi (07-22-2010), The T (07-22-2010), Wicked Jester (07-23-2010), WillowTree (07-22-2010), Zander (07-23-2010), Zoom-boing (07-23-2010)


When Dante insults people, that's a definite affirmation that we are in the right!


awe, we get our little feelings hurt? you actually feel insulted?


You're not smart enough to realize she wears it like a badge of honor.
Dante has a hugely inflated sense of his importance in other people's lives. At most, he is the internet equivalent of a gnat.

Just sayin'.
If I were you, I'd be embarrassed by all of the absolute nuts that thanked you for this stupid post. You people love to act as though you are so innocent in your criticisms of President Obama. They are not truthful criticisms and you know that. Name calling and pictures of monkeys and just plain hate. And you say you're not falling for it?? A little turned around, aren't you?? We're not falling for it. Take all of those angelic faces that you feel have been so unjustly attacked, and go soak your heads. Idiots.

Sorry to disappoint, but I am thrilled that so many decent, honest people are not falling for the dishonest tactic of being accused of Racism because they do not support Obama's radical Big Government Agenda.

You are the one making it about race, not us. It would behoove you to engage in a bit of self-reflection to understand what that means about you.

Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???
Jim Webb is starting to see the light (although he continues to pander to blacks): . . . .

James Webb: Diversity and the Myth of White Privilege - WSJ.com

It's a step in the right direction.

Good find Boedicca. And this is another drum to add to the one I and a few others have been beating for years now. Thomas Sowell, one of my favorite historians, has done exhaustive study on the condition and progress of blacks in this country and has compiled irrefutable evidence that though still behind and still emeshed in segregation, black people were progressing and improving their situations at a far faster rate than white people were. . .UNTIL. . . .white people decided to help. From that point on, progress slowed to a crawl or, in some cases, reversed itself.

Good intentions can produce very bad unintended consequences. Until we all acknowledge that, and appreciate how much some are capitalizing on racism for their own purposes, it isn't going to get better. And there will be those who will keep on doing their damndest to make sure that racism in all of its ugliness will continue to be front and center in the American culture.

Interesting. You think anyone who dares bring up the topic of racism is capitalizing on racism and making it worse?

I guess as long as everyone else but Glenn Beck shuts up, you'll be happy.
If I were you, I'd be embarrassed by all of the absolute nuts that thanked you for this stupid post. You people love to act as though you are so innocent in your criticisms of President Obama. They are not truthful criticisms and you know that. Name calling and pictures of monkeys and just plain hate. And you say you're not falling for it?? A little turned around, aren't you?? We're not falling for it. Take all of those angelic faces that you feel have been so unjustly attacked, and go soak your heads. Idiots.

Sorry to disappoint, but I am thrilled that so many decent, honest people are not falling for the dishonest tactic of being accused of Racism because they do not support Obama's radical Big Government Agenda.

You are the one making it about race, not us. It would behoove you to engage in a bit of self-reflection to understand what that means about you.

Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???
i can name 2 right now

i liked that he gave the commander on the ship off Africa the authority to do what he had to do based on the situation at hand

and that he admitted that he was wrong in calling the Cambridge Police "acting stupidly"
now, can you name 2 things Bush did right?
Jim Webb is starting to see the light (although he continues to pander to blacks): . . . .

James Webb: Diversity and the Myth of White Privilege - WSJ.com

It's a step in the right direction.

Good find Boedicca. And this is another drum to add to the one I and a few others have been beating for years now. Thomas Sowell, one of my favorite historians, has done exhaustive study on the condition and progress of blacks in this country and has compiled irrefutable evidence that though still behind and still emeshed in segregation, black people were progressing and improving their situations at a far faster rate than white people were. . .UNTIL. . . .white people decided to help. From that point on, progress slowed to a crawl or, in some cases, reversed itself.

Good intentions can produce very bad unintended consequences. Until we all acknowledge that, and appreciate how much some are capitalizing on racism for their own purposes, it isn't going to get better. And there will be those who will keep on doing their damndest to make sure that racism in all of its ugliness will continue to be front and center in the American culture.

Interesting. You think anyone who dares bring up the topic of racism is capitalizing on racism and making it worse?

I guess as long as everyone else but Glenn Beck shuts up, you'll be happy.

That's not the point. The point is this. To USE the term "racist" to label anyone who disagrees with your political policy is wrong.

That's the point. Can you see that?
If I were you, I'd be embarrassed by all of the absolute nuts that thanked you for this stupid post. You people love to act as though you are so innocent in your criticisms of President Obama. They are not truthful criticisms and you know that. Name calling and pictures of monkeys and just plain hate. And you say you're not falling for it?? A little turned around, aren't you?? We're not falling for it. Take all of those angelic faces that you feel have been so unjustly attacked, and go soak your heads. Idiots.

Sorry to disappoint, but I am thrilled that so many decent, honest people are not falling for the dishonest tactic of being accused of Racism because they do not support Obama's radical Big Government Agenda.

You are the one making it about race, not us. It would behoove you to engage in a bit of self-reflection to understand what that means about you.

Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???

He hasn't fulfilled his promise to close Gitmo and he has provided plenty of publicity for the oft misunderstood leafy green vegetable, arugula.

As to being obtuse or stupid, I'll defer to you as you are so highly accomplished at both.
Sorry to disappoint, but I am thrilled that so many decent, honest people are not falling for the dishonest tactic of being accused of Racism because they do not support Obama's radical Big Government Agenda.

You are the one making it about race, not us. It would behoove you to engage in a bit of self-reflection to understand what that means about you.

Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???
i can name 2 right now

i liked that he gave the commander on the ship off Africa the authority to do what he had to do based on the situation at hand

and that he admitted that he was wrong in calling the Cambridge Police "acting stupidly"
now, can you name 2 things Bush did right?

The first one he was obligated by law to do. The other was an apology for a knee-jerk reaction....which his Administration continues to repeat over and over. The latest is the firing of Shirley Sherrod. Obviously he hasn't learned his lesson.

Bush did what had to be done to punish those responsible for 9/11, and he succeeded in Iraq when everyone said he couldn't. Also Bush has fought HIV/AIDS in Africa to a much greater extent then Obama. He also was in the process of lowering the deficit before the Dems took over Congress. It had shrunk from over $500 billion to around $167 billion in 06' even though we had those terrible tax-cuts for the rich in place.
Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???
i can name 2 right now

i liked that he gave the commander on the ship off Africa the authority to do what he had to do based on the situation at hand

and that he admitted that he was wrong in calling the Cambridge Police "acting stupidly"
now, can you name 2 things Bush did right?

The first one he was obligated by law to do. The other was an apology for a knee-jerk reaction....which his Administration continues to repeat over and over. The latest is the firing of Shirley Sherrod. Obviously he hasn't learned his lesson.

Bush did what had to be done to punish those responsible for 9/11, and he succeeded in Iraq when everyone said he couldn't. Also Bush has fought HIV/AIDS in Africa to a much greater extent then Obama. He also was in the process of lowering the deficit before the Dems took over Congress. It had shrunk from over $500 billion to around $167 billion in 06' even though we had those terrible tax-cuts for the rich in place.
dang, i'd forgot about the African Aids aid

thanks for the reminder
It's out in the open now.
....As usual..... :rolleyes:

"According to Ezra Klein of the Washington Post, the journalist who began the listserv, Carlson is promoting inaccuracies in his selective quotations. So it’s no surprise that official Fox “opinion” news would facilitate the promotion of the inaccuracies and selective quoting."

Ezra Klein can clear up anything he thinks is misleading by publishing the entire archive.

Just sayin'.
Sorry to disappoint, but I am thrilled that so many decent, honest people are not falling for the dishonest tactic of being accused of Racism because they do not support Obama's radical Big Government Agenda.

You are the one making it about race, not us. It would behoove you to engage in a bit of self-reflection to understand what that means about you.

Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???

i liked that he gave the commander on the ship off Africa the authority to do what he had to do based on the situation at hand

and that he admitted that he was wrong in calling the Cambridge Police "acting stupidly"
now, can you name 2 things Bush did right?

My question was to someone else, but I'm a sport. And impressed that you finally said something positive!! So I'll answer.

I was so angry when I saw our citizens having to perform like acrobats when they were jumping out of the twin towers. When Bush stood with that fireman and said we would get the people that did this, I was so thrilled!! I truly liked him at that moment. Also, I know that we increased development and humanitarian aid to Africa from $1.4 billion in 2001 to more than $4 billion per year now. That was a terrific accomplishment by the Bush administration. And I really like Laura and the twins. Especially Genna. She's a wonderful girl.
Sorry to disappoint, but I am thrilled that so many decent, honest people are not falling for the dishonest tactic of being accused of Racism because they do not support Obama's radical Big Government Agenda.

You are the one making it about race, not us. It would behoove you to engage in a bit of self-reflection to understand what that means about you.

Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???

He hasn't fulfilled his promise to close Gitmo and he has provided plenty of publicity for the oft misunderstood leafy green vegetable, arugula.

As to being obtuse or stupid, I'll defer to you as you are so highly accomplished at both.

Dive Con has shown more class than you have. You should be mortified. Your answer is really stupid and evasive.
Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???

He hasn't fulfilled his promise to close Gitmo and he has provided plenty of publicity for the oft misunderstood leafy green vegetable, arugula.

As to being obtuse or stupid, I'll defer to you as you are so highly accomplished at both.

Dive Con has shown more class than you have. You should be mortified. Your answer is really stupid and evasive.
i'm also glad he hasnt closed gitmo
but clearly the last one was a tongue in cheek comment
Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you just stupid?? Gee, those awful dems say we're racist because we don't like, "Obama's Big Government Agenda". :lol:

Tell me, in your opinion, what has Obama done since he's been president that you consider to be a good thing???

He hasn't fulfilled his promise to close Gitmo and he has provided plenty of publicity for the oft misunderstood leafy green vegetable, arugula.

As to being obtuse or stupid, I'll defer to you as you are so highly accomplished at both.

Dive Con has shown more class than you have. You should be mortified. Your answer is really stupid and evasive.

It's what an accusatory and disingenuous post like your deserved. If you are going to accuse others of being stupid or obtuse, don't expect an answer in a spirit of goodwill.

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