Now, will there be violence because of the verdict?

Will this verdict bring violence?

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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
I think we'll see some "flash mobs" in various parts of the country, and we'll have people like Al Sharpton to thank for fanning the flames.
The news came out on a Saturday night. Just wait until the DOJ and Organizing for Action have time to deploy ground troops.
I think we'll see some "flash mobs" in various parts of the country, and we'll have people like Al Sharpton to thank for fanning the flames.

Those must be some impressive crystal balls you're sportin' there, Sport.

How do your predictions usually pan out?
No, not riots, perhaps stricter gun laws in the near future but there were peaceful demonstrations.
Nothing happening in Baltimore that I can see. Was around all sorts of black people today and the biggest disagreement was over which quarterback Doug Williams replaced when he became the SB XXII hero.
Yes. I think there will be incidents of violence and I believe the whole thing will escalate because of comments from the Obama administration. Reid is upset at verdict and saying the DOJ will look into it. We already know where Obama stands.

The administration is going to keep fanning flames by saying justice was not served and that the DOJ needs to right this wrong. It is the same as saying the jury was racist and failed to convict. The same input from the administration that fueled the protests will likely fuel riots. I doubt it will stop until the DOJ finds some reason to overturn the verdict. Our due processes in this country have meant little to this administration and they aren't going to change now.

A lot of people realize that there simply was insufficient evidence to convict. Our justice system worked as it should. I am not saying it's always 100% correct, but when the prosecutor fails to present enough proof, there can be no conviction. You can sit and assume things all day long about what Zimmerman was thinking, what actually went down and who is to blame for the confrontation, but if you can't prove it, you cannot convict. It's that simple.

For Holder to open the case again, it would be a matter of second guessing the jury or just overturning the verdict because some don't like it. The DOJ should have to investigate and actually find proof that the jury or judge did something wrong. Short of that, there isn't enough evidence for the charges to stick. That won't stop the race baiters.

I don't trust the DOJ one iota and can only imagine what dirty tricks they may try to appease Obama's base.

I am so saddened by the whole incident and it doesn't seem fair for someone to walk after a teen was killed. But, our system relies solely on evidence and proving the accusation beyond a shadow of a doubt. It needs to stay that way to prevent innocent people from being sent to prison. There is already a serious problem with prosecutors using the media to taint jury pools, ignoring exculpatory evidence and playing on the juror's emotions by using a lot of weak circumstantial evidence or making things up. I don't doubt that Holder would embrace those same tactics or simply abuse his power to get the desired result. This country will be a scary place if those in power ignore the system and do what is politically advantageous to them. Even if they found more evidence now, we have double jeopardy laws. Holder would have to find clear wrong doing on part of the jury. He can easily play on the emotions of those who are so willing to ignore the evidence on some points and the complete lack of evidence on others.

If all police just followed evidence, prosecutors solely relied on facts and jurors could check their emotions at the door and follow the system as intended, we would have less wrongful convictions and more instances of convicting the right people. It starts with the thorough investigation. Whether evidence was missed or they just didn't look hard enough, there was not enough to put Zimmerman in prison.
No widespread violence, an uptick in flash mob violence especially on white people walking alone.
Yes. I think there will be incidents of violence and I believe the whole thing will escalate because of comments from the Obama administration. Reid is upset at verdict and saying the DOJ will look into it. We already know where Obama stands.

The administration is going to keep fanning flames by saying justice was not served and that the DOJ needs to right this wrong. It is the same as saying the jury was racist and failed to convict. The same input from the administration that fueled the protests will likely fuel riots. I doubt it will stop until the DOJ finds some reason to overturn the verdict. Our due processes in this country have meant little to this administration and they aren't going to change now.

A lot of people realize that there simply was insufficient evidence to convict. Our justice system worked as it should. I am not saying it's always 100% correct, but when the prosecutor fails to present enough proof, there can be no conviction. You can sit and assume things all day long about what Zimmerman was thinking, what actually went down and who is to blame for the confrontation, but if you can't prove it, you cannot convict. It's that simple.

For Holder to open the case again, it would be a matter of second guessing the jury or just overturning the verdict because some don't like it. The DOJ should have to investigate and actually find proof that the jury or judge did something wrong. Short of that, there isn't enough evidence for the charges to stick. That won't stop the race baiters.

I don't trust the DOJ one iota and can only imagine what dirty tricks they may try to appease Obama's base.

I am so saddened by the whole incident and it doesn't seem fair for someone to walk after a teen was killed. But, our system relies solely on evidence and proving the accusation beyond a shadow of a doubt. It needs to stay that way to prevent innocent people from being sent to prison. There is already a serious problem with prosecutors using the media to taint jury pools, ignoring exculpatory evidence and playing on the juror's emotions by using a lot of weak circumstantial evidence or making things up. I don't doubt that Holder would embrace those same tactics or simply abuse his power to get the desired result. This country will be a scary place if those in power ignore the system and do what is politically advantageous to them. Even if they found more evidence now, we have double jeopardy laws. Holder would have to find clear wrong doing on part of the jury. He can easily play on the emotions of those who are so willing to ignore the evidence on some points and the complete lack of evidence on others.

If all police just followed evidence, prosecutors solely relied on facts and jurors could check their emotions at the door and follow the system as intended, we would have less wrongful convictions and more instances of convicting the right people. It starts with the thorough investigation. Whether evidence was missed or they just didn't look hard enough, there was not enough to put Zimmerman in prison.

No force on heaven or earth can overturn a Non-Guilty verdict. If we've gone that far, it is immediate grounds for exercise the Second Amendment in order to enforce our Ninth Amendment right to abolish a government that has become destructive of those ends.

The Declaration of Independence is the Supreme Law of the Land, for without it, the Constitution itself has no validity.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the People.
My opinion, there will be some riot but I think too much of the black community to think that it will be universal or widespread. Zimmerman wasn't a racist and the black community knows this, in my opinion. Sad that another young life taken, for sure.

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