NPR admits, Trump has been harder on Russia than any post-Cold War President !

This is an amazing admission for a leftist mouth piece.

Is Trump The Toughest Ever On Russia?

Trump the toughest ever? Why that treasonous pig, he's only being tough on Russia to hide the fact that he's really the softest on them! Just another clever Putin ploy to throw America off. o_O

Did you really just claim that Trump was only being tough on Russia to hide the fact that he's soft on them? I'm curious...when you were typing that out...did it make ANY sense at all? God, I hope for your sake that was a bad attempt at sarcasm and I didn't get it!
See my reference above on how soft Trump wants to be with Russia.
Ah, so Trump "wants to be" soft on Russia but hasn't had the chance yet? You know this how? What you're actually saying is that Trump has been harder on Russian than Obama was but you have a narrative that he's a Russian puppet that you're sticking to no matter what reality is? Noted...
Did you read my reference on how Trump wanted to be “softer” on Russia than his staff?
I am not making up shit like you are.
Note that.
This is an amazing admission for a leftist mouth piece.

Is Trump The Toughest Ever On Russia?

Trump the toughest ever? Why that treasonous pig, he's only being tough on Russia to hide the fact that he's really the softest on them! Just another clever Putin ploy to throw America off. o_O

Did you really just claim that Trump was only being tough on Russia to hide the fact that he's soft on them? I'm curious...when you were typing that out...did it make ANY sense at all? God, I hope for your sake that was a bad attempt at sarcasm and I didn't get it!
See my reference above on how soft Trump wants to be with Russia.
Ah, so Trump "wants to be" soft on Russia but hasn't had the chance yet? You know this how? What you're actually saying is that Trump has been harder on Russian than Obama was but you have a narrative that he's a Russian puppet that you're sticking to no matter what reality is? Noted...
Did you read my reference on how Trump wanted to be “softer” on Russia than his staff?
I am not making up shit like you are.
Note that.

You sit in on staff meetings at the White House these days? Or is this more "anonymous sources" that you on the left love to trot out whenever you feel the need to smear Trump? All you DO is make up shit and it's reached the point where more and more people in the US have stopped listening to you. You'll figure that out in the Fall when you don't take back the House or the Senate.
Trump the toughest ever? Why that treasonous pig, he's only being tough on Russia to hide the fact that he's really the softest on them! Just another clever Putin ploy to throw America off. o_O

Did you really just claim that Trump was only being tough on Russia to hide the fact that he's soft on them? I'm curious...when you were typing that out...did it make ANY sense at all? God, I hope for your sake that was a bad attempt at sarcasm and I didn't get it!
See my reference above on how soft Trump wants to be with Russia.
Ah, so Trump "wants to be" soft on Russia but hasn't had the chance yet? You know this how? What you're actually saying is that Trump has been harder on Russian than Obama was but you have a narrative that he's a Russian puppet that you're sticking to no matter what reality is? Noted...
Did you read my reference on how Trump wanted to be “softer” on Russia than his staff?
I am not making up shit like you are.
Note that.
You sit in on staff meetings at the White House these days? Or is this more "anonymous sources" that you on the left love to trot out whenever you feel the need to smear Trump? All you DO is make up shit and it's reached the point where more and more people in the US have stopped listening to you. You'll figure that out in the Fall when you don't take back the House or the Senate.
I don’t make up shit like the Russian trolls.
I cited legitimate sources like Business Insider that cited NYTimes.

You have a point; many “news” pieces on the Internet are not credible. Which do YOU choose to believe?? Why?
I betcha you cherry-pick articles that agree with your politics. Many do ... instead of being objective & thinking for yourself.
It’s best to read MANY sources from varying viewpoints and compare for consistency & rational validity.
Seeking Peace does not = 'Treason.' Shame on all those pushing the absurd 'Russia Boogeyman' meme. It isn't about Russia, it's only about them getting Trump and regaining power. Starting another Cold War, or possibly WWIII, is so completely unnecessary.
Seeking Peace does not = 'Treason.' Shame on all those pushing the absurd 'Russia Boogeyman' meme. It isn't about Russia, it's only about them getting Trump and regaining power. Starting another Cold War, or possibly WWIII, is so completely unnecessary.
Seeking “peace” sounds great!
HOWEVER, that’s not what we see when Russia, behind Putin, invaded another independent country (Ukraine) w/ military & takes its land, poisons former Russians in other countries, does constant hacking & trolling in other countries, uses slave labor from other countries for World Cup construction, etc.

Trump should NOT ignore that when he tries to make “peaceful” business deals that benefits himself & Putin & other rich people.

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