NRA ad sending leftists into a tizzy

the irony of you talking about brainwashing when you simply repeat, chant like, the talking points of the wannabe tyrants of the left(not that the right doenst have its own wannabe tyrants also)
Use the quote. The RW believes a pile of lies, not Dems. That's propaganda and brainwashing. We don't do it. We don't have a huge propaganda machine. Just journalists (I admit not enough reporters and offices , too much a gabfest and factcheckers to keep up with RW garbage. Who are these wannabe Dem tyrants, dupe? Lock her up and the Foundation scam etc was only imaginary, yet won an election. The only conspiracy is the RW GOP one to get all the money for the greedy idiot rich. Working great...
wannabe dem tyrants-----diane fienswine, bill clinton, chuck schumer, eric holder, barack hoebama, etc....the democrats are the only party who have passed a law based on a nazi law
They all want to tax the rich and themselves more and invest in America and the middle class. Breaking for silly dupes like you. Everything you know is total BS, all investigated and YOU are full of hateful lies.
the irony of you talking about brainwashing when you simply repeat, chant like, the talking points of the wannabe tyrants of the left(not that the right doenst have its own wannabe tyrants also)
Use the quote. The RW believes a pile of lies, not Dems. That's propaganda and brainwashing. We don't do it. We don't have a huge propaganda machine. Just journalists (I admit not enough reporters and offices , too much a gabfest and factcheckers to keep up with RW garbage. Who are these wannabe Dem tyrants, dupe? Lock her up and the Foundation scam etc was only imaginary, yet won an election. The only conspiracy is the RW GOP one to get all the money for the greedy idiot rich. Working great...
wannabe dem tyrants-----diane fienswine, bill clinton, chuck schumer, eric holder, barack hoebama, etc....the democrats are the only party who have passed a law based on a nazi law
They all want to tax the rich and themselves more and invest in America and the middle class. Breaking for silly dupes like you. Everything you know is total BS, all investigated and YOU are full of hateful lies.
they have all waged war against my god given, constiutionally protected rights(granted, so have many repubs)
the irony of you talking about brainwashing when you simply repeat, chant like, the talking points of the wannabe tyrants of the left(not that the right doenst have its own wannabe tyrants also)
Use the quote. The RW believes a pile of lies, not Dems. That's propaganda and brainwashing. We don't do it. We don't have a huge propaganda machine. Just journalists (I admit not enough reporters and offices , too much a gabfest and factcheckers to keep up with RW garbage. Who are these wannabe Dem tyrants, dupe? Lock her up and the Foundation scam etc was only imaginary, yet won an election. The only conspiracy is the RW GOP one to get all the money for the greedy idiot rich. Working great...
wannabe dem tyrants-----diane fienswine, bill clinton, chuck schumer, eric holder, barack hoebama, etc....the democrats are the only party who have passed a law based on a nazi law
They all want to tax the rich and themselves more and invest in America and the middle class. Breaking for silly dupes like you. Everything you know is total BS, all investigated and YOU are full of hateful lies.
they have all waged war against my god given, constiutionally protected rights(granted, so have many repubs)
BS. While you're obsessed with that bs, the GOP robs you, the middle class, and the country blind for 35 years. See sigBackground checks are not taking your guns, organizing health care is not slavery or whatever- WTH ARE you talking about?
the irony of you talking about brainwashing when you simply repeat, chant like, the talking points of the wannabe tyrants of the left(not that the right doenst have its own wannabe tyrants also)
Use the quote. The RW believes a pile of lies, not Dems. That's propaganda and brainwashing. We don't do it. We don't have a huge propaganda machine. Just journalists (I admit not enough reporters and offices , too much a gabfest and factcheckers to keep up with RW garbage. Who are these wannabe Dem tyrants, dupe? Lock her up and the Foundation scam etc was only imaginary, yet won an election. The only conspiracy is the RW GOP one to get all the money for the greedy idiot rich. Working great...
wannabe dem tyrants-----diane fienswine, bill clinton, chuck schumer, eric holder, barack hoebama, etc....the democrats are the only party who have passed a law based on a nazi law
You believe all RW propaganda, even the Nazis'...WTH?
the irony of you talking about brainwashing when you simply repeat, chant like, the talking points of the wannabe tyrants of the left(not that the right doenst have its own wannabe tyrants also)
Use the quote. The RW believes a pile of lies, not Dems. That's propaganda and brainwashing. We don't do it. We don't have a huge propaganda machine. Just journalists (I admit not enough reporters and offices , too much a gabfest and factcheckers to keep up with RW garbage. Who are these wannabe Dem tyrants, dupe? Lock her up and the Foundation scam etc was only imaginary, yet won an election. The only conspiracy is the RW GOP one to get all the money for the greedy idiot rich. Working great...
wannabe dem tyrants-----diane fienswine, bill clinton, chuck schumer, eric holder, barack hoebama, etc....the democrats are the only party who have passed a law based on a nazi law
They all want to tax the rich and themselves more and invest in America and the middle class. Breaking for silly dupes like you. Everything you know is total BS, all investigated and YOU are full of hateful lies.
they have all waged war against my god given, constiutionally protected rights(granted, so have many repubs)
BS. While you're obsessed with that bs, the GOP robs you, the middle class, and the country blind for 35 years. See sigBackground checks are not taking your guns, organizing health care is not slavery or whatever- WTH ARE you talking about?
ITS INFRINGEMENT, period...a violaton of ot only my second amendmnt rights but a violation of my fourth amendment rights

Completely brainwashed by the huge spin/hate machine of the GOP. THE VIOLENT FAR LEFT AND NUTJOBS ARE NOT DEMS- the millions of totally nonviolent protesters while you're obsessed with a tiny number of violent anarchist jackasses and wannabe gangstas out west months and years ago. Totally brainwashed- and most of of the GOP is with you- they know all the bs character assassination and none of the policy.

You are either lying or delusional Moon Bat.

There is hate filth spewed from the mouths of violent Liberals everyday. Everything from lies and fake news to rioting in the streets and gunning down Congressmen.





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Use the quote. The RW believes a pile of lies, not Dems. That's propaganda and brainwashing. We don't do it. We don't have a huge propaganda machine. Just journalists (I admit not enough reporters and offices , too much a gabfest and factcheckers to keep up with RW garbage. Who are these wannabe Dem tyrants, dupe? Lock her up and the Foundation scam etc was only imaginary, yet won an election. The only conspiracy is the RW GOP one to get all the money for the greedy idiot rich. Working great...
wannabe dem tyrants-----diane fienswine, bill clinton, chuck schumer, eric holder, barack hoebama, etc....the democrats are the only party who have passed a law based on a nazi law
They all want to tax the rich and themselves more and invest in America and the middle class. Breaking for silly dupes like you. Everything you know is total BS, all investigated and YOU are full of hateful lies.
they have all waged war against my god given, constiutionally protected rights(granted, so have many repubs)
BS. While you're obsessed with that bs, the GOP robs you, the middle class, and the country blind for 35 years. See sigBackground checks are not taking your guns, organizing health care is not slavery or whatever- WTH ARE you talking about?
ITS INFRINGEMENT, period...a violaton of ot only my second amendmnt rights but a violation of my fourth amendment rights
90% wanted 80% after some GOP brainwashing.
wannabe dem tyrants-----diane fienswine, bill clinton, chuck schumer, eric holder, barack hoebama, etc....the democrats are the only party who have passed a law based on a nazi law
They all want to tax the rich and themselves more and invest in America and the middle class. Breaking for silly dupes like you. Everything you know is total BS, all investigated and YOU are full of hateful lies.
they have all waged war against my god given, constiutionally protected rights(granted, so have many repubs)
BS. While you're obsessed with that bs, the GOP robs you, the middle class, and the country blind for 35 years. See sigBackground checks are not taking your guns, organizing health care is not slavery or whatever- WTH ARE you talking about?
ITS INFRINGEMENT, period...a violaton of ot only my second amendmnt rights but a violation of my fourth amendment rights
90% wanted 80% after some GOP brainwashing.
that was proven to be false

Completely brainwashed by the huge spin/hate machine of the GOP. THE VIOLENT FAR LEFT AND NUTJOBS ARE NOT DEMS- the millions of totally nonviolent protesters while you're obsessed with a tiny number of violent anarchist jackasses and wannabe gangstas out west months and years ago. Totally brainwashed- and most of of the GOP is with you- they know all the bs character assassination and none of the policy.

You are either lying or delusional Moon Bat.

There is hate filth spewed from the mouths of violent Liberals everyday. Everything from lies and fake news to rioting in the streets and gunning down Congressmen.

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Those are VERY tiny number of anarchists, gangsta wannabes, and insane people, not Libs or Dems. Arrest em all. Meanwhile more than half the GOP are conspiracy nutjobs and gun nuts lol. I don't blame them, I blame the nutty hate conspiracy bs RW propaganda machine. To believe half the Obama Hillary Lerner Lynch etc etc character assassination, you have to believe our justice system is corrupt. Also all the world's media BUT Fox Rush breitbart Fake news etc etc etc. Proven liars.
They all want to tax the rich and themselves more and invest in America and the middle class. Breaking for silly dupes like you. Everything you know is total BS, all investigated and YOU are full of hateful lies.
they have all waged war against my god given, constiutionally protected rights(granted, so have many repubs)
BS. While you're obsessed with that bs, the GOP robs you, the middle class, and the country blind for 35 years. See sigBackground checks are not taking your guns, organizing health care is not slavery or whatever- WTH ARE you talking about?
ITS INFRINGEMENT, period...a violaton of ot only my second amendmnt rights but a violation of my fourth amendment rights
90% wanted 80% after some GOP brainwashing.
that was proven to be false
background checks? BS. link?
From link:
It’s not hard to figure out what the narrative is here. A liberal insurgency is destroying American society. The “only way” to protect yourself from this surge in left-wing violence (a made-up threat, to be clear) is to donate to the NRA — an organization that exists solely to help people buy guns.

The ad isn’t an outright exhortation to violence. NRA ads never are. But the NRA has a very long history of using apocalyptic, paranoid rhetoric about the collapse of American society in order to sell people on the notion that they need to act now to preserve their gun rights.

In a 2013 op-ed, for example, NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre argued that a lawless America was inevitable if the liberals succeeded in their nefarious plan to take your guns.

“After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all,” he wrote (New York was actually pretty calm after being hit by the hurricane in 2012).

The problem with this rhetoric isn’t, again, that it’s telling people to use violence against others. It’s that it functions as a kind of anti-politics — casting the NRA’s political opponents as devious enemies who can’t be opposed through normal politics. Republicans control all three branches of government and a large majority of statehouses nationwide. There is literally zero chance that any kind of major gun control passes in America in the foreseeable future.

The threat, instead, is from a kind of liberal-cultural fifth column: People who are actingoutside of legitimate political channels to upend American freedoms, through protest and violence. It’s a paranoid vision of American life that encourages the NRA’s fans to see liberals not as political opponents, but as monsters.

It's crazy to say Dems are on a violent rampage. Just nuts.

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