NRA ad sending leftists into a tizzy


Scene of scary THEM that can only be dealt with through violence.

In less than a minute, The NRA paints an America irrevocably divided between “we” and “they.” An America where the media has fallen into their hands. Where the schools are instruments of their lies. Where every action is designed to threaten “the law abiding.” Where the only way “to save our country” is strike back with a “clenched fist.”

How many of those Republican Congressmen who were calling for a reduction in rhetoric following the ballfield shooting, will step forward to condemn this video that uses that incident to call for civil war on Americans?

The NRA declares war on America: 'the only way we save our country ... is with the clenched fist'

Nowhere near as clearly "militant" as the Leftist rhetoric and symbols.

Yeah, GOPers just obstruct lie and steal like never before....Dems are totally nonviolent, no matter how brainwashed you are with five non-Dem tiny incidents from months ago, and never told about many huge protests, totally nonviolent.
Totally non-violent? Except for when they are shooting people in an attempted mass murder. Fortunately they had less success than in Dallas.
NOT Dems, dupe.
And Dallas was one nutjob. Meanwhile , large groups of brainwashed GOPers are certifiable, ready for revolution against imaginary tyranny...a disgrace.

and yet.......they assemble peacefully, pick up the trash and go home...while the Dallas shooter was a left wing, black lies matter sympathizer...and the baseball shooter was a bernie supporter with an email relationship with both Illinois, democrat Senators...
And Dallas was one nutjob. Meanwhile , large groups of brainwashed GOPers are certifiable, ready for revolution against imaginary tyranny...a disgrace.

And the brainwashed bernie and hilary supporters are attacking people and destroying property all over the country, shooting and murdering police, trying to murder Trump and trying to murder Republicans playing baseball....
"All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia. To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding — until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness."

RW garbage propaganda. Millions of Dems have peacefully protested for months, but al the dupes know is the horrible violence of of a few Antifa, anarchists and gangsta wannabees at BLM protests last year lol. Great job, bs hate liars- the whole RW. Poor America.

Liberals are assholes with an agenda of hate and violence. We even saw that pay out with attempted murder against the Republican members of Congress a few weeks ago.

Dana is spot on. God bless her. God bless the NRA for exposing the agenda of filth of the always violent and dishonest Left. Proud NRA Life Member here.

Completely brainwashed by the huge spin/hate machine of the GOP. THE VIOLENT FAR LEFT AND NUTJOBS ARE NOT DEMS- the millions of totally nonviolent protesters while you're obsessed with a tiny number of violent anarchist jackasses and wannabe gangstas out west months and years ago. Totally brainwashed- and most of of the GOP is with you- they know all the bs character assassination and none of the policy.
No, stupid.

This open call for all out war should outrage all human beings.

But, since human garbage like Odious welcomes violence, they'll celebrate and make it an excuse to ramp it up.

You RWNJs can never ever again pretend you don't want violence and you cannot blame the left for what YOU are doing.

/---- Stop your looting and rioting when you don't get your way. Problem solved.

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None of the Dems on here or anywhere are involved with violence, superdupe.
And Dallas was one nutjob. Meanwhile , large groups of brainwashed GOPers are certifiable, ready for revolution against imaginary tyranny...a disgrace.

and yet.......they assemble peacefully, pick up the trash and go home...while the Dallas shooter was a left wing, black lies matter sympathizer...and the baseball shooter was a bernie supporter with an email relationship with both Illinois, democrat Senators...
Before he went insane. Call me when you get huge groups of nutters like the RW brainwashed.
the right wing are far less brainwashed than the left....some of your breitbart types are, but a large amount of right wingers, even prominant ones like Ron and Rand Paul, are very publicly critical of trump. trump at this point is maintaining support, not because his policies are so wonderful(some are good, others not so much), but due to the lonney left's heads going slpodey
the right wing are far less brainwashed than the left....some of your breitbart types are, but a large amount of right wingers, even prominant ones like Ron and Rand Paul, are very publicly critical of trump. trump at this point is maintaining support, not because his policies are so wonderful(some are good, others not so much), but due to the lonney left's heads going slpodey
Trump is somewhat outside the greedy idiot billionaire brainwashed sphere. Too bad he appears to be a gd idiot who believes all the Foxspin, Rush/infowars conspiracy/hate bs. Dems know the FACTS of GOP pander to the rich idiocy, the GOP dupes are experts on character assassination of Dem candidates but know nothing of their actual policies. All the New BS GOP HAS is an alternate hate reality. Half their voters believe it. Obama was Kenyan, ACORN stole the election, the rich pay too much, blacks are lazy, Muslims are evil etc etc. Great job! see sig.
alex jones has never once said any of those seems to me you are attributing things to people that dont exist to fit your narrative.
Sure he has, but he majors in absolutely ridiculous conspiracies. Which the dupes STILL believe...very infotaining and I guess addictive, along with the Fox/Rush etc lock her and him and them up bs. While the GOP robs and wrecks us blind. Poor America.
the irony of you talking about brainwashing when you simply repeat, chant like, the talking points of the wannabe tyrants of the left(not that the right doenst have its own wannabe tyrants also)
"All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia. To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding — until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness."

RW garbage propaganda. Millions of Dems have peacefully protested for months, but al the dupes know is the horrible violence of of a few Antifa, anarchists and gangsta wannabees at BLM protests last year lol. Great job, bs hate liars- the whole RW. Poor America.

Liberals are assholes with an agenda of hate and violence. We even saw that pay out with attempted murder against the Republican members of Congress a few weeks ago.

Dana is spot on. God bless her. God bless the NRA for exposing the agenda of filth of the always violent and dishonest Left. Proud NRA Life Member here.

Completely brainwashed by the huge spin/hate machine of the GOP. THE VIOLENT FAR LEFT AND NUTJOBS ARE NOT DEMS- the millions of totally nonviolent protesters while you're obsessed with a tiny number of violent anarchist jackasses and wannabe gangstas out west months and years ago. Totally brainwashed- and most of of the GOP is with you- they know all the bs character assassination and none of the policy.

Yes, yes they are.

See post #214 :eek: Pure coincidence, I swear!

All Dems, all riots. PS: That you keep posting without reading proves you to be a

real dupe, dupe.

NRA ad sending leftists into a tizzy
the irony of you talking about brainwashing when you simply repeat, chant like, the talking points of the wannabe tyrants of the left(not that the right doenst have its own wannabe tyrants also)
Use the quote. The RW believes a pile of lies, not Dems. That's propaganda and brainwashing. We don't do it. We don't have a huge propaganda machine. Just journalists (I admit not enough reporters and offices , too much a gabfest and factcheckers to keep up with RW garbage. Who are these wannabe Dem tyrants, dupe? Lock her up and the Foundation scam etc was only imaginary, yet won an election. The only conspiracy is the RW GOP one to get all the money for the greedy idiot rich. Working great...
And there is your proof of why the Left Wing Radicalized Democratic Party can never reform itself to get along or better represent the broader nation! When they don't agree with you, they see you as destroying the planet and killing millions of lives, and they must riot and burn and kill because in principle, the END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS! YOU ARE JUST SO HORRIBLE! All you have to do is SUBSTITUTE ALLAH IN THERE FOR THEIR GOD or PRINCIPLES, AND YOU CAN AT ONCE SEE THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE HARD LEFT and ISIS other than the tools they use to achieve their ends!

Indeed, in their disturbed, defective minds, they see YOU at fault------ YOU have provoked them be merely trying to lead, simple, lawful lives into rioting, looting, name calling and burning in protest of you. And the very act of pointing out their bad behavior and calling to oppose it with media campaigns of fact and truth is enough to send them into a triggered frenzy or rage. They are two year olds whose minds never grew up with their bodies.

JUST LIKE ISIS, if you DO NOTHING, the Left is triggered, angry and violent. If you try to appease them, they condemn you as contemptible vile hypocrites giving in and folding under the slightest pressure and hate you even more. And if you actually disagree with them, oppose them, they fly off into a violent rage of frothing anger!

So the answer is simple: THERE IS NO LIVING WITH THE MODERN, RADICALIZED LIBERAL. Might as well get that right now. There is no negotiating, no reasoning. They must simply be stamped out in the schools, courtrooms, in the public arena and if necessary, in the streets by attrition or any means possible. The radicalized liberal is a terrorist who represents the greatest threat to our nation, to our industry, to our politics, media and educational systems. Look at what they've done to our country in a few decades! They have Men showering with our little girls and are trying to put a treasonous felon into the WhiteHouse after an anti-colonialist muslim! Stamping out liberalism is what Trump meant when he said to make America great again, because liberalism is at the root of all the nation's problems!
the irony of you talking about brainwashing when you simply repeat, chant like, the talking points of the wannabe tyrants of the left(not that the right doenst have its own wannabe tyrants also)
Use the quote. The RW believes a pile of lies, not Dems. That's propaganda and brainwashing. We don't do it. We don't have a huge propaganda machine. Just journalists (I admit not enough reporters and offices , too much a gabfest and factcheckers to keep up with RW garbage. Who are these wannabe Dem tyrants, dupe? Lock her up and the Foundation scam etc was only imaginary, yet won an election. The only conspiracy is the RW GOP one to get all the money for the greedy idiot rich. Working great...
wannabe dem tyrants-----diane fienswine, bill clinton, chuck schumer, eric holder, barack hoebama, etc....the democrats are the only party who have passed a law based on a nazi law
And there is your proof of why the Left Wing Radicalized Democratic Party can never reform itself to get along or better represent the broader nation! When they don't agree with you, they see you as destroying the planet and killing millions of lives, and they must riot and burn and kill because in principle, the END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS! YOU ARE JUST SO HORRIBLE! All you have to do is SUBSTITUTE ALLAH IN THERE FOR THEIR GOD or PRINCIPLES, AND YOU CAN AT ONCE SEE THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE HARD LEFT and ISIS other than the tools they use to achieve their ends!

Indeed, in their disturbed, defective minds, they see YOU at fault------ YOU have provoked them be merely trying to lead, simple, lawful lives into rioting, looting, name calling and burning in protest of you. And the very act of pointing out their bad behavior and calling to oppose it with media campaigns of fact and truth is enough to send them into a triggered frenzy or rage. They are two year olds whose minds never grew up with their bodies.

JUST LIKE ISIS, if you DO NOTHING, the Left is triggered, angry and violent. If you try to appease them, they condemn you as contemptible vile hypocrites giving in and folding under the slightest pressure and hate you even more. And if you actually disagree with them, oppose them, they fly off into a violent rage of frothing anger!

So the answer is simple: THERE IS NO LIVING WITH THE MODERN, RADICALIZED LIBERAL. Might as well get that right now. There is no negotiating, no reasoning. They must simply be stamped out in the schools, courtrooms, in the public arena and if necessary, in the streets by attrition or any means possible. The radicalized liberal is a terrorist who represents the greatest threat to our nation, to our industry, to our politics, media and educational systems. Look at what they've done to our country in a few decades! They have Men showering with our little girls and are trying to put a treasonous felon into the WhiteHouse after an anti-colonialist muslim! Stamping out liberalism is what Trump meant when he said to make America great again, because liberalism is at the root of all the nation's problems!
Who the hell are you talking to, RWNJ? The Reaganist, pander to the rich, brainwashing New BS GOP has been in charge the last 35 years, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure and dividing the country with hate BS propaganda. No treason, no corruption in the real world- all investigated and NOTHING, super hater dupe. Your mobbed up orange idiot hero did have a 25 million dollar fraud conviction. Duhhhhhh.

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