NRA Children's Museum

Dont be silly

Its liberals who are preoccupied with guns

But stupidly they want to take guns away from honest citizens because dishonest people commit crimes with guns
Then you must be a liberal because you're preoccupied with guns and not with crime.

So, I don't actually believe you are a gun controller with the same mission of disarmament that the left has, but that is the only outcome that can result from your appeasement. You want to show the left that we agree with them that gun crime is evil and that we can be good if they just won't take our guns.

You can punish gun crime separately, enhance gun crime penalties, talk about how awful gun crime is all you wish, and they're still coming for your guns.

If you care about crime, then care about crime. A person is not less murdered with an axe, in fact, he was probably far more horribly tortured and harmed with an axe or a knife or a chainsaw than he would have been with a gun.

Quit supporting the left's view that guns are more evil and must be punished extra because they're so evil.
Unfortunately that seems to be true

You guys tell yourself that to justify killing isn't based on facts, truth or reality, but whatever you need to justify ending the life of tiny humans......

Conservatives/Republicans give more time and money to all charities than you guys do, and that is after you idiots take so much of their money in taxes for social programs that perpetuate horrible poverty and crime...

But go on, keep killing babies....
Let me spell it out for you this way

When we find someone illegally in procession of a gun even if they havent shot anyone yet treat them as if they will

Illegal procession of a gun should land that person in jail for 1-3 years no questions asked
That's an interesting plan but it doesn't solve the problem. The problem is that people who have committed violent crimes and are dangerous are released into society - even though we know that they're dangerous.

Making it illegal for them to have guns doesn't stop them from committing crimes. Sending them to prison for one to three years won't stop them from committing crimes; they already committed a crime once and they've already been to prison - or were released back on society without prison.

So what you're suggesting is that instead of locking people up for a long time for violent crimes, that we instead lock them up for short times, for made-up, victimless, crimes, potentially for doing no more than being able to protect themselves and their families.

Banning felony litterers from owning guns has not worked and litterers still litter. And violent felons are still violent felons.

Then there's that case of the violent felon who attacked the bodega worker in NYC. He didn't have a gun but it didn't keep him from assaulting a law-abiding man or his girlfriend from stabbing the law abiding man. Do you believe the reason the felon committed felony assault without a gun is because it was illegal for him to have one? I mean, felony assault on a shopworker, that's OK, and that it was illegal didn't sway him but the gun ban did?

No, you argue for pointless laws, laws that wouldn't work even if they were enforced but, anyway, they will never be enforced.

You keep operating under the fallacy that any gun law has the intent of making American streets safer for the people of the United States. The purpose of gun laws is to make American streets safer for the government and the deep state.

If we were to eliminate all gun crime in America, they're still coming after your guns. Do you understand that? With them, just as with you, it's not about the crime; it's about the gun. You have far more in common with them than you do with the likes of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.
Then you must be a liberal because you're preoccupied with guns and not with crime.

So, I don't actually believe you are a gun controller with the same mission of disarmament that the left has, but that is the only outcome that can result from your appeasement. You want to show the left that we agree with them that gun crime is evil and that we can be good if they just won't take our guns.

You can punish gun crime separately, enhance gun crime penalties, talk about how awful gun crime is all you wish, and they're still coming for your guns.

If you care about crime, then care about crime. A person is not less murdered with an axe, in fact, he was probably far more horribly tortured and harmed with an axe or a knife or a chainsaw than he would have been with a gun.

Quit supporting the left's view that guns are more evil and must be punished extra because they're so evil.
You are really blowing smoke and shoveling bullshit but it wont work on me

The left wants to take all the guns, but will settle for whatever they - you - can get

It may happen that if we put enough criminals away for mere illegal gun procession then others may start carrying other weapons such as knives

If so we will deal with them as necessary
That's an interesting plan but it doesn't solve the problem. The problem is that people who have committed violent crimes and are dangerous are released into society - even though we know that they're dangerous.
I dont expect you to read all my comments but I am willing to jail as many people as necessary to solve the crime problem
I dont expect you to read all my comments but I am willing to jail as many people as necessary to solve the crime problem
Then jail them for the crimes they committed instead of making up new crimes and jailing them for 1-3 years for not being violent. The answer is to jail them for years for their violent crime in the first place.
You are really blowing smoke and shoveling bullshit but it wont work on me
Unfortunately, you're probably right. All the logic, common sense, and reality won't get you to change from being a gun controller.
The left wants to take all the guns, but will settle for whatever they - you - can get
Nice distraction, calling me the gun controller as your defense for supporting ever expanding arms control. You still cannot provide any constitutional authority for banning litterers, or anyone else for that matter, from owning guns but don't let that stop you. Not only are you anti-2nd Amendment, you're anti-Constitution.
It may happen that if we put enough criminals away for mere illegal gun procession then others may start carrying other weapons such as knives

If so we will deal with them as necessary
So you propose we follow the UK model for removing the right to keep and bear arms, where it starts with criminals' guns, then goes to everyone's guns, then to everyone's knives, and then to everyone's pointy object of any kind. In fact, it's illegal to carry a socket wrench in the UK if you don't have an acceptable need - and fixing your car on the side of the road is not an acceptable need; I can't count how many times I did that when I was young.
Illegally carrying a firearm is not a “new crime”.

We are enforcing an existing law
It's a made up crime. It isn't a crime of natural or common law. It is a made-up crime, created as a crime solely for the purpose of harassing people who weren't jailed for their actual crimes.

How's it working for keeping lawbreakers from breaking the law? Working well, is it?
Thank you

That is the point i’m making to gun grabbing libs

They want to punish honest citizens while pandering to criminals
That may be the point you're trying to make but the point you're actually making is that murder, rape, armed robbery, etc., are all OK but having a gun is evil. It's a very anti-gun philosophy and does not work, can never work. It is based on the idea that lawbreakers follow the law. Do you see the idiocy in that idea? Lawbreakers don't follow the law. That's why we call them lawbreakers.

It's a pointless, feel-good, law, intended to get otherwise conservative, patriots, to accept some government infringements on the right to keep and bear arms.

Once they had you hooked on the idea that the Constitution doesn't matter if it's a violation you like, all they had to do was go from violent felons to all felons, to misdemeanor domestic violence, to anyone whose ex-wife or girlfriend filed a restraining order against them. See how it grows? Next, of course - and some here have openly called for it, is to add the no-fly list, which people are put on with zero due process.

You've accepted the leftist bait, hook, line, and sinker, and now you're arguing their gun control for them, completely ignoring the unconstitutionality of it because you like the idea of it. Just don't complain when they take further unconstitutional steps that you don't like the idea of; you asked them to do it and gave them permission. You're a gun-controller.
It's a made up crime. It isn't a crime of natural or common law. It is a made-up crime, created as a crime solely for the purpose of harassing people who weren't jailed for their actual crimes.

How's it working for keeping lawbreakers from breaking the law? Working well, is it?
Its a crime and the source of most gun violence
Wow. You really do think guns are evil, don't you? Guns are the source of most gun violence. Got it. Here I always thought criminals were the source of most gun violence.
You are not as clever as you think you are

Libs like you hope that gun violence in the hood will gove you an excuse to grab guns everywhere
You are not as clever as you think you are

Libs like you hope that gun violence in the hood will gove you an excuse to grab guns everywhere
I'm the one vociferously defending the right to keep and bear arms and "shall not be infringed" while you're conceding to the government to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms when you like it, and you're calling me the leftist?

You're a gun-rights appeaser. If you surrender some rights, give the gun controllers some wins, they'll take less of our guns. No, you're exactly where the left wants you. They like to throw out how many gun owners and gun rights defenders still agree with them on "reasonable gun control". When they say that gun owners agree with them, it's you about whom they are speaking. You enable them, you empower them, you are them and you are either too stupid to know it or you know it and you just don't want to admit it.
Yeah, for criminals

Thats insane
No, I'm not defending felons right to bear arms; I'm defending YOUR right to keep and bear arms. I don't care at all whether violent felons have guns, breathe air, or see the outside of a prison for the rest of their life.

What I am defending is the Constitution. By standing our ground against every violation of the Constitution by the Government, we hope to preserve our constitutional republic. By defending the Constitution, we defend the right to keep and bear arms.

You, unfortunately, do not care about the Constitution unless it interferes with your own rights. By the time they get to your rights, they will have effectively nullified the Constitution and they will have done it with not just your permission, but at your request and with your help.

What you also do not understand is that, considered on its own, the 2nd Amendment is not even the most important of the constitutionally protected rights. It might actually rank near the bottom.

If I have grocery stores for food, and have all of my other rights, other than the right to keep and bear arms, like fair trials, the right to an attorney, no unreasonable searches or seizures, well protected property rights, those are the the most important rights, far more important, considered one against the other, against the right to keep and bear arms.

So, why then do we fight so hard to preserve all the rights, including the right to keep and bear arms? Because the right to keep and bear arms is how we protect all those other rights.

So the point of that "importance" discussion is, if we do not defend the Constitution, it's not just our guns we'll lose, we'll lose those other critical rights. There will be a lot more felons denied the right to keep and bear arms because everyone who protests against the left, or for Trump, or for the next Republican, might all be enemies of the State. Everyone who violates some sexual deviant pervert's chosen pronouns, will be convicted of a hate crime - in fact, according to the left, using other than an individuals requested pronouns is violence so when you become a convicted felon for using he, him, his, or she, her, hers, you'll no longer be allowed to possess a gun.

By that time (and I mean years or a decade, not decades or a century) you probably also won't need a trial for a hate crime. No one will speak out to defend a transphobe.

Well, there will be some standing up for your rights; I will stand up for you. Others, those who defend the right to keep and bear arms today, will also stand up for you, but you, yourself, will be calling for prison because everyone knows that transphobes don't deserve rights.
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