NRA Children's Museum

No, I'm not defending felons right to bear arms; I'm defending YOUR right to keep and bear arms. I don't care at all whether violent felons have guns, breathe air, or see the outside of a prison for the rest of their life.

What I am defending is the Constitution. By standing our ground against every violation of the Constitution by the Government, we hope to preserve our constitutional republic. By defending the Constitution, we defend the right to keep and bear arms.

You, unfortunately, do not care about the Constitution unless it interferes with your own rights. By the time they get to your rights, they will have effectively nullified the Constitution and they will have done it with not just your permission, but at your request and with your help.

What you also do not understand is that, considered on its own, the 2nd Amendment is not even the most important of the constitutionally protected rights. It might actually rank near the bottom.

If I have grocery stores for food, and have all of my other rights, other than the right to keep and bear arms, like fair trials, the right to an attorney, no unreasonable searches or seizures, well protected property rights, those are the the most important rights, far more important, considered one against the other, against the right to keep and bear arms.

So, why then do we fight so hard to preserve all the rights, including the right to keep and bear arms? Because the right to keep and bear arms is how we protect all those other rights.

So the point of that "importance" discussion is, if we do not defend the Constitution, it's not just our guns we'll lose, we'll lose those other critical rights. There will be a lot more felons denied the right to keep and bear arms because everyone who protests against the left, or for Trump, or for the next Republican, might all be enemies of the State. Everyone who violates some sexual deviant pervert's chosen pronouns, will be convicted of a hate crime - in fact, according to the left, using other than an individuals requested pronouns is violence so when you become a convicted felon for using he, him, his, or she, her, hers, you'll no longer be allowed to possess a gun.

By that time (and I mean years or a decade, not decades or a century) you probably also won't need a trial for a hate crime. No one will speak out to defend a transphobe.

Well, there will be some standing up for your rights; I will stand up for you. Others, those who defend the right to keep and bear arms today, will also stand up for you, but you, yourself, will be calling for prison because everyone knows that transphobes don't deserve rights.
As usual you are babbling bullshit and I’m not buying any of it

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