NRA Children's Museum

Yes, given enough time

For most drunks it takes years of abuse

But the addiction rate of heroin is measured in weeks to mere days
Physical dependence takes longer than that even with heroin

The whole one dose addict thing is a myth
How am I blaming the gun when I say if you use a gun illegally you die, blaming the gun?
If you rob a liquor store with a gun you die but if you do it with a knife you don't die.

Using the gun makes the crime more evil? Then the gun must be the evil be cause the criminal is the same.

You mean well, but you've succumbed to the leftist view that the gun is evil. You seek to appease them, thinking that if we can make people afraid to use guns in crimes they won't come for your guns... But you're wrong. It's not because people rob liquor stores with guns that they are coming for your guns. They're coming for your guns not because they're afraid of the robber but because they're afraid of you.

There's no connection between crime and the left's want of your guns. Keep them separate because they are separate; surely you can recognize that by the number of violent criminals, those who were convicted of using guns and those whose convictions did not include guns, that the left put back on the streets.

Those who want to take your guns create the crime and then argue that because of the crime they have to take your gun but, in reality, they don't care a single iota about the crime; surely you know that.

Fight crime. Fight rapes, and robberies and murders. Fight to punish criminals so that criminals are afraid to be criminals.

As a separate thing, totally unrelated to crime, fight to ensure that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is not infringed.

Don't fall for the fraud that connects the two.
Drugs like heroin are far more addictive and deadly than booze

So comparisons to Prohibition in the 1920’s are pointless
The prohibition comparisons are actually identical.

First, who cares that drugs are more addictive or deadly. Having been raised by a whole slew of addicted parents and step parents and more step parents, I can tell you that alcohol is far more addictive than you know. And more deadly than you know.

Alcohol deaths - 140,000 per year according to the CDC

Drug Deaths - 100,000 per year after huge annual increases the last couple years, according to the CDC

In addition to the 100,000 deaths, there are over 2000 gang to gang murders per year and the shooting of innocent bystanders is hugely increasing. In addition, the gangs have announced a nationwide pact by many to shoot police on sight.

You're completely uninformed on the dangers to society of drugs versus alcohol.

You've bought in to the government fraud on the dangers of drugs (don't get me wrong, they're very dangerous) because the government wants prohibition. They want a DEA, they want a bigger FBI. They want no-knock warrants and militarized police. They want more people using drugs than ever used them before the drug prohibition. They want gang violence and inner-city slums and ghettos. And you're their puppet, helping to deliver it all to them because you think you support law-and-order. The war on drugs has not given us law and order; it gives us just what you claim you want stopped.
Maybe not one dose

But heroin works much faster than booze
You're just clinging on. Let it go. Alcohol is more deadly, by far. You're just holding on to that drugs are evil anti-Constitution authoritarianism because, somewhere along the way of life, you fell for the lie.
I suppose I must comment

If I had to dry out I cant think of a better place than Chang Mi where the beautiful women would take my mind off drinking

But I dont accept their opinion about alcohol vs hard drugs
You're the one with an opinion, you've been given the facts.

Thousands die in drug gang shootings. Hundreds of innocent children because of drug prohibition. The police run amuck over the Constitution and the rights of Americans in the name of a never-ending, losing, war on drugs, and you're pretending all of that is less important some stupid adult, with their own rights to be stupid, gets themselves addicted to heroin?

Heroin deaths hung around 2000 per year for a while until, for some reason I haven't looked to answer - probably Obama's open border since it started down again when Trump became President, but about 15 years ago it began to climb like crazy to 15000 a year. So tell me how that prohibition you're so fond of is working out.

When prohibition is ended, and drugs can even be regulated for purity, far fewer people will die of any drug - not that I care if they die; it's survival of the fittest, or non-survival for the most unfit.

This diversion started because you said the way to get rid of gangs was to kill them all. But that's proven not to work; they've been killing themselves since the war on drugs began.

It's a lie that you want to get rid of gangs. There's only one way to do it and that's to end prohibition.
If you rob a liquor store with a gun you die but if you do it with a knife you don't die.

Using the gun makes the crime more evil? Then the gun must be the evil be cause the criminal is the same.

You mean well, but you've succumbed to the leftist view that the gun is evil. You seek to appease them, thinking that if we can make people afraid to use guns in crimes they won't come for your guns... But you're wrong. It's not because people rob liquor stores with guns that they are coming for your guns. They're coming for your guns not because they're afraid of the robber but because they're afraid of you.

There's no connection between crime and the left's want of your guns. Keep them separate because they are separate; surely you can recognize that by the number of violent criminals, those who were convicted of using guns and those whose convictions did not include guns, that the left put back on the streets.

Those who want to take your guns create the crime and then argue that because of the crime they have to take your gun but, in reality, they don't care a single iota about the crime; surely you know that.

Fight crime. Fight rapes, and robberies and murders. Fight to punish criminals so that criminals are afraid to be criminals.

As a separate thing, totally unrelated to crime, fight to ensure that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is not infringed.

Don't fall for the fraud that connects the two.
Stricter penalities for crimes using a gun. Shrugs.
You're just clinging on. Let it go. Alcohol is more deadly, by far. You're just holding on to that drugs are evil anti-Constitution authoritarianism because, somewhere along the way of life, you fell for the lie.
Alcohol is not the greatest threat to society as long as libs are pushing hard drug use
Stricter penalities for crimes using a gun. Shrugs.
Because guns is evil. Got it.

You're wrong; I've shown that you're wrong. But you hang on to the politically correct hatred for guns even as you defend them. You might want to consider whether you're just a tool of the left when you do that?
Alcohol is not the greatest threat to society as long as libs are pushing hard drug use
Just let it go. I know they told you in school that drugs are evil (and, yes, they are) and they told you that the government was saving the world from drugs (no, they're not), but you have a brain and you're an adult who is supposed to be thinking for yourself now.

Why was the 21st Amendment ratified in 1933? Because of the terrible lawlessness and violent crime that came from prohibition. And yet you defend the prohibition on drugs while ignoring the terrible lawlessness and violent crime that comes with it.

You're making arguments not supported by the history and the data. You're not even trying to back up your statements with links or facts. You're just holding on childishly to an argument that you learned as a child and accepted the brainwashing.
“Facts” in your mind only
I gave you the CDC numbers on alcohol versus drugs, idiot. Your stupidity is getting old.

Just admit that you don't care about the Constitution, you're a big government authoritarian. Constitution be damned. Common sense be damned. History be damned.
Just let it go. I know they told you in school that drugs are evil (and, yes, they are) and they told you that the government was saving the world from drugs (no, they're not), but you have a brain and you're an adult who is supposed to be thinking for yourself now.

Why was the 21st Amendment ratified in 1933? Because of the terrible lawlessness and violent crime that came from prohibition. And yet you defend the prohibition on drugs while ignoring the terrible lawlessness and violent crime that comes with it.

You're making arguments not supported by the history and the data. You're not even trying to back up your statements with links or facts. You're just holding on childishly to an argument that you learned as a child and accepted the brainwashing.
Booze is far more engrained in our culture than heron or cocaine

The only reason drug use is growing is because they are so addictive
Because guns is evil. Got it.

You're wrong; I've shown that you're wrong. But you hang on to the politically correct hatred for guns even as you defend them. You might want to consider whether you're just a tool of the left when you do that?
You're not comprehending what I am saying if you keep saying I am wrong. If you commit a crime with a gun you die period. No repeat offenders, no giving a judge the option of early release.

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