NRA Children's Museum

And up until he slaughtered the first kid, he was perfectly able to buy as many weapons has he could. The bags of dead cats, since "due process" had not been carried out, means nothing.

Was anyone paying attention? Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn't matter. Unless "due process" hasn't been served, it doesn't matter.

Of course, any sane human being could look at this guy with his bag of dead cats, his online threats to rape people, his statements of fatalism, and quickly conclude that he shouldn't have been sold a gun.

But, thanks to the NRA and the gun nuts in the world...all of that is inadmissible as evidence. It takes "due process" for someone to say "no" to this "monster", right?

Every other advanced nation on earth has outgrown the silly facade that you've described so beautifully above. And this is why they don't the monthly massacres to remind us how wonderful the 2nd Amendment is.
There's not a thing that can be done to stop mass shootings. Even a massive police/military joint operation, going door to door and doing thorough searches of every structure in America won't stop them. As 2aguy showed, they happen in countries where that was basically done.

Even if we built Trump's wall, that would be super effective, but not perfectly effective, people, guns, and drugs, would still make it into the country.

The only way to stop mass shootings is to arm the militia as was the intent of the Founders and the Constitution. Every time a mass shooter pops up, three militiamen will pop up to take them out. When they nearly always fail, they won't have the allure that they have to young isolated men today.
I'd still like to hear what law, other than very harsh, very long, prison sentences for violent crime, that anyone, right or left, thinks can be passed that would stop children from being killed

first offense for using a firearm in a crime.


ANY gun crime
And the bag of dead cats doesn't show up on the report. Does it now.

Was he arrested for the dead cats? I didn't see where he was.

Yeah, if they knew about it. Is the NRA suddenly for prying into someones' social media posts to see if they are a full blown gun nut or just a half cocked gun nut? What about missing school? Employment history? What about his immediate family's history? The purchases of firearms AND body armor? Should all that be on the table according to the NRA?

"NRA opposes expanding firearm background check systems, because background checks don’t stop criminals from getting firearms, because some proposals to do so would deprive individuals of due process of law, and because NRA opposes firearm registration."

This psychopath should have been deprived.... But thanks to the NRA....someone is likely purchasing a firearm today that will be used to murder kids.

Hence the museum is a perfect reminder of what the 2nd Amendment has wrought.

The Democrats are the ones who fought the mental health funding in Biden's gun control bill.

But, as important as it is to treat and/or lockup the current crop of crazy young men, it's equally important to quit creating crazy young men.

We need to quit teaching white children that they're evil and the cause of all that's bad in the world. We need to quit teaching black children that white people are evil and are the cause of all that's bad in their world. We need to quit teaching young black children to run around in the streets in their underwear kicking and hitting policemen.

The rash of mental health care that we see is solvable. It is created intentionally and all we need do is to stop creating crazy people.
Of course, we won’t hear anything from the right about expanding Medicaid to ensure every American has access to affordable mental healthcare – save that of continued and unwarranted opposition to expanding Medicaid.

And that’s because conservatives use ‘mental illness’ in an effort to avoid addressing the problem of gun crime and violence.
Of course, we won’t hear anything from the right about expanding Medicaid to ensure every American has access to affordable mental healthcare – save that of continued and unwarranted opposition to expanding Medicaid.

And that’s because conservatives use ‘mental illness’ in an effort to avoid addressing the problem of gun crime and violence.
Dumbass why do leftists DAs release violent criminals? You are a fucking lying idiot.
You posted a very long opinion

One idea that I dont agree with is legalizing addictive drugs

Most of the questionable drugs today were legal in the 1800s and ordinary citizens proved they could not control themselves

Which is why those drugs are off limits today
I posted a long opinion because you said that the immediate issue is gun violence - even over the Constitution. I posted what it takes to save the right to keep and bear arms. Yes, it takes a lot of keystrokes to say what needs saying.

It doesn't matter if people cannot control themselves and abuse drugs. It's not the government's job to protect people from their own bad decisions; the government's job is to protect and preserve people's rights. If they all die, the world is a better place.

But drugs were not made illegal to save people from themselves as you claim; they were made illegal to generate police power and they were made illegal using racism as the motivator to convince people that they needed to be made illegal.

People also showed that they can't handle alcohol responsibly. I suppose you think we should make alcohol illegal. Oh, wait we tried that.

Is the prohibition on drugs preventing people from abusing and misusing drugs? Is it saving lives? Of course not. It's costing lives. As you are fully aware, the gangs in the US, the gangs in Mexico, the gangs around the globe, exist and are funded by drugs - not because people buy and use drugs, they do but that's not the root cause. The root cause funding gangs is because the drugs are illegal. Dairy farmers, for instance, aren't killing people for territory. Make baby formula illegal and they will be.

Not only is drugs being illegal not preventing the use of drugs, it's increasing the use of drugs. Young people want to push the limits and they want to rebel. And once they get into the drug culture, they begin to live outside the norms of law and order and of society and their drug use expands. The war on drugs isn't a war on drugs at all, it's a war on Americans.

So what does all that sound like? You know - laws that don't work but empower police to violate the Constitution at every turn? It is just like gun laws. Gun laws, like drug laws, do not prevent anyone except the law-abiding from getting a gun.

Then, just like the gun laws, there's the constitutional question of the drug laws. Where in the Constitution does it empower the Federal Government to restrict what things a person puts into their own body?
first offense for using a firearm in a crime.

View attachment 672575

ANY gun crime
Wrong. I'm not sure I'd agree even if it were the punishment for the first offense of any violent crime but that would be closer to reasonable - in other words, a gun crime is not a special kind of crime unless you agree that the gun IS the crime.

Guns do not commit crimes; people commit crimes. People killed with a knife are every bit as dead as a person killed with a gun. Do they and their loved ones not deserve the same measure of justice as do those whose killers simply chose a different tool?

If an armed robber gets 5 years and an armed robber with a gun gets an extra 5, total of 10 years, then you're simply incentivizing robbery with a knife. If armed robbery deserves 10 years then give all armed robbers 10 years.

All those who support special add-ons for crimes with a gun are surrendering to the anti-gunner's philosophy that the gun itself is evil - otherwise why would it make any crime worse for having used it? If you support the anti-gunner's philosophy that guns are inherently evil then that pretty much makes you an anti-gunner, doesn't it?
Of course, we won’t hear anything from the right about expanding Medicaid to ensure every American has access to affordable mental healthcare – save that of continued and unwarranted opposition to expanding Medicaid.

And that’s because conservatives use ‘mental illness’ in an effort to avoid addressing the problem of gun crime and violence.
A few posts back, you were saying Republicans won't do anything about gun crime and mental health. Now you don't want to talk about mental health because the only solution to gun crime that you are willing to talk about or consider is banning guns. It really has nothing to do with gun crime to you; it's just the guns themselves you want gone.

You don't care if gun crime is replaced by knife crime, or slingshot crime, or baseball bat crime. You don't care about crime; you just want guns gone from law abiding citizens.

What you want most of all, is no more good guys with guns stopping mass shootings.
It doesn't matter if people cannot control themselves and abuse drugs. It's not the government's job to protect people from their own bad decisions; the government's job is to protect and preserve people's rights. If they all die, the world is a better place.

But drugs were not made illegal to save people from themselves as you claim; they were made illegal to generate police power and they were made illegal using racism as the motivator to convince people that they needed to be made illegal.
I think most of us prefer to live in a civil and ordered society rather than a concrete and asphalt jungle where its every man for himself, kill or be killed

Drug use is an agent of chaos

That was understood way back when dangerous and addictive drugs were first outlawed
I think most of us prefer to live in a civil and ordered society rather than a concrete and asphalt jungle where its every man for himself, kill or be killed

Drug use is an agent of chaos

That was understood way back when dangerous and addictive drugs were first outlawed
Really? You think that today's drug culture, government abuses, gangland murders, represent a civil and ordered society?

Fine. Change the Constitution to allow the Federal Government to ban drugs and then ban them.
No I'm not wrong
Sure you are. Unless you're a leftist blaming crime on the gun, unless you believe guns are inherently evil, then you're wrong to argue that getting killed by a gun makes you deader than getting killed by a knife.

Edit: and, by the way, I don't think that you are a leftist or that you believe those things. That's why I think you're just misguided on the gun-crime add-ons.
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Really? You think that today's drug culture, government abuses, gangland murders, represent a civil and ordered society?

Fine. Change the Constitution to allow the Federal Government to ban drugs and then ban them.
The only way to get rid of the gangs is to kill them

And thet applies whether drugs are legal or not

Better take the high road and battle drugs instead of giving in to them
The only way to get rid of the gangs is to kill them

And thet applies whether drugs are legal or not

Better take the high road and battle drugs instead of giving in to them
The best way to get rid of the gangs is to end prohibition. That's why prohibition was ended but wasn't really ended because the gangs need prohibition so it was just recreated against the Mexicans - except that they used far less woke names for them in the racist government propaganda that was used to fire up the public to ban drugs. The government needed the gangs to gain power and the gangs needed the prohibition to drive the customers to them instead of the corner market.
Sure you are. Unless you're a leftist blaming crime on the gun, unless you believe guns are inherently evil, then you're wrong to argue that getting killed by a gun makes you deader than getting killed by a knife.

Edit: and, by the way, I don't think that you are a leftist or that you believe those things. That's why I think you're just misguided on the gun-crime add-ons.
How am I blaming the gun when I say if you use a gun illegally you die, blaming the gun?
The best way to get rid of the gangs is to end prohibition. That's why prohibition was ended but wasn't really ended because the gangs need prohibition so it was just recreated against the Mexicans - except that they used far less woke names for them in the racist government propaganda that was used to fire up the public to ban drugs. The government needed the gangs to gain power and the gangs needed the prohibition to drive the customers to them instead of the corner market.
Drugs like heroin are far more addictive and deadly than booze

So comparisons to Prohibition in the 1920’s are pointless
Drugs like heroin are far more addictive and deadly than booze

So comparisons to Prohibition in the 1920’s are pointless
Alcohol is one of the most destructive drugs.

More people have died from alcoholism than any other drug.

Alcohol is so dangerous that the withdrawal symptoms can kill you.


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