NRA in For Real Fight: Newtown residents to join gun control march in Washington

Brady Bill? Did I comment on that?

No, you made Brady an example of a "right winger" who supports gun control, as well as a tiny fraction of NRA members who support "reasonable" gun restrictions.

Miss "Roe" is a counter-example of someone who has gone to the other side of the reservation.

Oh I see.

Miss Roe is a nut. She has religion. She's an extremist running on fear and guilt.

Brady and others?

brady got shot by some nut, and instead of blaming the nut, found comfort in blaming the weapon. Brady is also well off enough to afford paid protection, and is thus one of those hypocrite gun control ass hats.

Lots of people get shot. Not everyone tries to grab guns from law abiding citizens.

Brady's organization was made from Handgun control Inc. Now this is from 1976, but considering the man is talking about long term goals, you will see why we dont trust gun "control" people.

"In 1976,then chairman Nelson "Pete" Shields stated

"We'll take one step at a time, and the first is necessarily – given the political realities – very modest. We'll have to start working again to strengthen the law, and then again to strengthen the next law and again and again. Our ultimate goal, total control of handguns, is going to take time. The first problem is to slow down production and sales. Next is to get registration. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and ammunition (with a few exceptions) totally illegal.[14]"
NRA in For Real Fight: Newtown residents to join gun control march in Washington

I didn't think this mass shooting had such long legs...

But I'm a believer now.

breaking news

Newtown Residents to Join Gun Control March in D.C. |

Newtown residents join gun control march in Washington - U.S. News

Even FOX is on this one.

Unless they have a solution that will work they need too shut the fuck up.
I realize they have lost a lot, but find a solution that will work and not continued failed gun control measures.

They are exercising one of the most fundamental rights in a democracy

And the right to keep and bear arms is the most fundamental right of them all.
Unless they have a solution that will work they need too shut the fuck up.
I realize they have lost a lot, but find a solution that will work and not continued failed gun control measures.

They are exercising one of the most fundamental rights in a democracy


There are no rights in a pure democracy. They are all up for a vote. All rights are limitations on democracy.

And this^^^^^^^^^^:clap2:
They are exercising one of the most fundamental rights in a democracy


There are no rights in a pure democracy. They are all up for a vote. All rights are limitations on democracy.

the right to petition for redress, the right to speak freely, the right to vote...

now stfu with your anarchic nonsense

The right to petition for redress would be a REPUBLIC YOU FUCKING MORON
You don't get it stupid in a democracy 51% of the people say what will be. In a democracy if 51% of the people say gay marriage is illegal it is illegal.
“Elected officials who have been very cold to us are much more open to discussing solutions and ways forward,” he said.

New polls also indicate a shift in the public’s attitudes toward gun control. According to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, 58 percent of Americans support ban on assault weapons; 39 percent oppose it. Just less than half — 45 percent — of gun-owning households also support the ban.

Newtown residents among those at D.C. march for gun control - The Washington Post

I know plenty of gun owners not one supports an assault weapons ban.
[ame=]Anti-gun March in Washington DC Deception by Mainstream Media! - YouTube[/ame]

I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy sign at the anti gun rally.
“Elected officials who have been very cold to us are much more open to discussing solutions and ways forward,” he said.

New polls also indicate a shift in the public’s attitudes toward gun control. According to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, 58 percent of Americans support ban on assault weapons; 39 percent oppose it. Just less than half — 45 percent — of gun-owning households also support the ban.

Newtown residents among those at D.C. march for gun control - The Washington Post

Polls are full of crap and give you the results the pollesters WANT YOU TO SEE. You take a poll in North Virginia and ask 100 people, Should you ban assualty rifles? you'll get a larger pecentage of yeses because North Va is a bastion of leftist, govt teat sucking scumbags, ask the same exact question of 100 people in Southern Va you get a Hell no by at least 95% I'd bet. Polls mean crap, they ALL depend on how the questions are asked and the portion of the population that is asked. If so many where against assault weapons, do you really think millions of them would not already have been bought and that they are either flying off the shlves or are on back order at almost every gun shop in the US right now? Maybe 58% of New York or LA liberal scumbags support the ban, but the reality is the vast majority of American do not because unlike dumbass liberals, we KNOW that assault weapons bans don't do a damn thing to protect us or our children or make us even a little bit safer. If the left was so intent on saving lives, they'd be calling for the ban of hammers, because according to the DOJ hammers are used more to murder people in this nation than assault rifles. Damn you liberals are brain dead zombies I swear.
Larry Pratt is much less of a dweeb than Wayne LaPierre.

Probably true but LaPierre really sticks in their craw.

LaPierre is the gift that keeps on giving for gun control advocates.

Your butthurt over the NRA has unhinged you. The NRA has recently gained 100K members, your wingnut proposals to trample the rights of Americans won't pass, and you typically won't address any of the issues you simply attempt to marginalize the leader of the NRA.

You are losing and your lame attempt to assuage your butthurt over it is as transparent celophane.

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