NRA issues threatening video to intimidate opponents

The NRA should PUSH for folks visiting the Capitol to have open-carry and/or concealed guns......Let's see the bribed elected officials support THAT stance.

I want to see Open Carry in the White House....Come on....strap those side arms on!

OK, and Obama and Hillary in return need to give up the guns that protect them while they take away the ability of their subjects to use guns to protect ourselves
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?

How did the NRA do that? Be very specific
Opposing every gun law ever put forward, or thereabouts.

But looky, looky, if it ain't the Roman Catholic self-professed expert coming to defend school children murderers. Go bother someone else, you're way too ignorant of life in general. :biggrin:

As well they should. Show me where a gun law has prevented a crime. Just one would be sufficient.

You are a bigger jerk than your so called...lying president. We will never know how many lives have been saved by background checks. And more lives could be saved by reasonable gun restrictions...

Have you asked your gun dealer about that? You know, how if guns are illegal, people can't get them. You know, like they can't get drugs now because they are illegal
explain what you mean? that is too general.
Opposing pretty much every law having to do with guns by paying off politicians, and making it way too easy for anyone to get a gun, especially high-powered weapons that are often used in school shootings...
BTW, it was a law that obummer inacted that allowed the purchase of the gun by the kid. you should do your homework kiddo.

Ingraham: 'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

Not the NRA
Doesn't matter who you point the finger at, they all deserve some blame. This admin, the last admin, every admin before that. As well as the NRA and everyone, like you, who support them. yYou all have blood on your hands.

It's idiots like who you drive the membership of the NRA

The only reason I joined 2 weeks ago is morons like you

I also joined the Gun Owners of America

As these are the only 2 organizations that are actually concerned with protecting our right to keep and bear arms

So it is YOU the NRA is thanking because the extremist views you hold and try to force on others drives people like me who never saw the need to join an organization like the NRA as necessary to do just that
The NRA and gun manufacturers profit well from mass shootings.

In the Castro District, everyone is the village idiot
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?
explain what you mean? that is too general.
Opposing pretty much every law having to do with guns by paying off politicians, and making it way too easy for anyone to get a gun, especially high-powered weapons that are often used in school shootings...
Easy to get a gun?

Got that video showing NRA members selling guns from the trunks of their cars?

Come to Maryland and tell me how easy it is to purchase a firearm.
explain what you mean? that is too general.
Opposing pretty much every law having to do with guns by paying off politicians, and making it way too easy for anyone to get a gun, especially high-powered weapons that are often used in school shootings...

A .223 or .556 rifle is not "high powered" it happens to be one of the smaller caliber rifles available to civilians
Skull, go away, we're not talking about that. If you need help staying on topic, wake up your dog, he'll help you.

You mentioned high power weapons, it's a valid response
You help defend the gun industry and you expect to get into heaven? Geez, that's quite frankly delusional.

I won't be going to heaven.

What will I ever doooooooooooooooooooooo!
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?

I think you forgot CPS. At any rate, take a look at t

Provide a link that shows how the NRA drove the asshole to the school, or how the NRA prevented the FBI, the Sheriff, and the school admin from doing their jobs. I'll wait.

Diddnt CPS pooch it as well? Hell, look at all agency’s together and the loss of life that can be attributed to each and I’m thinking you will find that the NRA isnt anything more then a hasbeen lobbying group, actual loss of life can be directly linked to each of the agency’s you mentioned. Especially the sheriff. I do believe this isn’t his first mass shooting, nor is it the FBI’s and kids routinely die in the care of CPS. Your challange would be much more easy if one could flip it.
Opposing pretty much every law having to do with guns by paying off politicians, and making it way too easy for anyone to get a gun, especially high-powered weapons that are often used in school shootings...

A .223 or .556 rifle is not "high powered" it happens to be one of the smaller caliber rifles available to civilians
Skull, go away, we're not talking about that. If you need help staying on topic, wake up your dog, he'll help you.

You mentioned high power weapons, it's a valid response
You help defend the gun industry and you expect to get into heaven? Geez, that's quite frankly delusional.

I won't be going to heaven.

What will I ever doooooooooooooooooooooo!

Mm, roast in the pit and gnash your teeth?
A .223 or .556 rifle is not "high powered" it happens to be one of the smaller caliber rifles available to civilians
Skull, go away, we're not talking about that. If you need help staying on topic, wake up your dog, he'll help you.

You mentioned high power weapons, it's a valid response
You help defend the gun industry and you expect to get into heaven? Geez, that's quite frankly delusional.

I won't be going to heaven.

What will I ever doooooooooooooooooooooo!

Mm, roast in the pit and gnash your teeth?
Should I consider stocking up on extra sunscreen?
Unlike you I don't speak on a subject of which I am ignorant.

All I need to know is that guns kill....and MORE efficient guns kill more efficiently, AND that virtually anyone who wants one of those more efficient guns can be purchased by ANYONE who wants one.

Spin it any way your half brain wants....THAT is the reality....

Damn, my guns must be defective, they have yet to kill anyone. Or on the other hand you ignorance may have over taken you. LMAO


Yet you make it possible for others to use theirs to kill people through your own inaction. Well, through my actions I make it harder for them to get the tools they need to do their mass shootings.

Now, about Criminals. You want to lessen those? Increase Law Enforcement and embed them into communities. Yes, that will take more money and better training. But you don't want to spend one thin dime there either. Criminals don't co exist with hones well trained cops.

You mean like having the cop live on the school grounds? How did that work out? You can’t get more embedded than that.
The NRA should PUSH for folks visiting the Capitol to have open-carry and/or concealed guns......Let's see the bribed elected officials support THAT stance.

I want to see Open Carry in the White House....Come on....strap those side arms on!

Are you too stoopid to realize how many guns are in the Whitehouse protecting the Administration and staff? If only our children received the same concern and care that our politicians get, there would never be another school shooting. But Democrats and liberals afraid of an inanimate object keep hanging gun free zone signs on schools and making them targets for mentally ill people. Shame on you!

Nope...I am talking about Joe Blow off the street. No more metal detectors. No more bag searches. Visitors can have side arms or AKs when they visit the WH. Guns are Good! Remember?
Unlike you I don't speak on a subject of which I am ignorant.

All I need to know is that guns kill....and MORE efficient guns kill more efficiently, AND that virtually anyone who wants one of those more efficient guns can be purchased by ANYONE who wants one.

Spin it any way your half brain wants....THAT is the reality....
Guns do not kill
Guns are inanimate objects incapable of any independent thought or action (kind of like you)

People kill
People have always killed
People will always kill
If it wasn't for guns, I would not be able to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it.

David...shouldn't you be off banging some Hooker?
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NRA issues threatening video warning journalists 'your time is running out'

The NRA is becoming a terrorist organization that uses threats and intimidation to achieve their goals. This looks more like an ISIS video than an NRA video. When will journalist begin dying?

The Putin playbook is playing out before our very eyes..

Good. That's why I give them my money.
explain what you mean? that is too general.
Opposing pretty much every law having to do with guns by paying off politicians, and making it way too easy for anyone to get a gun, especially high-powered weapons that are often used in school shootings...
BTW, it was a law that obummer inacted that allowed the purchase of the gun by the kid. you should do your homework kiddo.

Ingraham: 'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

Not the NRA
Doesn't matter who you point the finger at, they all deserve some blame. This admin, the last admin, every admin before that. As well as the NRA and everyone, like you, who support them. yYou all have blood on your hands.
well I'm waiting on the blame that is the NRAs. you haven't presented that yet.

I also asked you what law would have prevented the shooting?

Easy answer. The Laws we have in Colorado. We didn't ban the AR at all. We did raise the age limit and the lower the mag capacity. The Shooter could not have gone into any gun shop and purchased his weapon of choice at age 19 and he could not have bought his 30 round clips anywhere in the state or in most surrounding states. In case you aren't aware, most states went to that as early as 2012. Yes, there was quite a recall that happened where 4 democratic Congress CRitters at state level were recalled in 2013. 3 weather it and one was replaced by a republican. But that was corrected in 2014 and that seat went back to being a democratic seat. There were no guns seized, no arrests made for owning them before the law went into affect, nothing much came out of it. Except, you just couldn't buy or sell them like you could before whether it was commercially or private. Oh, and private sales, you have to take the buyer and the gun to a gun shop and have them run the background check before the sale.

You know, exactly what I suggest all states go to. It works, baby killers if you allow it to.
do you think people can get a gun and ammo outside legal avenues? I want to know who I'm dealing with before I answer your post.
Unlike you I don't speak on a subject of which I am ignorant.

All I need to know is that guns kill....and MORE efficient guns kill more efficiently, AND that virtually anyone who wants one of those more efficient guns can be purchased by ANYONE who wants one.

Spin it any way your half brain wants....THAT is the reality....
Guns do not kill
Guns are inanimate objects incapable of any independent thought or action (kind of like you)

People kill
People have always killed
People will always kill
If it wasn't for guns, I would not be able to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it.

David...shouldn't you be off banging some Hooker?
I can bang a hooker on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it. And then I can shoot her!

It's great being me.

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