NRA Meets With Trump- Gun Control Now Off the Table

like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics

Yeah, God Bless Ameriku for the right to die in the classroom.
It's spelled 'Merkia'..... and this one is on you libs. You invented Gun-Free shooting galleries.
like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics

Yeah, God Bless Ameriku for the right to die in the classroom.
great - name 1 shooter that was a member of the NRA.
name any law you can pass that would have stopped any of the shootings in the last decade

we do need to fix the background checks but more laws and more fear? got more than enough thank you.

Oh, come on. Trump's talking about raising the minimum age to 21, requiring more convictions and mental-illness diagnoses to be reported to the national database (NICS), requiring all states to report to the NICS, requiring background checks for more types of gun sales, and giving local authorities the power to temporarily seize the guns of a person credibly believed to be mentally ill and dangerous until the person is investigated. Those are perfectly sensible, sane measures, especially given the profile of nearly all mass shooters.
so - you agree the NRA and their members have nothing to do with this.

and i've already agreed much of this needs to be done so not sure what the "oh, come on" is about.

my only issue is who gets to determine the mental health of the person you're taking the guns from?

and given that *all* mass shooters have been on some form of prescription medication, we seriously need to look into this as an underlying factor.

we need to quit putting on placebo band aids and examine ourselves as a country.
like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics

Yeah, God Bless Ameriku for the right to die in the classroom.

And movie theaters, open-air concerts, malls, etc.

That is why I carry a sidearm. I don't play victim very well


140 something US ARMED cops die in the line of duty every year. In the UK there are years with no deaths, and sometimes with one.

Yeah, guns are a magic shield.

LMAO. And just think how crappy Europe must be that Americans consider it acceptable risk to have firearms, or else they would move over there, or to another country that has oppressed its people


The UK is not Europa, the UK are Fucked and Cucked only criminals get guns there.

In my nation there are 5.6 million gun owners in a nation of 9 million peoples, I have three handguns and I also have shotguns and rifles and it's all legal, we have one of the most liberal gun laws on this Continent along with Switzerland, from the age of 18 years in age you can openly buy and own a gun shotguns, handguns, semi-automatics and you can give the reason you want a gun as being for sport or hunting or self defence.

For Category B guns these are handguns and semi automatic weapons you do have to get a Waffenbesitzkarte this a the gun permit and you have to pass a psychological exam from a doctor of the local police choosing, if you fail the psychological exam you will not get the Waffenbesitzkarte and without it you cannot get a gun.

For Category C guns which are ALL long guns, shotguns, rifles you need NO gun permit, you can literally go into a gun store and buy a shotgun or a rifle and ammo, there is though a three day wait for a background check but if you have a Category B permit and/or a hunting licence (Jagdkarte) you can buy the shotgun or a rifle that day and walk out with it. To carry the gun outside your home you need a Waffenpass which is a weapons permit certificate the easiest way to get one is to first get a Waffenbesitzkarte.

The Waffenbesitzkarte is below pictured:


The Waffenpass is below pictured below:


The Jagdkarte is below pictured also I add the right to hunt is in our Constitution, it states that hunting is inseperable from land ownership.


With ammo we can also do private deals, so if I wanted 40,000 rounds and someone I knew had that and we agree on a private sale I go home with that 40,000 rounds and me having that is completely legal.

You Americans think the whole of this Continent cannot get guns and of course you are not correct about that ONLY certain nations are disarmed, my nation is definately not disarmed and also all Eastern European nations are not disarmed.

Also my entire family including me are long standing members of the IWÖ this is our version of your NRA and we have been offering our support to the NRA during this their time when they are under attack, I have many friends in the NRA who when visiting have been shooting with us and when I have visited the American nation I have been shooting with them.

Our IWÖ insignia:


I also add that in May 2016 I was asked about our European Continent gun laws and ammo, so I responded to this I mainly of course discuss my nations gun and ammo situation but I think you should read what I write because I also mention other things and as I say Americans do not have the correct information about guns and ammo on my Continent or you would not make comments like we are disarmed, you would already know that ONLY certain nations are disarmed and that there are approx 15 European nations whos populations are NOT disarmed and that is enough because that is approx 25 MILLION to 35 MILLION Europeans who have guns and probably multiple guns so eg. if everyone just had only two guns each that would be approx 50 MILLION to 70 MILLION guns in European peoples hands plus plenty of available ammo because 90% of people stash ammo and have their own ammo dumps.

So here is a link to my post from May 2016 where I describe our gun and ammo situation, bizarro it was asked about our guns and ammo situation in the middle of my film thread:

Why don't people watch films?
N.R.A. Suggests Trump May Retreat From Gun Control

WASHINGTON — The top lobbyist for the National Rifle Association claimed late Thursday that President Trump had retreated from his surprising support a day earlier for gun control measures after a meeting with N.R.A. officials and Vice President Mike Pence in the Oval Office.

The lobbyist, Chris Cox, posted on Twitter just after 9 p.m. that he met with Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence, saying that “we all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA.”

N.R.A. Suggests Trump May Retreat From Gun Control

I wonder how much of the beginning of the meeting was required to explain the Constitution to that orange dunce.
Minutes of that meeting--

NRA: You do realize, don't you, that you wouldn't be able to win re-election if you enact some sensible gun control measures. And about that donation we talked about...

Trump: Call Sarah Huccabee. I'm ready for a press release!

More like "Now that your aides have had a chance to read the Constitution to you . . ."
like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics

I’m not buying it. Trump made it a point to run right over Pence to say the cops should be able to confiscate guns without due process. It’s was right there for all to see.

Yeah, but Trump says a lot of stupid shit when he's allowed to run amok. And then his people get hold of him in private and explain where he fucked up.
Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.

No, it was Trump making the stupid Democrats looking like fools, once again.

Of course that is a target rich environment for Trump.

You would have thought the Democrats would have learned something after DACA, wouldn't you?

Trump plays them like a cheap fiddle.


More likely scenario: Trump is an egomaniac who says what his current audience wants to hear, preferably in the brashest way possible so that he also gets the headlines.
like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics
Good.Trump's approval would have gone up if he had stood up to the unpopular NRA. Now that he is still in the NRA pockets,the Democratic victory in November on the midterms will still be huge.
Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.
Yesterday he said take the guns away first then have the hearing. And he said members of Congress were afraid of the nra he was not. Looks like he is

Go find my thread about this. I told ya'll he was trolling you

Made for good TV

I hear from average citizens who aren't die hard lefties or righties that they are getting sick of Trump and all the shinanigans. He's in big trouble 2020 and the GOP are in big trouble this November.
Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.
Yesterday he said take the guns away first then have the hearing. And he said members of Congress were afraid of the nra he was not. Looks like he is

He's a guy with a laser pointer, and you are the cats.

Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.
Yesterday he said take the guns away first then have the hearing. And he said members of Congress were afraid of the nra he was not. Looks like he is

Go find my thread about this. I told ya'll he was trolling you

Made for good TV



He's Just Following The Lead of the Younger Generation
Embracing Social Media


You think he's playing us when he tweets? OMG. What fantasy land do you live in? How many electoral votes do you get?
Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.
Yesterday he said take the guns away first then have the hearing. And he said members of Congress were afraid of the nra he was not. Looks like he is

He's a guy with a laser pointer, and you are the cats.

Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.
Yesterday he said take the guns away first then have the hearing. And he said members of Congress were afraid of the nra he was not. Looks like he is

Go find my thread about this. I told ya'll he was trolling you

Made for good TV



He's Just Following The Lead of the Younger Generation
Embracing Social Media


Is he playing us or Republicans?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson doesn’t criticize Donald Trump very often, but he did so on Thursday night after the president suggested taking guns away from potentially dangerous people before due process.
Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.
Yesterday he said take the guns away first then have the hearing. And he said members of Congress were afraid of the nra he was not. Looks like he is

He's a guy with a laser pointer, and you are the cats.

Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.
Yesterday he said take the guns away first then have the hearing. And he said members of Congress were afraid of the nra he was not. Looks like he is

Go find my thread about this. I told ya'll he was trolling you

Made for good TV



He's Just Following The Lead of the Younger Generation
Embracing Social Media

You're trying to pretend that every stupid thing Trump says or does is by design. Good tactic except for the only one losing their mind is Trump.

President Donald Trump took a break from dealing with turmoil in his administration to once again lash out at actor Alec Baldwin in an early-morning Twitter rant.

Earlier this week, Baldwin told The Hollywood Reporter that portraying Trump on “Saturday Night Live” had become “like agony.”

“Anybody over this guy,” said Baldwin. “It doesn’t matter. We have to get rid of him.”

Baldwin’s comments apparently struck a nerve for Trump, whose administration is reeling from a string of setbacks this week, including the departure of one of his closest confidants, Hope Hicks. He’s also under fire for appearing to cave to the NRA just a day after he promised to tackle gun control.

The president responded to Baldwin’s comments with a rambling error-strewn post, in which he twice misspelled the actor’s name, as well as the word “dying.”


So not True Donald. Alec is amazing imitating your retarded ass.
like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics






This is the Anti-Gun Crowds reaction after again getting Mega Trolled by The Donald:


This is the Pro-Second Amendments Crowds reaction to the Anti-Gun Crowds reaction after again getting Mega Trolled by The Donald:


And it's President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe :thewave:

like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics
Good.Trump's approval would have gone up if he had stood up to the unpopular NRA. Now that he is still in the NRA pockets,the Democratic victory in November on the midterms will still be huge.

Trump's approval with whom? People who aren't going to like him no matter what he does? Yeah, he should totally be working for THAT.

I really, REALLY hope you set all your hopes on this apocryphal "huge victory" for Democrats. Watching them end up crushed would make my entire autumn.
Is he playing us or Republicans?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson doesn’t criticize Donald Trump very often, but he did so on Thursday night after the president suggested taking guns away from potentially dangerous people before due process.

Oh ... He's playing ... Whomever wants to be played.
Draining the swamp is dirty business ... He's sat on both sides of the table and knows how to play.

You're trying to pretend that every stupid thing Trump says or does is by design. Good tactic except for the only one losing their mind is Trump.

President Donald Trump took a break from dealing with turmoil in his administration to once again lash out at actor Alec Baldwin in an early-morning Twitter rant.

Earlier this week, Baldwin told The Hollywood Reporter that portraying Trump on “Saturday Night Live” had become “like agony.”

“Anybody over this guy,” said Baldwin. “It doesn’t matter. We have to get rid of him.”

Baldwin’s comments apparently struck a nerve for Trump, whose administration is reeling from a string of setbacks this week, including the departure of one of his closest confidants, Hope Hicks. He’s also under fire for appearing to cave to the NRA just a day after he promised to tackle gun control.

The president responded to Baldwin’s comments with a rambling error-strewn post, in which he twice misspelled the actor’s name, as well as the word “dying.”


So not True Donald. Alec is amazing imitating your retarded ass.

If you keep squawking ...It just means it's working.
The best way to shine light on who people are, what they really think and start putting their options on the table ... Is to give them a reason to.

Last edited:
You're trying to pretend that every stupid thing Trump says or does is by design. Good tactic except for the only one losing their mind is Trump.

President Donald Trump took a break from dealing with turmoil in his administration to once again lash out at actor Alec Baldwin in an early-morning Twitter rant.

Earlier this week, Baldwin told The Hollywood Reporter that portraying Trump on “Saturday Night Live” had become “like agony.”

“Anybody over this guy,” said Baldwin. “It doesn’t matter. We have to get rid of him.”

Baldwin’s comments apparently struck a nerve for Trump, whose administration is reeling from a string of setbacks this week, including the departure of one of his closest confidants, Hope Hicks. He’s also under fire for appearing to cave to the NRA just a day after he promised to tackle gun control.

The president responded to Baldwin’s comments with a rambling error-strewn post, in which he twice misspelled the actor’s name, as well as the word “dying.”


So not True Donald. Alec is amazing imitating your retarded ass.

If you keep squawking ...It just means it's working.
The best way to shine light on who people are, what they really think and start putting their options on the table ... Is to give them a reason to.

Utterly ridiculous strategy or tactic. No matter what stupid thing Trump says you idiots think everything he says, no matter how stupid, was said on purpose and by design.

Not buying it. But if that's what you want to believe that's cool.
You're trying to pretend that every stupid thing Trump says or does is by design. Good tactic except for the only one losing their mind is Trump.

President Donald Trump took a break from dealing with turmoil in his administration to once again lash out at actor Alec Baldwin in an early-morning Twitter rant.

Earlier this week, Baldwin told The Hollywood Reporter that portraying Trump on “Saturday Night Live” had become “like agony.”

“Anybody over this guy,” said Baldwin. “It doesn’t matter. We have to get rid of him.”

Baldwin’s comments apparently struck a nerve for Trump, whose administration is reeling from a string of setbacks this week, including the departure of one of his closest confidants, Hope Hicks. He’s also under fire for appearing to cave to the NRA just a day after he promised to tackle gun control.

The president responded to Baldwin’s comments with a rambling error-strewn post, in which he twice misspelled the actor’s name, as well as the word “dying.”


So not True Donald. Alec is amazing imitating your retarded ass.

If you keep squawking ...It just means it's working.
The best way to shine light on who people are, what they really think and start putting their options on the table ... Is to give them a reason to.

Maybe instead of squawking I'll sit there and shake my head in agreement with everything the retard says.

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