Number of Covid Deaths in the United States

And the scam goes on...the scam goes on.... La de da de de, la de da de da

So go back to your Squeezebox and Trump will play it all night...:)
What scam do you find in 153K+ deaths?
The class would like to know.

1 Billion---number of people who contracted last years influenza bug
800,000---number of people who died world wide from last years flue strain
99.9%--survival rate for last years influenza strain
99.8%--survival rate for Covid-19
84 average age of death for both Covid-19, and influenza

Now...what I would like for you to find is the number of Covid-19 deaths that occurred in the USA for persons under the age of 50 with NO comorbidities.

You find me that number. can keep being a dumb fuck follower who parrots everything they read because there is a lefty slant to it.

This has any context or meaning for what? Your alt-right narrative? Tell me, do you see what is reported in the news each day? The number of infections? The overrun hospitals? Do you see the companies laying people off because of the uncertainty. Do you see the daily incompetence and inaction from the White House? Or do you just see DEMOCRATS..BAD!!!?
I see you on many threads spouting the same shit..........FEAR..........FEAR ...........FEAR...
The VIRUS didn't kill the economy............the politicians did it...........The MEDIA DID IT............

Chaos sells..............and they have been selling it forever.
As of? What study/site are you citing for this number?

EDIT - Sorry, hit the Post before I was done.
This is from June of this year so the numbers are lower than the 151 cited by the OP but it seems to support the claim.
Coronavirus: COVID Deaths in U.S. by Age, Race

Maybe. But it's ultimately TBD. There have been several preliminary studies that suggest that children under the age of 10 can carry the virus in their nasal passages in bigger loads to pass on to more susceptible people (even though they may not get sick) while children 10 and over acquire and transmit the virus in the same manner as adults do. Until the dust settles, we may not know what the younger children's virus characteristics are.
Pretty much all this is TBD lots of studies out there more than a few that contradict each other.
TBD...........means I can't answer the question without fucking up the Narrative of FEAR.

What FEAR? It's real. Whether you want to admit it or not. We know precious little about the virus, who it affects, and how it makes its way from person to person...other than the close proximity to droplets coming from breathing, talking, singing...bloviating...oh..sorry. :)
Sell your FEAR somewhere else..............We Fucked this country over a dang LIE.......the data as it gets better shows the rate is fucking low..........and hits those who were close to death already.......They cooked the books with the definition of death.........USING ASSUMED........ENSURING GREATER PAYMENTS for CALLING IT COVID..............

Other pandemics have happened here......killed a lot of people.......via the population then and now......about the same or even less than then and THIS COUNTRY DIDN'T SHUT DOWN...............

We have FUCKED THE ECONOMY............FOR FUCKING WHAT? The shit on the economy is REAL.......and will be very very bad soon..........and PECKERWOODS LIKE YOU will just blame that all on Trump always......when PECKERWOODS like you pushed to shut us down.


Stop shouting, we're all right here. Again, this isn't a lie. It's not a hoax. It's not the flu. No one, Republican or Democrat wants to see the country shut down..which if you haven't been paying attention isn't happening. If you could just see past your rose colored Trump glasses (sorry, couldn't resist), you'd see that the reason we are in the state we are in is because of.....sigh..yep...Trump (yep I went there). I'm sorry, this is why you don't elect a reality TV star as President. Doesn't know. Doesn't care. Doesn't read. Doesn't think...beyond what he can shape the latest narrative to be for his political advantage.

Props for the Back To The Future throwback to the term "Peckerwood. :)
Peckerwood is an old term...........You are the kid of the LSD clowns of my generation who turned their brains to mush getting high during the pandemic back then............They now run the show and have brain washed people like you to do this...................

We didn't shut down...........people died........and live went on.............Now we destroy the nation for a Chi com virus that in the end will be a very low rate that was faked by the very definition from the CDC.

1000 to the 100 to the 100 to the 100 .......trace that.

What era was that from?...The Bronze Age?? LOL. :)
JMandJ, are you this dense? This is mush.
What are you talking about?
You have no clue of the LSD days and the hippies and that time do you..............none........

Go and bond with those like the Fonda's ......they would love to have you.......Traitors should stick together............and I doubt you even know what I'm talking about without google.

Nothing huh? Well, you go do a little LDS

Good movie.........but SAVE THE WHALES..........LOL

That isn't Fonda...........tell me about that LSD Traitor.......... one cares about LSD. We're talking about coronavirus deaths. Not your extracurricular activities. :)

Those running the show for the DNC now are those hippies on LSD..............but you are their states where weed is legal now.........WOW MAN...........You belong with them.

Wouldn't know. Never smoked weed. Again, regale us with tales of how COVID-19 deaths are inflated. Tell us how it's all a media (and the Democrats latest) hoax. It's just one, it's just 10 people, no, it's just 15 people. It will be gone when the weather gets warmer.
And the scam goes on...the scam goes on.... La de da de de, la de da de da

So go back to your Squeezebox and Trump will play it all night...:)
What scam do you find in 153K+ deaths?
The class would like to know.

1 Billion---number of people who contracted last years influenza bug
800,000---number of people who died world wide from last years flue strain
99.9%--survival rate for last years influenza strain
99.8%--survival rate for Covid-19
84 average age of death for both Covid-19, and influenza

Now...what I would like for you to find is the number of Covid-19 deaths that occurred in the USA for persons under the age of 50 with NO comorbidities.

You find me that number. can keep being a dumb fuck follower who parrots everything they read because there is a lefty slant to it.

This has any context or meaning for what? Your alt-right narrative? Tell me, do you see what is reported in the news each day? The number of infections? The overrun hospitals? Do you see the companies laying people off because of the uncertainty. Do you see the daily incompetence and inaction from the White House? Or do you just see DEMOCRATS..BAD!!!?
Well come on MFER...dispute my stats and go find the ones I requested. Get on now hooker. I need them numbers.


You can keep typin BS about a virus that has everyone jumpin through their assholes for nothin...well maybe not nothing....but certainly nothing about a virus....I think you'll choose that I right?
Yeah...I think we are done here asshole.
And the scam goes on...the scam goes on.... La de da de de, la de da de da

So go back to your Squeezebox and Trump will play it all night...:)
What scam do you find in 153K+ deaths?
The class would like to know.

1 Billion---number of people who contracted last years influenza bug
800,000---number of people who died world wide from last years flue strain
99.9%--survival rate for last years influenza strain
99.8%--survival rate for Covid-19
84 average age of death for both Covid-19, and influenza

Now...what I would like for you to find is the number of Covid-19 deaths that occurred in the USA for persons under the age of 50 with NO comorbidities.

You find me that number. can keep being a dumb fuck follower who parrots everything they read because there is a lefty slant to it.

This has any context or meaning for what? Your alt-right narrative? Tell me, do you see what is reported in the news each day? The number of infections? The overrun hospitals? Do you see the companies laying people off because of the uncertainty. Do you see the daily incompetence and inaction from the White House? Or do you just see DEMOCRATS..BAD!!!?
I see you on many threads spouting the same shit..........FEAR..........FEAR ...........FEAR...
The VIRUS didn't kill the economy............the politicians did it...........The MEDIA DID IT............

Chaos sells..............and they have been selling it forever.

Wow. A broken clock really is right twice a day. A politician (Trump) really did kill the economy with his inaction and incompetence. The media..just reported on it.
I appreciate the nod! :)
And the scam goes on...the scam goes on.... La de da de de, la de da de da

So go back to your Squeezebox and Trump will play it all night...:)
What scam do you find in 153K+ deaths?
The class would like to know.

1 Billion---number of people who contracted last years influenza bug
800,000---number of people who died world wide from last years flue strain
99.9%--survival rate for last years influenza strain
99.8%--survival rate for Covid-19
84 average age of death for both Covid-19, and influenza

Now...what I would like for you to find is the number of Covid-19 deaths that occurred in the USA for persons under the age of 50 with NO comorbidities.

You find me that number. can keep being a dumb fuck follower who parrots everything they read because there is a lefty slant to it.

This has any context or meaning for what? Your alt-right narrative? Tell me, do you see what is reported in the news each day? The number of infections? The overrun hospitals? Do you see the companies laying people off because of the uncertainty. Do you see the daily incompetence and inaction from the White House? Or do you just see DEMOCRATS..BAD!!!?
I see you on many threads spouting the same shit..........FEAR..........FEAR ...........FEAR...
The VIRUS didn't kill the economy............the politicians did it...........The MEDIA DID IT............

Chaos sells..............and they have been selling it forever.

Wow. A broken clock really is right twice a day. A politician (Trump) really did kill the economy with his inaction and incompetence. The media..just reported on it.
I appreciate the nod! :)
You are one of those paid mother fuckers to push da government bs or so brainwashed you cant see straight.
Can't have the cure and preventative medication getting out to the masses. Those that participated in the "White Coat" press conference are getting fired for giving a medical opinion.

Doesn't fit the panic mode Narrative the media and the money grubbing hospitals are doing now........Not to mention the slobbering vaccine guys hoping to make a mint off the pandemic..........Companies like Gilead pushing their drug while trying to discredit the cheaper drug this doctor is talking about.

The other lady I posted her video...........same shit happened to her when she called them out........

Imagine that.

Malaria pills came out in the 50's...........and have saved millions of lives since then..........but TDS brain dead MORONS can't stand it.......because Trump said he liked it..........

There is nothing that can be said to people who would allow people to die just because they HATE TRUMP.

OVER 85, government needs to focus on THEM thru this crisis.

Beyond that, this country wouldnt be doing this to itself if a tard were "leading" the country

Hm? Why should the Government focus on anyone, or do anything at all for that matter?

OVER 85, government needs to focus on THEM thru this crisis.

Beyond that, this country wouldnt be doing this to itself if a tard were "leading" the country

Hm? Why should the Government focus on anyone, or do anything at all for that matter?
Because government has a role in civilized society.

We know what happens when your precious Anarchy reigns

“The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government.” “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” “The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.”
As of? What study/site are you citing for this number?

EDIT - Sorry, hit the Post before I was done.
This is from June of this year so the numbers are lower than the 151 cited by the OP but it seems to support the claim.
Coronavirus: COVID Deaths in U.S. by Age, Race

Maybe. But it's ultimately TBD. There have been several preliminary studies that suggest that children under the age of 10 can carry the virus in their nasal passages in bigger loads to pass on to more susceptible people (even though they may not get sick) while children 10 and over acquire and transmit the virus in the same manner as adults do. Until the dust settles, we may not know what the younger children's virus characteristics are.
Pretty much all this is TBD lots of studies out there more than a few that contradict each other.
TBD...........means I can't answer the question without fucking up the Narrative of FEAR.

What FEAR? It's real. Whether you want to admit it or not. We know precious little about the virus, who it affects, and how it makes its way from person to person...other than the close proximity to droplets coming from breathing, talking, singing...bloviating...oh..sorry. :)
Sell your FEAR somewhere else..............We Fucked this country over a dang LIE.......the data as it gets better shows the rate is fucking low..........and hits those who were close to death already.......They cooked the books with the definition of death.........USING ASSUMED........ENSURING GREATER PAYMENTS for CALLING IT COVID..............

Other pandemics have happened here......killed a lot of people.......via the population then and now......about the same or even less than then and THIS COUNTRY DIDN'T SHUT DOWN...............

We have FUCKED THE ECONOMY............FOR FUCKING WHAT? The shit on the economy is REAL.......and will be very very bad soon..........and PECKERWOODS LIKE YOU will just blame that all on Trump always......when PECKERWOODS like you pushed to shut us down.


Stop shouting, we're all right here. Again, this isn't a lie. It's not a hoax. It's not the flu. No one, Republican or Democrat wants to see the country shut down..which if you haven't been paying attention isn't happening. If you could just see past your rose colored Trump glasses (sorry, couldn't resist), you'd see that the reason we are in the state we are in is because of.....sigh..yep...Trump (yep I went there). I'm sorry, this is why you don't elect a reality TV star as President. Doesn't know. Doesn't care. Doesn't read. Doesn't think...beyond what he can shape the latest narrative to be for his political advantage.

Props for the Back To The Future throwback to the term "Peckerwood. :)
Peckerwood is an old term...........You are the kid of the LSD clowns of my generation who turned their brains to mush getting high during the pandemic back then............They now run the show and have brain washed people like you to do this...................

We didn't shut down...........people died........and live went on.............Now we destroy the nation for a Chi com virus that in the end will be a very low rate that was faked by the very definition from the CDC.

1000 to the 100 to the 100 to the 100 .......trace that.

What era was that from?...The Bronze Age?? LOL. :)
JMandJ, are you this dense? This is mush.
What are you talking about?
You have no clue of the LSD days and the hippies and that time do you..............none........

Go and bond with those like the Fonda's ......they would love to have you.......Traitors should stick together............and I doubt you even know what I'm talking about without google.

Nothing huh? Well, you go do a little LDS

Good movie.........but SAVE THE WHALES..........LOL

That isn't Fonda...........tell me about that LSD Traitor.......... one cares about LSD. We're talking about coronavirus deaths. Not your extracurricular activities. :)

What he’s saying is that you’re a retread. A dupe of the leftovers, that generation of original dupes from the 1960’s that have brainwashed you.

OVER 85, government needs to focus on THEM thru this crisis.

Beyond that, this country wouldnt be doing this to itself if a tard were "leading" the country

Hm? Why should the Government focus on anyone, or do anything at all for that matter?
Because government has a role in civilized society.

We know what happens when your precious Anarchy reigns
Well, the last few times, 9000 years of peace in Celtic Ireland outside of aggression from Governments, 450 years of peace in Cospaia, if we just use recorded history, etc.

Your obvious deflection aside, though, you didn't answer the question, and didn't even justify your baseless assertion that you did write.

Despite the burden of proof being on you, since you're the one who is taking the active position, I'll humor you. Money that goes through the Government is worth significantly less than 1/10th of what it is worth in the hands of consumers, and supplies is misalocated, automatically suffering from forced rationing
. This means anything done through the Government is less efficient in every way. Why, then, should the Government take any role?

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