Number of Jobs Added in August?

The stimulus created or saved 3 million jobs. Yes, temporarily. That is what a stimulus is supposed to do. That's what it did.

State and local governments are now laying off more people as stimulus money runs out. Infrastructure projects paid for with stimulus money, that created jobs, have come and gone.

You want to refund the stimulus to keep those people working or create new jobs for the people who's stimulus work ended?

Of course you don't. So quit crying about the lack of jobs and trying to blame it on Obama.

Obama doesn't run the private sector. Obama doesn't control how much money the consumers spend.

3 million? Oh I see take the high end of a preposterous estimate of a 200% fudge factor- 1.4 to 3.2 million......please huh...:lol:

ah ses we have switched tack now, its the dumb ass public's fault for not spending? yup that will go far....what the hell, hes blamed everyone else including a friggin earthquake and the arabs....I guess he just controls the tides, Irene not notwithstanding....:lol:

and those jobs are going as we speak, the stimulus was supposed to kick start the economy to pay state public sector employee - all he did ala cash for clunkers was buy time...and? epic fail....

When did I 'switch tack' exactly?

your position has been stimulus has saved or created jobs, so it appears in your last message you finally admitted its more saved then created, ( even assuming that totally pie in the sky cbo number is anywhere near actuate) and the saved jobs is getting the hack as we speak, so thats a fail, and, since its pretty clear we have not created any net jobs thats a dead end too,so in effect hes failed and you are now flailing around with inane threads on the bush tax cuts...looking for another reason to avoid the facts.
I'll be damned if I can see how anybody can claim however many jobs were created or saved under the Obama admin when the total number employed is down 2.4 million since he took office. It's like trying to convince somebody a turd is really just a chocolate bar.
Thank you Tea Party!

Good job boys.

And since when is it the job of government to create jobs??? I find it almost hilarious that as a group, liberals still do NOT understand the basic concept of the capatalist system.

You want to create jobs??? Then get government out of the way of business, especially small business. I closed my business, but I know a lot of people that are still trying to scratch a living out of ones that they created. None of them... that's right, absolutely NONE OF THEM are thinking about hiring. Why? Because of the uncertainty of government regulation and taxation. Additionally, it is painfully obvious to all of us that the Obama Administration is ANTI-BUSINESS!

Oh, by the way. Without exception, those small business owners? All members of the tea party. So apparently, they are shooting themselves in the foot by supporting the tea party agenda?

In this bizzaro world of the endangered American liberal, is there anything that makes sense?


First thing the government can do is stop buying from private businesses.

And I meaning..buying anything.

No more tax payer money going to private business.

Let's see how many on the right support that one.

Get back to me.
You know if I were to print money and say I was paying for stuff, I go to jail.

Net zero jobs and MORE jobs becoming part time people. That is a huge problem. So the Obama solution is revolutionary. More infrastructure (remember shovel ready?) (how does that work at the END of road construciton season in half the country?). FAIL.

Continue tax cuts to the middle class. (what is new about that?)

Oh and tax cuts to companies that have new hires. I got that one figured out already. I'm going to hire three other companies landscape employees and then subdivide the businesses into four units, sharing the tax incentives with each prior owner.
Thank you Tea Party!

Good job boys.

And since when is it the job of government to create jobs??? I find it almost hilarious that as a group, liberals still do NOT understand the basic concept of the capatalist system.

You want to create jobs??? Then get government out of the way of business, especially small business. I closed my business, but I know a lot of people that are still trying to scratch a living out of ones that they created. None of them... that's right, absolutely NONE OF THEM are thinking about hiring. Why? Because of the uncertainty of government regulation and taxation. Additionally, it is painfully obvious to all of us that the Obama Administration is ANTI-BUSINESS!

Oh, by the way. Without exception, those small business owners? All members of the tea party. So apparently, they are shooting themselves in the foot by supporting the tea party agenda?

In this bizzaro world of the endangered American liberal, is there anything that makes sense?


First thing the government can do is stop buying from private businesses.

And I meaning..buying anything.

No more tax payer money going to private business.

Let's see how many on the right support that one.

Get back to me.

You act like it's the government that supports the private sector instead of the other way around. I can't get over how oblivious you are to the real world, Sallow.'re so wrong on so many things it isn't even funny.
I was just thinking.....

might surprise some i try i know, butt...

Most kids i talk to support the Oman, so spending money they havnt earned yet

might not be the evil us old gits think it is.

What the hell right?


I have talked to 1 person so far that voted for Obama that still plans too... I know by far mostly Democrats or actually independents. Almost everyone feels they were used, lied to or just outright let down, these are their words not me. Even friends of mine that are Gay have said they would openly strongly consider Ron Paul over Obama.

In fact I talk to all of them about Ron Paul, they all admit they liked him before but would vote for him now.
Things might have been different if the Democrats had won the White House in 2008.
Things might have been different if the Democrats had the Senate in 2008.
And maybe things would have been different if they held the house as well.....

Hey wait a second..................................................Duh!
Yeah, DISasterous!

Easily fixed, though.



The Democrats have drunken the same "Free Trade/Globalist" Koolaid that the REpublicans have.

Someone says "Tariffs", and they scream "Smoot-Hartley". (They forget that at the time of S-H, we were primarily an export economy, and retaliatory tariffs did more damage.)

Another demonstration on the division of this country in 2 political parties that are identical on all positions that matter...
what has the new congress accomplished since they took control of the House in January?

To throw EVERYTHING on to the President reminds me of what Dems did to President Bush...

It's Congress that is failing YOU here.....

they are too busy hating each other to do what they are paid to a bunch of 3 year olds throwing tantrums for the attention and accomplishing nada.

No Care, I am sorry, to an extent I disagree.

obama had it all and delivered what?things as they say do not happen over night, financial markets take 4- 6 months to realize their previous influences and planning and tinkering to take full effect..............

see those gov. jobs being shed? those are the jobs he 'saved' via stimulus that anyone knew who really looked at it with a non partisan view, knew would not hold, the gov. in the end needs to shed excess just like private industries, they are not nor should not be immune.

obama has given several speeches and pivoted to jobs so many times in 2 years, hes probably dizzy, now to make it just congresses fault? and one house? which means the reps house, is bushwah;)......the slide started in jan. not enough time for the reps to submarine the economy, its slid into this new malaise because what obama did in his 2 years with his congress did not work and has had zero lasting effect, even if you accept he 'saved us from depression' well and so what? is that it?

the patient has been saved but is still on the operating table barely breathing.....and?

the gov. manna has run out stimulus has failed to jump start the economy thats what it was sold as and, it has failed, the housing market? my god, stumbles from one new low to another becasue, gov. insists on interfering, this crash too will continue.

the new congress is worried bout the looming biggeys, the crash of 2020 which is coming, they to and the President should be working together on jobs but, the problem is ideological now, one thinks gov. needs to have a heavy hand, the other not.

and as far as blame I have seen many many many folks here blame bush for a poor jobs showing, (5% unemployment well sue if that bad well hey have at it ya'll) so does the congress from jan till njan 2011 count? all of sudden they get separated out and get a pass?

So the fact that the jobs created by the stimulus money have effectively run out because the money ran out, and now the rest of the economy is still not creating enough demand to justify private sector job growth,

how is that Obama's fault?

We're an economy that is 70% consumer driven and consumption is remaining slack.

It's his fault because he said that the stimulus would jumpstart the economy. He was wrong, his plan failed.
what has the new congress accomplished since they took control of the House in January?

To throw EVERYTHING on to the President reminds me of what Dems did to President Bush...

It's Congress that is failing YOU here.....

they are too busy hating each other to do what they are paid to a bunch of 3 year olds throwing tantrums for the attention and accomplishing nada.

No Care, I am sorry, to an extent I disagree.

obama had it all and delivered what?things as they say do not happen over night, financial markets take 4- 6 months to realize their previous influences and planning and tinkering to take full effect..............

see those gov. jobs being shed? those are the jobs he 'saved' via stimulus that anyone knew who really looked at it with a non partisan view, knew would not hold, the gov. in the end needs to shed excess just like private industries, they are not nor should not be immune.

obama has given several speeches and pivoted to jobs so many times in 2 years, hes probably dizzy, now to make it just congresses fault? and one house? which means the reps house, is bushwah;)......the slide started in jan. not enough time for the reps to submarine the economy, its slid into this new malaise because what obama did in his 2 years with his congress did not work and has had zero lasting effect, even if you accept he 'saved us from depression' well and so what? is that it?

the patient has been saved but is still on the operating table barely breathing.....and?

the gov. manna has run out stimulus has failed to jump start the economy thats what it was sold as and, it has failed, the housing market? my god, stumbles from one new low to another becasue, gov. insists on interfering, this crash too will continue.

the new congress is worried bout the looming biggeys, the crash of 2020 which is coming, they to and the President should be working together on jobs but, the problem is ideological now, one thinks gov. needs to have a heavy hand, the other not.

and as far as blame I have seen many many many folks here blame bush for a poor jobs showing, (5% unemployment well sue if that bad well hey have at it ya'll) so does the congress from jan till njan 2011 count? all of sudden they get separated out and get a pass?
january's 2009's unemployment rate was 7.8%, and February's 8.2%....and this did come from the Bush era, that can not be although you praise Bush for running a 5% unemployment rate it is NOT what his presidential term left this country with....

would you have preferred the Depression, without any stimulus?

I am not certain.... I was against the stimulus for the Banks and for us when they first were being proposed and stuck with that position for a while....

I understand how you feel about government jobs being protected with stimulus monies....but wasn't that up to the States? The States chose to use the money to save some of their citizen's jobs....they could have cut them and used more of the money for

I can't imagine the state of the economy with even more people on unemployment with less money to spend in the market place....and more homes hitting foreclosure at once.

but at the same time, my husband's job in the public sector was not protected with our tax it can be viewed as 'unfair'.

much of the stimulus was used to pay for unemployment, and for tax breaks....we don't know what that has brought to the economy, but I can only imagine with less monies in the hands of the people, it would have been worse....hard to imagine it being any worse...but it probably would have been.

Our problem is Congress never showing restraint on their spending on frivolous and pet project things, on wars, on defense spending in general, on adding new programs like Medicare part D pill bill without showing it could be paid for, the new upcoming health care bill too except it hasn't gone in to effect yet so this is added spending for the future....these other things are lingering things that continue to add to our deficits.....and these are ALL things that CONGRESS is in charge of....

congress has done a cruddy job the last 10 years.

It's easy to blame bush and blame obama.....but they can not and never have, single handedly 'saved the world' or saved our economy...

"much of the stimulus was used to pay for unemployment, and for tax breaks...."

How much was spent on tax breaks? What exactly were those tax breaks?

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