Number of Jobs Added in August?

Sallow has got his ideological blinders on...he sees only what he's told to see...and the rest of the world doesn't exist. It's what allows him to ignore the fact that progressives were running the show for two years and didn't do a very good job of fixing things. Somehow he manages to convince himself that the failures are the responsibility of the people who were locked out in the hall while most of this was going on. I have a feeling if Sallow had been around in the 6th Century BC that he would have been one of those refusing to believe that the earth was round.
Sallow has got his ideological blinders on...he sees only what he's told to see...and the rest of the world doesn't exist. It's what allows him to ignore the fact that progressives were running the show for two years and didn't do a very good job of fixing things. Somehow he manages to convince himself that the failures are the responsibility of the people who were locked out in the hall while most of this was going on. I have a feeling if Sallow had been around in the 6th Century BC that he would have been one of those refusing to believe that the earth was round.
The man is on the dole and looking for a job...give him a break...he's defending his position with millions of other moochers at the Gubmint trough...:eusa_whistle:
That's simply false.

And if the stimulus money creates a private sector job, i.e., building a bridge or repairing a road... is that not temporary?

You obviously are one more person who doesn't understand how stimulus works.

:lol:how many weatherization jobs have been created, what have they accomplished and, whats the cost per job...go ahead, I'll wait.

The stimulus created or saved 3 million jobs. Yes, temporarily. That is what a stimulus is supposed to do. That's what it did.

State and local governments are now laying off more people as stimulus money runs out. Infrastructure projects paid for with stimulus money, that created jobs, have come and gone.

You want to refund the stimulus to keep those people working or create new jobs for the people who's stimulus work ended?

Of course you don't. So quit crying about the lack of jobs and trying to blame it on Obama.

Obama doesn't run the private sector. Obama doesn't control how much money the consumers spend.

3 million? Oh I see take the high end of a preposterous estimate of a 200% fudge factor- 1.4 to 3.2 million......please huh...:lol:

ah ses we have switched tack now, its the dumb ass public's fault for not spending? yup that will go far....what the hell, hes blamed everyone else including a friggin earthquake and the arabs....I guess he just controls the tides, Irene not notwithstanding....:lol:

and those jobs are going as we speak, the stimulus was supposed to kick start the economy to pay sate public sector employee - all he did ala cash for clunkers was buy time...and? epic fail....
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That's simply false.

And if the stimulus money creates a private sector job, i.e., building a bridge or repairing a road... is that not temporary?

You obviously are one more person who doesn't understand how stimulus works.

:lol:how many weatherization jobs have been created, what have they accomplished and, whats the cost per job...go ahead, I'll wait.

The stimulus created or saved 3 million jobs. Yes, temporarily. That is what a stimulus is supposed to do. That's what it did.

State and local governments are now laying off more people as stimulus money runs out. Infrastructure projects paid for with stimulus money, that created jobs, have come and gone.

You want to refund the stimulus to keep those people working or create new jobs for the people who's stimulus work ended?

Of course you don't. So quit crying about the lack of jobs and trying to blame it on Obama.

Obama doesn't run the private sector. Obama doesn't control how much money the consumers spend.

Even the Obama administration stopped with that nonsense, when the finally realized they had absolutely no way to verify the number. Please, you make yourself look even more foolish when you continue with talking points your party has already dropped.
:lol:how many weatherization jobs have been created, what have they accomplished and, whats the cost per job...go ahead, I'll wait.

The stimulus created or saved 3 million jobs. Yes, temporarily. That is what a stimulus is supposed to do. That's what it did.

State and local governments are now laying off more people as stimulus money runs out. Infrastructure projects paid for with stimulus money, that created jobs, have come and gone.

You want to refund the stimulus to keep those people working or create new jobs for the people who's stimulus work ended?

Of course you don't. So quit crying about the lack of jobs and trying to blame it on Obama.

Obama doesn't run the private sector. Obama doesn't control how much money the consumers spend.

3 million? Oh I see take the high end of a preposterous estimate of a 200% fudge factor- 1.4 to 3.2 million......please huh...:lol:

ah ses we have switched tack now, its the dumb ass public's fault for not spending? yup that will go far....what the hell, hes blamed everyone else including a friggin earthquake and the arabs....I guess he just controls the tides, Irene not notwithstanding....:lol:

and those jobs are going as we speak, the stimulus was supposed to kick start the economy to pay sate public sector employee - all he did ala cash for clunkers was buy time...and? epic fail....

When did I 'switch tack' exactly?
:lol:how many weatherization jobs have been created, what have they accomplished and, whats the cost per job...go ahead, I'll wait.

The stimulus created or saved 3 million jobs. Yes, temporarily. That is what a stimulus is supposed to do. That's what it did.

State and local governments are now laying off more people as stimulus money runs out. Infrastructure projects paid for with stimulus money, that created jobs, have come and gone.

You want to refund the stimulus to keep those people working or create new jobs for the people who's stimulus work ended?

Of course you don't. So quit crying about the lack of jobs and trying to blame it on Obama.

Obama doesn't run the private sector. Obama doesn't control how much money the consumers spend.

Even the Obama administration stopped with that nonsense, when the finally realized they had absolutely no way to verify the number. Please, you make yourself look even more foolish when you continue with talking points your party has already dropped.

Since the Right started using that number, when it was convenient, I see no reason not to consider that validation.
:lol:how many weatherization jobs have been created, what have they accomplished and, whats the cost per job...go ahead, I'll wait.

The stimulus created or saved 3 million jobs. Yes, temporarily. That is what a stimulus is supposed to do. That's what it did.

State and local governments are now laying off more people as stimulus money runs out. Infrastructure projects paid for with stimulus money, that created jobs, have come and gone.

You want to refund the stimulus to keep those people working or create new jobs for the people who's stimulus work ended?

Of course you don't. So quit crying about the lack of jobs and trying to blame it on Obama.

Obama doesn't run the private sector. Obama doesn't control how much money the consumers spend.

3 million? Oh I see take the high end of a preposterous estimate of a 200% fudge factor- 1.4 to 3.2 million......please huh...:lol:

ah ses we have switched tack now, its the dumb ass public's fault for not spending? yup that will go far....what the hell, hes blamed everyone else including a friggin earthquake and the arabs....I guess he just controls the tides, Irene not notwithstanding....:lol:

and those jobs are going as we speak, the stimulus was supposed to kick start the economy to pay sate public sector employee - all he did ala cash for clunkers was buy time...and? epic fail....

You forgot about Obama blaming it on "BAD LUCK", also. :lol:
The most crucial unemployment number is President Obama's.

We ALL need him to lose his job on January 20, 2013.
All it will take is ONE more quarter of non growth for Obama to be on par with Jimmah Catah...

Stock futures are rallying for some strange reason, though the morning’s plate of economic data was sort of ugly.

Jobless claims came in at 409,000, just a little higher than the 407,000 economists expected. The prior week’s claims were revised up, as they always are, to 421,000 from 417,000. This level of claims is really too high and indicates the job market isn’t healthy, even if it’s not quite on its deathbed.

Second quarter productivity was revised down to a decline of 0.7%, the biggest drop since the fourth quarter of 2008, from a first reading of -0.3%. It has fallen for two quarters in a row, for the first time since the end of 2008.

Some might say that falling productivity, which is output per worker hour, could be good if it means businesses are going to hire more people. But falling productivity is really hard to spin as great news. It’s bad for living standards, raises inflation risks and hurts corporate profits.

Stock futures haven’t moved much. Dow futures are down 12 points, S&P futures are down about 2.

An initial version of this post incorrectly said productivity had fallen three quarters in a row, for the first time since 1979. It has fallen two quarters in a row.


Without productivity in an economy? Why bother?
My memory is fine,

liberals are a milestone around aMericas neck.

Traitors in everything they do and say.

They conspire against the west, aMerican exceptionalism and Zion.

They hate your God, they hate your values, they hate the family.

They have started a war they will not win.

God willing.

Let me get this straight....Bush's economy crashed with him as president and a democrat Congress and Senate....and it's Bush's fault.

The economy sucks with Obama as president along with a democratic Senate and a republican Congress....and it's the republicans fault.
Am I seeing this right? :confused:

It's Obama's fault for acting like a Republican.

It was Bush's fault for acting like a Democrat...
That's simply false.

And if the stimulus money creates a private sector job, i.e., building a bridge or repairing a road... is that not temporary?

You obviously are one more person who doesn't understand how stimulus works.

:lol:how many weatherization jobs have been created, what have they accomplished and, whats the cost per job...go ahead, I'll wait.

The stimulus created or saved 3 million jobs. Yes, temporarily. That is what a stimulus is supposed to do. That's what it did.

State and local governments are now laying off more people as stimulus money runs out. Infrastructure projects paid for with stimulus money, that created jobs, have come and gone.

You want to refund the stimulus to keep those people working or create new jobs for the people who's stimulus work ended?

Of course you don't. So quit crying about the lack of jobs and trying to blame it on Obama.

Obama doesn't run the private sector. Obama doesn't control how much money the consumers spend.

The stimulus was supposed to keep unemployment from going up over 8%. It went to 10.2%. The stimulus was supposed to jump start the economy. Growth is at an anemic 1%.

Obama doesn't "run" the Private Sector but his actions have profound effects on it. By choosing to virtually ignore jobs in the Private Sector while he propped up the Public Sector he virtually guaranteed a revenue shortfall once the stimulus ran out because Public Sector jobs don't generate revenue...that only comes from the Private Sector. I think Obama and his team thought the recession would rebound on it's own and he could spend all that stimulus money on a laundry list of liberal pet projects and STILL look like a hero when the economy came roaring back. What he failed to take into account was the dampening effect his OTHER policy proposals would have. The passage of Obama Care and the associated costs involved caused an immediate contraction as the Private Sector absorbed how much this albatross of a bill was going to hit their bottom line for. Then he followed that up with calls for Cap & Trade and Card Check...two more anti business pieces of legislation. (Thank God, for the Blue Dog Dems! If they had caved to Obama on THOSE two job killers then our economy would REALLY be in the crapper!) Then he allowed his progressive buddies over at the EPA to announce that they would be imposing strict new regulations on emissions...something that would have raised energy costs across the board. Then there was the ban on drilling permits that will be driving up the cost of oil down the road. So when you say that Obama doesn't "run" the Private Sector that doesn't mean that he can't run the Private sector into the ground because that's what he's been doing ever since he took office.
Let me get this straight....Bush's economy crashed with him as president and a democrat Congress and Senate....and it's Bush's fault.

The economy sucks with Obama as president along with a democratic Senate and a republican Congress....and it's the republicans fault.
Am I seeing this right? :confused:

It's Obama's fault for acting like a Republican.

It was Bush's fault for acting like a Democrat...
Carbonated is enabled by Obama, and visa-versa...vicious cycle at our expense...
when you post things like that, you really expose your inner jackass and drooling idiocy, which is becoming all to familiar.

Like what?

The truth?

You guys absolutely hate the people that have been born. Unless of course they are brain dead..then you stop congress to make sure the family who is going broke to keep them in a state of brain deadness/body liveness has to continue doing it.

I don't see any conservatives upset over all the civilian deaths in Iraq..let alone the deaths of the Iraqi military. That was one big football game for yas. Oooorahhh. Look at em bomb Baghdad boys. And that country had nothing whatsoever to do with the event they were attacked over.

Obama came in to the whistle calls of Conservatives and Republicans hoping he "failed". What the fuck was that suppose to mean? That he "failed" cleaning up the big fat diarrhea crap of an economy left by Conservatives and Republicans? Well guys filibustered and blocked your way to this outcome. The present congress hasn't put up very much in terms of legislation except to try to dismantle health care, tax abortion, make absurd "amendments" to the constitution and other skullduggery. And it's hard to deal with the mindset that wants to put a torch to government because unless you are just as crazy..nothing is really going to work.

So they've nullified his presidency..and completely broke down government. It's dysfunctional now.

Good job..:clap2:

You are proving yourself to be a blooming idiot, Sallow. sorry

He's not going to be satisfied until he's full blown, rdean stupid.....
Thank you Tea Party!

Good job boys.

You do realize that you got your parties candidate elected to the White House right?

Hell I don't blame you for trying not to admit that....

At some point this administration will accept the fact that they are doing a lousy job running this country.

Blaming everyone else for their shortcomings doesn't get it done.Even the dumbest of the dumb that elected this guy will get tired of his standup comedy routines with the catchy phrases...they in the end want someone who gets the job done.....:eusa_shhh:
This is exactly the outcome Republicans..and Conservatives wanted.

They want Americans to suffer. They want the destruction of the American government. And they want corporations to take over. They want a society of the very wealthy and the very poor.

And that's it.

They working overtime to achieve that.

So good.

when you post things like that, you really expose your inner jackass and drooling idiocy, which is becoming all to familiar.

Like what?

The truth?

You guys absolutely hate the people that have been born. Unless of course they are brain dead..then you stop congress to make sure the family who is going broke to keep them in a state of brain deadness/body liveness has to continue doing it.

I don't see any conservatives upset over all the civilian deaths in Iraq..let alone the deaths of the Iraqi military. That was one big football game for yas. Oooorahhh. Look at em bomb Baghdad boys. And that country had nothing whatsoever to do with the event they were attacked over.

Obama came in to the whistle calls of Conservatives and Republicans hoping he "failed". What the fuck was that suppose to mean? That he "failed" cleaning up the big fat diarrhea crap of an economy left by Conservatives and Republicans? Well guys filibustered and blocked your way to this outcome. The present congress hasn't put up very much in terms of legislation except to try to dismantle health care, tax abortion, make absurd "amendments" to the constitution and other skullduggery. And it's hard to deal with the mindset that wants to put a torch to government because unless you are just as crazy..nothing is really going to work.

So they've nullified his presidency..and completely broke down government. It's dysfunctional now.

Good job..:clap2:

I tried to tell dumbasses like you that all this community organizer can lead are protests, not this country. It's dysfunctional because there is a "lack of leadership" because Obama is not a leader, thanks for amplifying that fact.......
Tea party is in the WhiteHouse? They're setting policy and not the branches of our government??

You are indeed an idiot winger, swallow

And you're still a flaming quiff. No swallow for you little fagolita.

Which of the 20 or so bills passed by the house concerned jobs? Eh?

Laziest congress in history. Also the rudiest and the most stupid.

Thank God for the 112 congress. If it wasn't for the Tea Party, democrats would still be spending our great-grandkids money and telling themselves that the economy was growing. Obama had a super majority for two years and what did he do with it? Kash for klunkers and half a billion dollars in taxpayer funded loans to bankrupt "green" companies with big democrat investors that were in trouble when Barry authorized the loans.
I was just thinking.....

might surprise some i try i know, butt...

Most kids i talk to support the Oman, so spending money they havnt earned yet

might not be the evil us old gits think it is.

What the hell right?


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