Numbers are out: DeSantis crushed Disney

Let’s review the timeline:

1. The left invents a nonexistent “don’t say gay bill”
2. Disney and ESPN support it and denounce DeSantis
3. The left lies about the bill and attempts to paint DeSantis as homophobic and transphobic, despite the bill being about not teaching 1st-3rd graders about sexual issues.
4. The leftist MSM trumpet the slander across most TV and internet media, defending the right of leftists to teach 1st-3rd graders about sexual issues.
5. DeSantis wins reelection in Florida at the highest rate in GOP history by 19 points
6. The Disney CEO who opposed Desantis and attacked him over the “don’t say gay” bill got fired

New CEO Bob Iger Announced:
- 7000 employees will be laid off
- Disney will Cut costs by 5.5 billion
- Disney has lost 9 billion in streaming on Disney+ and ESPN+

Wow, DeSantis absolutely crushed the woke here.

When all this happened, I dropped my subscription to HBO+. I was going to re subscribe to watch the new Star Wars off shoots (Obi Wan and that other one).. But the reviews on them were terrible. So I'll just wait til The Mandalorian season 3 is about half way finish. That way I can see if they screwed it up too.
It’s really not the law Disantis passed that’s crushing Disney. He brought Disneys woke agenda to the forefront and it went national. Thats what’s doing the most damage. Disneys woke agenda is being rejected nationwide.

Is it though? I mean, yeah, if you call it woke, people say they are against that. but if you ask them if gays should be treated with dignity, most people would agree with that. If you ask them if minorities should have equal rights, most people would say they should.

Disney is having problems for the same reason HBO/Warner, Paramount, Amazon and everyone else is. The model of how entertainment is distributed has changed. People don't go to the theater anymore, they wait for stuff to get to streaming.

By sixteen, I certainly knew what a boy is, what a girl is, and why the difference between them matters.

Like most people, I knew most of that before I even started school.

I'm willing to bet that you've encountered transgender people many times and had no idea they were trans.

Without looking it up, tell me which one used to be a man?


That at sixty years of age, you still don't grasp this, is an indication of something very, very, very wrong with you.
No, I realize that not everyone is the same as me.
For instance, I am currently dating an Asian woman. 55 years ago, our relationship would have been against the law in many states in this union that had miscegenation laws.
Then we realized we shouldn't limit anyone's happiness because other people are bigots. What a crazy idea.
When all this happened, I dropped my subscription to HBO+. I was going to re subscribe to watch the new Star Wars off shoots (Obi Wan and that other one).. But the reviews on them were terrible. So I'll just wait til The Mandalorian season 3 is about half way finish. That way I can see if they screwed it up too.

And that's the point. No one is rejecting Disney because of "Woke", they are rejecting it because the product they are putting out isn't good.

Let's take the Obi-Wan series as an example.
We know that Obi-Wan is going to still be alive at the end of the series.
We know that Darth Vader is going to be alive at the end of the series.

We know this because their characters don't die until the Original Trilogy when they are played by different actors who are dead now. 24 years, and Lucasfilm/Disney STILL don't get why prequels don't work. There's no suspense when you know how this is going to end. So while the visuals on the series were pretty good, you know there are no actual stakes here. Just a whole series leading up to a contrived light saber duel between Vader and Kenobi that had less impact than the other two in A New Hope and Revenge of the Sith.

I thought that the Obi-Wan series WAS terrible, but I can't think of any way that they could have made it good, to be honest.

And of course, the conversation was dominated by all the white boy haters who didn't like the character of Reva, because she was played by a black woman.
You mean unless they refused to pander to mentally ill faggots, in which case you're all for destroying private businesses.

except the homophobic baker was actually breaking the law. Disney wasn't. They just expressed their disapproval of a law.
I will when you ask the dozens (if not hundreds) of Catholic Priests who had one hand on the Bible.

Let me're now going to accuse the priests of being closet homosexuals.

We all know faggots infiltrate organizations that are tolerant of their mental illness and fetishes, and that you freak lovers like to deny they're just faggots and not real priests or Scout Leaders or Teachers, just predators who go after kids, which of course you Democrarts are just fine with, so why keep up the fake claims? It's clear you deviants know you're sick, which is why you use euphemisms like 'gay' and 'non-binary' as covers.
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One could point out heterosexuals that have done just the same. Why have a broad brush against homosexuals? Such people need to pay for their crime but there's millions of people that never done what you're accusing all of us as.

Faggots rape kids at far higher rates relative to their numbers, and their 'Rights' movement was founded by pedophiles and their admirers. Nobody is falsely accusing you freaks, and you know it.
We all know faggots infiltrate organizations that are tolerant of their mental illness and fetishes, and that you freak lovers like to deny they're just faggots and not real priests or Scout Leaders or Teachers, just predators who go after kids, which of course you Democrarts are just fine with, so why keep up the fake claims? It's clear you devaints know you're sixk, which is why you use euphemisms like 'gay' and 'non-binary' as covers.
Meanwhile back in reality Catholic priests are molesting kids under the guise of ministering to them. I'm not sure how your being a faggot effects that.
except the homophobic baker was actually breaking the law. Disney wasn't. They just expressed their disapproval of a law.

No he wasn't, he was just refusing to pander to your fetishes, is all. Find where the the Bill Of Rights forces people to cater to faggot wierdness.
Meanwhile back in reality Catholic priests are molesting kids under the guise of ministering to them. I'm not sure how your being a faggot effects that.

You mean faggots posing as priests are still molesting kids. Of course they are, it's what they are there for, same as you are here to defend them.
Without looking it up, tell me which one used to be a man?


A convincing fake is still a fake, no matter how realistic.

And whichever one “used to be a man”, as a matter of hard, immutable, undeniable scientific fact, still is a man, albeit a ruined and mutilated form thereof. It is biologically impossible for a man to become a woman.

Show me a few diamonds, and a moissanite, I wouldn't be able to identify which one is the moissanite. That doesn't make the moissanite as valuable as a diamond.

If you were young, and single, and looking for a wife, would you consider a “trans woman” to be an acceptable substitute in that position for an actual woman? I sure as Hell would not.
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Simply because there's nothing wrong with being gay or LGBT in general...Sure, you're ok to be heterosexual but that is a choice everyone has a right to make. Why isn't it ok?
Yes, it is a choice, and nobody is born that way, unless they have a genetic defect, like in their sense of smell. That's why your agendas need to be shut down and you freaks need to be kept away from children. Duh.
Is it though? I mean, yeah, if you call it woke, people say they are against that. but if you ask them if gays should be treated with dignity, most people would agree with that. If you ask them if minorities should have equal rights, most people would say they should.

Disney is having problems for the same reason HBO/Warner, Paramount, Amazon and everyone else is. The model of how entertainment is distributed has changed. People don't go to the theater anymore, they wait for stuff to get to streaming.

I'm willing to bet that you've encountered transgender people many times and had no idea they were trans.

Without looking it up, tell me which one used to be a man?


No, I realize that not everyone is the same as me.
For instance, I am currently dating an Asian woman. 55 years ago, our relationship would have been against the law in many states in this union that had miscegenation laws.
Then we realized we shouldn't limit anyone's happiness because other people are bigots. What a crazy idea.

Sorry little Joey, I have have gay family members. I was in my gay sisters wedding. I don’t care if someone is gay or trans. Neither do the majority of Americans.
And that's the point. No one is rejecting Disney because of "Woke", they are rejecting it because the product they are putting out isn't good.

BS, I dropped my subscription because of both. The child grooming thing was a huge factor in it. There BS woke shows was another. What they were doing to Star Wars was another.
Let's take the Obi-Wan series as an example.
We know that Obi-Wan is going to still be alive at the end of the series.
We know that Darth Vader is going to be alive at the end of the series.

We know this because their characters don't die until the Original Trilogy when they are played by different actors who are dead now. 24 years, and Lucasfilm/Disney STILL don't get why prequels don't work. There's no suspense when you know how this is going to end. So while the visuals on the series were pretty good, you know there are no actual stakes here. Just a whole series leading up to a contrived light saber duel between Vader and Kenobi that had less impact than the other two in A New Hope and Revenge of the Sith.

They could've wrote in a better script. But Obi Wan was written by what looked like woke high school kids who've never even seen a Star Wars movie. And the producer & Director wasn't paying attention to simple things like the little girl chase scene in the first episode. Surrounded by like 6 guys and still managed to get away? Yeah na.
Or when Obi Wan was chasing her on the roof. One scene shows him like 3ft away, and the next moment she's like 20ft a way.
I thought that the Obi-Wan series WAS terrible, but I can't think of any way that they could have made it good, to be honest.

I can.
And of course, the conversation was dominated by all the white boy haters who didn't like the character of Reva, because she was played by a black woman.

It was because she just wasn't a good pick for that role. In fact, that was a dumb role all together.

Disney's and Hollywood have this retarded affirmative action crap that says so many roles have to go to women, so many have to go to gays and blah blah blah blah.
Lot's of us folks are sick of all these female hero's. The believability of these roles is sub par.

They did the same thing with the walking dead. One episode, had a new mom practicing her fighting skills when her baby was only a month or so old. And two men taking care of it. In about that same episode, they wrote Daryl in making a friendship bracelet for Carol.
Trying to feminize the men, and emasculate the women. This series went down hill when that Asian woman took over the production.

I'm glad this woke crap is on it's last leg. Maybe we can get back to some decent movies, without all the woke crap being shoved in our faces.

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