Nunes' Dud Memo may have strengthened Mueller's Quest

the carter page FISA Warrant BEGAN the month AFTER HE LEFT the Trump campaign, and NOT while he was on the campaign team....

FOX is LYING TO YOU, the warrant was not to spy through surveillance on Carter...the Trump Campaign team, Carter Paige was no longer a part of it, he was forced to resign back in September....30 or so days earlier than the warrant

your god/president is lying too....

I'd like to know what he is working overtime on, to hide? Don't any of you Trumpettes want to know?
Yep.....BTW, what was Schiff and the FBI trying to HIDE when they fought tooth and nail to keep the FISA memo from being released?
Leon Panetta describe the situation pretty well. This memo shows a breakdown in our national security processes, where our enemies will see this as a weakness.
Also, since Nunes was part of Trump campaign, he can hardly operate as an unbiased source in his position. The job Nunes is doing should be done by somebody without conflict of interest.
Sorry, but there is nobody that the Democrats won't think/accuse of having a conflict of there's that.
We're dealing with dishonesty from the left. They decided to resist because of this made-up story of Russian there you go.
You could start a thread about French poodles or medieval poetry. If Mudwhistle shows up, the thread is now about the Clintons.'s clear that most of the rubbish that's being pushed in the media is payback for Hillary losing again in a presidential election.

Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

But that’s not the point. The point is that it was legal for Obama to negotiate with Putin. Whereas if Tr ump did while Obama was president, that’s illegal.
That is quite different from selling them uranium facilities.
Who sold them Uranium facilities?
The sale by the owner was approved by the Obama administration, spearheaded by the State Department, enabled by Hillary Clinton. Clinton received hundreds of millions of dollars (via the Clinton Crime Family Foundation) from Russian companies affiliated with the deal.

Clinton’s role in the Uranium One sale, and the link to the Clinton Foundation, first became an issue in 2015, when news organizations received advance copies of the book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer, a former fellow at a conservative think tank.

On April 23, 2015, the New York Times wrote about the uranium issue, saying the paper had “built upon” Schweizer’s information.

The Times detailed how the Clinton Foundation had received millions in donations from investors in Uranium One.

The donations from those with ties to Uranium One weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clinton Foundation, even though Hillary Clinton had an agreement with the White House that the foundation would disclose all contributors. Days after the Times story, the foundation acknowledged that it “made mistakes,” saying it had disclosed donations from a Canadian charity, for instance, but not the donors to that charity who were associated with the uranium company.

The Times also wrote that Bill Clinton spoke at a conference in Moscow on June 29, 2010 — which was after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced in June 2010, but before it was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States in October 2010. The Russian-based Renaissance Capital Group organized the conference and paid Clinton $500,000.

Renaissance Capital has “ties to the Kremlin” and its analysts “talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a ‘buy’ rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was ‘the best play’ in the uranium markets,” the Times wrote.

But there is no evidence that the donations or the speaking fee had any influence on the approvals granted by the NRC or the Committee on Foreign Investments.
Great, thanks for confirming neither Obama nor Hillary sold anyone any uranium facilities. That's why it made no sense when you said, "that is quite different from selling them uranium facilities."
Nope.....uranium mining stakes. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Nice try though.
the nyt took the briebart book, clinton cash, for their made up story.... but it was proven.... false!

the money flowed to the clinton foundation when Hillary was a Senator, and before anyone knew she would even be Secretary of State....and the guy who gave near all of it, was a canadian who shared a charity goal with the clinton foundation...

AND the donor Canadian sold his stake in to the Uranium mining business YEARS before the U.S. approved a sale to the Russians...

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Only a blithering , braindead idiot would claim that the memo was "nothing". It's only the biggest exposure of corruption that makes Watergate pale in comparison and more is coming.

Ok idiot, lets put that to the test.

Make a testable prediction on what will happen as a result of this memo.

More information is going to be released. The memo and the 99 page release with redactions of names shows that the DOJ, FISA courts and the FBI were weaponized to keep the status quo of the deep state.

BTW, step lightly when you call someone that knows infinitely more than you an "idiot", punkinpuss.
Who is in the deep state?

Who heads the Deep state and for what end purpose?

Are they a bunch of people who don't even know each other or do they have secret society meetings off site to coordinate their actions to achieve their goal?

And again what is their goal? Do they get paid extra money by the deep state head, to clandestantly follow this head and do illegal things for them?

Who is behind the scenes controlling this Deep State's Mission? Are there different levels of authority within this deep state?
Rosenstein -- Agent of the Deep State Coup

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

Deep state was defined in 2014 by Mike Lofgren, a former Republican U.S. congressional aide, as "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process."[6][7] It has become a key concept of the "alt right" movement as expressed by Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity. [8][9]

You're welcome.
that didn't tell me a thing.... who runs it, what is the purpose, etc etc etc etc etc.... name names....and the chain of command.... not some fairy tale entity...or sector...

how long has it been going on? have those who started it, died and passed onward?

every organization, even the mafia, has a head....?
Then you didn't read the links. Only the Shadow knows who is in the US Deep State. How the hell should I know? I do know there is a growing list of unconstitutional behavior on the part of politicians and others to dismiss and attack the duly elected President. A portion of that comes from upper echelons of the FBI.

The truth will slowly be exposed.'s clear that most of the rubbish that's being pushed in the media is payback for Hillary losing again in a presidential election.[/QUOTE]

I would have to say that it goes much deeper than that... A good read if you have some time, makes some sense... 'me thinks'.... ( & no, this is actually an affirmative article on Trump's effectiveness)

Radioactive Trump
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Of course we know why he fired Comey — he said so himself.

This is what Trump said HIMSELF.....

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."
I've already asked you for a CREDIBLE link to that claim. You gave me four shithole liberal shills. Either post a credible link...or a VIDEO. I will respond to either.
“And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story,’ ”

Thanks, but the video does not prove that Trump fired Comey because of the Russia collusion investigation. That is the conclusion drawn by the NYT.

I heard him say "

Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

But that’s not the point. The point is that it was legal for Obama to negotiate with Putin. Whereas if Tr ump did while Obama was president, that’s illegal.
That is quite different from selling them uranium facilities.
Who sold them Uranium facilities?
The sale by the owner was approved by the Obama administration, spearheaded by the State Department, enabled by Hillary Clinton. Clinton received hundreds of millions of dollars (via the Clinton Crime Family Foundation) from Russian companies affiliated with the deal.

Clinton’s role in the Uranium One sale, and the link to the Clinton Foundation, first became an issue in 2015, when news organizations received advance copies of the book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer, a former fellow at a conservative think tank.

On April 23, 2015, the New York Times wrote about the uranium issue, saying the paper had “built upon” Schweizer’s information.

The Times detailed how the Clinton Foundation had received millions in donations from investors in Uranium One.

The donations from those with ties to Uranium One weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clinton Foundation, even though Hillary Clinton had an agreement with the White House that the foundation would disclose all contributors. Days after the Times story, the foundation acknowledged that it “made mistakes,” saying it had disclosed donations from a Canadian charity, for instance, but not the donors to that charity who were associated with the uranium company.

The Times also wrote that Bill Clinton spoke at a conference in Moscow on June 29, 2010 — which was after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced in June 2010, but before it was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States in October 2010. The Russian-based Renaissance Capital Group organized the conference and paid Clinton $500,000.

Renaissance Capital has “ties to the Kremlin” and its analysts “talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a ‘buy’ rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was ‘the best play’ in the uranium markets,” the Times wrote.

But there is no evidence that the donations or the speaking fee had any influence on the approvals granted by the NRC or the Committee on Foreign Investments.
Great, thanks for confirming neither Obama nor Hillary sold anyone any uranium facilities. That's why it made no sense when you said, "that is quite different from selling them uranium facilities."
The sale required approval of several departments within the administration. Obama and Hillary made sure that the approvals were granted. They could have stopped it, but didn't. They should have stopped it, but didn't. They enabled it.

Yep........nothing to see here folks.
Nobody was bribed or threatened to go along with what looks like treasonous criminal activity.
the carter page FISA Warrant BEGAN the month AFTER HE LEFT the Trump campaign, and NOT while he was on the campaign team....

FOX is LYING TO YOU, the warrant was not to spy through surveillance on Carter...the Trump Campaign team, Carter Paige was no longer a part of it, he was forced to resign back in September....30 or so days earlier than the warrant

your god/president is lying too....

I'd like to know what he is working overtime on, to hide? Don't any of you Trumpettes want to know?
Yep.....BTW, what was Schiff and the FBI trying to HIDE when they fought tooth and nail to keep the FISA memo from being released?
Leon Panetta describe the situation pretty well. This memo shows a breakdown in our national security processes, where our enemies will see this as a weakness.
Also, since Nunes was part of Trump campaign, he can hardly operate as an unbiased source in his position. The job Nunes is doing should be done by somebody without conflict of interest.
Sorry, but there is nobody that the Democrats won't think/accuse of having a conflict of there's that.
We're dealing with dishonesty from the left. They decided to resist because of this made-up story of Russian there you go.
You could start a thread about French poodles or medieval poetry. If Mudwhistle shows up, the thread is now about the Clintons.'s clear that most of the rubbish that's being pushed in the media is payback for Hillary losing again in a presidential election.
"Hillary Tourettes Syndrome"
That is quite different from selling them uranium facilities.
Who sold them Uranium facilities?
The sale by the owner was approved by the Obama administration, spearheaded by the State Department, enabled by Hillary Clinton. Clinton received hundreds of millions of dollars (via the Clinton Crime Family Foundation) from Russian companies affiliated with the deal.

Clinton’s role in the Uranium One sale, and the link to the Clinton Foundation, first became an issue in 2015, when news organizations received advance copies of the book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer, a former fellow at a conservative think tank.

On April 23, 2015, the New York Times wrote about the uranium issue, saying the paper had “built upon” Schweizer’s information.

The Times detailed how the Clinton Foundation had received millions in donations from investors in Uranium One.

The donations from those with ties to Uranium One weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clinton Foundation, even though Hillary Clinton had an agreement with the White House that the foundation would disclose all contributors. Days after the Times story, the foundation acknowledged that it “made mistakes,” saying it had disclosed donations from a Canadian charity, for instance, but not the donors to that charity who were associated with the uranium company.

The Times also wrote that Bill Clinton spoke at a conference in Moscow on June 29, 2010 — which was after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced in June 2010, but before it was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States in October 2010. The Russian-based Renaissance Capital Group organized the conference and paid Clinton $500,000.

Renaissance Capital has “ties to the Kremlin” and its analysts “talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a ‘buy’ rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was ‘the best play’ in the uranium markets,” the Times wrote.

But there is no evidence that the donations or the speaking fee had any influence on the approvals granted by the NRC or the Committee on Foreign Investments.
Great, thanks for confirming neither Obama nor Hillary sold anyone any uranium facilities. That's why it made no sense when you said, "that is quite different from selling them uranium facilities."
Nope.....uranium mining stakes. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Nice try though.
the nyt took the briebart book, clinton cash, for their made up story.... but it was proven.... false!

the money flowed to the clinton foundation when Hillary was a Senator, and before anyone knew she would even be Secretary of State....and the guy who gave near all of it, was a canadian who shared a charity goal with the clinton foundation...

AND the donor Canadian sold his stake in to the Uranium mining business YEARS before the U.S. approved a sale to the Russians...

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

det-false.gif guys always can find some liberal source that is on the payroll (Snopes or willing to debunk every thing that we discover that Obama and Hillary have been caught red-handed doing.
Of course we know why he fired Comey — he said so himself.

This is what Trump said HIMSELF.....

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."
I've already asked you for a CREDIBLE link to that claim. You gave me four shithole liberal shills. Either post a credible link...or a VIDEO. I will respond to either.
“And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story,’ ”

Thanks, but that does not define his reason for firing Comey. It merely documents his relief that he had made the decision that had been recommended to him by his advisors to fire Comey. Why don't you ask them (I forget who they were) why they recommended Comey's firing. I suspect it had more to do with his ineptness in handling Hillary Clinton than with the investigation.
Who sold them Uranium facilities?
The sale by the owner was approved by the Obama administration, spearheaded by the State Department, enabled by Hillary Clinton. Clinton received hundreds of millions of dollars (via the Clinton Crime Family Foundation) from Russian companies affiliated with the deal.

Clinton’s role in the Uranium One sale, and the link to the Clinton Foundation, first became an issue in 2015, when news organizations received advance copies of the book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer, a former fellow at a conservative think tank.

On April 23, 2015, the New York Times wrote about the uranium issue, saying the paper had “built upon” Schweizer’s information.

The Times detailed how the Clinton Foundation had received millions in donations from investors in Uranium One.

The donations from those with ties to Uranium One weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clinton Foundation, even though Hillary Clinton had an agreement with the White House that the foundation would disclose all contributors. Days after the Times story, the foundation acknowledged that it “made mistakes,” saying it had disclosed donations from a Canadian charity, for instance, but not the donors to that charity who were associated with the uranium company.

The Times also wrote that Bill Clinton spoke at a conference in Moscow on June 29, 2010 — which was after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced in June 2010, but before it was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States in October 2010. The Russian-based Renaissance Capital Group organized the conference and paid Clinton $500,000.

Renaissance Capital has “ties to the Kremlin” and its analysts “talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a ‘buy’ rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was ‘the best play’ in the uranium markets,” the Times wrote.

But there is no evidence that the donations or the speaking fee had any influence on the approvals granted by the NRC or the Committee on Foreign Investments.
Great, thanks for confirming neither Obama nor Hillary sold anyone any uranium facilities. That's why it made no sense when you said, "that is quite different from selling them uranium facilities."
Nope.....uranium mining stakes. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Nice try though.
the nyt took the briebart book, clinton cash, for their made up story.... but it was proven.... false!

the money flowed to the clinton foundation when Hillary was a Senator, and before anyone knew she would even be Secretary of State....and the guy who gave near all of it, was a canadian who shared a charity goal with the clinton foundation...

AND the donor Canadian sold his stake in to the Uranium mining business YEARS before the U.S. approved a sale to the Russians...

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

det-false.gif guys always can find some liberal source that is on the payroll willing to debunk every thing that we discover that Obama and Hillary have been caught red-handed doing. THAT why your hilarious bullshit always ends up wilting like lettuce in the Sun? And here I thought it was because it was laughable bullshit. Oh, you poor, poor baby.

You heard it here, everyone! Time to start tallying the "clinton dead" again!
Yep.....BTW, what was Schiff and the FBI trying to HIDE when they fought tooth and nail to keep the FISA memo from being released?
Leon Panetta describe the situation pretty well. This memo shows a breakdown in our national security processes, where our enemies will see this as a weakness.
Also, since Nunes was part of Trump campaign, he can hardly operate as an unbiased source in his position. The job Nunes is doing should be done by somebody without conflict of interest.
Sorry, but there is nobody that the Democrats won't think/accuse of having a conflict of there's that.
We're dealing with dishonesty from the left. They decided to resist because of this made-up story of Russian there you go.
You could start a thread about French poodles or medieval poetry. If Mudwhistle shows up, the thread is now about the Clintons.'s clear that most of the rubbish that's being pushed in the media is payback for Hillary losing again in a presidential election.
"Hillary Tourettes Syndrome"

That's rich.
You motherfuckers have been crying :CryingCow:about the evils of Trump since he won back in November 2016. Before him it was Bush. :boo_hoo14:

So fucking spare me.
Leon Panetta describe the situation pretty well. This memo shows a breakdown in our national security processes, where our enemies will see this as a weakness.
Also, since Nunes was part of Trump campaign, he can hardly operate as an unbiased source in his position. The job Nunes is doing should be done by somebody without conflict of interest.
Sorry, but there is nobody that the Democrats won't think/accuse of having a conflict of there's that.
We're dealing with dishonesty from the left. They decided to resist because of this made-up story of Russian there you go.
You could start a thread about French poodles or medieval poetry. If Mudwhistle shows up, the thread is now about the Clintons.'s clear that most of the rubbish that's being pushed in the media is payback for Hillary losing again in a presidential election.
"Hillary Tourettes Syndrome"

That's rich.
You motherfuckers have been crying :CryingCow:about the evils of Trump since he won back in November 2016. Before him it was Bush. :boo_hoo14:

So fucking spare me.
I this is why you whine non fucking stop...because someone else is. Wow, it's hard to imagine having no control over my own behavior.
Only a blithering , braindead idiot would claim that the memo was "nothing". It's only the biggest exposure of corruption that makes Watergate pale in comparison and more is coming.

Ok idiot, lets put that to the test.

Make a testable prediction on what will happen as a result of this memo.

More information is going to be released. The memo and the 99 page release with redactions of names shows that the DOJ, FISA courts and the FBI were weaponized to keep the status quo of the deep state.

BTW, step lightly when you call someone that knows infinitely more than you an "idiot", punkinpuss.
Who is in the deep state?

Who heads the Deep state and for what end purpose?

Are they a bunch of people who don't even know each other or do they have secret society meetings off site to coordinate their actions to achieve their goal?

And again what is their goal? Do they get paid extra money by the deep state head, to clandestantly follow this head and do illegal things for them?

Who is behind the scenes controlling this Deep State's Mission? Are there different levels of authority within this deep state?
Rosenstein -- Agent of the Deep State Coup

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

Deep state was defined in 2014 by Mike Lofgren, a former Republican U.S. congressional aide, as "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process."[6][7] It has become a key concept of the "alt right" movement as expressed by Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity. [8][9]

You're welcome.
What fool wrote that? Here's a book with Deep State in its title, from 2013:
Somebody on Wikipedia. Maybe he got the date wrong. Your link is nothing but an Amazon sales pitch. Government secrecy is the common thread.
Deep down we ALL know that the word Clinton, Clintonian, Clintonesque, Clintonianly... will go down in history as an apt adj. adv. for deceitful, usurer, dishonest, corrupt etc. etc.

Lets start a new thread for HRC...

This one here is about the 'memo' remember...
Last edited:
Sorry, but there is nobody that the Democrats won't think/accuse of having a conflict of there's that.
We're dealing with dishonesty from the left. They decided to resist because of this made-up story of Russian there you go.
You could start a thread about French poodles or medieval poetry. If Mudwhistle shows up, the thread is now about the Clintons.'s clear that most of the rubbish that's being pushed in the media is payback for Hillary losing again in a presidential election.
"Hillary Tourettes Syndrome"

That's rich.
You motherfuckers have been crying :CryingCow:about the evils of Trump since he won back in November 2016. Before him it was Bush. :boo_hoo14:

So fucking spare me.
I this is why you whine non fucking stop...because someone else is. Wow, it's hard to imagine having no control over my own behavior.

LOL!!!!!! Look in the mirror, dumb can't defend your arguments and when you get called on the carpet? Your last line of defense is "cyber purse-swinging" ask for the ass-kicking that you receive.
Ok idiot, lets put that to the test.

Make a testable prediction on what will happen as a result of this memo.

More information is going to be released. The memo and the 99 page release with redactions of names shows that the DOJ, FISA courts and the FBI were weaponized to keep the status quo of the deep state.

BTW, step lightly when you call someone that knows infinitely more than you an "idiot", punkinpuss.
Who is in the deep state?

Who heads the Deep state and for what end purpose?

Are they a bunch of people who don't even know each other or do they have secret society meetings off site to coordinate their actions to achieve their goal?

And again what is their goal? Do they get paid extra money by the deep state head, to clandestantly follow this head and do illegal things for them?

Who is behind the scenes controlling this Deep State's Mission? Are there different levels of authority within this deep state?
Rosenstein -- Agent of the Deep State Coup

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

Deep state was defined in 2014 by Mike Lofgren, a former Republican U.S. congressional aide, as "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process."[6][7] It has become a key concept of the "alt right" movement as expressed by Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity. [8][9]

You're welcome.
What fool wrote that? Here's a book with Deep State in its title, from 2013:
Somebody on Wikipedia. Maybe he got the date wrong. Your link is nothing but an Amazon sales pitch. Government secrecy is the common thread.
what a bizarre response.
My link is a book from 2013 with "Deep State" in the title. The other poster is's just a catch phrase that paranoid people or people looking to make excuses use.
Time will tell... You know that the OP's assertion is subjective... right? Therefore our diametrically opposite views and opinions on this issue are inherently subjective as well.

With one MAJOR exception........I offer my SUBJECTIVE opinion....and you offer a subjective, possibly Russia-inspired opinion.

Let others judge.
Ok idiot, lets put that to the test.

Make a testable prediction on what will happen as a result of this memo.

More information is going to be released. The memo and the 99 page release with redactions of names shows that the DOJ, FISA courts and the FBI were weaponized to keep the status quo of the deep state.

BTW, step lightly when you call someone that knows infinitely more than you an "idiot", punkinpuss.
Who is in the deep state?

Who heads the Deep state and for what end purpose?

Are they a bunch of people who don't even know each other or do they have secret society meetings off site to coordinate their actions to achieve their goal?

And again what is their goal? Do they get paid extra money by the deep state head, to clandestantly follow this head and do illegal things for them?

Who is behind the scenes controlling this Deep State's Mission? Are there different levels of authority within this deep state?
Rosenstein -- Agent of the Deep State Coup

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

Deep state was defined in 2014 by Mike Lofgren, a former Republican U.S. congressional aide, as "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process."[6][7] It has become a key concept of the "alt right" movement as expressed by Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity. [8][9]

You're welcome.
that didn't tell me a thing.... who runs it, what is the purpose, etc etc etc etc etc.... name names....and the chain of command.... not some fairy tale entity...or sector...

how long has it been going on? have those who started it, died and passed onward?

every organization, even the mafia, has a head....?

Fair point Xena, Who or Whom, is / are the head of it... ? We know some of the characters (thus far) mostly represented by the FBI, former DOJ, DNC. On the flip side probably not the CIA. Anyone who claims to know at this point is full of Sheite. Not even Congress or this Administration really know the whole story....YET. This doesn't mean that some of the cards of the 'Deep State' haven't been uncovered...
I believe I heard that a former CIA agent came out and said something to the effect that "we will win" and implied Trump might be assassinated.

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