NWO: Wesley Clark: Internment Camps For Disloyal Americans Needed...

I think ol west should have been a little clearer on who exactly he was referring to.

Clark was very clear about who he was talking about. Alex Jones edited the interview so the paranoid rubes who drink his piss could not tell Clark was talking very specifically about the recruitment center shooter and other lone wolf Islamist domestic terrorists.
Shut up, beale. Listening to you one would think it was the Joos behind the Braves' inability to look like a major league baseball team this year.
Man oh man, they are crawling out of commie woodwork. You were warned about putting in OBama and his administration of FASCIST and commies
bit of a stretch that regular pissed off citizens will be taken away

but he seems to be supporting that idea. Japs and Germans then, muslims now.... So not a stretch-stretch that they move onto regular pissed off citizens.

people are already calling the cops on people selling flags

Oh my! This is so distressing. How many members of our flag-selling population have been whisked away and placed in internment camps? What laws have they broken? Can they avail themselves of habeas corpus? Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

plz don't make up lies about what I said


then what is it? is it a "bit of a stretch" or "not a stretch" that pissed off citizens (e.g., flag-selling citizens) will be hauled off to internment camps? What happened when the flea-market shopper called 911? did the coppers come and drag someone away? I can't get your link to work and my inquiring mind is left without information about this potential travesty.
The cops blew the confederate flag 911 caller off. But that doesn't fit into Two Thumbs' narrative, which is why he didn't tell you that part.
How retarded to you have to be to think there is a government conspiracy afoot just because some retard somewhere called the cops over something stupid?


"Oh, look. This guy called 911 over some flags. See? The government is up to something!"
I think ol west should have been a little clearer on who exactly he was referring to.

Clark was very clear about who he was talking about. Alex Jones edited the interview so the paranoid rubes who drink his piss could not tell Clark was talking very specifically about the recruitment center shooter and other lone wolf Islamist domestic terrorists.

I watched the same interview elsewhere in it's full version.
And I'll stand behind my original post when you consider the words of Janet Napolitiano...
Hey dipshits. Look at the infowars video at the part where Wesley Clark is talking. What does the banner under his face say?


You can watch the Clark interview here. Notice the question he is asked. The question Alex Jones left out:

MSNBC: General, you know a lot of people would say you reap what you sow. How do we fixed self-radicalized lone wolfs (sic) domestically?

CLARK: We have got to identify the people who are most likely to be radicalized. We've got to cut this off at the beginning. There are always a certain number of young people who are alienated. They don't get a job, they lost a girlfriend, their family doesn't feel happy here and we can watch the signs of that. And there are members of the community who can reach out to those people and bring them back in and encourage them to look at their blessings here.

But I do think on a national policy level we need to look at what self-radicalization means because we are at war with this group of terrorists. They do have an ideology. In World War II if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States, we didn't say that was freedom of speech, we put him in a camp, they were prisoners of war.

So, if these people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they are disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principle fine. It's their right and it's our right and obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict. And I think we're going to have to increasingly get tough on this, not only in the United States but our allied nations like Britain, Germany and France are going to have to look at their domestic law procedures.

bit of a stretch that regular pissed off citizens will be taken away

but he seems to be supporting that idea. Japs and Germans then, muslims now.... So not a stretch-stretch that they move onto regular pissed off citizens.

people are already calling the cops on people selling flags

Oh my! This is so distressing. How many members of our flag-selling population have been whisked away and placed in internment camps? What laws have they broken? Can they avail themselves of habeas corpus? Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

plz don't make up lies about what I said


then what is it? is it a "bit of a stretch" or "not a stretch" that pissed off citizens (e.g., flag-selling citizens) will be hauled off to internment camps? What happened when the flea-market shopper called 911? did the coppers come and drag someone away? I can't get your link to work and my inquiring mind is left without information about this potential travesty.
The cops blew the confederate flag 911 caller off. But that doesn't fit into Two Thumbs' narrative, which is why he didn't tell you that part.

Loved his Chicken Little narrative that it was probably not a stretch of anyone's imagination that the sky might be falling based on the lone report of an insignificant nut falling from a tree somewhere in America.
Ebola is gone so now the GOP has to come up with another Boogie Man..
bit of a stretch that regular pissed off citizens will be taken away

but he seems to be supporting that idea. Japs and Germans then, muslims now.... So not a stretch-stretch that they move onto regular pissed off citizens.

people are already calling the cops on people selling flags

Put down the crack pipe.

I guess we can expect the New World Order to go after drive through workers, too. After all, people are already calling the cops over them screwing up their burgers.

we have the largest percent of our population in prison now.

Thinking things could get worse, could, isn't a good reason to insult someone, since things have gotten worse.

When the last time the government gave up a law? Prohibition.

any others?

You are retarded enough to believe that because some other retard called 911 from a flea market that this is evidence the gubmint could start rounding people up any day now!!!

Jesus H. Christ!

I didn't say any day now

I was trying to get across the idea of how quickly people start to think something is against the law when it's not and how people want other people punished, arrested and sent to jail, for offending them.

leftist wanting people punished for offending them has already happened, it will happen again and the idea that it gets worse is a possibility.

being a closed minded **** to the possibility is cuntery

ya ****.
She asked questions, not lies, about your comment.

Have any flag sellers or wavers been taken to FEMA camps?
she lied and I never claimed anyone was sent, so shocking news, you are lying again as well.
She asked you questions, squid head. That does not mean they were lies. Are you able to hold an intelligent conversation without distortions or outright nonsense?
she made a false accusation with a question mark at the end.

How long have you been beating your wife?

that's an accusation with a question mark, hopefully false
She asked questions, not lies, about your comment.

Have any flag sellers or wavers been taken to FEMA camps?
she lied and I never claimed anyone was sent, so shocking news, you are lying again as well.
She asked you questions, squid head. That does not mean they were lies. Are you able to hold an intelligent conversation without distortions or outright nonsense?
she made a false accusation with a question mark at the end.

How long have you been beating your wife?

that's an accusation with a question mark, hopefully false
Oh, stop it, and grow up. You are acting silly. It was not an accusation, except to those who feel accused.
From the transcript:
So, if these people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they are disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principle fine. It's their right and it's our right and obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.

Disloyal? Sounds like he's talking about Obama. Barry was radicalized at Rev Wright's Church and his time with Uncle Frank. "God Damn America!"
Obama is letting in Millions of Illegal Aliens by the stroke of his pen. That's EXTREME disloyalty to the US AND the Rule of Law.
From the transcript:
So, if these people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they are disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principle fine. It's their right and it's our right and obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.

Disloyal? Sounds like he's talking about Obama. Barry was radicalized at Rev Wright's Church and his time with Uncle Frank. "God Damn America!"
Obama is letting in Millions of Illegal Aliens by the stroke of his pen. That's EXTREME disloyalty to the US AND the Rule of Law.
True Americans in two elections disagree with you, bub. The illegals are already here, he has deported more than Bush and Clinton combined, and you whine.
another lie by the fakestir yer on a role
Only in your mind was it an accusation. Do you believe that Obama has a FEMA cell already to go for folks like you and FEMA camps and all that?
go read my original post, you will see how much you are lying, if you are man enough to apologize, I will accept, since you seem to be emotionally stunted
another lie by the fakestir yer on a role
Only in your mind was it an accusation. Do you believe that Obama has a FEMA cell already to go for folks like you and FEMA camps and all that?
go read my original post, you will see how much you are lying, if you are man enough to apologize, I will accept, since you seem to be emotionally stunted
You are trolling now, son. She asked you a question? You took a question as a lie, and you say I am stunted. :lol: You simply can't be told you are wrong, particularly when you are like now.

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