NY attack-save your anger for the real evil.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Welcome to the new world order. Those of us who read Thomas Sowell’s 2009 book, Intellectuals and society, know that language can be used not only to educate society but to intimidate and stupefy it via crafted and constant propaganda. Certain individuals who gravitate into education and politics have an agenda or master plan to use the dead bodies of innocent Americans as mortar to build the foundation of a world government. They use verbal virtuosity to trick us into seeing something when we are actually seeing something else. They invite us to ignore the obvious and call us stupid if we don’t.

Sayfullo Saipov, the terrorist who killed eight in New York City came from a country that is 6,142 miles from New York City. It would have been very difficult if not impossible for Saipov to kill innocent Americans while living in Uzbekistan because it is separated from the US by a vast ocean and immense geography. Saipov ended up in the US under the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, a lottery scheme that implants the dark, medieval hatred of the west directly into the midst of our communities.

Saipov is not the culprit nor are any of the other Arab Spring operatives that have been and are still seeded in our society. The real culprits are in our deep-state government, our educational systems, our contaminated media and our political establishment. People are beginning to grow tired of these state-issued lone-wolf explanations of mass deaths. The real explanation is that these innocent lives are being sacrificed for a plan implemented by an odious faction of our political leadership that sells out Americans to the nucleus of a world authority.

The guts of unwary Americans on the pavement of our cities are just the broken eggs to make the omlette of political correctness. They feed the hive mentality of an anti-sovereign borderless planet. It’s a brave new world where a small political aristocracy rules the roost.

Don’t waste energy hating hapless, demented fools like saipov. Save your anger for the real evil in our society-people like US Senator Chuck Schumer, NY Mayor Bill De Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo. Without them and their malevolent policies Saipov would have stayed in Uzbekistan blocked by an ocean.

Saipov must be punished but if there were any real justice in this world Schumer, De Blasio and Cuomo would be facing a firing squad.
Seems a little too militant for legislature members to be killed....But this statement represents der right and their collusion with capital punishment for all deeds they deem necessary....Seems ironical....
More American citizens killed so the left can strut around like peacocks bragging about diversity. Its time to hold the left accountable for these deaths.
Do we know yet the circumstances for this guy being here? I do think it's dumbshit stupid to be bringing in guys from the ME and elsewhere without knowing enough about them or completely checking them out, and yes, I do not trust many of the foreign intel services that provide us with data might be questionable. Don't want to jump the shark yet on this guy in particular, but it's gonna happen: sooner or later one of those poor refugees is going to commit a terrorist attack on our soil and innocent Americans are going to die. What are the odds that the lib dems will stand up and say yeah, we screwed up and this guy shouldn't have been allowed into the US? Probably not too high IMHO.
Think twice before calling Uber for a ride. This guy had been one of their drivers.

And watch out for all those sand n*g*e*s driving big rigs as he did that too. They are just waiting on Obama and Soros dog whistle to mow down folks on the freeways all over America.

Welcome to the new world order. Those of us who read Thomas Sowell’s 2009 book, Intellectuals and society, know that language can be used not only to educate society but to intimidate and stupefy it via crafted and constant propaganda. Certain individuals who gravitate into education and politics have an agenda or master plan to use the dead bodies of innocent Americans as mortar to build the foundation of a world government. They use verbal virtuosity to trick us into seeing something when we are actually seeing something else. They invite us to ignore the obvious and call us stupid if we don’t.

Sayfullo Saipov, the terrorist who killed eight in New York City came from a country that is 6,142 miles from New York City. It would have been very difficult if not impossible for Saipov to kill innocent Americans while living in Uzbekistan because it is separated from the US by a vast ocean and immense geography. Saipov ended up in the US under the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, a lottery scheme that implants the dark, medieval hatred of the west directly into the midst of our communities.

Saipov is not the culprit nor are any of the other Arab Spring operatives that have been and are still seeded in our society. The real culprits are in our deep-state government, our educational systems, our contaminated media and our political establishment. People are beginning to grow tired of these state-issued lone-wolf explanations of mass deaths. The real explanation is that these innocent lives are being sacrificed for a plan implemented by an odious faction of our political leadership that sells out Americans to the nucleus of a world authority.

The guts of unwary Americans on the pavement of our cities are just the broken eggs to make the omlette of political correctness. They feed the hive mentality of an anti-sovereign borderless planet. It’s a brave new world where a small political aristocracy rules the roost.

Don’t waste energy hating hapless, demented fools like saipov. Save your anger for the real evil in our society-people like US Senator Chuck Schumer, NY Mayor Bill De Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo. Without them and their malevolent policies Saipov would have stayed in Uzbekistan blocked by an ocean.

Saipov must be punished but if there were any real justice in this world Schumer, De Blasio and Cuomo would be facing a firing squad.

Dems would only go after Saipov if he had information on Trump/Russia.
More American citizens killed so the left can strut around like peacocks bragging about diversity. Its time to hold the left accountable for these deaths.
It's much more American to be killed by your fellow Americans with guns......'cause 'MERICA!
Saipov ended up in the US under the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, a lottery scheme that implants the dark, medieval hatred of the west directly into the midst of our communities.

He could have saved himself a lot of time and money by just buying a plane ticket. What are you doing to stop being from being able to travel to the U.S.? I bet a whole lot of nothing.
More American citizens killed so the left can strut around like peacocks bragging about diversity. Its time to hold the left accountable for these deaths.
It's much more American to be killed by your fellow Americans with guns......'cause 'MERICA!
I don’t classify anyone who murders with a gun as ‘American’ but quite the opposite, Un-American.

Yeah, I think we need more 'Diversity Lotteries.' Seriously, those responsible for implementing that horrific insanity, need to be tarred & feathered. 8 Americans dead because of deranged dimwitted Democrats. What a damn shame. :mad-61:
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More American citizens killed so the left can strut around like peacocks bragging about diversity. Its time to hold the left accountable for these deaths.
It's much more American to be killed by your fellow Americans with guns......'cause 'MERICA!

Buttecea, the dried up skank SEZ????? "Only da gubermint should have guns!!!! It made Russia great after the glorious Bolshevik Revolution! We can't have the serfs walking around with the ability to defend themselves! Oh HELL no!!!!"

62 years old, Buttecea? You are right at the "tweener" age where you could croak tomorrow or live another 20 years...the first option makes me smile....the second option???? Not so much........
Isn't it precious how you make things up? I am pro-2nd Amendment and own many guns myself. Isn't that cool? And I know how to use them, having qualified for both the Expert Pistol and Expert Rifle medals when I was in. But don't get too scared when you come to San Diego. I'm a law-abiding gun owner......;)

as for the "real evil"? There is none....it's just bad things we are becoming used to.....the only time we make a big deal is if it's some big event like Vegas, or someone wants to make political hay like NYC yesterday.
Welcome to the new world order. Those of us who read Thomas Sowell’s 2009 book, Intellectuals and society, know that language can be used not only to educate society but to intimidate and stupefy it via crafted and constant propaganda. Certain individuals who gravitate into education and politics have an agenda or master plan to use the dead bodies of innocent Americans as mortar to build the foundation of a world government. They use verbal virtuosity to trick us into seeing something when we are actually seeing something else. They invite us to ignore the obvious and call us stupid if we don’t.

Sayfullo Saipov, the terrorist who killed eight in New York City came from a country that is 6,142 miles from New York City. It would have been very difficult if not impossible for Saipov to kill innocent Americans while living in Uzbekistan because it is separated from the US by a vast ocean and immense geography. Saipov ended up in the US under the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, a lottery scheme that implants the dark, medieval hatred of the west directly into the midst of our communities.

Saipov is not the culprit nor are any of the other Arab Spring operatives that have been and are still seeded in our society. The real culprits are in our deep-state government, our educational systems, our contaminated media and our political establishment. People are beginning to grow tired of these state-issued lone-wolf explanations of mass deaths. The real explanation is that these innocent lives are being sacrificed for a plan implemented by an odious faction of our political leadership that sells out Americans to the nucleus of a world authority.

The guts of unwary Americans on the pavement of our cities are just the broken eggs to make the omlette of political correctness. They feed the hive mentality of an anti-sovereign borderless planet. It’s a brave new world where a small political aristocracy rules the roost.

Don’t waste energy hating hapless, demented fools like saipov. Save your anger for the real evil in our society-people like US Senator Chuck Schumer, NY Mayor Bill De Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo. Without them and their malevolent policies Saipov would have stayed in Uzbekistan blocked by an ocean.

Saipov must be punished but if there were any real justice in this world Schumer, De Blasio and Cuomo would be facing a firing squad.
More American citizens killed so the left can strut around like peacocks bragging about diversity. Its time to hold the left accountable for these deaths.

America has always been a diverse nation. It's the 'Melting Pot' of the world. This 'Program' was unnecessary and pure insanity. It got 8 Americans brutally slaughtered. Those responsible for implementing that insane 'Program', need to be held accountable. Period, end of story.
Will 8 Americans being horrifically slaughtered, end the insane 'Diversity Visa Lottery' program? Don't be surprised if it doesn't. Enemy of the State Globalists are currently running our country. Americans Citizens certainly aren't their priority. They'll all have to be arrested and jailed before anything can change. It is what it is.

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