NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org.

It will sure piss off the lefty loons on this board. They have been hoping and praying for four years to find something on Trump and failed miserably.

NY sure had no problem wasting time and tax dollars on something that was a big nothing burger.
They aren't wasting tax dollars, they are pocketing them.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.

Except for the fact that they are filing charges against the Trump organization, you’ve got a point.
Campaign finance violations is what the article in the OP states.

This is what they are being charged with:

Doesn't say anything about "campaign finances" . There is a difference between what the Organization does and what Campaign Finances do.
Allegations against Campaign Finances were dropped, so they trying another tactic instead.

The defendants are expected to be arraigned on allegations that the company and Mr. Weisselberg, the company’s chief financial officer, illegally evaded taxes on fringe benefits, the Journal has reported. Prosecutors’ investigation has included perks such as car leases, Manhattan apartments and private-school tuition, the Journal has reported.

Can we investigate Chelsey's wedding while we're at it?

Former President Bill Clinton’s top aide wrote in 2012 that Chelsea Clinton used Clinton Foundation resources “for her wedding and life for a decade” and a top Foundation donor was responsible for “killing” unfavorable press coverage – all as an internal Foundation audit uncovered numerous conflicts of interest and “quid pro quo benefits,” according to emails released Sunday by WikiLeaks.

Oh wait....
that's a whataboutism isn't it?
no no no
can't do that.
It will sure piss off the lefty loons on this board. They have been hoping and praying for four years to find something on Trump and failed miserably.

NY sure had no problem wasting time and tax dollars on something that was a big nothing burger.
Fining Trump $2 million dollars for robbing his own charity was a nothing burger too. MSM buried it.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
It is Trump's lawyer claiming no charges will be filed. Not the Manhattan DA. Seems more like wishful thinking on Rump's lawyer who would rather not have an enraged boss.

Even Fox News does not claim that charges will be dropped. A one-sided claim sourced from a right-wing nut job site? Please.
Newsmax reported the Manhattan DA was dropping all charges on the Trump Organization. That doesn't mean they don't plan to try to charge Trump himself with something.
LOL. Can you post that link from Newsmax?
Maybe.....they announced it 40 mins ago....the way they did it was like they were ashamed to mention it. I'm still looking for more verification.
It's difficult when Google keeps steering everything towards leftist news.
Used to be you could put in key words and the search engine would go straight to it. Now it takes some serious digging to find anything positive about news and information that supports conservative viewpoints.
In another words...no link? Another of those fantasies where things go rosy for der fuhrer?

You may want to talk to your doctor to up that medication. Hope you feel better. :itsok:
How do you like your crow? Shall we throw in a side of your ass that just got handed to you?
*yawn* You guys really are trumptards. Read the thread. When it comes to eating crow, seems like your side is the one dining out.
*yawn* Has Trump been arrested yet? Oh, you’re another one of those leftists who believe in Russia RUssia Russia. Feel free to hold your breath waiting for Trump to be arrested.
Coming from the side that brayed for years that Hillary is going to be locked up. How did that go down? Or, how about Hunter Biden? Whatever happened to his laptop. Remember Guilliani kept screaming that he found compromising pictures on it?

Forget about arrests, were there ever any charges? And yet, the Republican party made good money milking you mouth-breathing morons, right?

Feel free to hold your breath for Hillary & Hunter Biden to be arrested. Back at ya, trumptard.
No,no,no retard. Answer the question. Has Trump been indicted or arrested yet? Hey dumbfuck, the photos of your boy Cokehead Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe have been widely published. As well as evidence of him walking around naked in front of his underage niece. I never brought up this fuckwad or Hillary. Now you stupid fucktard, get to holding your breath.
Sorry, trumptard. You wanna play the game? You answer the questions too. Has Hillary been arrested? Has Hunter Biden been arrested? Have they even been charged? NO? Then shut the fuck up.

As for your orange douche-bag, his lawyers are right now sucking the Manhattan DA's cock trying to stave off the charges. What the fuck do you think this thread is about, you stupid fuck?
Your pathetic deflection is recorded. As is your forfeit you drooling uncultured swine. Again asswipe, YOU are the only one braying about Hillary and Hunter. Trump will not be arrested or indicted. Since this thread is about Trump, STFU, fuck off, and start holding your breath. Now stop your derailing attempts you fucking idiot.
So, still no response on Hillary and Hunter getting arrested, eh? My...my after all those years of promises!!!

Poor credulous trumptards gave so much money expecting victory! And now, same with the lies about fake elections. Another way to gyp the mouth-breathing morons.

And that's all you morons are good for. To fleece you. And you morons have still not understood that the orange douche bag is the world's biggest scam artist!!!
Poor baby. Nobody will take your bait and derail the thread. Well moron, NO CHARGES FOR TRUMP OR THE ORGANIZATION. Looks like you sheep got scammed again.
Awww...looks like you jumped the gun, trumptard. Read today's headline or better yet, wait till tomorrow (Thursday) when the Manhattan DA formally files charges. Poor trumptard. Nothing is going to plan, is it? :itsok: :laughing0301:
Hey retard, Trump isn’t mentioned there is he? Ooohhh. Neglecting taxes on fringe benefits. Hey asshole, either it gets laughed out of court, or the judge may well tell Vance he better see these same charges leveled against, oh, every other business in the city. Poor retard, Trump still not arrested.
You fucking moron. Why the hell don't you retards learn to read? What does the thread heading say? Let me help you out. This is the relevant heading. I helpfully bolded & even gave it a red text color to help you:

NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org.

What are today's headlines? The Trump Organization and Mr. Weisselberg have been indicted in connection with a tax investigation and are expected to appear in court later Thursday.

See it now, retard? No? Read it again. And when you are done, read it a few more times and hopefully, you will get it. Good luck. :itsok:
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.

Except for the fact that they are filing charges against the Trump organization, you’ve got a point.
Well....the corrupt media is trying say that....and once again....they're lying.
Turns out that they have no intention of charging Trump.....because they have no evidence of any wrongdoing.
They do have tax-evasion of a few executives....perks like company cars they didn't declare.....but since they don't own Trump's companies...the IRS can't come after Trump. But the company cars aren't their property....I don't think they can claim them on their taxes. Only list them as vehicle use on their mileage. That's some really serious shit...man.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
It is Trump's lawyer claiming no charges will be filed. Not the Manhattan DA. Seems more like wishful thinking on Rump's lawyer who would rather not have an enraged boss.

Even Fox News does not claim that charges will be dropped. A one-sided claim sourced from a right-wing nut job site? Please.
Newsmax reported the Manhattan DA was dropping all charges on the Trump Organization. That doesn't mean they don't plan to try to charge Trump himself with something.
LOL. Can you post that link from Newsmax?
Maybe.....they announced it 40 mins ago....the way they did it was like they were ashamed to mention it. I'm still looking for more verification.
It's difficult when Google keeps steering everything towards leftist news.
Used to be you could put in key words and the search engine would go straight to it. Now it takes some serious digging to find anything positive about news and information that supports conservative viewpoints.
In another words...no link? Another of those fantasies where things go rosy for der fuhrer?

You may want to talk to your doctor to up that medication. Hope you feel better. :itsok:
How do you like your crow? Shall we throw in a side of your ass that just got handed to you?
*yawn* You guys really are trumptards. Read the thread. When it comes to eating crow, seems like your side is the one dining out.
*yawn* Has Trump been arrested yet? Oh, you’re another one of those leftists who believe in Russia RUssia Russia. Feel free to hold your breath waiting for Trump to be arrested.
Coming from the side that brayed for years that Hillary is going to be locked up. How did that go down? Or, how about Hunter Biden? Whatever happened to his laptop. Remember Guilliani kept screaming that he found compromising pictures on it?

Forget about arrests, were there ever any charges? And yet, the Republican party made good money milking you mouth-breathing morons, right?

Feel free to hold your breath for Hillary & Hunter Biden to be arrested. Back at ya, trumptard.
No,no,no retard. Answer the question. Has Trump been indicted or arrested yet? Hey dumbfuck, the photos of your boy Cokehead Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe have been widely published. As well as evidence of him walking around naked in front of his underage niece. I never brought up this fuckwad or Hillary. Now you stupid fucktard, get to holding your breath.
Sorry, trumptard. You wanna play the game? You answer the questions too. Has Hillary been arrested? Has Hunter Biden been arrested? Have they even been charged? NO? Then shut the fuck up.

As for your orange douche-bag, his lawyers are right now sucking the Manhattan DA's cock trying to stave off the charges. What the fuck do you think this thread is about, you stupid fuck?
Your pathetic deflection is recorded. As is your forfeit you drooling uncultured swine. Again asswipe, YOU are the only one braying about Hillary and Hunter. Trump will not be arrested or indicted. Since this thread is about Trump, STFU, fuck off, and start holding your breath. Now stop your derailing attempts you fucking idiot.
So, still no response on Hillary and Hunter getting arrested, eh? My...my after all those years of promises!!!

Poor credulous trumptards gave so much money expecting victory! And now, same with the lies about fake elections. Another way to gyp the mouth-breathing morons.

And that's all you morons are good for. To fleece you. And you morons have still not understood that the orange douche bag is the world's biggest scam artist!!!
Poor baby. Nobody will take your bait and derail the thread. Well moron, NO CHARGES FOR TRUMP OR THE ORGANIZATION. Looks like you sheep got scammed again.
Awww...looks like you jumped the gun, trumptard. Read today's headline or better yet, wait till tomorrow (Thursday) when the Manhattan DA formally files charges. Poor trumptard. Nothing is going to plan, is it? :itsok: :laughing0301:

I'm looking forward to revisiting this thread tomorrow (Thursday) and making you look like an asshole, BlueAnon.

Sure, you do that, trumptard. LOL back at ya.

See you tomorrow, asshole!

Hey, asswipe. Tomorrow is here!!!! How is that crow dish? I have heard it is best to use lots of ketchup. And oh, don't be a stranger. Love to humiliate you some more. Buh...bye!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
It is Trump's lawyer claiming no charges will be filed. Not the Manhattan DA. Seems more like wishful thinking on Rump's lawyer who would rather not have an enraged boss.

Even Fox News does not claim that charges will be dropped. A one-sided claim sourced from a right-wing nut job site? Please.
Newsmax reported the Manhattan DA was dropping all charges on the Trump Organization. That doesn't mean they don't plan to try to charge Trump himself with something.
LOL. Can you post that link from Newsmax?
Maybe.....they announced it 40 mins ago....the way they did it was like they were ashamed to mention it. I'm still looking for more verification.
It's difficult when Google keeps steering everything towards leftist news.
Used to be you could put in key words and the search engine would go straight to it. Now it takes some serious digging to find anything positive about news and information that supports conservative viewpoints.
In another words...no link? Another of those fantasies where things go rosy for der fuhrer?

You may want to talk to your doctor to up that medication. Hope you feel better. :itsok:
How do you like your crow? Shall we throw in a side of your ass that just got handed to you?
*yawn* You guys really are trumptards. Read the thread. When it comes to eating crow, seems like your side is the one dining out.
*yawn* Has Trump been arrested yet? Oh, you’re another one of those leftists who believe in Russia RUssia Russia. Feel free to hold your breath waiting for Trump to be arrested.
Coming from the side that brayed for years that Hillary is going to be locked up. How did that go down? Or, how about Hunter Biden? Whatever happened to his laptop. Remember Guilliani kept screaming that he found compromising pictures on it?

Forget about arrests, were there ever any charges? And yet, the Republican party made good money milking you mouth-breathing morons, right?

Feel free to hold your breath for Hillary & Hunter Biden to be arrested. Back at ya, trumptard.
No,no,no retard. Answer the question. Has Trump been indicted or arrested yet? Hey dumbfuck, the photos of your boy Cokehead Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe have been widely published. As well as evidence of him walking around naked in front of his underage niece. I never brought up this fuckwad or Hillary. Now you stupid fucktard, get to holding your breath.
Sorry, trumptard. You wanna play the game? You answer the questions too. Has Hillary been arrested? Has Hunter Biden been arrested? Have they even been charged? NO? Then shut the fuck up.

As for your orange douche-bag, his lawyers are right now sucking the Manhattan DA's cock trying to stave off the charges. What the fuck do you think this thread is about, you stupid fuck?
Your pathetic deflection is recorded. As is your forfeit you drooling uncultured swine. Again asswipe, YOU are the only one braying about Hillary and Hunter. Trump will not be arrested or indicted. Since this thread is about Trump, STFU, fuck off, and start holding your breath. Now stop your derailing attempts you fucking idiot.
So, still no response on Hillary and Hunter getting arrested, eh? My...my after all those years of promises!!!

Poor credulous trumptards gave so much money expecting victory! And now, same with the lies about fake elections. Another way to gyp the mouth-breathing morons.

And that's all you morons are good for. To fleece you. And you morons have still not understood that the orange douche bag is the world's biggest scam artist!!!
Poor baby. Nobody will take your bait and derail the thread. Well moron, NO CHARGES FOR TRUMP OR THE ORGANIZATION. Looks like you sheep got scammed again.
Awww...looks like you jumped the gun, trumptard. Read today's headline or better yet, wait till tomorrow (Thursday) when the Manhattan DA formally files charges. Poor trumptard. Nothing is going to plan, is it? :itsok: :laughing0301:
Hey retard, Trump isn’t mentioned there is he? Ooohhh. Neglecting taxes on fringe benefits. Hey asshole, either it gets laughed out of court, or the judge may well tell Vance he better see these same charges leveled against, oh, every other business in the city. Poor retard, Trump still not arrested.
You fucking moron. Why the hell don't you retards learn to read? What does the thread heading say? Let me help you out. This is the relevant heading. I helpfully bolded & even gave it a red text color to help you:

NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org.

What are today's headlines? The Trump Organization and Mr. Weisselberg have been indicted in connection with a tax investigation and are expected to appear in court later Thursday.

See it now, retard? No? Read it again. And when you are done, read it a few more times and hopefully, you will get it. Good luck. :itsok:
Hey retard, try reading this, the slap yourself and read it again. NO CHARGES AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. Hey asshole, you got the equivalent of a jaywalking ticket after years of breathlessly telling us that Vance would nail Trump. Your desperate spin attempt is pathetic. Like you loser.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
It is Trump's lawyer claiming no charges will be filed. Not the Manhattan DA. Seems more like wishful thinking on Rump's lawyer who would rather not have an enraged boss.

Even Fox News does not claim that charges will be dropped. A one-sided claim sourced from a right-wing nut job site? Please.
Newsmax reported the Manhattan DA was dropping all charges on the Trump Organization. That doesn't mean they don't plan to try to charge Trump himself with something.
LOL. Can you post that link from Newsmax?
Maybe.....they announced it 40 mins ago....the way they did it was like they were ashamed to mention it. I'm still looking for more verification.
It's difficult when Google keeps steering everything towards leftist news.
Used to be you could put in key words and the search engine would go straight to it. Now it takes some serious digging to find anything positive about news and information that supports conservative viewpoints.
In another words...no link? Another of those fantasies where things go rosy for der fuhrer?

You may want to talk to your doctor to up that medication. Hope you feel better. :itsok:
How do you like your crow? Shall we throw in a side of your ass that just got handed to you?
*yawn* You guys really are trumptards. Read the thread. When it comes to eating crow, seems like your side is the one dining out.
*yawn* Has Trump been arrested yet? Oh, you’re another one of those leftists who believe in Russia RUssia Russia. Feel free to hold your breath waiting for Trump to be arrested.
Coming from the side that brayed for years that Hillary is going to be locked up. How did that go down? Or, how about Hunter Biden? Whatever happened to his laptop. Remember Guilliani kept screaming that he found compromising pictures on it?

Forget about arrests, were there ever any charges? And yet, the Republican party made good money milking you mouth-breathing morons, right?

Feel free to hold your breath for Hillary & Hunter Biden to be arrested. Back at ya, trumptard.
No,no,no retard. Answer the question. Has Trump been indicted or arrested yet? Hey dumbfuck, the photos of your boy Cokehead Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe have been widely published. As well as evidence of him walking around naked in front of his underage niece. I never brought up this fuckwad or Hillary. Now you stupid fucktard, get to holding your breath.
Sorry, trumptard. You wanna play the game? You answer the questions too. Has Hillary been arrested? Has Hunter Biden been arrested? Have they even been charged? NO? Then shut the fuck up.

As for your orange douche-bag, his lawyers are right now sucking the Manhattan DA's cock trying to stave off the charges. What the fuck do you think this thread is about, you stupid fuck?
Your pathetic deflection is recorded. As is your forfeit you drooling uncultured swine. Again asswipe, YOU are the only one braying about Hillary and Hunter. Trump will not be arrested or indicted. Since this thread is about Trump, STFU, fuck off, and start holding your breath. Now stop your derailing attempts you fucking idiot.
So, still no response on Hillary and Hunter getting arrested, eh? My...my after all those years of promises!!!

Poor credulous trumptards gave so much money expecting victory! And now, same with the lies about fake elections. Another way to gyp the mouth-breathing morons.

And that's all you morons are good for. To fleece you. And you morons have still not understood that the orange douche bag is the world's biggest scam artist!!!
Poor baby. Nobody will take your bait and derail the thread. Well moron, NO CHARGES FOR TRUMP OR THE ORGANIZATION. Looks like you sheep got scammed again.
Awww...looks like you jumped the gun, trumptard. Read today's headline or better yet, wait till tomorrow (Thursday) when the Manhattan DA formally files charges. Poor trumptard. Nothing is going to plan, is it? :itsok: :laughing0301:

I'm looking forward to revisiting this thread tomorrow (Thursday) and making you look like an asshole, BlueAnon.

Sure, you do that, trumptard. LOL back at ya.

See you tomorrow, asshole!

Hey, asswipe. Tomorrow is here!!!! How is that crow dish? I have heard it is best to use lots of ketchup. And oh, don't be a stranger. Love to humiliate you some more. Buh...bye!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
No asswipe, YOU go to humiliated. Nothing against Trump, just employees not claiming company perks. Yet an uneducated asshole like you claims this is a huge victory. This will get laughed at by everybody serious lawyer in the country. Kind of like how I’m laughing at your pathetic spin attempts fuckwad.
Apparently the D.A. did charge Weissleberg AND the Traitor's Organization.

The Traitor's Organization - a group of hundreds of business entities owned by the Traitor― and its chief financial officer were charged Thursday with engaging in a money-making scheme to defraud city, state and federal tax authorities.

The Manhattan district attorney’s charges against the company and its CFO Allen Weisselberg (who was led into the court in handcuffs) include scheme conspiracy, grand larceny, criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records. Both parties pleaded not guilty on all charges.

The OP got it way wrong....but Cons are known being way wrong.
Last edited:
Hey asshole, you got the equivalent of a jaywalking ticket after years of breathlessly telling us that Vance would nail Trump
The fact that people equate tax fraud with jaywalking shows how screwed up this country is.
You stupid fuck, that is the equivalent. Oh the horror, not claiming every ride in a company car. Take your ass kicking and exit stage left like every other time you claimed “we have him now!”. Trump still walking free and the left is broken some more.
Apparently the D.A. did charge Weissleberg AND the Traitor's Organization.

The Traitor's Organization - a group of hundreds of business entities owned by the Traitor― and its chief financial officer were charged Thursday with engaging in a money-making scheme to defraud city, state and federal tax authorities.

The Manhattan district attorney’s charges against the company and its CFO Allen Weisselberg (who was led into the court in handcuffs) include scheme conspiracy, grand larceny, criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records. Both parties pleaded not guilty on all charges.

The OP got it way wrong....but Cons are known being way wrong.
Yes.....they are making a big show of bringing him in in handcuffs......which is just as extreme as the FBI showing up at Trump associates homes with SWAT teams.
It's clearly just a dog and pony show intended to cheer up communist/Democrap followers.
This isn't a criminal charge against Trump or his organization. It's income-tax charges. The same exact charges I pointed out in the OP. The difference being the abuse they're putting this one guy thru. It's meant to intimidate him....and is an attempt to trick leftist assholes into believing that the charges are worse than they really are.

"News that District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. would soon be filing charges against the Trump Organization first broke Wednesday morning. A spokesperson for Trump declined to comment, though Trump released a statement earlier in the week denouncing Vance’s investigation and calling his office “rude, nasty, and totally biased.”
The New York State Attorney General’s Office is also investigating the Trump Organization for criminal charges and is working alongside the Manhattan DA. The office revealed the probe in May but offered no further details about what it entails."

So the story claims they are also investigating the Trump Organization for criminal charges.....while putting on this show over something that isn't a criminal indictment against Trump or his company.
Last edited:
Apparently the D.A. did charge Weissleberg AND the Traitor's Organization.

The Traitor's Organization - a group of hundreds of business entities owned by the Traitor― and its chief financial officer were charged Thursday with engaging in a money-making scheme to defraud city, state and federal tax authorities.

The Manhattan district attorney’s charges against the company and its CFO Allen Weisselberg (who was led into the court in handcuffs) include scheme conspiracy, grand larceny, criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records. Both parties pleaded not guilty on all charges.

The OP got it way wrong....but Cons are known being way wrong.
Yes.....they are making a big show of bringing him in in handcuffs......which is just as extreme as the FBI showing up at Trump associates homes with SWAT teams.
It's clearly just a dog and pony show intended to cheer up communist/Democrap followers.
This isn't a criminal charge against Trump or his organization. It's income-tax charges. The same exact charges I pointed out in the OP. The difference being the abuse they're putting this one guy thru. It's meant to intimidate him....and is an attempt to trick leftist assholes into believing that the charges are worse than they really are.

News that District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. would soon be filing charges against the Trump Organization first broke Wednesday morning. A spokesperson for Trump declined to comment, though Trump released a statement earlier in the week denouncing Vance’s investigation and calling his office “rude, nasty, and totally biased.”
The New York State Attorney General’s Office is also investigating the Trump Organization for criminal charges and is working alongside the Manhattan DA. The office revealed the probe in May but offered no further details about what it entails.

So the story claims they are also investigating the Trump Organization for criminal charges.....while putting on this show over something that isn't a criminal indictment.

You are really having a breakdown over this. The only reason it's a big show is because the media is there, because he's the chief financial officer for the former president. duh. That should not have to be explained to a functional adult.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
It is Trump's lawyer claiming no charges will be filed. Not the Manhattan DA. Seems more like wishful thinking on Rump's lawyer who would rather not have an enraged boss.

Even Fox News does not claim that charges will be dropped. A one-sided claim sourced from a right-wing nut job site? Please.
Newsmax reported the Manhattan DA was dropping all charges on the Trump Organization. That doesn't mean they don't plan to try to charge Trump himself with something.
LOL. Can you post that link from Newsmax?
Maybe.....they announced it 40 mins ago....the way they did it was like they were ashamed to mention it. I'm still looking for more verification.
It's difficult when Google keeps steering everything towards leftist news.
Used to be you could put in key words and the search engine would go straight to it. Now it takes some serious digging to find anything positive about news and information that supports conservative viewpoints.
In another words...no link? Another of those fantasies where things go rosy for der fuhrer?

You may want to talk to your doctor to up that medication. Hope you feel better. :itsok:
How do you like your crow? Shall we throw in a side of your ass that just got handed to you?
*yawn* You guys really are trumptards. Read the thread. When it comes to eating crow, seems like your side is the one dining out.
*yawn* Has Trump been arrested yet? Oh, you’re another one of those leftists who believe in Russia RUssia Russia. Feel free to hold your breath waiting for Trump to be arrested.
Coming from the side that brayed for years that Hillary is going to be locked up. How did that go down? Or, how about Hunter Biden? Whatever happened to his laptop. Remember Guilliani kept screaming that he found compromising pictures on it?

Forget about arrests, were there ever any charges? And yet, the Republican party made good money milking you mouth-breathing morons, right?

Feel free to hold your breath for Hillary & Hunter Biden to be arrested. Back at ya, trumptard.
No,no,no retard. Answer the question. Has Trump been indicted or arrested yet? Hey dumbfuck, the photos of your boy Cokehead Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe have been widely published. As well as evidence of him walking around naked in front of his underage niece. I never brought up this fuckwad or Hillary. Now you stupid fucktard, get to holding your breath.
Sorry, trumptard. You wanna play the game? You answer the questions too. Has Hillary been arrested? Has Hunter Biden been arrested? Have they even been charged? NO? Then shut the fuck up.

As for your orange douche-bag, his lawyers are right now sucking the Manhattan DA's cock trying to stave off the charges. What the fuck do you think this thread is about, you stupid fuck?
Your pathetic deflection is recorded. As is your forfeit you drooling uncultured swine. Again asswipe, YOU are the only one braying about Hillary and Hunter. Trump will not be arrested or indicted. Since this thread is about Trump, STFU, fuck off, and start holding your breath. Now stop your derailing attempts you fucking idiot.
So, still no response on Hillary and Hunter getting arrested, eh? My...my after all those years of promises!!!

Poor credulous trumptards gave so much money expecting victory! And now, same with the lies about fake elections. Another way to gyp the mouth-breathing morons.

And that's all you morons are good for. To fleece you. And you morons have still not understood that the orange douche bag is the world's biggest scam artist!!!
Poor baby. Nobody will take your bait and derail the thread. Well moron, NO CHARGES FOR TRUMP OR THE ORGANIZATION. Looks like you sheep got scammed again.
Awww...looks like you jumped the gun, trumptard. Read today's headline or better yet, wait till tomorrow (Thursday) when the Manhattan DA formally files charges. Poor trumptard. Nothing is going to plan, is it? :itsok: :laughing0301:
Hey retard, Trump isn’t mentioned there is he? Ooohhh. Neglecting taxes on fringe benefits. Hey asshole, either it gets laughed out of court, or the judge may well tell Vance he better see these same charges leveled against, oh, every other business in the city. Poor retard, Trump still not arrested.
You fucking moron. Why the hell don't you retards learn to read? What does the thread heading say? Let me help you out. This is the relevant heading. I helpfully bolded & even gave it a red text color to help you:

NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org.

What are today's headlines? The Trump Organization and Mr. Weisselberg have been indicted in connection with a tax investigation and are expected to appear in court later Thursday.

See it now, retard? No? Read it again. And when you are done, read it a few more times and hopefully, you will get it. Good luck. :itsok:
Hey retard, try reading this, the slap yourself and read it again. NO CHARGES AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. Hey asshole, you got the equivalent of a jaywalking ticket after years of breathlessly telling us that Vance would nail Trump. Your desperate spin attempt is pathetic. Like you loser.
One more time...because trumptards are slow...hence their name...the title of the thread is:

NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org

Today's headline:

Trump Org Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme​

Now, do you get it? I even helpfully highlighted the relevant words.

Gad almighty. I know Rump supporters are morons but this? This is really scraping the barrel. Next time, slap yourself before posting. Will help you to look less of a fool. :itsok:
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
It is Trump's lawyer claiming no charges will be filed. Not the Manhattan DA. Seems more like wishful thinking on Rump's lawyer who would rather not have an enraged boss.

Even Fox News does not claim that charges will be dropped. A one-sided claim sourced from a right-wing nut job site? Please.
Newsmax reported the Manhattan DA was dropping all charges on the Trump Organization. That doesn't mean they don't plan to try to charge Trump himself with something.
LOL. Can you post that link from Newsmax?
Maybe.....they announced it 40 mins ago....the way they did it was like they were ashamed to mention it. I'm still looking for more verification.
It's difficult when Google keeps steering everything towards leftist news.
Used to be you could put in key words and the search engine would go straight to it. Now it takes some serious digging to find anything positive about news and information that supports conservative viewpoints.
In another words...no link? Another of those fantasies where things go rosy for der fuhrer?

You may want to talk to your doctor to up that medication. Hope you feel better. :itsok:
How do you like your crow? Shall we throw in a side of your ass that just got handed to you?
*yawn* You guys really are trumptards. Read the thread. When it comes to eating crow, seems like your side is the one dining out.
*yawn* Has Trump been arrested yet? Oh, you’re another one of those leftists who believe in Russia RUssia Russia. Feel free to hold your breath waiting for Trump to be arrested.
Coming from the side that brayed for years that Hillary is going to be locked up. How did that go down? Or, how about Hunter Biden? Whatever happened to his laptop. Remember Guilliani kept screaming that he found compromising pictures on it?

Forget about arrests, were there ever any charges? And yet, the Republican party made good money milking you mouth-breathing morons, right?

Feel free to hold your breath for Hillary & Hunter Biden to be arrested. Back at ya, trumptard.
No,no,no retard. Answer the question. Has Trump been indicted or arrested yet? Hey dumbfuck, the photos of your boy Cokehead Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe have been widely published. As well as evidence of him walking around naked in front of his underage niece. I never brought up this fuckwad or Hillary. Now you stupid fucktard, get to holding your breath.
Sorry, trumptard. You wanna play the game? You answer the questions too. Has Hillary been arrested? Has Hunter Biden been arrested? Have they even been charged? NO? Then shut the fuck up.

As for your orange douche-bag, his lawyers are right now sucking the Manhattan DA's cock trying to stave off the charges. What the fuck do you think this thread is about, you stupid fuck?
Your pathetic deflection is recorded. As is your forfeit you drooling uncultured swine. Again asswipe, YOU are the only one braying about Hillary and Hunter. Trump will not be arrested or indicted. Since this thread is about Trump, STFU, fuck off, and start holding your breath. Now stop your derailing attempts you fucking idiot.
So, still no response on Hillary and Hunter getting arrested, eh? My...my after all those years of promises!!!

Poor credulous trumptards gave so much money expecting victory! And now, same with the lies about fake elections. Another way to gyp the mouth-breathing morons.

And that's all you morons are good for. To fleece you. And you morons have still not understood that the orange douche bag is the world's biggest scam artist!!!
Poor baby. Nobody will take your bait and derail the thread. Well moron, NO CHARGES FOR TRUMP OR THE ORGANIZATION. Looks like you sheep got scammed again.
Awww...looks like you jumped the gun, trumptard. Read today's headline or better yet, wait till tomorrow (Thursday) when the Manhattan DA formally files charges. Poor trumptard. Nothing is going to plan, is it? :itsok: :laughing0301:

I'm looking forward to revisiting this thread tomorrow (Thursday) and making you look like an asshole, BlueAnon.

Sure, you do that, trumptard. LOL back at ya.

See you tomorrow, asshole!

Hey, asswipe. Tomorrow is here!!!! How is that crow dish? I have heard it is best to use lots of ketchup. And oh, don't be a stranger. Love to humiliate you some more. Buh...bye!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
No asswipe, YOU go to humiliated. Nothing against Trump, just employees not claiming company perks. Yet an uneducated asshole like you claims this is a huge victory. This will get laughed at by everybody serious lawyer in the country. Kind of like how I’m laughing at your pathetic spin attempts fuckwad.
Aww...poor trumptards. Trying their best to salvage their pride. Sorry fellas, you guys have none. Now, go sit in the corner and suck your thumb like your beloved orange douche bag loser. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
It is Trump's lawyer claiming no charges will be filed. Not the Manhattan DA. Seems more like wishful thinking on Rump's lawyer who would rather not have an enraged boss.

Even Fox News does not claim that charges will be dropped. A one-sided claim sourced from a right-wing nut job site? Please.
Newsmax reported the Manhattan DA was dropping all charges on the Trump Organization. That doesn't mean they don't plan to try to charge Trump himself with something.
LOL. Can you post that link from Newsmax?
Maybe.....they announced it 40 mins ago....the way they did it was like they were ashamed to mention it. I'm still looking for more verification.
It's difficult when Google keeps steering everything towards leftist news.
Used to be you could put in key words and the search engine would go straight to it. Now it takes some serious digging to find anything positive about news and information that supports conservative viewpoints.
In another words...no link? Another of those fantasies where things go rosy for der fuhrer?

You may want to talk to your doctor to up that medication. Hope you feel better. :itsok:
How do you like your crow? Shall we throw in a side of your ass that just got handed to you?
*yawn* You guys really are trumptards. Read the thread. When it comes to eating crow, seems like your side is the one dining out.
*yawn* Has Trump been arrested yet? Oh, you’re another one of those leftists who believe in Russia RUssia Russia. Feel free to hold your breath waiting for Trump to be arrested.
Coming from the side that brayed for years that Hillary is going to be locked up. How did that go down? Or, how about Hunter Biden? Whatever happened to his laptop. Remember Guilliani kept screaming that he found compromising pictures on it?

Forget about arrests, were there ever any charges? And yet, the Republican party made good money milking you mouth-breathing morons, right?

Feel free to hold your breath for Hillary & Hunter Biden to be arrested. Back at ya, trumptard.
No,no,no retard. Answer the question. Has Trump been indicted or arrested yet? Hey dumbfuck, the photos of your boy Cokehead Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe have been widely published. As well as evidence of him walking around naked in front of his underage niece. I never brought up this fuckwad or Hillary. Now you stupid fucktard, get to holding your breath.
Sorry, trumptard. You wanna play the game? You answer the questions too. Has Hillary been arrested? Has Hunter Biden been arrested? Have they even been charged? NO? Then shut the fuck up.

As for your orange douche-bag, his lawyers are right now sucking the Manhattan DA's cock trying to stave off the charges. What the fuck do you think this thread is about, you stupid fuck?
Your pathetic deflection is recorded. As is your forfeit you drooling uncultured swine. Again asswipe, YOU are the only one braying about Hillary and Hunter. Trump will not be arrested or indicted. Since this thread is about Trump, STFU, fuck off, and start holding your breath. Now stop your derailing attempts you fucking idiot.
So, still no response on Hillary and Hunter getting arrested, eh? My...my after all those years of promises!!!

Poor credulous trumptards gave so much money expecting victory! And now, same with the lies about fake elections. Another way to gyp the mouth-breathing morons.

And that's all you morons are good for. To fleece you. And you morons have still not understood that the orange douche bag is the world's biggest scam artist!!!
Poor baby. Nobody will take your bait and derail the thread. Well moron, NO CHARGES FOR TRUMP OR THE ORGANIZATION. Looks like you sheep got scammed again.
Awww...looks like you jumped the gun, trumptard. Read today's headline or better yet, wait till tomorrow (Thursday) when the Manhattan DA formally files charges. Poor trumptard. Nothing is going to plan, is it? :itsok: :laughing0301:
Hey retard, Trump isn’t mentioned there is he? Ooohhh. Neglecting taxes on fringe benefits. Hey asshole, either it gets laughed out of court, or the judge may well tell Vance he better see these same charges leveled against, oh, every other business in the city. Poor retard, Trump still not arrested.
You fucking moron. Why the hell don't you retards learn to read? What does the thread heading say? Let me help you out. This is the relevant heading. I helpfully bolded & even gave it a red text color to help you:

NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org.

What are today's headlines? The Trump Organization and Mr. Weisselberg have been indicted in connection with a tax investigation and are expected to appear in court later Thursday.

See it now, retard? No? Read it again. And when you are done, read it a few more times and hopefully, you will get it. Good luck. :itsok:
Hey retard, try reading this, the slap yourself and read it again. NO CHARGES AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. Hey asshole, you got the equivalent of a jaywalking ticket after years of breathlessly telling us that Vance would nail Trump. Your desperate spin attempt is pathetic. Like you loser.
One more time...because trumptards are slow...hence their name...the title of the thread is:

NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org

Today's headline:

Trump Org Is Charged in 15-Year Tax Scheme​

Now, do you get it? I even helpfully highlighted the relevant words.

Gad almighty. I know Rump supporters are morons but this? This is really scraping the barrel. Next time, slap yourself before posting. Will help you to look less of a fool. :itsok:
Even when faced with the truth, they lie.
Anyone remember Alfonso Capone? Big Time Mob Boss who died of the clap he contacted when he was raped at Alcatraz? Yeah him, they got in Tax Evasion as well.

Conspiracy, Tax Evasion, Destruction of Tax Documents.

You can add Leona Helmsley and Wesley Snips who thought being rich and famous who thought the law did no apply to them.

Even a conviction of Tax Evasion, and Tax Fraud along Conspiracy is enough to drive the supposed empire of the Traitor into bankruptcy.

Go after his money, what little has left after losing so many lawsuits. OH yea, the Traitor ain't famous for paying his legal help either, so finding lawyer with a dummy sign around neck will be very difficult.

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