NY DA Says No Charges For Trump Org.

Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
It is Trump's lawyer claiming no charges will be filed. Not the Manhattan DA. Seems more like wishful thinking on Rump's lawyer who would rather not have an enraged boss.

Even Fox News does not claim that charges will be dropped. A one-sided claim sourced from a right-wing nut job site? Please.
Newsmax reported the Manhattan DA was dropping all charges on the Trump Organization. That doesn't mean they don't plan to try to charge Trump himself with something.
LOL. Can you post that link from Newsmax?
Maybe.....they announced it 40 mins ago....the way they did it was like they were ashamed to mention it. I'm still looking for more verification.
It's difficult when Google keeps steering everything towards leftist news.
Used to be you could put in key words and the search engine would go straight to it. Now it takes some serious digging to find anything positive about news and information that supports conservative viewpoints.
In another words...no link? Another of those fantasies where things go rosy for der fuhrer?

You may want to talk to your doctor to up that medication. Hope you feel better. :itsok:
How do you like your crow? Shall we throw in a side of your ass that just got handed to you?
*yawn* You guys really are trumptards. Read the thread. When it comes to eating crow, seems like your side is the one dining out.
*yawn* Has Trump been arrested yet? Oh, you’re another one of those leftists who believe in Russia RUssia Russia. Feel free to hold your breath waiting for Trump to be arrested.
Coming from the side that brayed for years that Hillary is going to be locked up. How did that go down? Or, how about Hunter Biden? Whatever happened to his laptop. Remember Guilliani kept screaming that he found compromising pictures on it?

Forget about arrests, were there ever any charges? And yet, the Republican party made good money milking you mouth-breathing morons, right?

Feel free to hold your breath for Hillary & Hunter Biden to be arrested. Back at ya, trumptard.
No,no,no retard. Answer the question. Has Trump been indicted or arrested yet? Hey dumbfuck, the photos of your boy Cokehead Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe have been widely published. As well as evidence of him walking around naked in front of his underage niece. I never brought up this fuckwad or Hillary. Now you stupid fucktard, get to holding your breath.
Sorry, trumptard. You wanna play the game? You answer the questions too. Has Hillary been arrested? Has Hunter Biden been arrested? Have they even been charged? NO? Then shut the fuck up.

As for your orange douche-bag, his lawyers are right now sucking the Manhattan DA's cock trying to stave off the charges. What the fuck do you think this thread is about, you stupid fuck?
Your pathetic deflection is recorded. As is your forfeit you drooling uncultured swine. Again asswipe, YOU are the only one braying about Hillary and Hunter. Trump will not be arrested or indicted. Since this thread is about Trump, STFU, fuck off, and start holding your breath. Now stop your derailing attempts you fucking idiot.
So, still no response on Hillary and Hunter getting arrested, eh? My...my after all those years of promises!!!

Poor credulous trumptards gave so much money expecting victory! And now, same with the lies about fake elections. Another way to gyp the mouth-breathing morons.

And that's all you morons are good for. To fleece you. And you morons have still not understood that the orange douche bag is the world's biggest scam artist!!!
You should have read the whole thread before posting. "shrugs"
What for? You didn't' address anything I said. So... *shrugs*

As for the stupid prize, looks like your side owns it...lock, stock & barrel. Thanks, for playing.
I don't think I'm going to be able to change your mind on that... So... I really don't care to try to. I would however offer that you should reread your posts tomorrow when you are back to some sort sense of normalcy. Hate makes you stupid.
Sure, I will read the posts tomorrow. But did you read the posts today? If you had, you wouldn't have been here making a fool of yourself. Good luck.
Even NY Slimes says it’s highly unusual to try to prosecute such a case:

Several lawyers who specialize in tax rules have told The New York Times that it would be highly unusual to indict a company just for failing to pay taxes on fringe benefits. None of them could cite any recent example, noting that many companies provide their employees with benefits like company cars.

Which means even if they come up with some trumped up charges, it won’t have a chance in hell in court.
Well, since the only idea you have of the actual charges is the whitewashed PR commercial from Trumps lawyer, i would go into wait and see mode.

Yea, wait you and see.

People know what's up with these attempts to harm Trump even further. To continue it would be an abuse of power and would harm their political ideology.

All of this harm against a man for loving his country like a patriot while certain districts undermine the strength of the U.S
This is correct IF one assumes they still care what the electorate thinks and chooses. All politicians who must stand for their voters to judge them will do almost ANYTHING to get that vote. I don't believe these Democrats in DC are unaware of the consequences of their actions and what is almost certain to flow from them. Dumping the amount of fiat currency that they have dumped in such a limited time has ALWAYS led to the collapse of that currency throughout history.
The question I have is what is their plan for the day after the economic collapse of our nation? They and their media 5th column have been sowing the seeds for violent conflict between Americans based on race, gender, economic status, and political beliefs. There is a level of sheer hatred among us that if we suddenly lost access to vital resources, we wouldn't hesitate to fight for them.

IF that began, DC could send in the military and crush what freedom we have left, OR simply back away into their secure enclaves and wait for the killing and death from disease and starvation to do its work.
One signal that they have decided to take America by force into a single party entity will be if/when they remove the filibuster and ram these new election "safeguards" into law. Once they have that advantage they will never be removed peacefully.
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.

The link in the OP is quoting a CNN piece from July 2019.

This is the second time in as many days that mudwhistle has tried to palm off old news as current. Looks like he/she is living in some trumpiod fantasy land.
Is that anything like the 4 years of the breathless, nonstop stories that THIS is what will take him down, for sure? 'Cause I gotta say, that seems more like a mental disorder than this. But hey, go for it if it helps you get through the day.

Oh yeah... I've mentioned this before but it's worth revisiting. Under the law in our Constitution, there is NO proscription against any person who is native-born and at least 35 years old from being allowed to run for the office of president. That's it. No mention of former criminal prosecution or even conviction and incarceration. IIRC, the only obstacle would be a conviction for treason, insurrection, or sedition. Despite the nonstop media chant that 1/6 was an insurrection, not one American who was there that day has been charged with it. The ONLY reason that would be so is that the AG and others at DoJ understand that they do not have proof for the charge and that they cannot control the judiciary enough to guarantee a conviction.

Since I realize you folks just ignore realities that you don't accept, this may be a wasted suggestion but you'd all be better off in your efforts to remove him from any ability to win again if you simply left him alone and stopped keeping him current in the media. His supporters, despite the silly slander of them all being "cultists," would be disappointed if he chose not to run but they'd change gears and vote for the next person who has demonstrated that Trump's dedication to this country is embraced and acted upon. In this category, there is only one and he would get all of Trump's support.

The biggest draw for DeSantis is that he doesn't Tweet mindless things as a way of winding his opponents up. He states his beliefs and acts upon them and when you guys began trying to make him "Trump-lite", the effort would look ridiculous. And as for being mental over your politics, think a moment about how you and the rest of the Left would react if he ran and was elected while in state prison. We BOTH know it would trigger nationwide violence in an attempt to AGAIN overturn a valid election. The only difference this time around is that you'd not be in the streets uncontested, looting and burning to intimidate the rest of us. The youth, the low info brainwashed element, and their professional instigators and leaders would be faced with Americans who now know what is at stake and how far the Marxist Left will go to take America down. Frankly, you folks aren't up to that challenge.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
Sorry but where is the official announcement of this? This site has no links and no date and no author named.

You get the idea. There are several more like these. No one is making a claim that NO charges will ever be filed, just that THIS time there won't be.
People know what's up with these attempts to harm Trump even further. To continue it would be an abuse of power and would harm their political ideology.

All of this harm against a man for loving his country like a patriot while certain districts undermine the strength of the U.S
This is correct IF one assumes they still care what the electorate thinks and chooses. All politicians who must stand for their voters to judge them will do almost ANYTHING to get that vote. I don't believe these Democrats in DC are unaware of the consequences of their actions and what is almost certain to flow from them. Dumping the amount of fiat currency that they have dumped in such a limited time has ALWAYS led to the collapse of that currency throughout history.
The question I have is what is their plan for the day after the economic collapse of our nation? They and their media 5th column have been sowing the seeds for violent conflict between Americans based on race, gender, economic status, and political beliefs. There is a level of sheer hatred among us that if we suddenly lost access to vital resources, we wouldn't hesitate to fight for them.

IF that began, DC could send in the military and crush what freedom we have left, OR simply back away into their secure enclaves and wait for the killing and death from disease and starvation to do its work.
One signal that they have decided to take America by force into a single party entity will be if/when they remove the filibuster and ram these new election "safeguards" into law. Once they have that advantage they will never be removed peacefully.
They will call in the UN. The Blue hats will take over.
We will become under UN authority and lose all sovereignty.
This is their plan.
That's why Republicans aren't engaging in a stupid fake war they are trying to create.
The only way we can avoid this is ro put petty politics aside and stand for America and our freedoms.
All it takes is one idiot to light the fire and we are all toast.
People know what's up with these attempts to harm Trump even further. To continue it would be an abuse of power and would harm their political ideology.

All of this harm against a man for loving his country like a patriot while certain districts undermine the strength of the U.S
This is correct IF one assumes they still care what the electorate thinks and chooses. All politicians who must stand for their voters to judge them will do almost ANYTHING to get that vote. I don't believe these Democrats in DC are unaware of the consequences of their actions and what is almost certain to flow from them. Dumping the amount of fiat currency that they have dumped in such a limited time has ALWAYS led to the collapse of that currency throughout history.
The question I have is what is their plan for the day after the economic collapse of our nation? They and their media 5th column have been sowing the seeds for violent conflict between Americans based on race, gender, economic status, and political beliefs. There is a level of sheer hatred among us that if we suddenly lost access to vital resources, we wouldn't hesitate to fight for them.

IF that began, DC could send in the military and crush what freedom we have left, OR simply back away into their secure enclaves and wait for the killing and death from disease and starvation to do its work.
One signal that they have decided to take America by force into a single party entity will be if/when they remove the filibuster and ram these new election "safeguards" into law. Once they have that advantage they will never be removed peacefully.
They will call in the UN. The Blue hats will take over.
We will become under UN authority and lose all sovereignty.
This is their plan.
That's why Republicans aren't engaging in a stupid fake war they are trying to create.
The only way we can avoid this is ro put petty politics aside and stand for America and our freedoms.
All it takes is one idiot to light the fire and we are all toast.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.
Sorry but where is the official announcement of this? This site has no links and no date and no author named.

You get the idea. There are several more like these. No one is making a claim that NO charges will ever be filed, just that THIS time there won't be.
I am a Trump supporter.
Having said that. You have to be aware that the media plays both sides. When there is a headline and they all share the same words in the titles of their stories, this is called mockingbird media and it is used by the CIA to keep people attacking each other.
It is a tactic.
I'm not saying it's true of false. All I'm saying is take everything and I mean everything with a grain of salt.
Some news is there to incite one side over the other, other news is meant to raise false hopes or false despair.
Understand we are all being used and baited for whatever agenda either side has.
We are just an audience watching a play. And there are many actors on both sides.

Just be smarter than them.
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.

The link in the OP is quoting a CNN piece from July 2019.

This is the second time in as many days that mudwhistle has tried to palm off old news as current. Looks like he/she is living in some trumpiod fantasy land.
Is that anything like the 4 years of the breathless, nonstop stories that THIS is what will take him down, for sure? 'Cause I gotta say, that seems more like a mental disorder than this. But hey, go for it if it helps you get through the day.

Oh yeah... I've mentioned this before but it's worth revisiting. Under the law in our Constitution, there is NO proscription against any person who is native-born and at least 35 years old from being allowed to run for the office of president. That's it. No mention of former criminal prosecution or even conviction and incarceration. IIRC, the only obstacle would be a conviction for treason, insurrection, or sedition. Despite the nonstop media chant that 1/6 was an insurrection, not one American who was there that day has been charged with it. The ONLY reason that would be so is that the AG and others at DoJ understand that they do not have proof for the charge and that they cannot control the judiciary enough to guarantee a conviction.

Since I realize you folks just ignore realities that you don't accept, this may be a wasted suggestion but you'd all be better off in your efforts to remove him from any ability to win again if you simply left him alone and stopped keeping him current in the media. His supporters, despite the silly slander of them all being "cultists," would be disappointed if he chose not to run but they'd change gears and vote for the next person who has demonstrated that Trump's dedication to this country is embraced and acted upon. In this category, there is only one and he would get all of Trump's support.

The biggest draw for DeSantis is that he doesn't Tweet mindless things as a way of winding his opponents up. He states his beliefs and acts upon them and when you guys began trying to make him "Trump-lite", the effort would look ridiculous. And as for being mental over your politics, think a moment about how you and the rest of the Left would react if he ran and was elected while in state prison. We BOTH know it would trigger nationwide violence in an attempt to AGAIN overturn a valid election. The only difference this time around is that you'd not be in the streets uncontested, looting and burning to intimidate the rest of us. The youth, the low info brainwashed element, and their professional instigators and leaders would be faced with Americans who now know what is at stake and how far the Marxist Left will go to take America down. Frankly, you folks aren't up to that challenge.
What the fuck has any of this diatribe to do with the fact about mudwhistle and his insistence on posting untruthful stories? I swear, sometimes it seems, all trumptards are on drugs.
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.

The link in the OP is quoting a CNN piece from July 2019.

This is the second time in as many days that mudwhistle has tried to palm off old news as current. Looks like he/she is living in some trumpiod fantasy land.
Is that anything like the 4 years of the breathless, nonstop stories that THIS is what will take him down, for sure? 'Cause I gotta say, that seems more like a mental disorder than this. But hey, go for it if it helps you get through the day.

Oh yeah... I've mentioned this before but it's worth revisiting. Under the law in our Constitution, there is NO proscription against any person who is native-born and at least 35 years old from being allowed to run for the office of president. That's it. No mention of former criminal prosecution or even conviction and incarceration. IIRC, the only obstacle would be a conviction for treason, insurrection, or sedition. Despite the nonstop media chant that 1/6 was an insurrection, not one American who was there that day has been charged with it. The ONLY reason that would be so is that the AG and others at DoJ understand that they do not have proof for the charge and that they cannot control the judiciary enough to guarantee a conviction.

Since I realize you folks just ignore realities that you don't accept, this may be a wasted suggestion but you'd all be better off in your efforts to remove him from any ability to win again if you simply left him alone and stopped keeping him current in the media. His supporters, despite the silly slander of them all being "cultists," would be disappointed if he chose not to run but they'd change gears and vote for the next person who has demonstrated that Trump's dedication to this country is embraced and acted upon. In this category, there is only one and he would get all of Trump's support.

The biggest draw for DeSantis is that he doesn't Tweet mindless things as a way of winding his opponents up. He states his beliefs and acts upon them and when you guys began trying to make him "Trump-lite", the effort would look ridiculous. And as for being mental over your politics, think a moment about how you and the rest of the Left would react if he ran and was elected while in state prison. We BOTH know it would trigger nationwide violence in an attempt to AGAIN overturn a valid election. The only difference this time around is that you'd not be in the streets uncontested, looting and burning to intimidate the rest of us. The youth, the low info brainwashed element, and their professional instigators and leaders would be faced with Americans who now know what is at stake and how far the Marxist Left will go to take America down. Frankly, you folks aren't up to that challenge.
What the fuck has any of this diatribe to do with the fact about mudwhistle and his insistence on posting untruthful stories? I swear, sometimes it seems, all trumptards are on drugs.
There are no such things as truthful stories anymore.
Everything that is posted is by someone working at a typewriter spewing out their own opinions and biases.
You may find one sentence of truth in a 3 page article of BS.
I swear, sometimes it seems the whole world is on drugs.
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.

The link in the OP is quoting a CNN piece from July 2019.

This is the second time in as many days that mudwhistle has tried to palm off old news as current. Looks like he/she is living in some trumpiod fantasy land.
Is that anything like the 4 years of the breathless, nonstop stories that THIS is what will take him down, for sure? 'Cause I gotta say, that seems more like a mental disorder than this. But hey, go for it if it helps you get through the day.

Oh yeah... I've mentioned this before but it's worth revisiting. Under the law in our Constitution, there is NO proscription against any person who is native-born and at least 35 years old from being allowed to run for the office of president. That's it. No mention of former criminal prosecution or even conviction and incarceration. IIRC, the only obstacle would be a conviction for treason, insurrection, or sedition. Despite the nonstop media chant that 1/6 was an insurrection, not one American who was there that day has been charged with it. The ONLY reason that would be so is that the AG and others at DoJ understand that they do not have proof for the charge and that they cannot control the judiciary enough to guarantee a conviction.

Since I realize you folks just ignore realities that you don't accept, this may be a wasted suggestion but you'd all be better off in your efforts to remove him from any ability to win again if you simply left him alone and stopped keeping him current in the media. His supporters, despite the silly slander of them all being "cultists," would be disappointed if he chose not to run but they'd change gears and vote for the next person who has demonstrated that Trump's dedication to this country is embraced and acted upon. In this category, there is only one and he would get all of Trump's support.

The biggest draw for DeSantis is that he doesn't Tweet mindless things as a way of winding his opponents up. He states his beliefs and acts upon them and when you guys began trying to make him "Trump-lite", the effort would look ridiculous. And as for being mental over your politics, think a moment about how you and the rest of the Left would react if he ran and was elected while in state prison. We BOTH know it would trigger nationwide violence in an attempt to AGAIN overturn a valid election. The only difference this time around is that you'd not be in the streets uncontested, looting and burning to intimidate the rest of us. The youth, the low info brainwashed element, and their professional instigators and leaders would be faced with Americans who now know what is at stake and how far the Marxist Left will go to take America down. Frankly, you folks aren't up to that challenge.
What the fuck has any of this diatribe to do with the fact about mudwhistle and his insistence on posting untruthful stories? I swear, sometimes it seems, all trumptards are on drugs.
Clearly your hate doesn't allow you to accept positive news about Trump.
The story isn't untruthful.....you just cannot bring yourself to believe it......so you try to find one nugget of untruth in it to help you to declare the entire story to be false.
You're simply a very sick motherf**ker.
Have you seen this post today?
I think you might find it interesting.
Manhattan DA has announced there will be no charges filed against the Trump organization.

Yet another investigation into President Trump’s affairs has turned up nothing. The federal investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump organization lasted months and sought evidence that the company had committed campaign finance violations. Now, the investigation is set to close and no charges have been filed.
Federal prosecutors in New York are closing the investigation empty handed after looking into allegations that Trump’s team, as the report reads, “broke the law in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump.”
CNN writes,“…the investigation has quieted, those familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don’t appear ready to charge Trump Organization executives in the probe stemming from the case against Cohen.

LOL! Another failed "investigation" funded by Big Left.
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.

The link in the OP is quoting a CNN piece from July 2019.

This is the second time in as many days that mudwhistle has tried to palm off old news as current. Looks like he/she is living in some trumpiod fantasy land.
Is that anything like the 4 years of the breathless, nonstop stories that THIS is what will take him down, for sure? 'Cause I gotta say, that seems more like a mental disorder than this. But hey, go for it if it helps you get through the day.

Oh yeah... I've mentioned this before but it's worth revisiting. Under the law in our Constitution, there is NO proscription against any person who is native-born and at least 35 years old from being allowed to run for the office of president. That's it. No mention of former criminal prosecution or even conviction and incarceration. IIRC, the only obstacle would be a conviction for treason, insurrection, or sedition. Despite the nonstop media chant that 1/6 was an insurrection, not one American who was there that day has been charged with it. The ONLY reason that would be so is that the AG and others at DoJ understand that they do not have proof for the charge and that they cannot control the judiciary enough to guarantee a conviction.

Since I realize you folks just ignore realities that you don't accept, this may be a wasted suggestion but you'd all be better off in your efforts to remove him from any ability to win again if you simply left him alone and stopped keeping him current in the media. His supporters, despite the silly slander of them all being "cultists," would be disappointed if he chose not to run but they'd change gears and vote for the next person who has demonstrated that Trump's dedication to this country is embraced and acted upon. In this category, there is only one and he would get all of Trump's support.

The biggest draw for DeSantis is that he doesn't Tweet mindless things as a way of winding his opponents up. He states his beliefs and acts upon them and when you guys began trying to make him "Trump-lite", the effort would look ridiculous. And as for being mental over your politics, think a moment about how you and the rest of the Left would react if he ran and was elected while in state prison. We BOTH know it would trigger nationwide violence in an attempt to AGAIN overturn a valid election. The only difference this time around is that you'd not be in the streets uncontested, looting and burning to intimidate the rest of us. The youth, the low info brainwashed element, and their professional instigators and leaders would be faced with Americans who now know what is at stake and how far the Marxist Left will go to take America down. Frankly, you folks aren't up to that challenge.
What the fuck has any of this diatribe to do with the fact about mudwhistle and his insistence on posting untruthful stories? I swear, sometimes it seems, all trumptards are on drugs.
Clearly your hate doesn't allow you to accept positive news about Trump.
The story isn't untruthful.....you just cannot bring yourself to believe it......so you try to find one nugget of untruth in it to help you to declare the entire story to be false.
You're simply a very sick motherf**ker.
Poor trumptard. Still trying to salvage his pride after his massive goofs!!! :itsok:
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.

The link in the OP is quoting a CNN piece from July 2019.

This is the second time in as many days that mudwhistle has tried to palm off old news as current. Looks like he/she is living in some trumpiod fantasy land.
Is that anything like the 4 years of the breathless, nonstop stories that THIS is what will take him down, for sure? 'Cause I gotta say, that seems more like a mental disorder than this. But hey, go for it if it helps you get through the day.

Oh yeah... I've mentioned this before but it's worth revisiting. Under the law in our Constitution, there is NO proscription against any person who is native-born and at least 35 years old from being allowed to run for the office of president. That's it. No mention of former criminal prosecution or even conviction and incarceration. IIRC, the only obstacle would be a conviction for treason, insurrection, or sedition. Despite the nonstop media chant that 1/6 was an insurrection, not one American who was there that day has been charged with it. The ONLY reason that would be so is that the AG and others at DoJ understand that they do not have proof for the charge and that they cannot control the judiciary enough to guarantee a conviction.

Since I realize you folks just ignore realities that you don't accept, this may be a wasted suggestion but you'd all be better off in your efforts to remove him from any ability to win again if you simply left him alone and stopped keeping him current in the media. His supporters, despite the silly slander of them all being "cultists," would be disappointed if he chose not to run but they'd change gears and vote for the next person who has demonstrated that Trump's dedication to this country is embraced and acted upon. In this category, there is only one and he would get all of Trump's support.

The biggest draw for DeSantis is that he doesn't Tweet mindless things as a way of winding his opponents up. He states his beliefs and acts upon them and when you guys began trying to make him "Trump-lite", the effort would look ridiculous. And as for being mental over your politics, think a moment about how you and the rest of the Left would react if he ran and was elected while in state prison. We BOTH know it would trigger nationwide violence in an attempt to AGAIN overturn a valid election. The only difference this time around is that you'd not be in the streets uncontested, looting and burning to intimidate the rest of us. The youth, the low info brainwashed element, and their professional instigators and leaders would be faced with Americans who now know what is at stake and how far the Marxist Left will go to take America down. Frankly, you folks aren't up to that challenge.
What the fuck has any of this diatribe to do with the fact about mudwhistle and his insistence on posting untruthful stories? I swear, sometimes it seems, all trumptards are on drugs.
Clearly your hate doesn't allow you to accept positive news about Trump.
The story isn't untruthful.....you just cannot bring yourself to believe it......so you try to find one nugget of untruth in it to help you to declare the entire story to be false.
You're simply a very sick motherf**ker.
Poor trumptard. Still trying to salvage his pride after his massive goofs!!! :itsok:
Poor Demoroid......unable to accept it when somebody hands you your ass.
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.

The link in the OP is quoting a CNN piece from July 2019.

This is the second time in as many days that mudwhistle has tried to palm off old news as current. Looks like he/she is living in some trumpiod fantasy land.
Is that anything like the 4 years of the breathless, nonstop stories that THIS is what will take him down, for sure? 'Cause I gotta say, that seems more like a mental disorder than this. But hey, go for it if it helps you get through the day.

Oh yeah... I've mentioned this before but it's worth revisiting. Under the law in our Constitution, there is NO proscription against any person who is native-born and at least 35 years old from being allowed to run for the office of president. That's it. No mention of former criminal prosecution or even conviction and incarceration. IIRC, the only obstacle would be a conviction for treason, insurrection, or sedition. Despite the nonstop media chant that 1/6 was an insurrection, not one American who was there that day has been charged with it. The ONLY reason that would be so is that the AG and others at DoJ understand that they do not have proof for the charge and that they cannot control the judiciary enough to guarantee a conviction.

Since I realize you folks just ignore realities that you don't accept, this may be a wasted suggestion but you'd all be better off in your efforts to remove him from any ability to win again if you simply left him alone and stopped keeping him current in the media. His supporters, despite the silly slander of them all being "cultists," would be disappointed if he chose not to run but they'd change gears and vote for the next person who has demonstrated that Trump's dedication to this country is embraced and acted upon. In this category, there is only one and he would get all of Trump's support.

The biggest draw for DeSantis is that he doesn't Tweet mindless things as a way of winding his opponents up. He states his beliefs and acts upon them and when you guys began trying to make him "Trump-lite", the effort would look ridiculous. And as for being mental over your politics, think a moment about how you and the rest of the Left would react if he ran and was elected while in state prison. We BOTH know it would trigger nationwide violence in an attempt to AGAIN overturn a valid election. The only difference this time around is that you'd not be in the streets uncontested, looting and burning to intimidate the rest of us. The youth, the low info brainwashed element, and their professional instigators and leaders would be faced with Americans who now know what is at stake and how far the Marxist Left will go to take America down. Frankly, you folks aren't up to that challenge.
What the fuck has any of this diatribe to do with the fact about mudwhistle and his insistence on posting untruthful stories? I swear, sometimes it seems, all trumptards are on drugs.
Clearly your hate doesn't allow you to accept positive news about Trump.
The story isn't untruthful.....you just cannot bring yourself to believe it......so you try to find one nugget of untruth in it to help you to declare the entire story to be false.
You're simply a very sick motherf**ker.
Poor trumptard. Still trying to salvage his pride after his massive goofs!!! :itsok:
Poor Demoroid......unable to accept it when somebody hands you your ass.
LOL. Coming from a guy who creates multiple threads with false info. But then you are a trumptard. What else can we expect except lies?
They just announced it on Newsmax.
That's why I posted this.

The link in the OP is quoting a CNN piece from July 2019.

This is the second time in as many days that mudwhistle has tried to palm off old news as current. Looks like he/she is living in some trumpiod fantasy land.
Is that anything like the 4 years of the breathless, nonstop stories that THIS is what will take him down, for sure? 'Cause I gotta say, that seems more like a mental disorder than this. But hey, go for it if it helps you get through the day.

Oh yeah... I've mentioned this before but it's worth revisiting. Under the law in our Constitution, there is NO proscription against any person who is native-born and at least 35 years old from being allowed to run for the office of president. That's it. No mention of former criminal prosecution or even conviction and incarceration. IIRC, the only obstacle would be a conviction for treason, insurrection, or sedition. Despite the nonstop media chant that 1/6 was an insurrection, not one American who was there that day has been charged with it. The ONLY reason that would be so is that the AG and others at DoJ understand that they do not have proof for the charge and that they cannot control the judiciary enough to guarantee a conviction.

Since I realize you folks just ignore realities that you don't accept, this may be a wasted suggestion but you'd all be better off in your efforts to remove him from any ability to win again if you simply left him alone and stopped keeping him current in the media. His supporters, despite the silly slander of them all being "cultists," would be disappointed if he chose not to run but they'd change gears and vote for the next person who has demonstrated that Trump's dedication to this country is embraced and acted upon. In this category, there is only one and he would get all of Trump's support.

The biggest draw for DeSantis is that he doesn't Tweet mindless things as a way of winding his opponents up. He states his beliefs and acts upon them and when you guys began trying to make him "Trump-lite", the effort would look ridiculous. And as for being mental over your politics, think a moment about how you and the rest of the Left would react if he ran and was elected while in state prison. We BOTH know it would trigger nationwide violence in an attempt to AGAIN overturn a valid election. The only difference this time around is that you'd not be in the streets uncontested, looting and burning to intimidate the rest of us. The youth, the low info brainwashed element, and their professional instigators and leaders would be faced with Americans who now know what is at stake and how far the Marxist Left will go to take America down. Frankly, you folks aren't up to that challenge.
What the fuck has any of this diatribe to do with the fact about mudwhistle and his insistence on posting untruthful stories? I swear, sometimes it seems, all trumptards are on drugs.
Clearly your hate doesn't allow you to accept positive news about Trump.
The story isn't untruthful.....you just cannot bring yourself to believe it......so you try to find one nugget of untruth in it to help you to declare the entire story to be false.
You're simply a very sick motherf**ker.
Poor trumptard. Still trying to salvage his pride after his massive goofs!!! :itsok:
Poor Demoroid......unable to accept it when somebody hands you your ass.
LOL. Coming from a guy who creates multiple threads with false info. But then you are a trumptard. What else can we expect except lies?
Only in your mind. I know you're a pig.....but you don't have to keep proving it.
Everyone else here is willing to admit when they're wrong.
You cannot.
That makes you one of those radicals that cannot learn.
The Democrat Party is tailor made for folks like you.

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