NY State blesses ‘incest’ marriage between uncle, niece

You first.

Do you support the right of any consenting adult to marry any persons of their choosing?

Why me first? I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you. And yes, I support the right of any consenting adult to marry any persons of their choosing. I'm not a bigot.

Good for you.

Yes, it is good for me, and sad that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

When have I been discriminated against?

I haven't argued that any adult should be kept from marriage.

What I have argued for- consitantly and clearly to your irritation- is that same gender couples should have marriage equality with my wife and I. That they should be treated no differently than my wife and I.

Why that irritates your little mind- i don't know.

Should polygamists be allowed to legally marry? Yes or No?

When have I been discriminated against?- still amused by that claim of yours.

I haven't argued that any adult should be kept from marriage.

What I have argued for- consitently and clearly to your irritation- is that same gender couples should have marriage equality with my wife and I. That they should be treated no differently than my wife and I.

Why that irritates your little mind- i don't know
Why me first? I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you. And yes, I support the right of any consenting adult to marry any persons of their choosing. I'm not a bigot.

Good for you.

Yes, it is good for me, and sad that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

When have I been discriminated against?

I haven't argued that any adult should be kept from marriage.

What I have argued for- consitantly and clearly to your irritation- is that same gender couples should have marriage equality with my wife and I. That they should be treated no differently than my wife and I.

Why that irritates your little mind- i don't know.

Should polygamists be allowed to legally marry? Yes or No?

When have I been discriminated against?- still amused by that claim of yours.

I haven't argued that any adult should be kept from marriage.

What I have argued for- consitently and clearly to your irritation- is that same gender couples should have marriage equality with my wife and I. That they should be treated no differently than my wife and I.

Why that irritates your little mind- i don't know

Should polygamists be allowed to marry? Yes or No?
OOOOOOh noes- the idiot with reading comprehension problems might call me a 'coward'.......lol- what are you- 12?

You have made so many ignorant assumptions so far- nothing I could say would prevent you from posting more ignorant, false and stupid comments.

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spout.

If you can't handle the heat, then stay out of the kitchen. And I'm guessing it's not my maturity that's being questioned here, but rather your honesty.

But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality, and that you are both a hypocrite and a bigot. Congrats on finally coming out!

Once again- reading comprehension is clearly not one of your strong points.

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spout.

Obviously you think repeating something that had no meaning the first time will make it somehow have meaning the second time? Knock yourself out.

You've already made your stance on 'marriage equality' quite clear, you advocate it for one group but not for others. Therefore, you do not advocate true marriage equality, and are as much a bigot as those that fight against 'gay marriage'.

You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

Where should I start?
OOOOOOh noes- the idiot with reading comprehension problems might call me a 'coward'.......lol- what are you- 12?

You have made so many ignorant assumptions so far- nothing I could say would prevent you from posting more ignorant, false and stupid comments.

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spout.

If you can't handle the heat, then stay out of the kitchen. And I'm guessing it's not my maturity that's being questioned here, but rather your honesty.

But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality, and that you are both a hypocrite and a bigot. Congrats on finally coming out!

Once again- reading comprehension is clearly not one of your strong points.

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spout.

Obviously you think repeating something that had no meaning the first time will make it somehow have meaning the second time? Knock yourself out.

You've already made your stance on 'marriage equality' quite clear, you advocate it for one group but not for others. Therefore, you do not advocate true marriage equality, and are as much a bigot as those that fight against 'gay marriage'.

You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:
. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.
Why is it that always boils down to where the penis goes with you guys? If sexuality, sensuality, romance, and desire starts, and ends with the penis for you, trust me when I tell you, you're doing it wrong.

Your strawman is lovely. Why don't you start a thread about it somewhere else?

My strawman?!?! I'm pretty sure it was you who said:

Delta, do you have a complete list of all the protected sexual behaviors vs unprotected ones between consenting adults that would qualify or not for marriage "rights"?

Get back to me with that comprehensive list.

So, you're the one who thinks that the 14th amendment protections are based on where one is putting one's penis. Again, if you think that is what homosexuality, or any sexuality is about, then you're doing it wrong.
If you can't handle the heat, then stay out of the kitchen. And I'm guessing it's not my maturity that's being questioned here, but rather your honesty.

But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality, and that you are both a hypocrite and a bigot. Congrats on finally coming out!

Once again- reading comprehension is clearly not one of your strong points.

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spout.

Obviously you think repeating something that had no meaning the first time will make it somehow have meaning the second time? Knock yourself out.

You've already made your stance on 'marriage equality' quite clear, you advocate it for one group but not for others. Therefore, you do not advocate true marriage equality, and are as much a bigot as those that fight against 'gay marriage'.

You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

Where should I start?
If you can't handle the heat, then stay out of the kitchen. And I'm guessing it's not my maturity that's being questioned here, but rather your honesty.

But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality, and that you are both a hypocrite and a bigot. Congrats on finally coming out!

Once again- reading comprehension is clearly not one of your strong points.

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spout.

Obviously you think repeating something that had no meaning the first time will make it somehow have meaning the second time? Knock yourself out.

You've already made your stance on 'marriage equality' quite clear, you advocate it for one group but not for others. Therefore, you do not advocate true marriage equality, and are as much a bigot as those that fight against 'gay marriage'.

You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:
. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

All of that to avoid answering whether you support polygamous marriage? Too funny! lol

You have stated what you are 'for'? All you've said repeatedly that you're 'for' is marriage for couples of the same gender. I have asked you repeatedly to state your stance on other forms of marriage, and you refuse. Of course you haven't said you're against other forms of marriage, but you haven't said you're for them either. Do you really think people are stupid enough to buy your bullshit? Syriusly??? lol

And I'm not attacking you, I'm pushing you off of that careful little one tract line that you're attempting to not veer from, and it's making you angry. You're a hypocrite and a bigot that has the nerve to call others a bigot and then when you're called on it, act like you're a victim. Priceless! lol
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I feel like the entire marriage issue lies somewhere in opposite world.

Conservatives want more Government telling society what is right or wrong on the issue.
Liberals want that damn Government out of people's lives on the matter.

It just goes to show you that team-playing partisan dickweeding is a strong sauce to be hitting.


IMO, if its between consenting adults and harms no one,


Than why aren't you questioning 'syriously' in this thread. She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love. The height of hypocrisy, yet not one liberal is in her questioning her bigotry?

My comments and opinions is the same whether in reply to right or left, gay or straight.

Aren't yours?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Should polygamists be allowed to marry? Yes or No?

The question as law sits today isn't whether or not they should be allowed to marry, since they already are allowed to marry. The question is how can we re-animate quickly those laws that were in place keeping them from marrying that were rendered "dead by limbo" by lower courts acting illegally to overturn Baker 1971 underneath SCOTUS' judgment.
Once again- reading comprehension is clearly not one of your strong points.

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spout.

Obviously you think repeating something that had no meaning the first time will make it somehow have meaning the second time? Knock yourself out.

You've already made your stance on 'marriage equality' quite clear, you advocate it for one group but not for others. Therefore, you do not advocate true marriage equality, and are as much a bigot as those that fight against 'gay marriage'.

You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

Where should I start?
Once again- reading comprehension is clearly not one of your strong points.

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spout.

Obviously you think repeating something that had no meaning the first time will make it somehow have meaning the second time? Knock yourself out.

You've already made your stance on 'marriage equality' quite clear, you advocate it for one group but not for others. Therefore, you do not advocate true marriage equality, and are as much a bigot as those that fight against 'gay marriage'.

You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:
. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

All of that to avoid answering whether you support polygamous marriage? Too funny! lol

You have stated what you are 'for'? All you've said repeatedly that you're 'for' is marriage for couples of the same gender. I have asked you repeatedly to state your stance on other forms of marriage, and you refuse. Of course you haven't said you're against other forms of marriage, but you haven't said you're for them either. Do you really think people are stupid enough to buy your bullshit? Syriusly??? lol

And I'm not attacking you, I'm pushing you off of that careful little one tract line that you're attempting to not veer from, and it's making you angry. You're a hypocrite and a bigot that has the nerve to call others a bigot and then when you're called on it, act like you're a victim. Priceless! lol

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:

. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.
Should polygamists be allowed to marry? Yes or No?

The question as law sits today isn't whether or not they should be allowed to marry, since they already are allowed to marry. The question is how can we re-animate quickly those laws that were in place keeping them from marrying that were rendered "dead by limbo" by lower courts acting illegally to overturn Baker 1971 underneath SCOTUS' judgment.

There is nothing in your post that is factually correct.
The question as law sits today isn't whether or not they should be allowed to marry, since they already are allowed to marry. The question is how can we re-animate quickly those laws that were in place keeping them from marrying that were rendered "dead by limbo" by lower courts acting illegally to overturn Baker 1971 underneath SCOTUS' judgment.

There is nothing in your post that is factually correct.
There's nothing your response to my post that is factually correct.

Two can play that game. Get back to me when you have someting of substance to rebut. Or admit defeat.
The question as law sits today isn't whether or not they should be allowed to marry, since they already are allowed to marry. The question is how can we re-animate quickly those laws that were in place keeping them from marrying that were rendered "dead by limbo" by lower courts acting illegally to overturn Baker 1971 underneath SCOTUS' judgment.

There is nothing in your post that is factually correct.
There's nothing your response to my post that is factually correct.

Two can play that game. Get back to me when you have someting of substance to rebut. Or admit defeat.

LOL....the most coherent post I have seen from you in awhile.

Stupid- but coherent.
Do you support the right of any consenting adult to marry any persons of their choosing?

Just because you can to marry someone doesn't mean you should. Choices can be invalid.
Syriusly, do you support the right of any person to drive at their choosing? Even blind people? If a person doesn't qualify for a privelege [not a right] like marriage or driving [there is nothing in the US Constitution protecting marriage or driving], they don't qualify. People can feel bad for them, as we often feel bad for the losing team in a sport's match or someone with a mental disability. But that doesn't change the reality that they simply don't qualify for the institution sought in all cases according to what they want vs what is...

You wouldn't change the meaning of driving to be "plowing into pedestrians, guardrails, buildings and other cars". Just as you wouldn't change the meaning of "married parents" to mean 100% of the time one of the blood parents of that child, and a representative for formative learning of the opposite sex missing in every case.
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Do you support the right of any consenting adult to marry any persons of their choosing?

Just because you can to marry someone doesn't mean you should. Choices can be invalid.
If a person doesn't qualify for a privelege [not a right] like marriage...
Marriage is a right, not a privilege. That is not my determination; it is the determination of the Supreme Court of the United States.

In fact, what The Supreme Court of the United States specifically said was, "Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man,"

Let's review that One. More. Time for the cheap seats. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that, "Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man,"

So, can we stop comparing driving, which is a privilege, with marriage, which has been ruled 50 years ago to be a right?

Thanks ever so much...
If a person doesn't qualify for a privelege [not a right] like marriage or driving [there is nothing in the US Constitution protecting marriage or driving], they don't qualify.
Marriage is a right, but since it's not specifically enumerated in the BoR it falls to the States to regulate as the State sees fit as per the 10th Amendment.

Here is a list of the fourteen cases, with links to the opinions and citations to the Court’s discussion of the right to marry:

1. Maynard v. Hill, 125 U.S. 190, 205, 211 (1888): Marriage is “the most important relation in life” and “the foundation of the family and society, without which there would be neither civilization nor progress.

2. Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 399 (1923): The right “to marry, establish a home and bring up children” is a central part of liberty protected by the Due Process Clause.

3. Skinner v. Oklahoma ex rel. Williamson, 316 U.S. 535, 541 (1942): Marriage “one of the basic civil rights of man,” “fundamental to the very existence and survival of the race.”

4. Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, 486 (1965): We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill of Rights—older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions.”

5. Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 12 (1967): The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.

6. Boddie v. Connecticut, 401 U.S. 371, 376, 383 (1971): [M]arriage involves interests of basic importance to our society” and is “a fundamental human relationship.”

7. Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur, 414 U.S. 632, 639-40 (1974): This Court has long recognized that freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

8. Moore v. City of East Cleveland, 431 U.S. 494, 499 (1977) (plurality): “[W]hen the government intrudes on choices concerning family living arrangements, this Court must examine carefully the importance of the governmental interests advanced and the extent to which they are served by the challenged regulation.”

9. Carey v. Population Services International, 431 U.S. 678, 684-85 (1977): t is clear that among the decisions that an individual may make without unjustified government interference are personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, and child rearing and education.

10. Zablocki v. Redhail, 434 U.S. 374, 384 (1978): [T]he right to marry is of fundamental importance for all individuals.”

11. Turner v. Safley, 482 U.S. 78, 95 (1987): [T]he decision to marry is a fundamental right” and an “expression[ ] of emotional support and public commitment.”

12. Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 851 (1992): These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”

13. M.L.B. v. S.L.J., 519 U.S. 102, 116 (1996): Choices about marriage, family life, and the upbringing of children are among associational rights this Court has ranked as ‘of basic importance in our society,’ rights sheltered by the Fourteenth Amendment against the State’s unwarranted usurpation, disregard, or disrespect.

14. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, 574 (2003): “[O]ur laws and tradition afford constitutional protection to personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, and education. … Persons in a homosexual relationship may seek autonomy for these purposes, just as heterosexual persons do.”

If a state wants to ban it, the state can ban it. If the state wants to allow it, the state can allow it. If a state doesn't want to honor another state's license, that state is free to reject it. The only legitimate way for same-sex marriage to be forced on all states, or really any marriage at all, is for a constitutional amendment on marriage. Not court rulings; a law.
Obviously you think repeating something that had no meaning the first time will make it somehow have meaning the second time? Knock yourself out.

You've already made your stance on 'marriage equality' quite clear, you advocate it for one group but not for others. Therefore, you do not advocate true marriage equality, and are as much a bigot as those that fight against 'gay marriage'.

You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

Where should I start?
Obviously you think repeating something that had no meaning the first time will make it somehow have meaning the second time? Knock yourself out.

You've already made your stance on 'marriage equality' quite clear, you advocate it for one group but not for others. Therefore, you do not advocate true marriage equality, and are as much a bigot as those that fight against 'gay marriage'.

You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:
. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

All of that to avoid answering whether you support polygamous marriage? Too funny! lol

You have stated what you are 'for'? All you've said repeatedly that you're 'for' is marriage for couples of the same gender. I have asked you repeatedly to state your stance on other forms of marriage, and you refuse. Of course you haven't said you're against other forms of marriage, but you haven't said you're for them either. Do you really think people are stupid enough to buy your bullshit? Syriusly??? lol

And I'm not attacking you, I'm pushing you off of that careful little one tract line that you're attempting to not veer from, and it's making you angry. You're a hypocrite and a bigot that has the nerve to call others a bigot and then when you're called on it, act like you're a victim. Priceless! lol

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:

. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

I'm a queer bird? lol

I've entered this thread calling you on your bullshit. Simple as that. And I don't need a two page post to deflect from it either. You nutters that will only support marriage equality if it's two same gender people are a bunch of bigots and hypocrites. Your lack of support for other types of marriage is indefensible and you know it, which is why you write 2 page posts to try to deflect from your dishonesty and lack of integrity. But do carry on in your 'support' of 'marriage equality', as long as it's only inclusive of two people of the same or opposite sex. What a joke..
You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

Where should I start?
You can lie about what my stance as much and as often as you choose to lie.

My position is straightforward

Here is what I think- I believe that same gender couples should have the same legal right to marriage as my wife and I have been enjoying for over 20 years.

If you want to advocate for the right to marry your brother- feel free to do so.
If you want to advocate that same gender couples should be discriminated against- you are welcome to do that also.

I will not be attempting to prevent you from spouting any idiotic stuff you want to spou

What I have I lied about?

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:
. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

All of that to avoid answering whether you support polygamous marriage? Too funny! lol

You have stated what you are 'for'? All you've said repeatedly that you're 'for' is marriage for couples of the same gender. I have asked you repeatedly to state your stance on other forms of marriage, and you refuse. Of course you haven't said you're against other forms of marriage, but you haven't said you're for them either. Do you really think people are stupid enough to buy your bullshit? Syriusly??? lol

And I'm not attacking you, I'm pushing you off of that careful little one tract line that you're attempting to not veer from, and it's making you angry. You're a hypocrite and a bigot that has the nerve to call others a bigot and then when you're called on it, act like you're a victim. Priceless! lol

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:

. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

I'm a queer bird? lol

I've entered this thread calling you on your bullshit. Simple as that. And I don't need a two page post to deflect from it either. You nutters that will only support marriage equality if it's two same gender people are a bunch of bigots and hypocrites. Your lack of support for other types of marriage is indefensible and you know it, which is why you write 2 page posts to try to deflect from your dishonesty and lack of integrity. But do carry on in your 'support' of 'marriage equality', as long as it's only inclusive of two people of the same or opposite sex. What a joke..

You entered this thread with a lie- and continued to lie- and that is what I enjoy pointing out.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:
. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.
The only person that's lied here is you.

Do you support polygamous marriage? Yes or No? It's quite the simple question to answer, yet you wrap yourself into a pretzel to avoid answering it? Why is that? lol

Does marriage equality apply to others? Yes or No?
What I have I lied about?

Where should I start?
What I have I lied about?

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:
. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

All of that to avoid answering whether you support polygamous marriage? Too funny! lol

You have stated what you are 'for'? All you've said repeatedly that you're 'for' is marriage for couples of the same gender. I have asked you repeatedly to state your stance on other forms of marriage, and you refuse. Of course you haven't said you're against other forms of marriage, but you haven't said you're for them either. Do you really think people are stupid enough to buy your bullshit? Syriusly??? lol

And I'm not attacking you, I'm pushing you off of that careful little one tract line that you're attempting to not veer from, and it's making you angry. You're a hypocrite and a bigot that has the nerve to call others a bigot and then when you're called on it, act like you're a victim. Priceless! lol

You are a queer bird- and I mean that in a non-homosexual way.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:

. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

I'm a queer bird? lol

I've entered this thread calling you on your bullshit. Simple as that. And I don't need a two page post to deflect from it either. You nutters that will only support marriage equality if it's two same gender people are a bunch of bigots and hypocrites. Your lack of support for other types of marriage is indefensible and you know it, which is why you write 2 page posts to try to deflect from your dishonesty and lack of integrity. But do carry on in your 'support' of 'marriage equality', as long as it's only inclusive of two people of the same or opposite sex. What a joke..

You entered this thread with a lie- and continued to lie- and that is what I enjoy pointing out.

You jumped into this thread- accusing me of being a bigot- because I support marriage equality for same gender couples- but I haven't also been arguing for incestuous marriage or polygamous marriage.

You though- don't appear to argue about marriage equality at all- except to attack me.

And throughout this campaign of yours against me-- you have repeatedly lied, and misrepresented what I have said.

So- here is what you have lied about- in all of its glory.

Here is your very first post- and your first lie:

N: How can you argue that you have the right to marry the person that you love, and then spout out of the other side of your mouth that it should be illegal for others to marry those that they love?

I have never claimed that it should be illegal for others to marry- lie.

N: She's obviously gay, yet would deny rights to others to marry where they find love.

Me: Since I am a male, happily married to a woman, and I have never promoted denying rights to anyone- that is 3 lies in one sentence- you worked hard on that one.

N: You've made that insinuation in this thread,

Me: Clearly not- since the very post you first responded to I stated exactly my status:
. Homosexuals have sued for marriage equality with my wife and I- and I support that

N: Clearly your idea 'of marriage equality' only applies to you and other 'same gender' couples, but doesn't extend to anyone else.

Me: Once again- since I am not part of a ‘same gender’ couple- that is a lie- and I have never stated that marriage equality only applies to me and ‘same gender’ couples- more lies.

N: I'm not the one saying marriage equality applies to some but not others, that would be you

Me: Once again- I have never said that ‘marriage equality’ doesn’t apply to ‘others’- another lie

N: But, at least you finally have the balls to say that you only support your version of 'marriage equality' and not true marriage equality,

Me: Once again- I said no such thing- you just lied.

N: that someone such as yourself who has supposedly faced being 'discriminated' against and supposedly fought for 'marriage equality' is more than willing to discriminate against others and keep marriage equality from others for totally selfish reasons.

Me: And I have never claimed to have been discriminated against, and I haven’t argued to discriminate against anyone, or keep marriage equality from anyone.

So there we go- a list of your lies and false representations in this thread.

For what purpose?

I don't know- you don't seem to have any purpose other than to attack me. You don't seem to be arguing for anything. Other than this thread- and attacking me- you don't appear to care about the issue of marriage equality at all

This is a far longer response than you deserve- so here is the thing- I have stated what I am for- if you don't like it- tough.

IF you continue just trying to pigeonhole me into some position- I will just copy and paste the list of your lies in response.

IF you want to argue for something- or against something- rather than attack me- maybe I will participate in that discussion.

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