This is awesome??? What exactly is so awesome about failed intelligence leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans? You are a fucking loon.

Thats why hes my bitch, he happy thousands died so he can try and advance a political agenda, what a buttfucking liberal asshole

That's Lakhota for you.....party and blame before America. Trashy? Absolutely
What is 'awesome' is that this info has come out, confirming the incompetence of the Bushies.

But of course, you all already know that's what Lakhota meant.
Condi Rice testified that there were warnings that planes were going to be hijacked, but they never imagined that people would fly them into buildings.

OK, fine. That's a reasonable statement.

So why didn't they put any airports on alert?

Which airports were they supposed to put on alert?

Which days? What times? What flights?

What were the screeners at that time supposed to look for? Remember, they didn't have the TSA back then, and the rules were different.

So what was Dr. Rice supposed to do about vague terror warnings?

GMTA....you ARE spot on. I think they wanted Bush to close all airports for 6-12 months
Airports couldn't have more closely scrutinized ME passengers? Couldn't coordinate with the NSA and the FBI?
BTW, the intelligence wasn't failed.

Can you source where the the intel stated which day, which flights all of this was going to happen...or was more like fragmented chatter? The same chatter the CIA and the FBI were picking up.

You do realize that it was the Clinton Administration that dummied down our own intel because we didn't need it any longer, right?

Ouch! QFT!
Sand in your vagina?
I seem to remember Obama..er uh....Osama being offered up to Bill Clinton not once BUT twice!
And the dipshit did nothing.
The world trade center was attacked in 93.......Bubba didnt do shit!
Finger pointing in this case is kind of stupid. Plenty of blame to go around......but most of it goes to the terrorist.
You're either ignorant or a liar:

Hannity repeated lie that Sudan offered bin Laden to Clinton; Lanny Davis to Hannity: "That's a lie" | Research | Media Matters for America
HanNITWITty knows OBL was offered to Bush on a silver platter and Bush did nothing so he has to muddy the waters and accuse Clinton of doing what Bush did.

How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It
George Bush, the man whose prime campaign plank has been his ability to wage war on terror, could have had Osama bin Laden’s head handed to him on a platter on his very first day in office, and the offer held good until February 2 of 2002. This is the charge leveled by an Afghan American who had been retained by the US government as an intermediary between the Taliban and both the Clinton and Bush administrations.
From the documents he’s supplied us and from his detailed account we regard Kabir Mohabbat’s story as credible and are glad to make public his story of the truly incredible failure of the Bush administration to accept the Taliban’s offer to eliminate Bin Laden. As a consequence of this failure more than 3,000 Americans and thousands of Afghans died. Mohabbat himself narrowly escaped death on two occasions when Al Qaeda, apprised of his role, tried to kill him. In Kabul in February, 2001, a bomb was detonated in his hotel in Kabul. Later that year, in July, a hand grenade thrown in his room in a hotel in Kandahar failed to explode.

He told his story to the 9/11 Commission (whose main concern, he tells us, was that he not divulge his testimony to anyone else), also to the 9/11 Families who were pursuing a lawsuit based on the assumption of US intelligence blunders by the FBI and CIA. He says his statements were not much use to the families since his judgment was, and still remains, that it was not intelligence failures that allowed the 9/11 attacks, but criminal negligence by the Bush administration.

Bush says he wasn’t overjoyed by bin Laden news - The Washington Post

LAS VEGAS — George W. Bush says he was “not overjoyed” when President Barack Obama told him Osama bin Laden was dead because the campaign to track down the al-Qaida leader was done not “out of hatred, but to exact judgment.”
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Which airports were they supposed to put on alert?

Which days? What times? What flights?

What were the screeners at that time supposed to look for? Remember, they didn't have the TSA back then, and the rules were different.

So what was Dr. Rice supposed to do about vague terror warnings?

GMTA....you ARE spot on. I think they wanted Bush to close all airports for 6-12 months
Airports couldn't have more closely scrutinized ME passengers? Couldn't coordinate with the NSA and the FBI?

Wouldnt that be profiling?
Thats why hes my bitch, he happy thousands died so he can try and advance a political agenda, what a buttfucking liberal asshole

That's Lakhota for you.....party and blame before America. Trashy? Absolutely
What is 'awesome' is that this info has come out, confirming the incompetence of the Bushies.

But of course, you all already know that's what Lakhota meant.

What info? Info that there was intel on the day, time, flights, or just a different way of packaging that there was chatter that something was going to happen sometime in the US at some point. Come on, Synth you're better than that.
As far as Lakhota? It is party over America with him....
Clinton passed up at least two opportunities to kill or capture bin laden. know why he didn't? cause there were women and children in the camps.. and he made that decision after bin laden announced that "NO distinction will be made in those wearing uniforms and those who are civillians." What a dumb ass thinker clinton was.
Already debunked countless times.

Take your Alzheimer's meds, Dirty Granny.
I look forward to the day when people still suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome finally wake up and blame the people who hijacked those planes rather than continuing to blame Bush. Mistakes were made by the administration, mistakes are made by all administrations. But it was not Bush who told these terrorists to take the actions they did, it was their decision and the urging of bin Laden that led to 9/11.
GMTA....you ARE spot on. I think they wanted Bush to close all airports for 6-12 months
Airports couldn't have more closely scrutinized ME passengers? Couldn't coordinate with the NSA and the FBI?

Wouldnt that be profiling?

Why, yes, yes it would Marty. The screaming liberals would have come out of the woodwork hooting and hollaring "DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!!"
After all, it was Bush....don't think they wouldn't have, either.
Enough about Bush... How about we talk about Obama and his stellar record. :lol::lol::lol:
From the op-ed linked in the OP:

In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush officials attempted to deflect criticism that they had ignored C.I.A. warnings by saying they had not been told when and where the attack would occur. That is true, as far as it goes, but it misses the point. Throughout that summer, there were events that might have exposed the plans, had the government been on high alert. Indeed, even as the Aug. 6 brief was being prepared, Mohamed al-Kahtani, a Saudi believed to have been assigned a role in the 9/11 attacks, was stopped at an airport in Orlando, Fla., by a suspicious customs agent and sent back overseas on Aug. 4. Two weeks later, another co-conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui, was arrested on immigration charges in Minnesota after arousing suspicions at a flight school. But the dots were not connected, and Washington did not react.

That's because there was this policy called the "Gorelick Wall" which prevented the CIA and the FBI from collaborating. Therefore, no action could have been taken because the dots had not been connected.
Both the FBI and the CIA report to the administration. FAIL.

National Security is the job of the National Security Adviser - Condi Rice. She marginalized Clarke and they all listened to Wolfowitz over the CIA and military experts.

{“Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”}

In the alleged minds of leftists, that's a "warning."

So, what would YOU do with that?

I mean, a great and wise demagogue like you would just know that plains would be used on 9/11, right?

“Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” - all the intel ever needed....
Clinton passed up at least two opportunities to kill or capture bin laden. know why he didn't? cause there were women and children in the camps.. and he made that decision after bin laden announced that "NO distinction will be made in those wearing uniforms and those who are civillians." What a dumb ass thinker clinton was.
Already debunked countless times.

Take your Alzheimer's meds, Dirty Granny.

On Tape, Clinton Admits Passing Up bin Laden Capture; Lewinsky Played Role here you go .. He said it on TAPE
Clinton passed up at least two opportunities to kill or capture bin laden. know why he didn't? cause there were women and children in the camps.. and he made that decision after bin laden announced that "NO distinction will be made in those wearing uniforms and those who are civillians." What a dumb ass thinker clinton was.

You're a world class dumbass and liar.

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Factcheck.org is wrong. Bin Laden send militants to Somalia to fight with Mohammed Farah Aideed.

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS
That has nothing to do with the debunked notion that Clinton passed on killing bin Laden.

Now you're just flailing blindly.
Tell it to FDR about Pearl Harbor.

Or the Dallas PD about JFK assn.

Hindsight in disasters is 20/20.

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