Clinton passed up at least two opportunities to kill or capture bin laden. know why he didn't? cause there were women and children in the camps.. and he made that decision after bin laden announced that "NO distinction will be made in those wearing uniforms and those who are civillians." What a dumb ass thinker clinton was.

You're a world class dumbass and liar.

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Factcheck.org is wrong. Bin Laden send militants to Somalia to fight with Mohammed Farah Aideed.

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS
Actually it's pretty damning of the Bush Administration and highlites the Repubican Presidents negligence and utter failure to protect the country.

Bush probably thinks it's awesome that he was never impeached however.........

If Bush was guilty of anything why didn't he get impeached? Like I said... Loons. Anyone who thinks it's awesome when Americans die just so they can point fingers at Politicians is a completely disgusting human being.

and here tehy are its awesome that someone is writing how Bush failed us, woo hoo go dead people. Libs, still pimping bad ideas.

Like they say, the truth hurts. Looks like the truth is President Bush was warned over and over about bin Laden. But ya'll gather round and defend your ultra-failed presidents' actions.
This is awesome??? What exactly is so awesome about failed intelligence leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans? You are a fucking loon.

Yes, it's awesome that Bush is being further exposed for the lazy, lying, vacationing, stupid asshole that he was for ignoring pre-9/11 warnings while planning to invade Iraq. Yes, this is awesome news! I'm sure the media will have plenty to say about it tomorrow.

Seek medical attention... You are one mentally ill sick fuck.

The entire "American" Left is like that
If Bush was guilty of anything why didn't he get impeached? Like I said... Loons. Anyone who thinks it's awesome when Americans die just so they can point fingers at Politicians is a completely disgusting human being.

and here tehy are its awesome that someone is writing how Bush failed us, woo hoo go dead people. Libs, still pimping bad ideas.

Like they say, the truth hurts. Looks like the truth is President Bush was warned over and over about bin Laden. But ya'll gather round and defend your ultra-failed presidents' actions.

Clinton was warned over and over also, and his response was the Gorelick Wall. But somehow I don't think you'll place any blame in his direction.
We also HAD the right to travel freely, without the current (silly IMO) restrictions and rules.

So what were the airports supposed to do differently after the warnings? Start confiscating nail clippers and sippy cups, even though there were no regulations against them? Start preventing anyone of Arab descent from boarding planes? Armed personnel on every aircraft?

What were they supposed to do without any details?

The Bushies came up with a color coded terror warning system.

Why, if they couldn't give us all the exact time frame for an attack? What were we supposed to do differently?

Answer: so that when there was a heightened concern about a possible attack, people would be more aware and alert to suspicious events and behaviours.

Are you claiming that airport security is unable to be more aware and alert to suspicious behaviour, when they are specifically trained to do so? That they couldn't give more scrutiny to ME men, with ME passports?

Last question: do you get your stupidity from California Girl, or does she get hers from you?

Airport security was not specially trained for anything before 9/11. The airports hired people to man metal detectors and screen for weapons, and that was it. There was none of the security theater we have now, taking off shoes, confiscating water bottles, patting down grandma, etc. You used to be able to go through security to meet someone coming off a flight at the gate, not anymore.

And the definition of weapons was a whole lot different then, too. Nail clippers, eyeglass screwdrivers and paper clips were not considered dangerous then. Now they are.

What was I going to do with the paper clip they took from me at Lambert Airport 4 years ago? Clip the pilot's flight plan together so he couldn't read it?

Why are you dodging? Again:

The Bushies came up with a color coded terror warning system.

Why, if they couldn't give us all the exact time frame for an attack? What were we supposed to do differently?
So we are supposed to believe the op-Ed writer because he says so.

Two, why are we supposed to believe the CIA? Weren't they the ones that told us that Iraq had WMD's?

Someone quoted this post. So I saw it, and had to respond:

No. Bushies told us that the CIA told them that Iraq had WMDs.

You're honestly saying that Bush came up with this?

He told Al Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton before he was President too?

and here tehy are its awesome that someone is writing how Bush failed us, woo hoo go dead people. Libs, still pimping bad ideas.

Like they say, the truth hurts. Looks like the truth is President Bush was warned over and over about bin Laden. But ya'll gather round and defend your ultra-failed presidents' actions.

Clinton was warned over and over also, and his response was the Gorelick Wall. But somehow I don't think you'll place any blame in his direction.

never dem presidents dont do wrong in their eyes.
Condi Rice testified that there were warnings that planes were going to be hijacked, but they never imagined that people would fly them into buildings.

OK, fine. That's a reasonable statement.

So why didn't they put any airports on alert?

Which airports were they supposed to put on alert?

Which days? What times? What flights?

What were the screeners at that time supposed to look for? Remember, they didn't have the TSA back then, and the rules were different.

So what was Dr. Rice supposed to do about vague terror warnings?
All of them.

See, we have this Federal agency called the FAA. We also have another Federal agency called the FBI. We also have another Federal agency called the NTSB.

NTSB investigates crashes after they happen. The FBI was investigating several possible terror cells at the time. The FAA deals with air safety and traffic control.

Hindsight is 20/20. If we would have increased security im sure those guys would have figured another way to get weapons onto the planes.
The incompetence, greed, dishonesty, and stupidity of the GOP can't be overestimated. And Romney is a W clone, just with no personality.

The Bush administration seemingly wanted an excuse to go after Raygun's pal Saddam- but obviously didn't expect 9/11. Malevolent dunces in foreign AND domestic policy...Pub dupes.
The incompetence, greed, dishonesty, and stupidity of the GOP can't be overestimated. And Romney is a W clone, just with no personality.

The Bush administration seemingly wanted an excuse to go after Raygun's pal Saddam- but obviously didn't expect 9/11. Malevolent dunces in foreign AND domestic policy...Pub dupes.

speaking another language i see. i even tried google translate and it failed much like this post.
and here tehy are its awesome that someone is writing how Bush failed us, woo hoo go dead people. Libs, still pimping bad ideas.

Like they say, the truth hurts. Looks like the truth is President Bush was warned over and over about bin Laden. But ya'll gather round and defend your ultra-failed presidents' actions.

Clinton was warned over and over also, and his response was the Gorelick Wall. But somehow I don't think you'll place any blame in his direction.

His record on fighting international terrorism is part of history as is the fight he had with the GOP and their partners the ACLU. Who watered down his anti-terrorist bills to the point of uselessness. That being said I've alway been of the opinion that he should have hit the Taliban and al Queda hard after Oct 12, 2000.
I seem to remember Obama..er uh....Osama being offered up to Bill Clinton not once BUT twice!
And the dipshit did nothing.
The world trade center was attacked in 93.......Bubba didnt do shit!
Finger pointing in this case is kind of stupid. Plenty of blame to go around......but most of it goes to the terrorist.
You're either ignorant or a liar:

Hannity repeated lie that Sudan offered bin Laden to Clinton; Lanny Davis to Hannity: "That's a lie" | Research | Media Matters for America
BTW, the intelligence wasn't failed.

Can you source where the the intel stated which day, which flights all of this was going to happen...or was more like fragmented chatter? The same chatter the CIA and the FBI were picking up.

You do realize that it was the Clinton Administration that dummied down our own intel because we didn't need it any longer, right?
You, too?

We have to know exactly when an attack is going to occur in order to thwart it?

And Clinton did no such thing.

Clinton's expert on al Qaeda - Richard Clarke - continued with the Bushies, and they ignored him and marginalized him.

Clinton deferred to the incoming Bushies the decision on how to punish al Qaeda for the Cole attack, which was extremely respectful of him, not tying an incoming administration to an outgoing administrations last minute course of action. Remind me again: what did Bush do to punish the Cole attackers?

Now we find out that they were warned throughout 2001, leading up to 9/11, and again did nothing.

Can you answer the question I asked Rat, about the color coded terror warning system?
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Like they say, the truth hurts. Looks like the truth is President Bush was warned over and over about bin Laden. But ya'll gather round and defend your ultra-failed presidents' actions.

Clinton was warned over and over also, and his response was the Gorelick Wall. But somehow I don't think you'll place any blame in his direction.

His record on fighting international terrorism is part of history as is the fight he had with the GOP and their partners the ACLU. Who watered down his anti-terrorist bills to the point of uselessness. That being said I've alway been of the opinion that he should have hit the Taliban and al Queda hard after Oct 12, 2000.

The ACLU and the GOP aligned? That's a farce. Also, Presidents don't write bills and bills don't fight international terrorism.

Clinton had all the tools he needed but did not want to go to war. He had quite a history of doing that. I actually think it was his appointees who were incompetent, but that is also a major blind spot of his.

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