NYT "journalist" who called Trump supporters "enemies of the state" turned out to be a Chinese Operative who worked for CCP controlled Beijing Review

The Red Chinese have infiltrated the U.S. at all levels. Biden just released over 1,000 Red Chinese 'researchers' over here stealing technology and scientific research without pressing charges on them, so we know he's not only not going to resist their espionage but in fact will side with them against his own country, like the vast majority of the Democrats and 'Progressives' will.

And, when you say 'Democrats', you are also talking about over 300 of our largest multi-national corporations as well, so get used to the fact that those companies the right wing have been drooling over to give tax cuts and subsidies are cutting our throats in return. Big biz dumped the Republican Party a long time ago, but some apparently never got the memo.
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This is actually nothing new re the media hacks doing for Red China what it does for faggots, BLM, and Democratic pols, killing negative stories.

Bloomberg drew criticism during his 2020 presidential run for being reticent to criticize China out of a desire to protect his financial interests in the country. (Bloomberg’s main source of revenue, the sale of expensive financial terminals, is heavily dependent on access to the Chinese market.)

“This is the kind of stupid you can’t script,” Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) said in a statement after Bloomberg argued in a September interview that “Xi Jinping is not a dictator” and “the Communist Party wants to stay in power in China and they listen to the public.”

In the February Democratic debate, Bloomberg claimed India “is even a bigger problem” then China to the global effort to slow climate change, even as China remains the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide.

One can find mounds of evidence for these reports of collusion among reporters and news corps with Red Chinese gangsters going back to the 1980's, so no reason to doubt this one either.

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