NYT just outed CIA chief in Iran

Odium is right about this if the OP is correct.

If this were true Bretbart and infowars would be all over it, could not find a thing on either site.

Right there.....easy to find.


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The New York Times Just Outed The CIA's Top Iran Spy

Oh yeah this free press thing is GREAT! Sure they will take responsibility when his family is targeted or he himself is targeted etc. This is dangerous and idiotic and borders on criminal behavior.

"All The News that Fits (OUR AGENDA) To Print"

Who can forget when these terrorist sympathizers outed the program to track financial transactions of terrorists. I'll bet these NYT pig fuckers consider the so called outing of Valerie Plame a bigger threat to US. Christ, no one died when Valerie Plame was outed even though she was already out.
Reading the Alt Right OPs, like this one about an outed CIA chief that happened TWO YEARS AGO, leads one to tell those people,

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